Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1122: Golden compass, ancestral dragon

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After cleaning the battlefield, the six-headed Demon King-level dragon pulled the palace and came to Grindi.

Greedy lowered his head, even though he was trembling like an eggplant that had been beaten by frost. In fact, his heart was very hesitant, because he knew that his life had been held in the hands of others and was gone. He mastered it.

With his hands on his back, Li Changsheng was a big boss, and asked in an arrogant tone: "Name?"

In an unfamiliar world, especially in the chaotic dark area, the modest character here is counterproductive.

"Glidi Schwaged, you can call me Glidi!"

Grindi didn't dare to look up, let alone make any changes. After all, Li Changsheng almost killed his life with a single sword, especially when the opponent's pet killed his partner with a dragon's breath.

Even in the face of the ruler of the IELTS city-state, he has never had such pressure.

This also made Greedy understand that the IELTS city-state had offended this strong man, and was afraid it would be over.

"What's your current job title?"

Li Changsheng also knew the basic information of Gridi, so he naturally wanted to ask in more detail.

"The IELTS city-state army commander, and the city lord of Antai City!"

Antai City is located in the heart of the IELTS city-state. It is quite rich and has many resource points. It is one of the cities second only to the capital.

"Now this seat gives you a choice, surrender or die?"

"My dear Gredy is willing to submit!"

From the beginning of the surrender, Greedy had made a choice, after all, he was a drow.

Although the drow and the elves have blood connections, there are big differences in their personalities, and they are very familiar with things like changing camps.

Of course, you can't trust them too much.

"Very well, Gredi, first restrain your army!"

The army dispatched by the IELTS city-state this time seems to be useless, but at the time of hiring people, when it comes to occupying the IELTS city-state, it will always be suppressed and governed by people. It is impossible to solve everything by yourself or Ning Bizhen. Exhausted, the training time will shrink accordingly.

Therefore, Li Changsheng decided to release the rights in his hands after occupying the IELTS city-state and implement the principle of ‘only resources are not used’.

This is the characteristic of a world with supernatural power. As long as you have absolute strength, it will be fine even if all rights are delegated, and you are not afraid of rebellion.

"Yes, Lord!"

Gridy also didn't know how to call Li Changsheng, and finally chose the name of the king.

After Gridi left, Li Changsheng began to check the harvest.

Sabonis is a legend no matter what, the collection is always better than the lord of Helland.

In addition to all kinds of complex items, there are two treasures that have reached the level of heaven and earth, which is not a severely damaged body armor.

What made Li Changsheng amazed was that of the two treasures, one of them was another Zhong Lingshi, but this one was bigger.

"Does the IELTS city-state have a vein of Zhonglingshi?"

Getting Zhong Lingshi one after another made Li Changsheng feel strange.

However, Zhong Lingshi is ultimately a treasure of the Heaven and Earth Treasures, and the resources of the Heaven and Earth Treasures are extremely rare, and Li Changsheng feels that the high probability is a coincidence.

Li Changsheng decided to ask Gredi, maybe the IELTS city-state really has a Zhonglingshi vein, then it can be posted. You must know that whether it is Langya Kingdom or Daiguo, there is no heaven and earth treasure-level resource point, on the contrary. There is one in the Silent Forest, and this is the time that Dou Cangqiong and Li Changsheng are thinking about.

A precious resource point of heaven and earth represents a huge benefit, not only for personal use or rewarding subordinates, but also for trading the treasures you need.

At the level of kings, there are basically no items useful to them in ordinary auctions. If you want to get the treasures you like, you often need to barter with other kings.

Zhong Lingshi is extremely flexible. Even the Yum King who has traveled through the sky has never seen a few ore that can be compared to Zhong Lingshi in terms of flexibility, and has a lot of trading value.

The second treasure is an exquisite dark gold compass. This is a legendary equipment. Li Changsheng played with it for a while and discovered that the main function of the compass is to lock the enemy's direction. This aspect is similar to the soul chaser, except that the compass There is a certain deviation.

After thinking about it, Li Changsheng gave the compass to Ning Bizhen. He already has a soul chaser, and he has a turtle shell and a heavenly stone. This compass is useless to him.

Not long after, Gredy flew back. He glanced at the six-headed Demon King-level dragon in awe, and began to tell Li Changsheng about the army.

Just being intimidated by the six-headed dragon, the original army of tens of thousands was left with less than five thousand. Among them, more than three thousand people were scared to death, scared to death, and scared to death by thousands. The main reason for coming down was that his legs were weak, or he was chased by Gridi without escaping far.

This made Griedy feel more and more in awe. After this battle, he knew that even a large-scale army could not pose a threat to Li Changsheng.

When the strength reaches a certain level, no matter how large the number of middle and low-level professionals are, they are still chickens. Just like Li Changsheng now, just the momentum of the monster pets can make them lose without a fight.

However, these people are still useful. If Li Changsheng wants to occupy the IELTS city-state, someone must manage it. Otherwise, the government affairs of a country alone will be enough to make Li Changsheng spend a lot of energy and put the cart before the horse.

Li Changsheng will choose to delegate powers and delegate all powers to the best of their abilities.

As for whether these people will have bad ideas when they have power, Li Changsheng has not considered at all.

This is a world with supernatural powers. The rules are naturally different. As long as Li Changsheng has maintained the deterrence of combat power, it will be enough to maintain the loyalty of his subordinates.

"Gledi, does the IELTS city-state have a vein of Bell Stone?"

"Your Majesty, UU Reading subordinates did not know, but they also had a bell stone in their hands. At that time, the IELTS city-state ruler gave a bell stone to several trusted city lord, including subordinates and Sabonis."

Gridi didn't hide it, said what he knew, and generously took out his Zhong Lingshi, wanting to dedicate it to Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng waved his hand, but did not accept it.

Judging from Glidi's information, he can conclude that the ruler of the IELTS city-state still owns a lot of bell stone, and the possibility of possessing the vein of bell stone is not low.

"Glidi, tell me all the information you know about the IELTS city-state ruler."

Since he wants to occupy the IELTS city-state, it is natural to know himself and the enemy. As a legendary powerhouse, Gridy must know more than the city lord of Helland.

"My lord, the minister suspects that the IELTS city-state ruler has an ulterior relationship with an ancestral dragon!"

The first sentence of Gridy surprised Li Changsheng.

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