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“Requisition?” Fithariya was taken aback for a while, and couldn’t help but said, “Brute, you are not crazy, right?”

At this time, it’s not just Fithaliya who thinks so, but everyone in the fortress also thinks so.

Although the Super Organization alliance such as the Blood Contract Alliance is very strong, there are even many NPC forces joining it, but that is only in the major Sea Territory.

On the Western Continent, the Blood Pact Alliance does not have any advantage, and the Star Fortress is still far from the Sea Territory. It is impossible to send a large army over, let alone do other things.

And the defense of the Star Fortress, even if the five Super-Guilds come, I am helpless. After all, the entire Star Fortress has a Tier 4 sacred dragon oversee, and even the Tier 5 profession can only look at it.

This is also the reason why the Xinghui Fortress can always stand here, otherwise there are Tier 5 profession oversee NPC forces around, I am afraid it would have been done long ago.

The only thing that can be done to Xinghui Fortress right now is to block the map, but the Blood Pact Alliance obviously cannot do this.

“Crazy?” Brute smiled and said, “I don’t think so. Although Star Fortress has a strong defense and a holy dragon oversee, it can be said that it is very rare and the forces can shake it, but if it faces hundreds of Tier 4 NPC blocked the map, I don’t know how long this star fortress can support?”

“Hundreds of Tier 4 NPCs?”

As Brutt finished speaking, everyone present couldn’t help being sucked in a breath of cold air.

Currently, the level of the NPC is generally higher than that of the player. The same level battle strength is even stronger, because the NPC is better for both weapon equipment and Magic Skill.

Hundreds of Tier 4 NPCs!

The number of Tier 4 NPCs in a small Kingdom is also just this.

Also in other words Blood Alliance, you can send a small Kingdom Peak battle strength to block the map. This strength is simply terrifying!

“And I also heard that the East Continent is now full of wars, and many Super Organizations have been destroyed. Even the Zero Wing’s main city can only barely protect itself, and it is impossible to move around outside. No need to think about all kinds of resources.” Brute couldn’t help saying again, “If you don’t have the resources of Xinghui Fortress, it would be hard to stick to it if you want to come there?”

“So now we invite Zero Wing to be a member of our Blood Pact Alliance, so that not only will Xinghui Fortress be better developed, at the same time our Blood Pact Alliance when the time comes can also help Zero Wing resist those foreign World people, is it not good to have the best of both worlds?”

For Brute’s proposal, everyone present, even Fithaliyah could not refute it for a while.

The situation at East Continent is no longer a secret.

It can be said that on the first day of the opening of the world channel, the entire God’s Domain has been alarmed, and even countless forces have been confused.

Suddenly a group of forces that didn’t know where they came from, not saying anything further destroyed several First-Rate Guild’s cities, even the Guild city of the Super Organization.

Originally, these Super Organizations wanted to retaliate, but after the attack, they discovered that the originally captured Guild city, I don’t know when, a large number of experts have gathered, many of which are Tier 4 professions.

The result is self-evident. None of those Super Organizations have been spared.

Originally, many forces in God’s Domain just thought it was a newly emerging Super Organization. This kind of thing is not uncommon in God’s Domain. Through continuous accumulation, it skyrocketed, so the Great Influence of God’s Domain didn’t care too much about this. Things.

However, more than a dozen Super Organizations suddenly appeared on the 2nd day. The Tier 4 profession is not comparable to the local Super Organizations of the major God’s Domains. One Super Organization was completely wiped out that day.

The battle stunned the Great Influence of God’s Domain!

Never mind a newly emerging Super Organization. There are so many Super Organizations that pop up at once, and there are still that many Tier 4 professions in these Super Organizations. No matter how you think about it, I feel incredible.

After a series of crazy investigations, the Great Influences of God’s Domain discovered that these Super Organizations that popped up suddenly are not people of the world with them. According to various secret investigations, it is found that these people are from other God’s Domain worlds. , And these people don’t even live on Earth, the population is not much worse than theirs, and they are even stronger at the combat level.

Because God’s Domain world is all these people live!

Moreover, the backgrounds of the major Super Organizations in the world are strong. Compared with their local Super Organizations, the strong ones are not 1-Star at all. The two simply exist at two levels.

In less than five days, not only some Super Organizations were destroyed, but also six or seven Kingdoms were destroyed. Those destroyed Kingdoms have now become a paradise for NPCs from outside the world, looting all kinds of Resources continue to erode and expand.

After that, the native Kingdom and Empire on the God’s Domain continent also organized players and began to fight against players and NPC forces from outside the world. This battle is definitely the largest in God’s Domain history, with more than dozens of Kingdoms and several Empires. Together, after dozens of large and small battlefields of God’s Domain East Continent, they finally blocked the NPC forces of the outside world on the other side.

However, nearly one third land was paid for this.

And this kind of blockade is only blocking the army of those NPC forces. For individual NPC and player forces, you can still operate Free.

Under the situation that God’s Domain’s native player level and combat level are obviously incomparable, the entire East Continent players are absolutely weak, and they can only rely on teaming up with native NPCs to reluctantly confront those foreign world players.

Inside the world, more and more players and NPCs will come in. It is foreseeable that in the future God’s Domain East Continent may not be able to fight for long, and it will not even take long. It will spread to the West Road, just like the present. The same as the Big Sea Territory.

If Xinghui Fortress is now blocked on the map, the impact on Zero Wing is absolutely immeasurable. After all, all kinds of resources on God’s Domain East Continent are now dominated by foreign world forces, and the prices of all kinds of resources are upside down. It has more than doubled, showing the degree of tension in various resources.

And Zero Wing does not have the resources of the Star Fortress, I am afraid it will be difficult to defend his own Guild City.

I have to say that the Blood Pact League saw it accurately, and it was precisely because of the weakness of Zero Wing’s that it came to pressure.

Fit Hariyah is also powerless about this. Even if Shenyi tribe assists Zero Wing with all its strength, it cannot resist hundreds of Tier 4 NPCs.

Fit Hariyah finally looked towards Brute opened the mouth and said: “I understand, I will help you with Zero Wing.”

“That’s good.” Brute said indifferently, “But we have limited patience. Tell Zero Wing that they only have one day to reply. If they don’t reply, we will start blocking in one day. Map!”

“One day?” Fithaliya eyebrow slightly wrinkled.

This time is too short. To put it bluntly, this time is to send a message to discuss a little bit. Simply don’t have time to prepare for it.

“Yes, it’s only one day. It’s best to let Zero Wing think about it and don’t do things that waste time! This is not good for our blood alliance and Zero Wing.” Brute said very positively.” You can even tell Zero Wing that if they refuse, they may have a headache for our blood alliance, but I can guarantee that they will suffer a hundred times more than us!”

After talking about the more than a dozen Tier 4 NPCs who followed Brute, they burst out of terrifying power.

The power of more than a dozen NPCs erupted at the same time, even Feithaliya felt a great deal of pressure. If it weren’t for the fact that it was in the Xinghui Fortress, she would probably not be able to resist retreating.

As for the other people in the fortress, their complexion has turned pale at this time, and it is obvious that they are extremely uncomfortable under this terrifying power.

However, just as Feithaliyah was about to speak, a low and flat voice suddenly entered everyone’s ears.

“Cooperation is not necessary. We at Zero Wing do not need allies like you.”

And this refusal sound made everyone present couldn’t help but turn their heads and look around. Each and everyone was curious as to who was so bold and dared to take control of Zero Wing.

“Who said that? Stand up for me!”

Especially Brute, with a hint of displeasure and anger in his eyes. He didn’t understand who was so bold and directly and openly challenged their blood alliance.

“Black Flame?”

“Is the Zero Wing’s Guild Master actually here?”

Everyone at the scene looked at the determined men wearing black cloaks with two long swords hanging from their waists, eyes like dark night, each and everyone quickly recognized them.

“Guild Master Black Flame?”

Fit Hariyah looked at Shi Feng who suddenly appeared, and she was taken aback.

Because Shi Feng at this time, and the Shi Feng she saw last time, are simply like two people, the magic power that emanates from her body is simply so terrifying, not to mention, even in Shi Feng’s body, she actually feels To the gap of Life Level!

“Half-step Tier 5!”

After seeing Shi Feng, the first 1Level 67 Tier 4 NPC elder in the Blood Contract League, the whole person couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“Half-step Tier 5? How is this possible?”

Hearing the words of this Tier 4 NPC old man, everyone in the room looked towards Shi Feng unbelievably.

Nowadays, in the Tier 4 profession, people are no longer unfamiliar with the Tier 4 profession. At the same time, they also know how hard Tier 4 wants to be promoted to Tier 5, let alone the difference between Tier 4 and Tier 5. How huge.

Half-step Tier 5, that is in terms of magic power body and magic power control. It has reached the extremely high level of Tier 4, and only by creating a magic power body that suits you, you can achieve the terrifying existence of Tier 5 profession , Is put in an NPCKingdom, it is also one of the very best existence, NPCEmpire is very afraid.

Only when the player mainstream reaches Tier 3, only a few experts can be promoted to the Tier 4 profession. Now, Shi Feng has reached a half-step Tier 5, and it sounds simply like a fantasy story.

But Tier 4 NPC has said so, so it shouldn’t be fake.

“I said, don’t you know what Guild Master Brute can give me advice?” Shi Feng looked towards Brute and asked plainly.

Just now, if you want to read the biography of this book, just search for Tianyun Lao Mao on the official account.

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