Li Manjun shouted twice, but Xiang Lian was so intoxicated that he didn't hear it at all.

She smiled helplessly and looked up at Zhao Yong, who was standing in front of him with a confused look on his face, "Why are you here? Didn't you say you wanted to meet new friends with Mr. Qiu?"

Zhao Yong turned around and looked at the small open space behind the conference hall. Mr. Qiu had already found his new friend and was waving to him.

Zhao Yong gave him a sign to come soon, and took the time to turn around and ask Li Manjun and Xiang Lian what they were doing.

Li Manjun pointed at Xiang Lian, who was fascinated by the code, "Well, I designed a piece of code with him."

"You know how to do this?" Zhao Yong felt that he was shocked by his wife's knowledge again. How come he never knew that she could play computer games?

Li Manjun asked him to find Mr. Qiu quickly and not to keep him waiting. "Let's talk about it later when we go home."

"Okay, we can leave the afternoon party if we want." In the evening, we have to rush back to town to celebrate her daughter's birthday.

Li Manjun nodded and said that he knew, and they would meet in the lobby downstairs in the afternoon.

The couple was not tied together. From the very beginning, they had no intention of being tied together in their social interactions. Seeing that Li Manjun could find an interested companion, Zhao Yong was quite happy and relieved.

Now that his wife has her own social life, he can go to Mr. Qiu and the others with peace of mind.

Xiang Lian was alone in his daze for about ten minutes before he woke up and asked the people around him eagerly, "Where is the socket?"

Li Manjun looked at him curiously, "What do you want to do? I know there is one by the door." She motioned for him to follow her.

Xiang Lian took out the heavy bag from under the table. Li Manjun let out an "oh" in her heart and asked tentatively: "Laptop?"

Xiang Lian nodded, holding the bag in one hand and the code the two of them had just written in the other and said, "I want to try it."

Li Manjun was stunned for a moment, "There's no need to be in such a hurry, right?"

Xiang Lian looked at her seriously and said, "It's urgent."

Okay, Li Manjun reminded him to be careful not to trip on the carpet. Laptops at this time are very expensive.

The two found the socket and asked the waiter for a chair. Xiang Lian took out the computer and placed it on the chair. He knelt on the carpet and started writing code.

Li Manjun looked at the notebook interface with no display page at all, only a black background and white codes. He squeezed his hands excitedly, and the coder's DNA suddenly moved.

Fortunately, she soon woke up and restrained this social instinct that was almost engraved in her soul.

The appearance of the notebook attracted the attention of many people, and many people gradually gathered around the two of them, gathering around and curiously looking at the notebook as a new gadget.

"How much does it cost?"

"What can we play?"

"Have you installed the software? I heard you can still play games."

"It's so thick, isn't it quite heavy?"

Xiang Lian frowned irritably, but fortunately Li Manjun rescued him and explained the questions they asked to these curious businessmen.

To be honest, it is really difficult for ordinary people to find the fun of a computer without a screen.

No, seeing that Xiang Lian refused to open the game or software to show them the new stuff, most of the people watching quickly dispersed.

In the end, only a few colleagues who make software and produce computers are left.

Due to the technological blockade, the electronic computer industry has been very difficult to develop domestically, and it has only seen some improvement in the past few years.

However, due to the impact of mature foreign capital, domestic brand computers have reached a difficult stage.

Throughout last year, there was a fierce price war between domestically produced and imported home appliances in the home appliance market. Only then did the old domestic brands avoid being swallowed up and buried by foreign capital.

But if the country cannot independently develop new things, there is a threat that the market will be completely occupied by imported home appliances in the future.

Li Manjun noticed Xiang Lian because she heard him telling colleagues that his company planned to develop a new computer by itself this year.

During the queue, the two happened to be at the front and back tables, and then they started chatting.

In her previous life, Li Manjun was mainly responsible for software. She didn’t know much about the hardware part, but she had used better domestic products!

Xiang Lian's predicament, in Li Manjun's eyes, is like the early days of the production of a useful domestic computer. She mentioned something for later generations, and Xiang Lian was glued to it as if he was poisoned, and this is how the current scene emerged.

In fact, in terms of hardware, Xiang Lian already has a clear direction, but if a computer is to be easy to use, its software is equally important.

Several colleagues gathered around Xiang Lian and looked at his computer screen, watching him verify the code. Some were just investors and did not understand computers, but they also watched with great interest.

A group of people just squatted on the ground, looking out of place in the conference hall.

This scene lasted for a full hour, and then Xiang Lian shouted: "Manager Li, you are right!"

All curious eyes turned to a few people again.

Li Manjun dug her toes into the ground in embarrassment and reminded in a low voice: "Keep your voice down and calm down!"

"Oh." Xiang Lian also realized that he was too excited, but he really couldn't help but be excited.

After staying up for more than half a month, he finally found the solution to the problem today. He can spend the New Year with peace of mind. How can this not be exciting?

"No need to stay up late and work overtime." Xiang Lian smiled innocently at Li Manjun.

Li Manjun felt the same and was happy for him, "Yeah, come on."

"Manager Li, why don't you come to our company." Xiang Lian left all his colleagues aside, put away his computer and returned to his seat with Li Manjun. He couldn't help but feel moved and tentatively spoke.

Li Manjun hurriedly waved her hands, "No, no, no." She had had enough!

Isn’t it nice to pick up trash? She couldn't imagine writing code!

Xiang Lian scratched his head and said, "Okay, if I have a problem next time, can I come to you for consultation?"

"That's okay, but I have a condition." Li Manjun smiled slyly.

Xiang Lian motioned to her and said, Li Manjun is very realistic, he chuckled and said: "I want to buy two computers, you give me a discount."

"Ah..." Xiang Lian's businessman side activated instantly, "Our research and development costs are very high, and the software used is imported from abroad. At most, I can only give you a 50% discount."

"Of course, if you order our self-developed computer, I can give you a 30% discount."

Li Manjun's mouth twitched, "I want to use it now."

How long will it take for you to develop it yourself?

"Twenty percent off, because I just helped you solve a problem." Li Manjun said critically: "You don't have many useful software, your hardware is not that good, and the Internet fee is so expensive."

"Okay, 20% off is 20% off. We buy a computer and cover the internet for one year, and I'll cover it for you for two years!"

Li Manjun didn't even react. How could he kill himself?

Xiang Lian was not a big grievance, so he immediately added: "Then you can't charge me for coming to see you. Is it okay to have a friendly consultation?"

Li Manjun raised his eyebrows, "Then add another laptop for my own use, and three years of internet fees and software updates are included."

Xiang Lian rubbed his brows in pain. It was the first time he sold something and he wanted to cry. "Okay."

Just clear the inventory.

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