“My sister?” Regarding Hong Xinyuan’s question, Kerui smiled slightly and happily, “I’m afraid she won’t be able to come in today, she can only wait until tomorrow.”

” Can’t get in?” Hong Xinyuan is even more confused about what Kerui is talking about. “Why can’t you get in? She is a Level 2 person, who dares to stop?”

The entire upper-level area is generally allowed to enter and exit Free as long as there is a formal identity. Although it may be inaccessible due to some things, or driven out in a short time, as long as the authority reaches the Level 2 level, even the basic-level supervisors have no guts. Block.

“no! No! No one is blocking it.” Kerui shook his head and said with a smile, “It’s just because the road to Vitality started today.”

“The road to Vitality?” Suddenly, Hong Xinyuan felt something wrong. He looked towards Shi Feng and said, “Then how did you get in?”

“It should be that he passed the Vitality road, so he came in, right? “The beautiful woman sitting beside Hong Xinyuan glanced at Shi Feng and said leisurely.

“Through the road of Vitality? How is this possible!” Hong Xinyuan looked at Shi Feng with unbelief in his eyes.

No matter how you look at Shi Feng, he is over twenty years old and less than 25 years old. To pass the road of Vitality, Vitality must be at least Special Grade, which is his level.

And the upper area of ​​Yuantian City has never seen such a Vitality monster.

“Yes, Uncle Hong, Shi Feng, he did pass the road of Vitality. Don’t you know, those people in the hall looked stupid at the time.” Kerui nodded, his face was The expression is also excited.

As Kerui finished speaking, the beautiful woman who was sitting before stood up and walked directly in front of Shi Feng’s.

“Hello, I am Xia Qingying, the general manager of the basic level.” The beautiful woman couldn’t help but self-introduced to Shi Feng, “I really didn’t expect that the person Lao Hong said would be the road through Vitality today. You who have reached the Special Grade of Vitality.”

The sudden act of the beautiful woman also started the great ape on the side.

Who is Xia Qingying?

That’s the general manager of the basic level in the upper area of ​​Yuantian City. Regardless of Xia Qingying’s young age, only twenty six years old, but the rank and status are scary to death. The power in the basic level is capable Ranked in the top three influential figures.

At this time, Xia Qingying took the initiative to introduce herself to Shi Feng, which is simply ten times more exaggerated than Shi Feng’s path through Vitality.

And Hong Xinyuan immediately walked forward after being surprised for an instant.

“Shi Feng, Manager Xia is a busy person. It is usually extremely difficult for those basic-level supervisors to see each other. Today, I finally took the time to register your identity authority in person.” Hong Xin Ape nodded, directly explained to Shi Feng.

It can be said that characters like Xia Qingying are not everyone who can see.

Now Xia Qingying takes the initiative to show her good, so she naturally wants Shi Feng to grasp the chance, so that she will be able to live in the upper zone in the future without a lot of trouble.

“Hello, Mr. Xia.” Shi Feng nodded, “I’m sorry to trouble you today.”

Hong Xinyuan’s active explanation and thoughts, he understood very well, and his heart was also about Hong Xin Ape was grateful.

“There is no trouble, no trouble, this thing was originally done by the manager of me, but usually I am too busy, and there are very few people who come to register, so it is concentrated for a few months Only those who have been registered are officially registered once.” Xia Qingying laughed, and only carefully examined Shi Feng, “It’s really amazing that you appeared. Not only did you pass the Vitality road under the age of 25, but even the time passed. It took just 13 points of clock. This is the first time I saw Vitality innate talent in the upper zone.”

“What! 13 points clock?” Hong Xinyuan was also shocked.

Before, I just thought that Shi Feng had passed the road of Vitality. Didn’t expect it to take such a short time.

Be aware that even if it is other Special Grade members to walk the road of Vitality, the average time it takes is about forty minutes, which is ten minutes longer than the average time under twenty.

But Shi Feng actually took 13 points of time. This is simply like Xia Qingying cracking a joke with him…

“Yes, this Shi Feng will be here soon Previously, we broke the time record of our journey to Vitality under the age of 25 in the upper zone of Yuantian City.” Xia Qingying nodded, looked towards Shi Feng and said with a smile, “For a talent like you, if I don’t come over and register my identity, Those Old Guys above will probably scold me to death.”

The Hong Xinyuan on the side was also suddenly taken aback.

For such a terrifying Vitality, I am afraid that the Vitality level is not far from the Vitality Master.

Vitality Master!

In the upper zone of Yuantian City, there are only a few of them in the entire base layer, and also in the middle zone, and the rank and status of each person are enough to scare the giant stone consortium.

Even if Shi Feng is not a Vitality Master now, for such a genius, the upper-level districts may rush to pass.

“Manager Xia passed the award. I was just lucky. I believe it won’t be long before many people in the upper area will surpass me.”

For Xia Qingying’s attention, Shi Feng felt quite guilty.

Because he passed the road of Vitality through trickery, the real Vitality level, I am afraid it is only the High Grade level, which is far from the real Special Grade.

According to his estimation, Special Grade Vitality should be Vitality level close to Tier 5, he is now Tier 4 Intermediate Grade level, so he is still a lot worse.

“After talking so much, let’s start doing business.” Xia Qingying looked at Shi Feng who was not knowing what to do and was also faintly smiled. “The formal registration of identity is very simple, I just need to use Scan you with the instrument, and you are an official member of the upper zone of Yuantian City. The trouble is what rewards should be given to you.”

“Isn’t the reward for the road to Vitality fixed?” Shi Feng Also said curiously.

He heard Kerui said before that as long as he passes through the path of Vitality, the Green God Group will reward 10,000 points and a bottle of Life Elixir with other potions equal to the value.

Not to mention Life Elixir, points in the upper zone are just as important as external coins, because transactions in the upper zone are purchased through the internal points of the Green God Group, and Depending on the authority, the amount of money that can be exchanged every day is limited, and it is not something that can be exchanged at will.

Those who do not have permission can only redeem one hundred points a day.

People with Level 3 permissions can exchange two hundred points a day.

People with Level 2 permissions can redeem 500 points a day.

Thousand points a day for people with Level 1 permission.

So in the upper zone, one point is equal to ten thousand credit points, but ten thousand credit points are not equal to in one point points.

Some people reselling points exclusively in the upper zone can earn credit points that the outsiders can’t imagine. However, those who do this are generally mad, and the majors enter the upper zone’s condominium. Also happy to see such a fool.

Because it takes 30 points to eat a standard meal of the Green God Group at the basic level, people without permission can only eat three standard meals a day in the upper area.

Equivalent to 300,000 credit points in one meal!

On hearing this, Shi Feng felt that the upper zone really lived with him in the world, not in the same world, with 300,000 credit points, even if his physique has risen a lot, Common food already makes sense It’s not big, but it’s enough for him to eat for a few months, but it’s just a meal here…

And this is just eating. There are many exercise equipment in the basic layer, which can help people. Quickly improve physique, and even methods to improve Vitality. Those who spend are all points. Just go to a Common training area to exercise for an hour to 20 points, and the High Grade training area can reach 50 points per hour. ……

It can be said that even those who have Level 3 permissions, the exchanged points are not enough to spend. Only when they reach Level 2 permissions can they meet their daily needs.

Of course, if you don’t have the money to redeem, anyone with permission can also get some points by accepting the work of the Green God Group to maintain the daily life of the upper zone.

Like Shi Feng when he comes to the upper zone, Zero Wing’s family business is a poor person who can’t even afford Common housing…

So 10,000 points, right For Shi Feng, it is really a fortune.

“It is fixed, but the reward is only for people under the age of 20.” Xia Qingying nodded, slowly said, “For you who are under 25 and over 20 can pass the road of Vitality People, but there are no regulations, let alone you broke the record of passing through Vitality under the age of 25.”

“Can that reward Water of Life?” Shi Feng couldn’t help asking.

“Water of Life?” Xia Qingying suddenly smiled, “Do you know that Water of Life is very precious even in the Green God Group. Not to mention your path through Vitality, that means you become a Vitality Master. It is not easy to get a bottle of Water of Life. The exchange price on the surface is as high as three 10 million points, and it also costs 1 million contribution points.”

“Is that expensive?” Shi Feng Also surprised.

“Is it expensive?” Xia Qingying shook her head and smiled again, “Do you know that Water of Life is one of the highest masterpieces of the Green God Group. Although you can’t let the dead be reborn, as long as you still have a breath,” It can be completely restored, but the length of the restore varies, and it can even increase the lifespan and maintain youthful vitality for 60 years.”

“Sixty years is already for Common people The equivalent to is almost a lifetime, and Water of Life equivalent to can let you live a lifetime longer without saying it, but also keep you in a state of youthful vigor, so do you think it is expensive?”

“… “Shi Feng was unable to refute this, and even agreed.

For those world-class consortium Helmsman, money is all clouds. If you lose it, you can earn it back quickly, but there is only one life. If you can make these people relive their former life, it’s even spent. I am afraid that these people will not hesitate to lose all their savings.

Just like those ancient emperors, they can do everything for longevity.

Hong Xinyuan looked at Shi Feng very interested in Water of Life, and couldn’t help being persuaded: “Shi Feng, don’t think about Water of Life, even those who live in the middle area. It’s hard to afford a bottle. Now you still prioritize improving your Vitality. As long as your Vitality goes further, entering the middle area will be just around the corner.”

“Yes, it’s about Water of Life. Let’s stop here.” Xia Qingying also felt that there was no need to talk about it, because it was too early for Shi Feng.

After that, Xia Qingying scanned Shi Feng with the optical brain on his wrist, and instantly all Shi Feng’s data appeared in the optical brain.

“Identity has been registered.” Xia Qingying looked at Shi Feng’s data and was very satisfied, “Next is your reward question.”

“You pass Vitality this time The road has broken the record of the road of Vitality. As the manager of the basic layer, I can give you two choices.”

“The first choice is to reward you with 500,000 points, and Fifty bottles of Life Elixir equivalent Potion.”

“The second option is to reward you for setting the Common House on the base layer.”

” Choose one of these two rewards .”

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