Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1121: Ripper's Great Axe

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The legendary strongman with a giant sword is named Saganis, and the one with a giant axe is named Glidi. The two have become legendary strongmen for decades, but they have made little progress.

On the one hand, it is limited by the cultivation method and resources, on the other hand, there is not enough blood from the beast that fits their blood, so they cannot go further.

This is the limitation of bloodline warriors. If they have enough blood to fit themselves, their progress will be very fast, and vice versa.

In addition, due to relying too much on external forces, there are also considerable sequelae, and the stellar core is prone to become tyrannical and cruel.

In view of the fact that their opponents were two monster king-level dragons, Saganis and Glidi were extremely cautious, and when they were close to the town of Helland, they asked their men to prepare dragon-slaying weapons.

These dragon-slaying weapons are dominated by giant crossbows. This is not an ordinary giant crossbow. It not only has the ability to break defenses, but is also coated with poison that is effective against the monster king level dragon.

The physique of the Demon King level dragon is extremely strong, and most poisons have no effect on them.

In addition to the giant crossbow, the giant axe in Gridi's hand is called the Ripper, and it also has a certain ability to break defenses. The most important thing is that this is a legendary weapon.

Saganis also has a legendary equipment, but his legendary equipment is not a giant sword, but an armor on his body.

This is a full-body armor, composed of a large number of palm-sized golden dragon scales, which completely envelops Sagnis, looking like an iron can.

Roar~ roar~ roar~ roar~ roar~ roar~

Just when they were ready, suddenly, a loud dragon roar sounded.

The expressions of the two legendary powerhouses suddenly changed. Judging from the number of dragons, the number of each other far exceeded the two.

In an instant, a six-headed dragon at least sixty meters long dragged the huge Yum King Palace and flew over.

Among them, headed by three dragons, with a body length of 80 meters, are surrounded by three-headed secondary ancestor dragons with a body length of 70 meters, and two demon king-level dragons.

Seeing such a scene, Saganis and Gridy couldn't help showing horror on their faces.

As legendary powerhouses, they reacted extremely quickly, and immediately wanted to leave the army and turn around.

Just a glance, they knew that they might not add up to the opponents of a second-level ancestor dragon, let alone such an exaggerated lineup. This is a fart, it's just a delivery of food, it is better to keep a useful body and live by world.

As for the army of the IELTS city-state, when they saw the six-headed dragon, they all showed hopelessness, and immediately threw their helmets and armors cleverly, and ran in any direction.

However, at this moment, the six powers of the dragon vented wildly.

Even the low-to-intermediate bloodline warriors couldn't bear such a vast dragon's might. They were directly crushed on the ground, and many were scared to death.

Li Changsheng did not care about the army of the IELTS city-state. At this moment, he and Ning Bizhen were standing above the palace of the Yum King, watching two legendary powerhouses fleeing frantically.

Legendary powerhouses have the ability to fly, but compared to dragons, their speed is undoubtedly inferior.

In less than a minute, the two sides pulled a lot of distance.

The two legendary powerhouses looked at each other and immediately chose to escape separately.

However, at this moment, Li Changsheng stretched out his hand and Huang Quanjian turned into a sword light of more than ten feet long, swiftly shooting towards Gledi.

Grindi was always paying attention to the rear movement. When Huang Quanjian turned into a sword light and charged, he immediately turned around and raised the Ripper's Great Axe, and slammed it down vigorously.

In an instant, the giant axe fell on the Huangquan Sword.

Under Griedi's horrified gaze, when his legendary great axe collided with Huangquan Sword, the blade was cut in half brutally.

Gridi lowered his head subconsciously, Huang Quanjian almost wiped his scalp, taking away a few strands of hair, and cold sweat instantly soaked Gridi's back.

If the reaction is not fast enough, he is afraid that he will be killed directly.

Although the Ripper's Great Axe is a legendary weapon, it is the bottom one, far from Huangquan Sword.

In fact, according to the rank of Huangquan Sword, it can already be called an artifact in the dawn world.

Gridy held the Ripper's Great Axe with only half of the axe left, and he wanted to cry without tears, but he didn't wait for him to think about it. There was a sonic boom from behind, but Huang Quanjian made a small circle and went back and forth. , Once again chopped to Gridi.

"Surrender, I surrender!"

In the life-and-death crisis, Gridy put aside the dignity of the legendary strong man, raised his hands without resisting, and shouted surrender.

He knew that if he resisted, he would definitely die, and there would be a chance of life without resisting.

Suddenly, Huang Quanjian stopped in front of Glidi, less than ten centimeters away from Glidi.

Glidi was whizzing coldly, and he didn't know whether it was Huang Quanjian's problem, his psychological problem, or both.

Fortunately, he shouted fast enough. If he hesitated a little earlier, he might have been in a different place.

Li Changsheng didn't bother to pay attention to Gridi, and chased after Saganis on the other side.

No one or the dragon looked at him, which made Gredy feel the urge to escape, but he was immediately cut off, standing obediently in the void and dared not move.

Since the other party dared to do this, he obviously had a back hand, and he was not afraid of his escape.

In just a few breaths, Saganis has entered the long-range attack range of the six-headed dragon.

The three giant dragons lifted up three huge dragon heads, and the golden, blue and yellow brilliance emerged and turned into three surging dragon breaths, rushing towards Saganis quickly.

Saganis pretended to be calm, and a golden dragon appeared above his head, and a large amount of golden light poured into the giant sword. Under his full swing, the giant sword turned into a thick golden sword curtain.

In an instant, the three dragon breaths fell on the sword curtain almost simultaneously.

At the moment of the collision, the sword curtain instantly collapsed, and a blade of the sword flew out, and Sugnis was drowned by the dragon's breath.


A scream of screams rang out, and it stopped abruptly before the dragon's breath A tattered corpse fell from the air, and the body was broken to pieces.

As a legendary equipment, the full body armor has almost been scrapped.

Seeing the end of Saganis, Gridy obeyed the other side while silently paying tribute to him, and could no longer have the idea of ​​running away.

Glidi couldn't help thinking about how sacred the other party was and why he could control so many legendary dragons.

Seeing Sugnis who seemed to be broken into pieces, Li Changsheng couldn't help but shook his head, feeling that the full body armor of Sugnis was not as powerful as his ancestor dragon scale armor.

Judging from this battle, the ordinary legendary equipment is probably equivalent to the rare treasure of the world.

Soon, Li Changsheng finished cleaning the battlefield.

Fortunately, the space bag that Saganis hung around his waist was not damaged. This was mainly due to the full body armor. Otherwise, no matter how tough the space bag was, it would be easily destroyed by such a powerful dragon's breath.

Even so, the space bag is not far from the damage.

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