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Chapter 240 Join the Chamber of Commerce

In previous years, Junda Company stopped work on the 26th of the twelfth lunar month for a holiday, but this year Zhao Yong and Li Manjun were so busy that they could not rest until the 29th of the twelfth lunar month.

All the workers at the sorting field went home for the New Year holidays, and the couriers of Junda Freight were still working overtime and could not go home until the first day of the new year.

This year is a critical year of busyness and transformation for Junda.

In Rongcheng, Junda Express already has a certain customer base. As people's living conditions improve day by day, the rise of TV shopping is very popular, and the demand for delivery persons is also skyrocketing.

The branch in Haishi, under the leadership of Jiang Yu, gradually gained a foothold and obtained nearly half of the cooperation orders from foreign trade companies in Haishi.

This year, these benefits are not yet obvious, but next year, Junda Company's profits will reach a peak.

When the accounts were settled at the end of the year, Zhao Yong and Sun Haiyang were excited for a long time and decided to continue to expand next year to the provinces surrounding Rongcheng.

Li Manjun received an invitation letter from the Chamber of Commerce, inviting her to join the Rongcheng Chamber of Commerce.

In fact, as early as this autumn when Li Manjun went to the relevant departments to register for the sorting office, the person in charge of the chamber of commerce informed her that she would be eligible to join the membership.

However, the condition was that the tax should be paid in one lump sum. At that time, Li Manjun was preparing to take the money to Dongyang Company for bidding, so the matter was delayed.

After the first batch of goods was disposed of at the end of January this year, Li Manjun asked Wang Dasheng to go to the tax bureau with a sack of money and pay all the taxes. The membership invitation was notified immediately.

Zhao Yong watched his wife come home with an invitation letter with a smile on her face. He was envious and surprised. He glanced at her back and forth frequently, as if he couldn't believe it.

"Do you know how many female members there are in the Chamber of Commerce?" Zhao Yong asked tentatively.

Li Manjun took the invitation letter in his hand and looked it over, shook his head and said, "I don't know."

At this moment, she didn't realize how important this invitation was, but she felt a little surprised.

To be honest, the weight of her sorting field is not as good as Zhao Yong's Junda Freight Company.

Zhao Yong joined the Chamber of Commerce last year. Apart from paying a membership management fee of RMB 1,000 per year and attending chamber of commerce member training classes three times a year, there did not seem to be many practical benefits.

In Li Manjun's superficial opinion, it's just a good-looking name.

But since so many businessmen want to get involved in this chamber of commerce, it means that it must have hidden benefits that cannot be seen.

Could she negotiate a preferential price with the person in charge of the incineration plant who is also a member?

Thinking of this, Li Manjun couldn't help laughing. Zhao Yong just thought she was happy and laughed too, "There are now five female members in the Chamber of Commerce, and you are the fifth."

"There's also Shirley Zhong?" Li Manjun asked uncertainly. She vaguely remembered that Shirley Zhong had told her about her joining the club, but it seemed like it was mentioned in casual conversation, so she wasn't sure whether she was applying or had already joined. .

Zhao Yongshu, in addition to the study meetings held three times a year by the Chamber of Commerce, in fact, the businessmen of the Chamber of Commerce also hold various banquets in private to exchange information with each other.

"Shirley Zhong officially joined in the first half of this year, but except for study meetings, she never shows up at normal gatherings, and other female members rarely show up."

Li Manjun asked curiously: "Why don't you attend the party?"

Zhao Yong coughed twice and said uncertainly: "Maybe it's because he doesn't like it. You know, the cultural level of our Rongcheng people is generally not high."

Needless to say, Li Manjun understood that the party environment was really bad.

She suddenly raised her eyebrows and said half seriously and half jokingly: "There are five female members now. Can we female members have a party by ourselves?"

Zhao Yong shrugged, "It's not impossible."

He began to look forward to seeing the expressions of Mr. Qiu, Mr. Lin and others when they saw Manjun appear at the member learning meeting.

After all, Shirley Zhong didn't like to show up, and she had returned from studying abroad. Coupled with the status of Lu Shengming's wife, Mr. Qiu and Mr. Lin naturally would not think that her joining would be so incredible, and would only take it for granted.

The other three female members either have powerful families or have powerful families. They joined the chamber of commerce either because of political correctness or because of family influence. No one is surprised.

But Li Manjun was different. She just came out of the town and had no family background. A grassroots person suddenly walked to the stage. Thinking about that scene, Zhao Yong was a little excited.

Years ago, the Chamber of Commerce organized a member exchange meeting on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month.

Li Manjun and Zhao Yong participated together. Zhao Yong was the senior leading the way, and Li Manjun followed him to save a lot of worry.

Almost all the members were present, except for Shirley Zhong, who was pregnant and unable to go out at home.

Before coming, Li Manjun thought that the sorting field where she invested 20 million yuan would be okay. Unexpectedly, Zhao Yong introduced her to them one by one. These people were either big factory owners with a net worth of over 100 million yuan, or self-employed people with an annual income of tens of millions. guy.

Looking at Zhao Yong's Junda, he wouldn't be ranked at all. If it weren't for Mr. Qiu and Mr. Lin, neither of them would be able to get into the game.

However, as a new member, Li Manjun still received a lot of attention.

Mr. Qiu and Mr. Lin, who were familiar with each other, looked at each other in surprise and congratulated her. Many bosses of emerging software companies came to say hello to her.

We are all members who just joined the Chamber of Commerce this year. They are in the same class, and the companies are about the same size. There is no such thing as a chain of disdain, and we get along relatively harmoniously.

In the morning, the summary report that made people want to doze off lasted for four hours. Zhao Yong resisted the desire to doze off and finished listening. Looking back at the new members' seat, Li Manjun was listening and taking notes on the meeting materials.

Zhao Yong raised his lips slightly, and his wife's serious look was so charming.

But why does the person behind her keep passing small notes to her?

After the summary report process was over, Zhao Yong walked over curiously and found that the two of them were still facing each other and writing something on the paper.

Just as he was about to speak, the man slammed the table excitedly, "It's amazing! This code of yours is really amazing!"

Zhao Yong frowned and glanced at the name tag on the table. It turned out to be from a computer company in Rongcheng, named Xiang Lian.

He looks about twenty-seven or eighty-years-old, about the same age as him, with a slim build, wearing thick glasses, and is severely short-sighted. He wears a blue plaid velvet shirt and a dark jacket, and looks like an honest intellectual.

Zhao Yong is tall. When he lowers his eyes, he can see the ring of sparse hair on Xiang Lian's head. There is a bit of confusion in his eyes. He is bald at such a young age?

Xiang Lian's excited reaction attracted everyone's attention, and everyone looked towards him. Only then did Xiang Lian react. He sat down again, suppressed his excitement, held the piece of paper in front of him full of code, and repeated it over and over again. Look, learn the logic here.

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