Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 239 Couple’s Night Talk

Li Manjun sent Liu Yan, who had fallen in love, home and told her to go to a driving school to learn how to drive after the new year.

"Once you learn, I will drive the car in the company for you from now on." She couldn't drive Liu Yan to dates again and again. She didn't want to be a light bulb.

Liu Yan was not interested in driving at first and was a little scared. Now she sees Li Manjun driving wherever he wants and is tempted.

He nodded and said, "Don't worry, I can repair all the machines in the factory, and I'll definitely have no problem driving."

Speaking of the machines in the factory, Li Manjun discovered that Liu Yan had some talent in science and engineering. It took a lot of effort for ordinary people to just learn how to use those machines, let alone repair them.

Who would have thought that Liu Yan, a person who had never been exposed to engineering at all, would learn to repair machines by reading the machine manual.

She said: "This thing is not difficult, just look at it and memorize it. If you think about it, you will find that it is not difficult at all."

She didn't understand something before, so she asked Li Manjun where the Rongcheng Library was, went to find some physics materials, understood the principles, and solved the problem when she came back.

Li Manjun also discovered that Liu Yan had a strong learning ability. Looking back at the results of the two in junior high school, Liu Yan got almost full marks in the mathematics test of the high school entrance examination. She only made one wrong question and was deducted four points.

But with such grades, it is really a pity that I cannot continue to go to school.

"Do you want to continue studying?" Before leaving, Li Manjun suddenly remembered this and asked tentatively.

Liu Yan was stunned for a moment, she hadn't thought about it.

"There are so many things to do in the factory now. I'll take a look at it later. I'll take the driver's license test first." Take your time one by one.

Li Manjun also felt that she was too impatient, so she told her to stay alone at night, close the doors and windows, and drive home.

When I got home, it was already very late.

Sister Zhou was not used to being away from home every year. She had been preparing dinner for Li Manjun and his wife since the afternoon, but the couple never came home and the dishes were all cold.

Zhao Yong and Li Manjun walked in front and back. They were both very hungry. They washed their hands and ate, and did not speak until they were full.

Zhao Yong said: "Jiang Yu asked me to tell you that the basic renovation of the houses in Haishi is almost complete. The master workers are waiting for money to go home for the New Year. If you have time tomorrow, pay the final payment of the second phase of the decoration payment."

"There are also shops in Haishi. We didn't increase the rent last year. Do we have to sign a new lease this year? I asked Jiang Yu and found that the rents of shops near our shop have increased to two to three thousand."

Li Manjun was so busy that she forgot about the shops and real estate in Haishi. Zhao Yong didn't mention it today, and she didn't even remember that she still had an old bungalow in Haishi.

"How much is it?" Li Manjun asked about the final payment for the renovation. Zhao Yong couldn't remember clearly either. The couple got up and went back to the bedroom, taking out the receipt and renovation contract from the safe to check.

The final payment for the second phase of renovation is still 100,000 yuan yet to be settled.

Li Manjun's flesh ached, "I didn't expect it would cost so much to renovate a house."

Before I even put on any pretense, I've already spent 200,000 yuan, and there are still 200,000 yuan left for the next three installments.

Zhao Yong wanted to laugh when he saw his wife like that, "You don't feel bad when you buy a house."

The old bungalow was already old and large. She also wanted to restore the old bungalow to its original appearance. Wouldn't it be a waste of money to repair it?

"I'll transfer the money tomorrow." Zhao Yong took the decoration contract into his hands and put it back directly.

In the opened wardrobe, there was a bulging travel bag.

Li Manjun's eyes lit up and he asked in surprise: "Did you get the money back this year?"

Zhao Yong felt satisfied when he saw her money-obsessed expression, and nodded pretending to be indifferent, "I don't make as much as you."

Li Manjun pulled out the travel bag. It was heavy, heavier than ever before. When he opened it, his eyes made him smile, five hundred thousand!

This is different from the 1.6 million she settled this month. She calls it a return, but Zhao Yong calls it a profit.

"Did you make so much money this year?" Li Manjun realized then that he paid too little attention to her husband's company.

Zhao Yong smiled and said: "It's not bad, mainly because there are many customs declaration forms in Haishi, so I make a small profit."

"Let's go to the bank together tomorrow."

Li Manjun nodded: "Okay."

After touching the cash again, Li Manjun put it back into the closet and locked it.

Before going to bed, Li Manjun called her parents to ask about her daughter's condition.

"Don't worry, don't cry or make trouble. You and Lijun have already fallen asleep together. Nian Nian is such an easy child to take care of. You three siblings never wanted to spend the night at your grandpa's house before." Wang Xiaojuan sighed softly. road.

Li Manjun was relieved to learn that her daughter was fine and not crying or making trouble. At the same time, she felt a little sad.

A two-year-old child usually clings to his parents, but her family never clings to them every year.

"Are we too busy and neglecting our daughter?" Before going to bed, the couple lay in bed with the lights off, and Li Manjun couldn't help but reflect on herself.

Zhao Yong comforted her and said, "It's okay. Nian Nian is still young now and doesn't care about people. When she goes to kindergarten, the two of us should not be so busy."

"I'm going to Haishi again after the new year, and I'll be on a business trip for half a month."

Since the couple agreed last time that the business trip could not last more than half a month, this time Zhao Yong stretched the business trip time to the limit.

Jiang Yu wanted to give up the job at that time, "Mr. Zhao, I'll forget it if you're exhausted! Half a month is enough for you!"

Therefore, "When I go to Haishi this time, the first thing I do is to help Jiang Yu find a good helper."

In this way, the time for his business trip to Haishi next year can be shortened even more.

He really worked hard to keep the promises he made to his wife.

On the other hand, Li Manjun only thinks about how to make money. If she really has to go on a business trip for more than half a month, she will most likely have to explain herself in various ways.

Thinking of this, Li Manjun sighed softly, "Zhao Yong, fortunately my husband is you."

Otherwise, just because the daughter is not attached to her mother, her husband can accuse her of not being a good and qualified mother.

Zhao Yong's chin rubbed her hair with nostalgia, and said with satisfaction: "It is my blessing to have you as my wife in eight lifetimes."

Li Manjun couldn't help but laugh out loud, "I'm like me, but you still think it's your blessing."

Zhao Yong sighed helplessly and said seriously: "You are not allowed to say that. You are really a blessing to me. Without you, how could I have such a warm home, such a lovely daughter, and such a considerate wife."

"Zhao Yong." Li Manjun couldn't help but laugh, "I'm considerate? Are you serious?"

Zhao Yong choked and simply covered her mouth, "Stop talking, go to bed, and I will go to the bank to deposit money tomorrow."

Li Manjun was overjoyed, thinking secretly that her daughter would go to kindergarten in another year, and she had to try to get Luman on the right track within this year.

The company of parents is very important. She does not want her daughter to have only abundant material goods but lack spiritual wealth.

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