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Xinghui Fortress, the tower of summon.

After spending more than 80,000 Mana Crystals and purchasing the required materials from Shenyi Tribe, Shi Feng also began to rearrange the Magic Array of the Tower of Summon.

The Summon Tower was originally used for summon monster battles, and it is a unique building in the Star Fortress.

However, the tower of summon itself is also a tower of teleportation, leaving Ancient Era’s Teleportation Array and Space Node, so that the monsters of the other world can summon the battle.

Normally, it is impossible to connect two continents for transmission.

It’s just that the current Shi Feng is no longer what it used to be. His expertise in Magic Array has reached Grandmaster Level, and he has mastered the design creation of Teleportation Array. This kind of impossible becomes possible.

On Former Life, there are many city teleportation points on the two continents. You don’t need to use the cross-border Teleportation Array left over by Ancient Era, but the Teleportation Array made by the player.

Only three conditions need to be met in order to transmit between two continents.

The first one is that there must be a Grandmaster Level Magic division.

The second is design creation that must have Teleportation Array.

The third and most important one is the node of continental teleportation space.

Only when these three points are met, can we get a Teleportation Array that transmits two continents, which is the so-called cross-border Teleportation Array.

There are not many Space Nodes on the two continents. Each continent is full of less than twenty. Many places are in dangerous life forbidden areas, and the competition can be said to be extremely fierce.

As long as you can master one, you can easily go back and forth between the two continents. There is no longer the various time restrictions of the ancient cross-border Teleportation Array, and there is no limit on the number of people.

This is also the reason why he had to take the Xinghui Fortress in the first place.

The only shortcoming of the cross-border Teleportation Array is that it consumes a lot of energy. The consumption of Common’s Mana Crystal unable to support Magic Array requires the use of Magic Crystal Stone. The cost of one transmission is ten Magic Crystal Stones. It takes nearly a thousand Mana Crystals to change to Master Alchemist to synthesize. This price is changed to major Super Organizations, and it can’t send too many people, which is a kind of restriction in disguise.

But even so, it’s extremely powerful.

After all, the resources of the two continents are different, and transactions can generate too much profit. Compared with sea and air transportation, transmission is undoubtedly much more convenient.

In addition, the real power of this cross-border Teleportation Array is not only these, the most important thing is to allow a force to completely connect two continents, and from then on, it will be like a continent without any obstacles.

This is why he has been anxious to become a Grandmaster Level Magician.

When Shi Feng quietly renovated the Teleportation Array of the Tower of Summon, a group of senior officials of the Shenyi tribe suddenly gathered in the temporary residence of the Shenyi tribe.

“Feet, what you said is true? Then Black Flame can really connect two continents?” Elder Adolf couldn’t help looking towards Feithaliya, his eyes full of disbelief.

I said before that Shi Feng has achieved Tier 5 in half a step, and he killed more than a dozen Tier 4 NPCs. Not to mention, he has mastered one thought into a world. This series of things has been unbelievable and unacceptable for a long time. .

Now tell him that Shi Feng can still make a Teleportation Array connecting the two continents. Who will believe this?

However, Adolf also knows one thing very well, that is, Feithaliyah is not a person who can praise the facts of major events. Since this is said, then this matter can be basically confirmed to be true, but he Can’t help but want to confirm it.

“In terms of Black Flame’s character, what he said should be true, and there is no need for him to lie to me.” Fithaliya thought for a while, slowly said, “After all, even if he can’t connect two continents, With his demonstrated strength and great potential, coupled with the support of Xinghui Fortress, even if Zero Wing loses in East Continent in the future, it can slowly develop on the Western Continent, without our support and cooperation.”

“Yes.” Elder Adolf also nodded.

There is Tier 4 Sacred Dragon oversee Xinghui Fortress, unless there is a Tier 6 God Level expert born, or a group of Tier 5 experts, otherwise it is impossible to shake Xinghui Fortress half a point, let alone Shi Feng already has a big May be promoted to Tier 5, the future should not be underestimated.

“I called everyone here this time, mainly to make Guild and Zero Wing further strengthen their cooperation.” Fithaliyah could not help but took out a copy of East Continent and sent it directly to everyone present. “This The data is the latest news from East Continent. Several Super Organizations from the outside world ran in. Although there will be no large-scale battles in a short period of time, these Super Organizations from the outside world will definitely follow Many forces in East Continent generate friction, and Zero Wing has extraordinary resources. When the time comes, there will definitely be a battle.”

“So I propose that Guild send some Tier 4 professions to East Continent to support Zero Wing, so that our Shenyi tribe can also take the initiative in future cooperation.”

As Feithaliyah finished speaking, everyone present nodded in agreement.

Previously, Zero Wing Guild, they only cooperated as Common Super Organization, not at all thinking too much, but after today’s matter, Zero Wing can’t. They are treated as Common Super Organization.

Because Zero Wing not only has a half-step Tier 5 expert like Shi Feng, but also a Teleportation Array that can connect two continents, which will undoubtedly make Xinghui Fortress the center of the western continent.

When the time comes, the benefits that Star Fortress can generate are more than ten times stronger than it is now.

If they can get a piece of the pie in Xinghui Fortress, it will be of great help to their Divine Will tribe. With abundant resources and the background of their Divine Will tribe, when the time comes, their Divine Will tribe has developed into the top five Super-Guild. The existence of it is not impossible.

“It’s not a problem.” Elder Adolf looked at Fithaliyah, and he thought about it and said, “Since we are going to East Continent this time to assist Zero Wing, Macafrey and Crimson will come. Let me help you. I believe that if they both act, they should be able to help Zero Wing solve many problems.”

“many thanks big Elder.”

Fetthaliyah was also happy when she heard it.

Macafrey and Crimson are now the two Peak battle strengths of the Shenyi tribe. They not only have equipment with Lesser Legendary Items, but also wear Epic Weapon equipment. The most important thing is their magic power. Breakthrough has reached the 100% limit, especially Crimson Witch, the completion of magic power has reached 105%.

It can be said that in addition to Elder Adolf, Crimson Witch’s magic power body can definitely be ranked first.

If it weren’t for the weapon of her Lesser Legendary Item, I’m afraid she would not be able to fight Crimson.

“Okay, I will notify Macafre and Crimson, and they will be handed over to you later.” Elder Adolph nodded.

Originally, Macafrey and Crimson Witch are still useful, but considering the value of Zero Wing in the future, it’s worth it.

And not long after the meeting in Shenyi Tribe, Shi Feng on the tower of summon finally completed the cross-border Teleportation Array.

“Okay! The spatial coordinates have been completely stabilized, and then you only need to set up the Teleportation Array on the East Continent side, and you can completely connect the two continents!”

Shi Feng looked at the cross-border Teleportation Array in front of him and couldn’t help but nodded, very satisfied.

The cross-border Teleportation Array in front of him is definitely his most perfect masterpiece since he entered God’s Domain. Not only must he have a deep understanding and cognition of Magic Element, but also need to transform the original Master Level Teleportation Array into a Grandmaster Level Teleportation Array, this difficulty is not ordinary.

If it hadn’t been for his basic application of Magic Element to the extreme, I am afraid that it would not be possible to make the transformation so quickly without two weeks.

As soon as Shi Feng finished the cross-border Teleportation Array, a communication alert sound suddenly came from his ear.

“Guild Master Black Flame, what you said, I have arranged everything here.” Feithaliyah looked at Shi Feng in the video, said with a smile, “You can join us anytime now Go, the cross-border Teleportation Array on the Secret Realm in the prison city. It is estimated that it will take less than two days to reach the East Continent side.”

“Together?” Shi Feng couldn’t help asking a little strangely, “Fetter Group Leader, do you plan to go to East Continent too?”

As far as the Shenyi tribe he knows, he has not shown much interest in East Continent, and is completely dedicated to developing in the Western Continent, not to mention that it is very dangerous to go to East Continent now.

The most important thing is to go to East Continent, the cost is not small.

Even if the relationship between the two parties is very good, each of these transfer quotas will cost 7,000 or 8,000 Mana Crystals, as well as various precious materials. This is still a friendly price. If the relationship between the two parties is not good, don’t think about a quota.

If more people go there, it will be a big expense for Super Organization.

Fit Hariyah nodded, said with a smile: “Well, Guild plans to go to East Continent to do some investigations. When the time comes, I am afraid I will trouble you Guild Master Black Flame.”

“Feite Group Leader is polite, Guild is no less to help in the Western Continent.” Shi Feng also became silent and laughed, “When it comes to East Continent, if Feite Group Leader encounters any trouble, even though it is coming to find Me.”

“Since Guild Master Black Flame you have said so, then when the time comes, I won’t be polite to Guild Master Black Flame.” Fithariya’s mouth couldn’t help but evoke a faint arc.

“This is natural.” Shi Feng nodded.

Let’s not talk about the status of Shenyi tribe in the Western Continent. Only Fithaliya herself is very worthy of friendship. After all, she can grow to Tier 6 God Level expert, which is rare in God’s Domain.

After a few conversations between Shi Feng and Fithaliyah, Shi Feng also began to sort out the income of Xinghui Fortress, with the 214ten thousand gold earned by Xinghui Fortress during this period, and the remaining 93 Thousands of Mana Crystals went to the city gate, where they met with Fithariya and went directly to the cross-border Teleportation Array in Secret Realm.

Finally after waiting for more than a day in Secret Realm, with the opening of the cross-border Teleportation Array, Shi Feng also turned into a white light vanish in the Teleportation Array of Secret Realm.

After reading some readers’ feedback, it seems that I have some questions about the rumours of the official account. Lao Mao said, these character rumours are not just a chapter, and at the same time they will not be like the text, pure clear water, the content will be more realistic Some ٩(๑◡๑)۶

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