Upper area, before entering and exiting the passage.

As a melodious bell rang, whether it was Luo Hanbing or Muxin present, there was a surprised look on his face.

“It took less than twenty minutes to go in. Has anyone passed the test?” Muxin was surprised at the sound of the bell.

The Vitality Road is very important to the upper zone. Whenever someone passes through the opened Vitality Road, the Vitality Road will ring a bell to tell everyone in the upper zone.

Announce that a new member has appeared in the upper zone!

The sound of the clock sounded, proving that someone has passed the road of Vitality, and the time is so fast, simply unimaginable.

Because it normally takes more than 30 minutes to pass the Vitality road normally, after all, the section of the road is not short, it takes about 30 minutes to walk normally, let alone every step Received a strong Vitality shock.

“Okay! Very good! Passed in less than twenty minutes. It seems that the kid is really as mentioned above, simply is the Vitality monster.” Luo Hanbing also laughed with satisfaction, “This time it’s true. No, let me pay such a high price to be a guide!”

As the invigilator of the assessment, but also the guide of the passers, the better the newcomers appear, the better the evaluation above will be. High, and as a guide for passers, it will be easier to win newcomers.

If a peerless genius like Yan Wuming can be drawn to him, then his status in the upper zone of Yuantian City will also be improved.

And Muxin’s face on the side is very bad.

If Luo Hanbing is allowed to win over a Vitality monster like Yan Wuming, then Luo Hanbing’s position in the upper zone will be able to overwhelm Hong Xinyuan.

However, after a few minutes, a bell rang again.

“Someone passed again?”

Muxin felt a little embarrassed when he heard the bell, and his face became more gloomy.

The entire upper area of ​​Yuantian City only rings a few times a year. Now it rings twice in a day. This kind of thing cannot happen once in ten years.

In the end, I was hit by Luo Hanbing…

“hahaha, amazing! This newcomer is really amazing!” Luo Hanbing couldn’t help laughing, and glanced at it. Muxin said, “Muxin, you are also a well-known genius in the upper area of ​​Yuantian City. It’s too hopeless to follow Lao Hong. It’s better to join me now. Maybe it won’t take a year or two. Your vitality You can raise a level, when the time comes, your authority in the upper zone can also rise to Level 1, which is far from what you can compare to now.”

“many thanks to Director Luo’s kindness , But I followed Uncle Hong very well. I believe it won’t take long for my Vitality to reach the Level 1 permission standard.” Muxin without the slightest hesitation refused.

Luo Hanbing was not surprised by Muxin’s refusal, and said disapprovingly: “One step is a step, a step is a step, I hope you don’t regret today’s decision.”

At the top In this area, the most important thing is the Vitality level of Human. The authority level in the upper area is determined by the Vitality level. The higher the Vitality level, the higher the authority in the upper area, the higher the status, and the resources that can be obtained. The more it will be.

But Vitality’s growth is too difficult, and the older you get, the slower you grow later.

Like Muxin, he passed the road of Vitality when he was fifteen years old. At that time, he was judged to be extremely rare High Grade Vitality. However, because Muxin is not an inner member of the company, it is better than the authority level. Members with the same Vitality level are lower than Level 1, and only have Level 2 permissions in the upper zone.

We must know that outsiders under the age of 20 passed the Vitality road at that time, only to obtain the lowest Level 3 permission, and the status of the Level 2 permission can be imagined.

But after so many years, Muxin’s Vitality level has not improved much, so it still has Level 2 authority.

If Muxin is going further and reaches Level 1 authority, it is Carp Leaping Through a Dragon Gate.

Be aware that in the upper area of ​​Yuantian City, there are less than two 100-Man with Level 1 authority. He is also the High Grade authority with Level 1 authority higher than Level 1. A supervisory position.

After the two chatted a few words, Luo Hanbing didn’t say a word to Muxin either.

In Luo Hanbing’s view, Muxin simply is a piece of dead wood. With the little resources in Hong Xinyi’s hands, let alone letting all of them go to Muxin for promotion, Muxin’s biological younger sister, Ke Rui, is probably all It is difficult to reach Level 2 permission level.

As time passed, Muxin became more and more anxious.

“It hasn’t been out for such a long time, does Kerui have an accident?” Muxin looked at the time, feeling anxious in his heart.

Although Kerui has passed the road of Vitality, it is logically not afraid of the impact of Vitality on the road of Vitality, but it does not mean that the impact of Vitality on the road of Vitality has no effect on Kerui.

Should it hurt or hurt, but this kind of pain is within a tolerable range.

“It’s been almost an hour, and I haven’t come out yet. It seems that bode ill rather than well.” Luo Hanbing also looked at his watch and couldn’t help saying with a sneer, “I said before, in Vitality On the road, accidentally was about to be hospitalized for a few months, the youngster did not even listen to them, but unfortunately they had to hang out in it for several hours.”

“Is there something wrong?” Muxin’s face was also It was pale.

The road to Vitality is very troublesome to open. Even if it is closed with privileges, it usually takes two or three hours to close. It is even more troublesome to open.

If you stay in a comatose state for three or four hours on the road to Vitality, and lie down in the hospital for a month, it will be light, but if you are severe, Vitality will be severely injured. If you want to improve in the future, it will change. It’s very Hard.

Just when Muxin felt a panic, the Quantum Watch in his hand suddenly rang, and it was Kerui who called.

“Kerui, what happened to your side?” Muxin looked at Kerui on the screen, and asked angrily, “Why haven’t you come out yet?”

“Sister! These are not important anymore, didn’t you know that there was a major event on the road of Vitality!” Kerui said with excitement on his face.

“major event? What’s the matter? Are you saying that there are two people who have passed the road of Vitality?” Muxin felt speechless when he heard Kerui’s words.

When did you care about these things?

“Yes, don’t you know that Shi Feng actually passed the road of Vitality!” Kerui said with excitement in his eyes, “At that time, everyone in the hall was shocked. I also hurriedly hurried to the communication area. I was exhausted on the way.”

“Shi Feng…The road to Vitality?” Muxin suddenly felt his brain Some are not enough.

Shi Feng’s real age is definitely over twenty years old. A person over twenty years old and less than 25 years old passes through the Vitality road. This has never happened in the upper area of ​​Yuantian City.

“Well, I know you don’t believe it, but you see, others have already come in.” Kerui adjusted the camera, and not only Shi Feng’s silhouette appeared in the screen, but also Yan Wuming Staring at Shi Feng, his eyes are full of fighting intents, “I won’t tell you, we are going to enter the upper zone now.”

As Kerui finished speaking, the communication just hangs up. It dropped, leaving only Muxin who hadn’t reacted yet.

“Impossible!” When Luo Hanbing heard the conversation between Muxin and Muxin, his heart was full of unbelief, “That kid is over twenty years old, how can he pass the road of Vitality?”

Just after Luo Hanbing finished speaking, the optical brain on his wrist also sent a message.

I immediately looked at Quantum Watch. Projection produced a holographic data sheet. This data sheet is the detailed information of the newcomer’s journey through Vitality.

First place Shi Feng, passing time of 13 minutes 41 seconds, under 25 years old, non-company member, Vitality Appraisal is Special Grade, and the authority of the upper zone is upgraded to Level 1.

The second place Yan Wuming, passing time of 18 minutes and 33 seconds, under the age of 20, the company’s inner member, Vitality Appraisal is High Grade, and the upper district authority is upgraded to Level 1.

“Special Grade?!”

Muxin looked at the data sheet, and the whole person was dull.

Although Shi Feng’s performance in God’s Domain is amazing, she did not expect Shi Feng to be so amazing at the Vitality level.

Special Grade!

This is the Vitality level she has been pursuing now, but no matter how hard she works, she is one great length away from this level, and she even feels there is no hope for promotion.

“Damn! How could this happen?” Luo Hanbing also looked at the complexion ashen.

He unexpectedly offended a Vitality monster unconsciously, and Shi Feng obviously has a close relationship with Hong Xinyuan.


At the innermost part of the Vitality road, Shi Feng and the others have already come to the moving escalator, and as the moving escalator goes deep into the ground.

“Is the gravity here constantly getting stronger?”

Shi Feng found that as he continued to advance into the tunnel, the gravity began to grow stronger, and he just left now In less than ten minutes, gravity is already twice that of the outside world.

When the floating moving ladder completely left the deep passage, Shi Feng was dumbfounded.

Not only is the gravity outside the channel more than three times that of the outside world!

In the innermost part of the passage is a large suspended mountain. The suspended moving ladders at the entrances of several passages all lead to this large mountain with a radius of more than ten kilometers.

On this huge mountain suspended in midair, there are many tall buildings standing in great numbers, and the mountains are surrounded by clouds and fog, and the top of the mountain is not visible at all, just like Human World Immortal Realm…

“How? I’m stuck!” Kerui looked at Shi Feng’s shocked expression and couldn’t help but said proudly, “As long as anyone who comes to the upper zone for the first time, no one would have thought that the upper zone would be underground. There is such an incredible huge space in the depths and underground.”

“Indeed, incredible.” Shi Feng also had to admit.

In such a special space, he is really unheard-of and unprecedented. No wonder that many people who know something about things in the upper zone want to live here.

Here, he takes a breath of air exclusively, which makes him feel a moment of physical and mental comfort. If he can live here for a long time, longevity is indeed not a dream.

Kerui looked at the moving escalator that had stopped at the foot of the mountain, then opened the escalator door and walked straight down.

“Quick! You are now with Level 1 permission. Let’s go to the registration office and have a look. Maybe there is any good reward!”

Shi Feng on the escalator urged excitedly with his small face.

ps: Thank you valou for the reward of 10000!

(Currently, the monthly ticket is owed one more, and it will be paid today. The reward has been over 50,000. This one will be paid tomorrow. The old cat wants to sort out the plot in the game. I’m afraid you won’t have the following plot What time to breathe.)

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