For the upper area, Shi Feng was also full of curiosity. Just as he was about to step out of the moving escalator, a voice came over.

“Wait a minute!”

It was no one else who made this sound, it was Yan Wuming with short hair and thin hair.

“Do you have anything wrong?” Shi Feng asked strangely.

For Yan Wuming, he is also very curious. The image in God’s Domain at the beginning, Yan Wuming is tall and mighty, not like an elegant Saint Magician at all, looking down on sentient beings like a War God. He was just a young boy, but there was an unimaginable fighting intent in his eyes.

“What is your name?” Yan Wuming asked.

“Shi Feng.” Shi Feng responded briefly.

“Shi Feng? I remember it!” Yan Wuming read it silently several times, looked towards Shi Feng and said seriously, “Although I lost to you in the Vitality competition, I will soon Reach the Special Grade Vitality level, when the time comes, I will challenge you!”

“Challenge me?” Shi Feng suddenly smiled, and shook the head, “I’m afraid I don’t have that time. I’m busy.”

He was not at all deceiving. Let’s not talk about solving Gentle Snow and Aqua Rose. There are a lot of things in Guild, and there are a lot of Quests. Waiting for him to solve it.

He used to have no strength. Now that he has reached Tier 4, many things can be started.

So he really didn’t have time to deal with Yan Wuming’s challenge.

“You can’t do this!” Yan Wuming completely ignored Shi Feng’s thoughts, and said forcefully, “My goal is to become the Number One Person in the upper area of ​​Yuantian City first, and you are my first. This obstacle, I can only get closer to my goal if I defeat you!”

“It seems that you really like challenges.” Shi Feng didn’t have too many surprises. After thinking about it, he said, “Otherwise Well, let me give you a chance to challenge me. As long as you can do it, you can challenge me at any time. I don’t know how?”

“Let’s talk.” Yan Wuming is very self-confident.

“Do you play God’s Domain?” Shi Feng asked.

“Has been playing for a while.” Yan Wuming looked at Shi Feng and said strangely, “Do you want to say, let me beat you in God’s Domain first?”

No When Ke Rui from a distance heard this, he smiled.

“You are really confident, do you know who he is? Want to beat him in God’s Domain?” Ke Rui couldn’t help but look towards Yan Wuming and said.

“No matter who it is, I will definitely win!”

Yan Wuming did not waver at all, but had some doubts about Shi Feng’s identity, but these all are trivial matters. Winning Shi Feng is the most important thing.

“no! You misunderstood.” Shi Feng smiled, “I don’t want you to beat me in God’s Domain. You only need to beat a friend of mine.”

“Yes.” Yan Wuming nodded, “Tell me his name, wait for me to rise to Tier 3 profession, I will defeat your friend soon, when the time comes to challenge you!”

” She is called Violet Cloud in God’s Domain.” Shi Feng watched Yan Wuming agree, and she was also sighed in relief, “You can go to the silver wing city to find her. As long as you can beat her, I will accept your challenge.”

For a character like Yan Wuming, he certainly can’t let go. If he can draw the future Yan Invincible into Zero Wing, then it can make Zero Wing like a tiger that has grown wings. Peak battle strength increased greatly.

“No problem, I will go to her later!” Yan Wuming has no doubts about this, his expression is still very confident.

It’s just that Ke Rui Kanyan’s Wuming gaze changed a bit.

Yes, it was a sympathetic look.

“I hope you don’t despair when you see that Violet Cloud.” Kerui looked at Yan Wuming and prayed silently for Yan Wuming.

What is the strength of Violet Cloud, she has seen it with her own eyes. Even the Old Monster of Super-Guild is not an opponent, and even the Legendary Group Leader Holy Spear Demon Race of the fantasy myth can only play one. Tied.

If you want to beat the current Violet Cloud, I’m afraid it can be counted on one’s fingers in the entire God’s Domain.

“Let’s go.”

Shi Feng looked at Kerui who secretly prayed for Yan Wuming, smiled and shook the head, and walked directly to the distant street.

Ke Rui immediately became excited when he heard that he was going to register. He dragged Shi Feng all the way to the tallest building down the mountain, leaving Yan Wuming alone here, waiting silently The arrival of the guide.

As Shi Feng was on this suspended mountain, he felt that his whole body and mind were enriched a lot, and the gravity of the outside world exceeded three times in this brief moment, and it became less so Difficult to adapt.

“Is this the real upper zone?”

Shi Feng was full of shock.

Three times the weight of gravity is Hard for Common people. He also feels that there is not much effect because of the amazing body Constitution, but the whole body is still very uncomfortable.

But in the upper zone, this uncomfortable feeling is gone, as if there is a special energy that fills up my weak body at all times, allowing the body to continue to be in this high gravity and restore Strengthen the physique to reach a level beyond imagination.

Compared with the hard training of the outside world, it has become a joke in the upper zone.

And such a powerful physique, as long as there is no damage to the body, I am afraid there is no problem in living for one hundred and twenty years.

“You now understand how the world in the upper zone is different from the world you know.” Kerui said with a smile as he walked, “People here, as long as they live here , The body Constitution is getting stronger every moment, there is no need to do any exercise at all, the body Constitution will not lose to those outside masters in the end.”

“The outside world has been rumored to be in the upper zone. Human lifespan has reached 150 years old. In fact, 150 years old in the upper zone is just the Human lifespan at the base layer of the upper zone. You can also see the area of ​​the mountainside and the top of the mountain. There are the middle zone and the top zone. Where people live, physique and lifespan It is really terrifying. The average lifespan detection in the middle area has reached 180 years, and the top area is the breakthrough to the two-hundred-year mark, which is the limit of the breakthrough human lifespan.”

“200 years Time, this can make a dynasty change in ancient times, and they only equivalent to enter the prime of life when they live to 120 years old.”

Speaking of this, Kerui also yearned for a while.

“Why are the houses in the upper zone still stratified?” Shi Feng asked strangely.

“Of course, this mountain in the upper zone is so big and the space is limited. Even with the financial resources and status of our megalithic consortium, we can only live on the base level. The middle zone on the mountainside is not You can live in by simply having money and status.” Kerui Weiwei said helplessly, “If you want to live in the middle-level area, you need to reach a certain level of authority, just like you have reached Level 1 authority now.”

“Level 1 authority can be said to be the highest authority of the basic level. As long as you go further, you can live in the middle zone after reaching the High Grade authority.”

“What do you mean by these permissions? “Shi Feng was puzzled for a while.

He only roughly knows about permissions, but he doesn’t know the extent of it.

“By the way, I haven’t told you in detail yet.” Kerui paused said, “Money and status are the least important in the upper zone, and the most important is the Vitality level and authority.”


” The authority is roughly divided into one to Level 3. The higher the authority, the better you can buy and exchange items in the Green God Group. You can treat the upper area as a Green God Group trading market, and Level 3 has the lowest authority , It is also the market with the lowest item level, but it is much better than those who don’t have the authority. At least you can buy a Common house at the basic level without spending a lot of money to live in public rental housing.”

“When you reach Level 2 permissions, you can redeem items that the outside world can’t buy at all, such as Life Elixir, which is only sold by the Green God Group on auction. At the same time, you can buy villas on the basic floor and have independent private space.”

“When you reach Level 1, you will have more permissions. Not only do you buy more items, you can also participate in the Contribution Competition of the Green God Group. Once every three months, as long as you become the top three, you can enter the middle area. Living for three months.”

“You have also seen the improvement effect of the base layer. The middle area will be more exaggerated than here. As long as you have been to the middle area once, no one wants to come down again, just like If you live at the base level, you will not easily go to the outside world, and you can buy things that the base level can’t imagine in the middle level. It is rumored that the Water of Life manufactured by the Green God Group can be in the middle level. You can buy it in the district.”

“The Water of Life is much stronger than the outside Life Elixir. It is rumored that any damage can be repaired perfectly, and even lifespan can be improved.”


Speaking of this, Kerui shook the head, sighing and helpless.

For those who have always lived in the basic level, the yearning for the middle area is the same as the yearning for the upper area of ​​the outside world, but it is too difficult to get in. Only a Level 1 permission allows many people Desperate, let alone compete for those three places with that many Level 1 people.

“Water of Life?” Shi Feng couldn’t help but be shocked. Didn’t expect something more powerful than Life Elixir, and it could restore all the damage. “In this case, restore Gentle Snow The Vitality trauma of the two and Aqua Rose should not be a problem.”

“So how can I participate in this contribution competition?” Shi Feng couldn’t help but ask Xiang Kerui.

Originally, he just came to try and find out if there is a way to restore Gentle Snow and Aqua Rose in the upper area. Now that he has it, the next step is simple.

“Are you really going to participate?” Kerui looked at Shi Feng and couldn’t help being speechless, “Do you know that everyone who participates in the contribution competition is who?”

“Who? “Shi Feng asked curiously.

“Almost all are the heirs of major consortiums, and they are all the best generation.” Kerui paused, slowly said, “The resources behind them are not what you can imagine. Now you even You can’t afford a Common house with a value of 1 million points in the base layer, let alone get the contribution points of the Green God Group.”

“You are now with Level 1 permission, and you can exchange 10,000 credit points. For a little points, the exchange limit per day is only 1,000 points. If there are more, you can only get points and a very small amount of contribution points by working in the upper zone or completing some Quests.”

” Do you know how difficult it is to obtain the contribution points of the Green God Group? The problem that can be solved without sole money is to obtain various Rare resources to exchange for the Green God Group, or discover Rare talents for the Green God Group to obtain a large amount Things, you are impossible.”

Shi Feng is also very big at first.

Didn’t expect it is so difficult. For Zero Wing, all kinds of Rare resources in reality are simply dreams. As for money, there is still such a possibility.

As for finding talents for the Green God Group, this kind of thing is probably more difficult than contributing Rare resources.

“No, you are not without a chance.” Kerui seems to have thought of something, but still shook the head, “Recently, the Green God Group suddenly began to acquire a large number of Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone in God’s Domain. And the exchange rate is not low. One unit of Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone can be exchanged for one thousand points and ten points for contribution, but for you Zero Wing, I am afraid there is still no hope.”

“Now the game is underway. For nearly a month, the minimum contribution is 16,000 points, and the maximum contribution has reached 110,000. Even if you sell Zero Wing now, it is impossible to get that many Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone.”

Shi Feng listened, but he was also a little surprised.

“No wonder that many large consortiums suddenly entered God’s Domain. Was it all for the Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone of God’s Domain?”

For those large consortiums, money is absolute There is no shortage, but if you want to enter the middle-level area, only money is not enough, and various Rare resources are needed.

And obtaining Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone in God’s Domain is undoubtedly much easier than in reality, obtaining the Rare resources needed by the Green God Group.

Kerui looked at Shi Feng who was not giving up, shook the head, pointed to the already not far one-hundred-story building and said: “If you really want to participate, you can register directly at the registration desk. The person at the registry will tell you how to get more contribution points, but you don’t have any hope.”

“Well, I understand.”

Shi Feng Also nodded, I also have a plan in my mind.

If you change to something else, he is really helpless, but if it is Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone, he is not without a choice, it’s just troublesome that’s all.

After that, Shi Feng followed Kerui into the base building of the Green God Group.

The building of the Green God Group is sparsely populated. When I arrived at the registration desk on the 2nd floor, a beautiful woman of about 25 years old sat quietly. Besides, I sat on the opposite side and met Hong Xin. ape.

Looking at the two chatting, Hong Xinyuan’s identity is obviously lower than that of this beautiful woman, and even Hong Xinyuan is somewhat respectful to this beautiful woman.

“Kerui, you are counted here.” Hong Xinyuan looked at Kerui and Shi Feng who walked in. They were also sighed in relief, and asked a little strangely, “Why is Muxin not here? She didn’t follow you Are you together?”

PS: Thank you for the 20000 reward of 321234999! Survival of the fittest S rewarded 10,000!

(This chapter is nearly four thousand words, barely counted as three changes today, please subscribe for recommendation! Today’s 50,000 rewards owe you to make up tomorrow.)

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