Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 924: Fire Dragon Burning the Sky?, Water Spirit Tree

   This pile of treasure mountains was restricted by Han Chi. Because this restriction restricted the penetration of spiritual power, Li Changsheng’s spiritual power was unable to scan this pile of treasure mountains.

   If you want to scan Caibaoshan, you must break the prohibition.

   This is naturally not difficult for Li Changsheng. He slammed a punch and slammed it on the invisible light curtain.


   The prohibition fluctuated violently, and because of the force that exceeded the upper limit, it finally broke and disappeared.

   This Treasure Hill is more than eight meters high and occupies hundreds of square meters. It looks spectacular.

   Similar to the Dragon’s Treasure Mountain, gold and silver treasures account for the vast majority, and most of the remaining treasures are mostly jewels, which fits the dragon’s vision.

   Li Changsheng once again released his spiritual power to cover the mountain of wealth.

   From the feedback of mental power, Li Changsheng discovered a light spot that obviously reached the rare level of heaven and earth.

   In addition, there are more than ten essences of heaven and earth.

  According to the detected energy fluctuations, Li Changsheng just waved his sleeves, Caibaoshan spontaneously bounced, and a dazzling array of treasures flew out of it, and was put into the space ring by Li Changsheng as much as possible.

   In less than a minute, Li Changsheng picked out all the treasures emitting strong energy fluctuations.

   In addition, there are some books and inherited jade pieces.

   As for the other inferior treasures and gold and silver treasures, let Han Chi solve them.

   Because of the little dragon, Li Changsheng decided to keep Han Jiao for his life. After all, Han Jia took in the little Jiaolong, and killing it would definitely cause the little dragon to chill.

   At this time, Li Changsheng began to inspect a dozen of the highest-ranking treasures, books, and heritage jade pieces.

   Among the dozens of heaven and earth essence-class treasures, most of Li Changsheng can use it, and the most precious one is a secondary earth crystallization, which can slightly increase the success rate of earth-type demon pets breaking through the demon king class.

   The treasure of heaven and earth is a fiery red disc with a life-like fire dragon carved on it, and five characters on the bottom-Fire Dragon Burning Sky Disk.

   Li Changsheng checked and found that it was an offensive treasure. The remnant soul of a fire dragon was sealed in the fire dragon burning sky disk, and the holder could attack it appropriately.

  Unfortunately, Li Changsheng couldn't appreciate this power. The Fire Dragon Burning Sky Disk was of no use to him, so he gave it to Ning Bizhen to protect him.

   As for those books and inherited jade pieces, they are useless to Li Changsheng.

   This is not all gains, because during the mental power scan, Li Changsheng was surprised to find a high-level spiritual plant.

   This is a water blue plant more than two meters high. It looks crystal clear and exudes a lustrous water blue luster.

   "Water Spirit Tree!"

   Before Li Changsheng could search his memory, Ning Bizhen first said the name of this spiritual plant and explained its efficacy.

   Water Spirit Tree: High-level spiritual plant, which can grow by one inch every year, up to 9 meters, is a rare material for refining water-based treasures and exotic treasures.

   "Unfortunately it's not a fruit tree!"

   Li Changsheng will inevitably be a little bit unsatisfied, because in terms of value, the water spirit tree is obviously inferior to the spirit plant that can cultivate spiritual fruit.

   But Li Changsheng is a master craftsman after all, and he can maximize the value of this water spirit tree.

   Apart from these gains, there was no other gains, and not all the dragon eggs were found.

   Obviously, this is a single chill.

   After cleaning up the harvest, Li Changsheng left the cave with the little dragon.

   After seeing Han Jia who fell on the ground, Xiao Jiaolong became nervous subconsciously, and rushed towards Han Jia.

   Ai Xi and the other demon pets were slightly startled, but they didn't stop them, letting the little dragon rush to Han Jia.

   After confirming that Han Jia was not in danger of life, Xiao Jiaolong let go of his heart.

   Han Jia looked at the little dragon, and made a weak cry from his mouth, apparently communicating with the little dragon.

   Soon, the two stopped communicating. Han Jia tried to lift his head and asked Li Changsheng, "Human, what do you plan to do with me?"

   "Naturally let you be free!"

   Han Jia was not surprised. After learning that the little Jiaolong was contracted by Li Changsheng, it could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, because if nothing else, its life would probably be saved.

   Sure enough, Li Changsheng didn't take his life.

   In this case, Han Jia couldn't help but feel gratified for the foresight of taking in the little water dragon. If it hadn't taken in the little water dragon, it would have a high probability of being killed by Li Changsheng and finally turned into a pile of materials.

   After feeding Han Chi some of the water of life, Li Changsheng waved his sleeves again, and the imitation demon pot whirled around and returned to Li Changsheng's sea of ​​consciousness.

   "Han Jia, if I have time, I will bring Xiao Jiaolong over to visit you."

   After saying this to Han Jia, Li Changsheng took back the little dragon, and rode Aish away with Ning Bizhen, and continued to approach the location of the Golden Dragon group.

   This time, in addition to conquering a few top-quality wild goblins, there were no more twists and turns on the way, and they successfully reached the territory of the Golden Dragon tribe.

   This is a mountain that occupies a radius of two to three hundred miles. According to the one-footed flamingo, this mountain is the territory of the Golden Dragon clan.

Perhaps it is the relationship between the ethnic groups. The Golden Dragon family has a large territory, which is obviously larger than that of the single-legged flamingo, and the products will also be Otherwise, how can it fill so many golden dragons Stomach.

   Even if dragons are more lethargic, they have a big appetite and a well-developed stomach. They digest quickly, and can eat 1/10 of their body weight in one go.

   When he was about to enter the territory of the Golden Dragon clan, Li Changsheng put Aish away in advance, and then summoned Kailan, the petite body, day and night.

   In order to achieve their goal, the two decided to sneak into the mountains and wait for the opportunity to get close to the Demon King Golden Dragon Robuss. If they can quickly kill Robuss, the Golden Dragons will fall into a situation where the dragons are headless and they can definitely save a lot of trouble.

   Li Changsheng hugged day and night, Ning Bizhen hugged the long-eared cold jade rabbit, the two and the demon pet tried their best to restrain their breaths, avoiding the grass and the snake.

   Kailan fell behind, communicated with nearby trees, and inquired about some information about the Golden Dragon family. Among them, the location of Robuges was the most important thing.

   Soon, Kailan got some useful news and reported them to Li Changsheng.

   With the assistance of Kailan, the two slightly changed their lower positions and headed towards the highest mountain. According to Kailan's information, Robuges's dragon lair was probably there.

  Even without Ashe, the two of them were still extremely fast, and on the way they avoided two adult golden dragons that seemed to be patrolling the territory without any surprises. It took more than half an hour to finally reach the destination.

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