
You can search for “Reincarnation of The Strongest Sword God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Are you Black Flame?” Brute looked at Shi Feng who appeared, and he couldn’t help being a little confused.

Half-step Tier 5!

At present, when there are not many Tier 4 professions in the major Super Organizations, half-step Tier 5 is simply unimaginable. Even players and NPCs from outside the world can hardly deal with a half-step Tier 5 existence. .

“Yes, I am.” Shi Feng nodded.

“It turned out to be Guild Master Black Flame. Everything before was misunderstood. We don’t really mean to block the Star Fortress.” Brute said with a smile, “Since the Guild Master Black Flame treats us If we are not interested in cooperation, then our blood alliance will not force it. If nothing happens, we will leave.”

As Brute finished speaking, he planned to leave the Xinghui Fortress with everyone from the Blood Pact Alliance, without any intention to stay.

“Misunderstanding?” When Shi Feng heard this, he couldn’t help but smile, “Brute Guild Master, you all brought more than a dozen Tier 4 NPCs, and came to Xinghui Fortress to declare that Xinghui Fortress would be blocked, you told Am I misunderstanding?”

“Since you are all here, then all stay here!”

Speaking of Shi Feng, he immediately unfolded the Magic Domain, and the liquid magic power spread out in an instant, covering a full four thousand yards around.

I saw Shi Feng expand the Magic Domain, Brute and the others couldn’t help stiffening their actions. Each and everyone seemed to be deep in the mud, and the whole body was unspeakably heavy, as if the entire world was fixed. Generally, even those 160 Level Tier 4 NPCs present can barely resist the suppression of a part of the Magic Domain, and cannot mobilize all around magic power at all.

Feethaliya and the others on the side looked at Shi Feng who suddenly started her hands. They were also shocked.

Didn’t expect Shi Feng said that he would do it with his hands. You must know that there are more than ten Tier 4 NPCs in the Blood Alliance. Maybe it’s not Shi Feng’s opponent to fight alone, but if you work together, you are facing Tier 5. profession, it’s not impossible to fight

“Not good! This is a world of thoughts!” The headed Tier 4 NPC elder looked at Shi Feng, his face was indescribably solemn.

Half-step Tier 5 is enough to be terrifying, and the Tier 4 professions who master the world can barely compete with the Tier 5 profession. In front of such an expert, a group of Tier 4 professions are all for nothing.

The reason why the Tier 4 profession is strong is that it can mobilize the magic power of the surrounding outside world through its own magic power, so that its magic skill formidable power can be greatly increased, but under the domain of a mind, it has its own rules and forms the same one. Small World.

If you don’t have the same idea to become a realm, you will not be able to mobilize the magic power around you, you can only fight with your own magic power, which will make the Tier 4 profession no advantage.

It is also Shi Feng that after Vitality entered Tier 5, the Magic Array level naturally reached Grandmaster Level. At the same time that it reached Grandmaster Level, Magic Domain naturally evolved into a Small World. It needs to be mastered by Shi Feng.

“Escape!” Brute also shouted quickly.

“Just because you think you can escape?” Shi Feng directly drew out Abyssal Blade, using the dark shackles.

The dark bondage of rise to Tier 4 is much stronger than that of Tier 3. I saw a black chain with a radius of 500 yards directly from in the sky, instantly blocking everyone in the blood alliance. Even if you use Magic Skill that can lift the blockade, you can still greatly reduce your mobility.

At the moment when the actions of the people in the Blood Pact Alliance were greatly reduced, Shi Feng also stepped to the front of the people in the Blood Pact Alliance and once again wielded the light of the two worlds in his hands.

Tier 4 Inheritance skill Sword Shadow is invisible!

Sword Light Samsara!

The thirteen sword light is like a starlight Blink, so fast that people can’t react to it. One after another sword light passes through the heart of Brute and the others.

Among the players of the Blood Alliance on the scene, Brute, who is the body of magic power breakthrough 100% limited, reacted. Tier 4 Defense Magic immediately used Tier 4 Defense Magic to block the sword light attack, but Tier 4 Magic Barrier was directly broken into Countless pieces.

As for the other Tier 4 players of the Blood Contract Alliance, none of them were spared. They were all hit directly by the sword light. Even the Tier 4 Shield Warrior with high blood pressure was directly killed on the spot and could not stop a blow.

The situation in Tier 4 NPC is relatively better, because Level and equipment are much better than players of the same level. Tier 4 Defense Magic Skill is used immediately to block all sword lights, but I also used one of the life-saving hole cards of these Tier 4 NPCs, and it was impossible to use these life-saving Magic Skills in a short time.

After just one blow, Shi Feng obviously didn’t intend to give everyone a breathing space for the Blood Bond Alliance, and once again used the Blade Domain and Sword Light Samsara.

With the seven Magic swords under the control of Shi Feng’s, the formidable power is not at all inferior to the Tier 5 profession’s blow. At a time, more than a dozen Tier 4 NPCs and Brute can only work together to deal with fatigue, simply not the slightest. To fight back, one by one life-saving hole cards had to be used forcibly…

The sound of explosions and space shattering constantly echoed throughout the Xinghui Fortress.

Before the terrifying voice lasted for thirty seconds, the more than a dozen Tier 4 NPCs and Brute of the Blood Pact Alliance were all turned into fly ash in mid-air, and those who died could not die…

“Is this dead?”

“Is this the strength of Sword Emperor Black Flame’s?”

“This is too strong. Tier 5 profession is probably only this too!”


The people in Xinghui Fortress looked at the bloody alliance that was completely destroyed, each and everyone was watching a big mouth, which was unacceptable for a long time.

More than a dozen Tier 4 NPCs and Brute, who has already Control of Domain, joined forces. Even those Tier 5 Legendary Level monsters may be able to attack one or two, but in front of Shi Feng, these powerful Tier 4 NPCs are simply like As a child, he can only defend continuously, and he has no time to attack Shi Feng. Even Healer can’t do it. Any breakthrough defense is instantly Insta-killed……

Not to mention that everyone present was extremely shocked, even Fithariya, who was watching the battle, was dumbfounded.

Didn’t expect a half-step Tier 5 plus one thought to become a world, the battle strength can reach such a terrifying level, so that even in the face of the real Tier 5 profession, I am afraid it will be a battle.

After killing everyone in the Blood Alliance, Shi Feng also unceremoniously income these people’s drop items into inventory.

I have to say that killing NPCs and players is not much worse than killing those monsters of the same level. The Epic Weapon equipment obtained exclusively is more than ten, and all levels can be used. 150 Epic Weapon equipment.

Shi Feng, after collecting the drops, came to Feithaliyah and the others, thanking you sincerely: “Fortress Xinghui has troubled you during this period. If you hadn’t been maintaining Xinghui Fortress, I’m afraid now Xinghui Fortress has long been in a mess.”

It can be seen from the actions of the Blood Pact Alliance that there should also be many forces on the Western Continent who are planning to fight the Xinghui Fortress. It is impossible to develop the Xinghui Fortress by relying solely on the Holy Dragon. After all, those forces only need Blocking the map can easily suppress the development of Star Fortress.

“Guild Master Black Flame is polite, but the black smoke Guild Master. You killed Brute and them this time. It also caused the Blood Pact Alliance to lose more than a dozen Tier 4 NPCs. It’s easy.” Feithaliyah couldn’t help but reminded, “The blood contract alliance, our Shenyi tribe, is also completely checked. Not only does that alliance have more than ten Super Organizations to join, there are also many very difficult to deal with NPC forces Joining, there are some Tier 5 professions overseeing, so those people in the world can only barely beat the blood alliance, but they can’t defeat the blood alliance.”

With Shi Feng’s current strength, those Super Organizations are fine, but those NPC forces have to be guarded, because NPC forces are no longer restricted by the System. As long as the benefits are sufficient, they can completely deal with players casually.

If Tier 5 profession NPCs come, even if you can’t get rid of Xinghui Fortress, it will be a nightmare for Xinghui Fortress.

“Don’t worry, even if the Tier 5 profession does come, it will only return without success.” Shi Feng laughed, completely disapproving.

If he didn’t go to the trial, he really wouldn’t dare to fight against the blood alliance.

But now he has the capital to fight the Tier 5 profession, not to mention the existence of the silver sacred dragon, which is the existence of the same level Common Tier 5 profession.

“Return without success?” Feithaliya also couldn’t help but open her beautiful eyes, curious about Shi Feng’s confidence.

In the era of Spiritual God, Tier 5 profession is already the Peak of God’s Domain. This is true even in the outside world. Every Tier 5 profession can guarantee the safety of one party, just like setting a Sea God needle.

It’s hard to imagine. How long hasn’t seen him now, Shi Feng already has the capital to fight the Tier 5 profession. You must know that it is a Tier 5 NPC, not a Tier 5 player, but the strength is much stronger.

“I don’t know if Fitt Group Leader can collect these materials?” Shi Feng did not explain, instead he took out a list and handed it to Fithaliya, “I am willing to spend twice the price of Mana Crystal. Buy.”

Fit Hariyah glanced at the materials on the list. Although these materials are not of low value, each and everyone are very Rare, but with the background of Shenyi tribe, there is no problem in getting together.

“It’s not difficult to gather the above materials, but for Guild Master Black Flame, what do you do with these materials at a high price? With the expensive Guild’s background, you should be able to gather these materials. There is no need to spend twice the price. Mana Crystal came to pay.” Fithaliya looked towards Shi Feng very strangely.

The materials on the list are difficult to obtain except the magic Elf Stone. It is not difficult for any Super Organization to collect it. Shi Feng only needs to return to the Zero Wing Residence of East Continent. There is no need to spend wrong money.

Shi Feng didn’t conceal anything, and said flatly: “There is no way. I need these materials to connect the two continents. With the inventory of the Xinghui Fortress, it is impossible to buy them.” p>

Now that the Holy Dragon has become his partner, he can fight all around at any time. With the Holy Dragon as a guarantee, he can start to do what he didn’t dare to do before.

“Connecting the two continents?” When Feithaliya heard Shi Feng’s words, she couldn’t believe her ears, “How is this possible!”

The two continents are too far apart. It is for this reason that the major Super Organizations are desperately competing for those cross-border Teleportation Arrays. There are various restrictions. incredible!

Shi Feng just laughed about this and didn’t explain it anymore.

He certainly couldn’t do it before, but with the summon tower of the Star Fortress, plus he is the Magic Array Grandmaster, this impossible thing is not so hard.

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