Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1123: Go straight to Huanglong

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It's no wonder that Li Changsheng was taken aback. It was indeed an ancestral dragon but a veritable beast. It could reach the demon saint level as long as it became an adult. If coupled with the racial talent of the ancestral dragon, it was enough to compete with the ordinary monster emperor level monster pet.

Just like the snake in the Forest of Silence, it can compete with the Demon Emperor-level Burning Mountain Ape of Dou Cangqiang.

In Li Changsheng's view, the ancestral dragon is more difficult than the snake, because the dragon's power of the ancestral dragon is too strong, and the demon king-level demon pet will be severely weakened, or even cringe, especially the same. For monster pets of the giant dragon type, bloodline suppression alone is enough to weaken most of their combat power.

Even so, the dragon is full of treasures, let alone the ancestral dragon, which can be described as a priceless treasure.

If this ancestral dragon is killed, Li Changsheng has the opportunity to directly advance to the master refining master, at least some time can be shortened.

As for the difficulty of capturing the ancestral dragon, the key ancestral dragon has exceeded the limit of the secret realm, otherwise it will cause unimaginable damage to the secret realm, and at least it must be promoted to the blessed land.

In this way, if the ancestral dragon is captured, there is only one way to seal it.

Thinking of the seal, Li Changsheng couldn't help but pat his head. He finally remembered the Demon King-level Wild Winged Tiger that had been sealed by him, and could only take it away next time.

"Is the information accurate?"

"I once looked at it from a distance. Although I can't really see it, it's huge, with a body length of two hundred meters, and Longwei is obviously more than the six-headed dragon of the Lord."

Greedy replied respectfully and couldn't help but glanced at the six-headed Demon King dragon.

If a legendary dragon acts as a mount, his strength can definitely be doubled.

"The exact news is probably only known by the rulers of the IELTS city-state."

Greedi couldn't help adding that although the IELTS city-state ruler is very strong, not an ordinary legendary powerhouse, from his feelings, Li Changsheng's strength is more dominant.

What Gridi didn't know was that Li Changsheng was far from going all out when fighting them, his strength was just showing the tip of the iceberg.

In the later time, Glidi mainly described information about the IELTS city-state ruling, and occasionally talked about the composition and distribution of the IELTS city-state.

As for the legendary powerhouse of the IELTS city-state, there are only three people in total. He and Sabonis have gone forever. The last one is naturally the ruler of the IELTS city-state and the veritable strongest of the IELTS city-state.

For relatively loose forces like city-states, the strongest are basically in power.

According to Gridi, the IELTS city-state’s ruler is named Horns, who has been promoted to the legend for nearly a hundred years and belongs to the old legendary powerhouse.

Horns' most brilliant record was the final victory against four legendary powerhouses independently, as well as the beheading of a legendary evil dragon that ravaged the IELTS city-state, and beheaded underwater.

As we all know, unless you have a specific treasure, the human power will inevitably be weakened when entering the water, while the flood dragon in the water can display more powerful strength. With this increase or decrease, Horns can Killing the evil Jiao, the strength is far beyond that of the legendary powerhouse.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, Horns's strength should be comparable to the Demon Saint Level. As for whether he can reach the point of demon dominance, he has to wait until he has tried.

As the legendary powerhouse, Gridy is undoubtedly at the bottom, and Horns is afraid that he can only be regarded as the backbone. The stronger one can be compared to the demigod, and the legendary powerhouse at the peak is compared to the gods, and the gap is not generally large.

"Glidi, you take the army first, and you will notify me when you are almost in the capital. Take it, this is a treasure for communication."

Li Changsheng casually threw a golden snail to Gridi, and he made a batch of this communication treasure.

"Yes, Lord!"

Grindi hurriedly took the golden snails, and after studying the usage, immediately led the army to the capital of the IELTS city-state.

After Gredy left, Li Changsheng returned to the Yum King's palace, his eyes closed slightly, and he continued to digest the inheritance of Yum King.

I don't know how long it has passed before Gredy finally transmitted his voice, saying clearly that he was about to approach the capital.

Only then did Li Changsheng stand up. Under his order, the six-headed Demon King-class dragon instigated the dragon's breath that covered the sky and the sun, and dragged the Yum Sang Palace towards the direction of the capital.

In this process, Li Changsheng started to listen to the secrets of heaven and earth, keeping an eye on Gredy's movements.

In addition, he is also observing the capital of IELTS city-state.

When Gritty's army approached the IELTS city-state, Horns, the governor of the IELTS city-state, had already received the news.

Before Horns went to explore, there was always a feeling of being peeped, which made Horns frowned and became suspicious.

As the magic net of the dawn world is still very simple, the development of magic is still in the preliminary stage.

Therefore, even if Horns activates the magic prohibition, he still can't stop Li Changsheng's sight.

"Have you seen enough?"

Horns stared at the direction of Li Changsheng's sight entirely based on feeling.

Due to the distance of hundreds of miles, even if Li Changsheng could hear Horns's voice, he still couldn't pass such a long distance.

Horns stood up and paced back and forth in the palace, even though Li Changsheng's sight had disappeared, but there was always a sense of anxiety in his heart.

This is the intuition of the strong, although sometimes it is not reliable, but it is always an early warning.

In line with the policy of preferring to believable, Horns immediately summoned the strong in the capital to strengthen alertness.

At the same time, he also sent messengers to go to Gredi, asking him why he returned.

Gridy returned with the army, and the number of the army has shrunk drastically. Horns immediately realized that the ‘catch the dragon’ plan had probably failed Otherwise, it would be impossible to suffer such a big loss.

As for the fall of Sabonis, Horns has yet to get news.

At this time, Horns still didn't doubt Glidi, but instead wanted to invite Glidi and the dead Sabonis to the capital to face the unknown powerhouse that might come together.

Unfortunately, as soon as Horns’ messenger entered the barracks, he was beheaded by Glidi to show his position.

By the time Horns got the news, the six-headed Demon King-level dragon had dragged the Yum King Palace to quickly approach the capital.

"not good!"

Even after more than ten miles, Horns could still clearly feel the power of the six-headed Demon King-level dragon, and his face instantly became very ugly. The power of the six-headed Demon King-level dragon was stunned by him. The group of non-legendary powerhouses summoned may not be counted on.

At this moment, he can only count on himself.

Horns hesitated for a while, and finally bit the bullet and flew out of the capital to greet him.

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