In the dark and deep passage, Shi Feng walked for five or six minutes before finally seeing a brightly lit hall ahead.

The whole hall is the size of a basketball court, there is no building, and there is obviously no lighting, but the fluorescence on the walls of the hall makes the whole hall very bright, as if you are in a white space general.

“Is this the path of Vitality that they said?”

Shi Feng looked at the stairs leading to the ground at the other end of the hall, with a faint stunned heart.

Because he felt that he was familiar with this ladder, but he couldn’t remember where he had seen it.

The entire ladder is repaired by white jade-like stones, but it gives people an indescribable sense of sacredness and comfort, like the sunshine in winter and Cold Wind in summer.

As we get closer and closer to this white jade ladder, this feeling becomes stronger, and people even want to rush in directly.

Until Shi Feng stepped onto the white jade ladder, there was a burst of unspeakable comfort throughout his body, as if he had been reborn.

But right after that, the brain felt like it was hit fiercely by a hammer, and the brain suddenly became confused, as if the whole soul was about to leave the body, and the body was no longer its own body.

Even Shi Feng almost didn’t stand firm, staggering.

“Is this the road of Vitality?” Shi Feng retreated into the hall, looking at the white jade stairs in front of him in disbelief, “This Vitality is more powerful than the Spiritual God in the city of light. The stone statues must be terrifying. No wonder the Green God Group will set the age below twenty years old.”

If the Spiritual God of the Lightforged City will impact like Gale rainstorm, sweeping the whole body, then this white jade The Vitality impact of the ladder is that the hammer hits directly fiercely, and it hits the deepest part of the brain very accurately.

The penetrating power of Vitality’s will is so strong that it is not comparable to Spiritual God’s will.

When Shi Feng marveled at the Vitality impact of the white jade ladder, the newcomers of the Green God Group also each and everyone walked into the hall.

“That person is really still here.”

“Of course, he really thought that the road to Vitality was so easy to walk, if he walks so well, he can get the upper zone every day There are not only three or five people with identity, I am afraid there are hundreds of thousands.”

“I don’t know where I can go this time.”


For Shi Feng standing stupidly, none of the newcomers present were surprised.

Because when they set foot on the white jade ladder for the first time, they were also shocked by the strength of the white jade ladder, and the effect of the Vitality impact was really painful. It can be said to be painful, and shout Can’t shout.

They don’t want to feel the second time if possible.

“But the few newcomers who came this time may really be able to pass one person.” A white clothed girl who is about nineteen years old looked at the white jade stairs and couldn’t help feeling. “But I only have the last chance. If I don’t pass it, I’ll have to mix in the city.”

“You mean that special enrollment.” The long-haired girl who was about the same age also watched I glanced at it, not far away from a seventeen-eighteen-year-old short-haired lean boy, “It’s really constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one angry. He was recruited by the company for a few months, but he could come directly to participate in the assessment, even being The senior executives of the company are optimistic. I really don’t know if his head is made of stone. He has no reaction to the impact of Vitality.”

“Who else?” The white clothed girl looked at the thin boy with short hair , There is indescribable envy in his eyes, “If I had half of his innate talent, maybe I could pass this assessment.”

“People like him will definitely become internal staff of the company. He looks good.” The long-haired girl licked the corner of the lips, “I heard that he doesn’t have a girlfriend yet. If we catch the chance, we might also have a chance to enter the upper zone.”

But When the two girls whispered about the thin boy with short hair, the boy had already stepped up the white jade ladder.

I saw that the boy didn’t feel any sense of Vitality’s impact. He was advancing step by step at a constant speed. From beginning to end, he didn’t feel any discomfort caused by Vitality’s impact.

And the boy’s plain performance directly caused all the newcomers in the hall to take a breath.

“no way! You really have no reaction!”

“Will his head be really made of iron?”

Look at this short hair The lean boy walked out 100 meters away in one breath, without any sense of fatigue or discomfort at all. Not to mention the newcomer in the hall, even Shi Feng was surprised.

“This Vitality level definitely has Tier 4.”

For the Vitality impact of the white jade ladder just now, Shi Feng has a clear positioning. If the Vitality impact is weak Several times higher, it is almost comparable to the will impact of the Spiritual God stone statue.

However, the boy with short hair didn’t feel any changes, indicating that the Vitality impact was completely within the range of the boy with short hair, which was obviously a great length short of the limit.

Such a terrifying Vitality is far inferior to the genius Violet Cloud on Vitality.

“Hey hey, look silly.” At this time, Kerui had already arrived in the hall, looked at the short-haired boy who had left, and said with a smile, “I told you to be careful, this Vitality The road is not as simple as you think. As for the short-haired boy you saw, that is the peerless genius that Green God Group finally found. He was identified as the Number One Person of the Green God Group for decades. Yan Wuming, even my sister is poor. A great length.”

“Yan Wuming?” Shi Feng couldn’t help but think of something, “He is that Yan Wuming?”

“Yes, he is Yan Wuming, what’s wrong Is it?” Kerui looked at Shi Feng with a look of surprise, and couldn’t help feeling surprised.

“so that’s how it is, no wonder the Vitality level is so high.” Shi Feng lost said with a smile.

The name Yan Wuming, in the God’s Domain of Former Life, is the name of a crowd like thunder piercing the ear.

Yan Invincible!

Magic based Class’s Great Accomplishment makers, claiming to speak freely, as if Magic dominates, have countless PKs in their lives, and they are unbeaten. Even the Super-Guild Old Monsters of the same level are all No one can go through three rounds under him.

At that time, it was higher than the Tier 6 God Level expert of Yan Invincible Tier 1 to fight Yan Invincible.

At that time, the Tier 6 God Level expert of the entire God’s Domain can be counted on one’s fingers. Everyone appears and disappears unpredictably. Finding one is as difficult as heavenly ascension, let alone Say it’s a war.

After Yan Invincible was on the way to Tier 6, suddenly vanish disappeared. No one knows what happened.

At that time, it also caused a great commotion. Rumor has it that the Green God Group was looking for it frantically, but it has not been found.

“This is interesting.”

Shi Feng didn’t expect, today he actually had a chance to see legendary Yan Invincible here.

“You don’t want to break in anymore, do you?” Kerui looked at Shi Feng, who was suddenly in a good mood, and his heart was full of stunned.

I deeply doubt whether Shi Feng was driven crazy by the road of Vitality.

“Cross?” Shi Feng shook the head, “I don’t plan to break, I just plan to go into the upper zone to take a look at that’s all.”

“Is there a difference? “Kerui was a little puzzled.

Do not pass the Vitality road, Shi Feng does not even want to enter the upper zone today.

“Of course there is.” Shi Feng took a deep breath and said, “That means I don’t plan to bear the impact of Vitality.”

“???” Kerui was inexplicable .

Is it something I can’t bear if I don’t plan to bear it?

However, Shi Feng not at all will explain again and step directly onto the white jade ladder.

The last time he used Skill to absorb the will of the Spiritual God stone statue to improve Vitality, this time he plans to do the same, but this time the Vitality impact of the white jade ladder also gave him some new ideas.

That is the way to further improve Vitality strength control.

Vitality is a soldier and will be handsome!

Since the white jade ladder’s Vitality impact penetration is so strong.

At that time, he concentrated all the vitality further, not to enhance the control of the whole body, but to concentrate in the mind and body in an instant, turning the mind into steel, only a little bit deep in the Defense brain.

I watched Shi Feng suddenly pause on the white jade ladder. The expression on his face did not change at all, and there was no tremor or dissonance on his body, but he simply stopped in place.

“Success!” Shi Feng couldn’t help but open his eyes. “However, this state also completely lost control of my body. It seems that I still have to retain a small part of Vitality to control my body and condense. Ninety percent of his own Vitality is in the depths of my mind to counter the Vitality impact at that moment.”

Then Shi Feng took another step.


There was a faint sound of metal collision in my mind, and the Vitality Iron Hammer still couldn’t shake Shi Feng’s deep in his mind, but Shi Feng didn’t feel any dullness or pause.

“Sure enough, it works, but it’s not easy to get used to it.”

Shi Feng feels a bit heavy on his body, and can’t help but smile.

This is the first time he has used a small amount of Vitality to control his body to the limit. This feeling is like a person’s Vitality is about to faint, and he feels heavy when he is not fainting.

However, as Shi Feng took a few steps in a row, his grasp of this state was getting better and better.

From the outside, Shi Feng seems to be walking on the white jade ladder normally. He has no response to the Vitality impact of the white jade ladder, and Shi Feng’s speed is getting faster and faster.

In less than one minute, it was seen that Shi Feng directly surpassed Yan Wuming, who was walking in the front, and the distance between the two parties is still increasing…

” How could it be possible?”

Kerui stared at Shi Feng who was walking fast.

“Don’t he feel the same as Yan Wuming’s impact on Vitality?”

As for the other newcomers in the hall, they just sit on the spot, each and everyone can’t believe it. it is true.

In less than fifteen minutes, Shi Feng has reached the end of the road of Vitality, and the whole road of Vitality also rang one after another. The melodious bell ringing echoes the entire upper floor. Area.

PS: The two owed rewards have all been paid, and the owed monthly ticket reaches 300 will be paid tomorrow.

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