Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 923: Yinglong bloodline again

   Han Chi struggled a few times, but never stood up again, and directly lost the ability to fight. He could only open the lantern-big longan, his eyes with fear of death.

   Li Changsheng stopped the demon pets from killing the cold chick. Before he found another best goblin, he hadn't decided to deal with the cold chick for the time being.

   If nothing happens, the other best fairy is likely to be a direct descendant or partner of Han Jia.

   Because of this, Li Changsheng is not able to deal with this cold chick for the time being.

   Following the induction of spiritual power, Li Changsheng soon discovered a huge cave in the river bed. This must be the nest where Han Chi lived.

   The cave is covered with all kinds of luminous stones and gems, which illuminate the scene in the cave with the details.

   The cave is very spacious, otherwise it would not be able to accommodate the huge size of Han Chi.

   Among them, one corner is covered with a treasure mountain that is seven or eight meters high, exuding a strong jewel-like atmosphere.

  Like giant dragons, dragons also like to collect treasures, but they are not as greedy as giant dragons.

   Not far away, there are many coral and aquatic plants.

   Li Changsheng did not observe the treasures and spiritual plants for the time being, but instead focused his eyes on a corner.

   In that place, a goblin with horns on its head was hiding behind a huge boulder in horror, but its size was a bit huge, so that the boulder could not completely cover its figure.


   Li Changsheng recognized its identity at a glance, and it was the Flood Dragon, which belonged to the Dragon Clan demigod like Han Jia.

   "Why is it a dragon? Could it be that the other half of this cold chick is a dragon?"

   Li Changsheng had some doubts in his heart, but his steps were not slow, and he came straight to the dragon.

   This is a dragon that is only more than ten meters long. It is obviously still in the growth stage. Judging from the breath it radiates, it is still a long way from adulthood.


   Jiaolong made a slightly immature dragon chant, with a panic in his voice, watching Li Changsheng fearfully, but he didn't dare to do it.

   From Li Changsheng's body, the Jiaolong sensed several terrifying auras, especially the thin and unusual ancestral dragon aura, which made it unable to attack at all.

   Regardless of whether it is a dragon or a dragon clan, their bloodlines are suppressed severely, and the upper ones can almost easily decide the fate of the lower ones.

   Because he could not communicate, Li Changsheng summoned Kailan to act as an interpreter.

   Under Kailan's translation, Li Changsheng soon learned the identity of this dragon.

To Li Changsheng’s expectation, this Jiaolong has no blood relationship with the Demon King-level Han Jiao, but Han Jia took it for the sake of the blood of the dragon family. The juvenile water dragon is afraid that it will be difficult to survive.

   Without hesitation, Li Changsheng contracted the underage dragon.

   Jiaolong didn't have any resistance, but appeared quite submissive, and was easily contracted by Li Changsheng.

   [Fairy Name]: Jiaolong (growth period, semi-divine beast) "As long as he grows up, he must break through the demon king level

   [Fairy Realm]: Elite 3

  【Fairy Race】: High Master

   [fairy quality]: the best

   [Fairy Bloodline]: Ying Long (virulent)

  [Fairy Attributes]: Water + Wind

   [Fairy State]: Healthy

  【Fairy Weakness】: Earth, Thunder

   As expected by Li Changsheng, this is a dragon of superb quality.

   believes that with the growth potential of this dragon, as long as it reaches the Demon King level, even among the many demon king level goblins, the strength can definitely reach the top ranks.

   "Hey, it's the blood of Yinglong again!"

   Only when he saw the bloodline of the juvenile dragon, Li Changsheng was obviously surprised and thought of the adult dragon corpse he obtained at the Southern Tianjiao Trade Fair not long ago.

   That is also a dragon with Yinglong's blood, and from the Tianjiao who traded with him, the adult dragon's death place was not very far from the Monopoly Mountain Range.

   Li Changsheng's eyes flickered, and he felt that this juvenile water dragon might be the offspring of an adult water dragon.

   In this case, Li Changsheng hurriedly asked Kailan to ask about this information.

   It didn't take long for Li Changsheng to learn the truth.

   As he guessed, the adult water dragon killed by Bai Yin Bimeng was the mother of the juvenile water dragon.

   Baiyin Bimeng left the scene of the incident after he killed the adult water dragon casually, so that the juvenile water dragon hiding in the water was lucky enough to avoid the disaster.

   After Baiyin Bimeng left, the juvenile water dragon left his birthplace vigilantly, and experienced a lot of difficulties and obstacles along the way, such as hunting by humans and encountering powerful wild goblins.

   For humans, juvenile water dragons are absolutely invaluable. After all, water dragons can reach the Demon King level as long as they are adults, and they are not ordinary demon king level goblins. Needless to say, the meaning of the representative is unnecessary.

   In the eyes of wild goblins, juvenile water dragons are equivalent to Tang monk meat, and they can get some benefits as long as they eat it.

   It is simpler behind. The scarred juvenile water dragon hid in the Mochuan River, and fortunately encountered the Demon King-level Han's Chi, due to his bloodline, he was finally taken in by Han Chi's.

   Although this juvenile water dragon is not related to Han Jiao, Li Changsheng also dispelled the idea of ​​killing Han Jia because he took in the small Jiao dragon, lest the little Jiao dragon would have a grudge.

   Li Changsheng decided to breed this dragon, but there was one thing that made him quite entangled, that is, he had refined the corpse of an adult dragon into Yinglong blood and various treasures.

   This is embarrassing!

   In this case Li Changsheng can only decide to keep his mouth shut in the future and not let Xiao Jiaolong know about this.

   Regarding the treatment of the three pots of Yinglong essence and blood, Li Changsheng had to dispel the idea of ​​giving it to his second uncle Li Haoqiong. After all, this was the essence and blood refined from the corpse of the little dragon's mother, so let's leave them to the little dragon.

   At this time, Li Changsheng asked the little Jiaolong: "Little guy, do you want to avenge your mother?"


   Xiao Jiaolong nodded hurriedly, showing fierce eyes, the dragons are very vengeful.

   "Train hard, then I will help you!"

   Seeing the little water dragon's eyes, Li Changsheng couldn't help showing a satisfied smile. Presumably driven by this thought, the little water dragon should train very hard.

   Xiao Jiaolong nodded vigorously, his eyes were filled with determination. The vengeance of killing its mother is not shared, and it naturally wants to take revenge.

   After dealing with the little dragon, Li Changsheng walked slowly to the treasure mountain.

   The composition of this treasure mountain is very messy. Obviously, Han Xin is too lazy to take care of it. Instead of stacking them in different categories like those giant dragons, they randomly pile up various treasures and jewels into mountains.

   In the blink of an eye, Li Changsheng's mental power enveloped the entire Baoshan and began to scan.

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