Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1124: Bladestorm

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It is impossible for him to give up the IELTS city-state, even if he knows it will be a hard fight, he has to choose to face the difficulties.

What's more, the impressive record of fighting four legendary powerhouses alone and finally winning makes Horns feel that even if he can't beat him, it is still possible to escape.

In addition, Horns has not shot for more than ten years, and his strength has improved to a certain extent.

As for the ancestral dragon that Griedy said, Horns could not order it at all. The key ancestral dragon was not near the capital.

Closer, closer!

When the distance between the two sides was only a kilometer, Horns' brows frowned. I don't know why, looking at the Yum King Palace pulled by the six-headed Demon King-level dragon, his heart became more and more uneasy. , As if facing a mortal man facing a scourge.

This is from the intuition of the old legendary powerhouse, and it also makes Horns more cautious.

At this time, Horns could already feel the vast dragon power, which made his mind sink slightly, but it did not suffer much.


In the blink of an eye, Horns entered the long-range attack range of the dragons.

If the six-headed Demon King-level dragons breathe dragon's breath tacitly, the three dragons once again displayed multiple elemental breaths, and a total of eight dragons' breaths rushed towards Horns from all directions.

The void vibrated visibly, and dense gray gaps filled the place where the dragon's breath passed, and the power was evident from this.

Knowing his invincibility, Horns suddenly changed his direction and took the initiative to meet the cold breath of Demon King White Dragon Reichfields, causing the rest of his breath to fall in the empty space.

In this process, a vivid red dragon phantom appeared above Horns' head, and his figure was also wrapped in a dense flame, which looked like a huge fireball.

"The second ancestor red dragon!"

Li Changsheng recognized it at a glance, because the appearance of the red dragon was different from that of the second ancestor red dragon.

In the sky, Richfields increased the output of Ice Breath, but apart from offsetting some of the flames, it was impossible to prevent Horns from approaching.

As he approached, Horns had a huge sword in his hand that was also filled with flames, and raised the huge sword high.

This is the legendary Fire God Sword that has always accompanied Horns. It is far above the Ripper's Great Axe, both sharp and hard, and it also comes with fire special effects.

Richfields was a little flustered. If he was hit by the Fire God Sword, the consequences would be serious.

It's just that there is no time at this time.


At the critical juncture, the secondary ancestor red dragon Xier Asuna uttered a dragon chant with extreme dissatisfaction, and the huge dragon claw slammed Horns straight.

The phantom of the secondary ancestor red dragon above Horns made Shier Asuna very angry, making Shier Asuna feel that Horns must have absorbed the blood of the secondary ancestor red dragon, otherwise it would have formed at all No projection.

Horns had to change his mind and temporarily let go of the Demon King White Dragon, and raised the Fire God Sword to collide with Xier Asuna's dragon claws.


From the point of view of body size, Shier Asuna did not know how many times larger, but when the two collided, Shier Asuna's huge dragon body shook obviously, and there was a sharp pain in her right paw. The divine sword cut deeply into the dragon's claws and got stuck in the bones.

On the contrary, the flame attached to the Vulcan Sword did not cause much damage to Shir Asuna.

Horns held the Vulcan Sword and stepped back a short distance before removing all Shir Asuna’s strength.

At this moment, a piercing sound rang out, but the thick and long tail of the secondary ancestor black dragon pulled over.

Horns didn't face a head-on confrontation, and quickly retreated, causing the dragon's tail to fail.

But before Horns could fight back, the secondary ancestor golden dragon and the demon king silver dragon bite from both sides.

Horns quickly evaded again, like an arrow from the string, and moved a few meters above the sky, causing the two dragons to just touch their mouths.

Suddenly, the three dragons finally moved, and the three large dragons opened their mouths with different colors of brilliance, resolutely resorting to multiple elemental bites, biting at Horns from three directions.

Horns' expression changed slightly, and he found that no matter how he avoided it, it was difficult to escape from the dragon's mouth.

In this case, he can only choose to face difficulties.

Horns' body was like a top, spinning around, and the Fire God sword held in both hands gave birth to countless flames. The sword glow turned into a storm of blades and collided with the heads of three giant dragons.

Ding Ding Dang Dang~puff~puff~

At the moment of contact, the three dragons only felt a strong tingling on their cheeks and dragon's mouth, the skin was torn, and blood stains were broken. This not only did not make it shrink, but aroused fierceness.

Among the lightning and flint, one of the dragon's mouth accurately bit the turbulent Vulcan sword, and the dragon's teeth felt sore and trembling.

The Vulcan Sword was bitten, prompting the blade storm to disappear, and Horns was forced to stop.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the other two dragon mouths bit towards Horns.

At the critical juncture, Horns' eyes suddenly changed to scarlet, and it was full of violent aura.

Under the urging of the secret method, Horns' body suddenly soared, becoming more than three meters high, and hitting the chin of the most threatening golden dragon head with a punch. The huge force made the golden dragon head rise and bite into the air.

Almost at the same time, the flames on Horns' body turned into a shield of flames, instantly blocking him behind.

The last yellow dragon heads of the three dragons slammed into the flame shield, and countless sparks splashed, and the flame shield shattered almost instantly, but it also bought Horns a little time.

Horns had to let go of the Fire God Sword and used the trick of falling from the sky. The khaki dragon head almost wiped his head and flew by, frightening him into a cold sweat.

The sound of the air burst The tail of the demon king white dragon Ruixifields drew over.

On the other side, the secondary ancestor red dragon swooped down.

At this critical moment, Horns, who was in a violent state, stepped back a short distance, hugged the end of the dragon's tail with both hands, and shook the Demon King-level white dragon up and smashed it against the second-generation red dragon.


The second ancestor red dragon had to catch the demon king white dragon, inevitably backing away for a certain distance.

It was also at this time that the remaining dragons approached Horns again.

Although the contact time between the two parties was very short, Horns was in danger for a while, and he understood that the strength of the other party was still above his expectations. If it continues, he will definitely lose out in the end.

The most important thing is that the owner of the six-headed Demon King-level dragon has not yet come forward.

So, with the idea of ​​keeping the green mountains in the woods, Horns no longer entangled with the six-headed Demon King-level dragon, flame wings appeared on his back, and turned and ran.

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