Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 922: Gang up

  Li Changsheng still abides by the contract. Of course, the single-footed flamingo is not a threat to him.

   It would take several hours for the single-footed flamingo to fully regain combat power.

  Before leaving, Li Changsheng had drawn a lot of blood from one-legged flamingo with the idea of ​​plucking its feathers. Even if the single-legged flamingo wanted to avenge Li Changsheng, it would take a while.

   Li Changsheng ignored the drowsy one-legged flamingo, and drove Aish towards the southwest.

  The territory of the Golden Dragon tribe is two hundred miles away from the one-footed flamingo foot, and it will naturally pass through the territories of other Demon King-level goblins on the way.

   Although the territory of the Demon King-level fairy is very large, it only occupies a hundred li.

   From the perspective of distance, one or two demon king-level goblins can reach the location of the Golden Dragon clan.

   Even on land, Ashe is still very fast, and the surrounding scenery is passing by in the wind.

   just refused every time, Li Changsheng always told Ashe to stop and subdue the high-grade fairies he encountered along the way.


   Ten minutes later, at a distance of a hundred miles from the one-footed flamingo crane, Li Changsheng suddenly let out a surprise. From the feedback of his mental power, he found two unusually bright light spots.

   Judging by his experience, these two light spots have all reached the category of top quality, and they are very close to each other.

   Judging from the situation, these two best fairies are likely to be quite close.

   Li Changsheng was secretly overjoyed, and hurriedly drove Ashe toward where they were.

   After a few breaths, a big river appeared in front of me. It was a river named Mochuan River. It was named because of the darkness of the river. It was thousands of miles long and passed through the monopolistic mountains, and finally merged into the South China Sea.

   The water of the Mochuan River looks dirty, but in fact it is very clear, mainly due to the material of the Mochuan River bed.

   There are a lot of obsidian on the bed of Mochuan River, and because of this, it has also become the main source of obsidian.

   This section of the Mochuan River is hundreds of meters wide. The river is surging and undercurrents, which will form whirlpools from time to time. The bottom of the river is dark and timid people will inevitably feel scared when they see it.

   "They are in the water!"

   Sensing the specific positions of the two light spots, Li Changsheng made a decision in his heart.

   The next moment, the imitation demon refining pot appeared, and under the control of Li Changsheng, it hovered directly over the river.

  In a short time, the imitation demon refining pot released a colorful light curtain, blocking this section of the river directly.

   But with the size of Mochuanhe, the light curtain imitating the refining demon pot could not last long.

   At this time, Li Changsheng pinched the imitation demon pot, and a strong suction emerged from the imitation demon refining pot, and a large amount of river water ‘flew’ from the river section and rushed directly to the imitation demon refining pot.

   The imitation demon refining pot was like a black hole, swallowing the river wantonly, and in the blink of an eye, the water surface of the Mochuan River dropped by one or two meters.

  The space of the pot body that imitated the refining demon pot was enough to swallow all the water of the Mochuan River.

   Just before the river was soaked up, a behemoth over sixty meters in length rushed out of the water and rammed the imitation demon pot.

   This is an ice-blue cold chick with claws and no horns. It has a pair of blue long eyes and two long white dragon whiskers under the jaw. It looks quite majestic.

   Judging from the aura of this chill, he definitely reached the Demon King level. As for why Li Changsheng and others didn't show up when they came over, either they were observing them underwater, or they were too jealous to do it easily.

   "Aish, stop it!"

   Following Li Changsheng's order, Ashe rushed past like an arrow from the string, and the latter came first, blocking Han Chi first, and not giving Han Chi the chance to attack the imitation demon pot.


   In an instant, Ashe and Han Jia had a violent collision.

  Aish retreated a few meters, and Han Jia was smashed into the Mochuan River arbitrarily by Ashe, and the judgment was made.

   In the blink of an eye, Han Jia's head came out of the water, and his eyes were full of solemnity when he looked at Ai Xi.

   It was just a collision, and Han Jia's heart sank, realizing that he was not likely to be Ashe's opponent.

   But if you want to escape, at least you have to break the light curtain of the imitation demon pot.

   Hiss~ Hiss~ Hiss~

   staying at this moment, the intensive sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the cyan wind blades of countless meters in diameter covered this area.

  Hanji hurriedly re-drilled his head into the water, spitting out a breath of cold ice from his mouth, using the extreme low temperature to instantly freeze the water surface into solid ice.

   The wind blade kept falling on the hard ice, and countless icy debris flew up, cutting a series of criss-cross scratches on it.

   Among them, a small number of Wind Blades broke through the ice strongly and landed on Han Chi.

   Since the ice cancels out most of the power, these wind blades can't make the cold chick take much damage.

   Because of the geographical position, Ashe wants to defeat Han Chi, I am afraid it will take a while.

   In order to avoid branching out of the knot, Li Changsheng flicked the demon pet bag and summoned the secondary ancestor black dragon.

  Ning Bizhen was not idle either, and also summoned the blue-eyed golden beast and the eight-armed Naga.

   Inferior ancestor black dragon and eight-armed naga plunged straight into the Mochuan River, rushing towards Han Chi from different directions.

   The blue-eyed Jinqing beast stepped on the water and used its special ability to forcibly separate the water A large amount of water flow separated towards the two sides, showing Han Chi's panicked eyes.

   Seeing such a scene, Han Jia was surprised at the same time, but also felt despair.

   After the blue-eyed Jinqing beast separated from the water, Ashe immediately swooped down and knocked Han Chi onto the river bed with lightning speed.

  Han Chi was not given a chance, the second-generation black dragon slapped Han Chi's back with a claw, and countless icy blue dragon scales flew up and down, revealing bone scars.

   On the other side, the eight-armed Naga wielded a three-meter-long blade with eight handles and turned into a storm of death, leaving scars on Han Chi's huge dragon body.

   Han Chi wanted to bite at Ashe when he was in pain, but a blue light flashed on the surface of Ashe's body, as if it turned into an afterimage, not only avoiding Han Chi's counterattack, but also appeared behind it.

   Without giving Han Chi a chance, Ashe turned the tiger's body along the way, its tail gleamed with a strong metallic luster, chilling Chi's body fiercely.


   Under the huge force, Han Jia let out a scream, and the huge dragon body flew up involuntarily and smashed into the river bed fiercely.

   At the position near the middle of the Hanji dragon's body, Ashe left a deep bone welt mark. If Hanji's keel was not hard enough, he would be drawn into two directly.

   Even so, Han Yan lost the power to fight again.

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