For Muxin’s reminder, Shi Feng also deeply agrees, and even understands the difference and specialness of the upper zone better than Muxin and Kerui.

On the former life, in addition to the Great Influence of God’s Domain, all experts who reach Tier 5 profession.

I don’t know why, each and everyone has an immense desire to enter the upper zone. Simply can be described as madness, which is not understandable by Muxin and Kerui.

That’s a kind of madness that really spares your life.

Normally, the upper zone is just to greatly extend the lifespan of Human. This kind of thing is really tempting, and even major consortiums are desperate for it.

But Shi Feng can clearly feel from the Tier 5 experts that these Tier 5 experts are not simply to extend their lifespan, but to spare their lives, as if there is something in the upper zone, In attracting these Peak experts above Tier 5, they have to do that.

Because of this, many Tier 5 experts and even Tier 6 God Level experts in God’s Domain have disappeared inexplicably, and their lives are unknown.

The most typical one is Violet Cloud.

As a Tier 6 Divine Cleric, even those Super-Guilds are so strong that they have to have a headache. In order to enter the upper zone, they agreed to the harsh conditions of a Super-Guild. Although this was completed afterwards Conditions have also entered the upper zone.

But people have become vanish from then on…

So whether it is a warning to Kerui or Muxin’s reminder, Shi Feng is full of vigilance in the upper zone, but also thinks Take a look at what the upper zone looks like.


As Shi Feng followed Muxin to the deep passageway, there were already dozens of people in line at the gate, most of them were very Young, men and women are almost half and half, each and everyone is no more than twenty years old at most, and the youngest ones may only be sixteen-seventeen years old.

These people turn a blind eye to beauties like Kerui and Muxin, and they don’t even want to look at them. Instead, each and everyone observes Shi Feng in casual sportswear.

“Here is another newcomer.”

“Looking at him, simply didn’t have the slightest preparation. He is definitely another abominable relationship!”

“Shhh, don’t let him hear it. We can’t afford to offend this kind of person.”


The talk of these young men and women makes Shi Feng, who has an amazing five senses, feel For a while, Kerui almost couldn’t help but want to laugh, but still resisted not laughing, only a shallow arc showed on the corner of his mouth.

“You don’t have to worry about them.” Muxin glanced at these young men and women, disapprovingly said, “They just happened to come to participate in the assessment of entering the upper zone.”

“Enter the upper zone District assessment?” Shi Feng was slightly surprised.

This is the first time he has heard of this. According to what he knows, if you want to enter the upper zone, unless the Green God Group actively absorbs talents, it is extremely difficult for others to want to enter.

“Well, the upper zone is not just a group of powerful people living in it.” Muxin explained, “The upper zone is also the place where the Green God Group cultivates internal talents. These people are They are the talents initially selected by the Green God Group. As long as they pass this assessment, they can also obtain upper-level status.”

“Only talents under the age of 20 can participate in this assessment. Older talents can only work in the periphery of the Green God Group. As for the content of the assessment, it is through this channel to enter the upper zone.”

“Through this channel?” Shi Feng pointed to the front The deep passage of his heart is full of surprise.

“Yes, but this channel is also called the Vitality Road, it will test the will of Vitality, but the Vitality road is usually closed, and it does not make much difference to the silhouette of the passing, but if it is Vitality If the road is opened, only three or five people can pass each year, so the final pass rate of these newcomers who participate in the assessment is very low.” Muxin nodded, “But as long as they pass, they can get the attention of the Green God Group. I said, I will get a lot of rewards.”

Ke Rui nodded, and proudly said to Shi Feng’s: “This Vitality road this Young Lady passed a year ago, and the elder sister even more He is a genius. He passed the road of Vitality when he was fifteen years old. At that time, it caused a sensation in the upper part of Yuantian City.”

And when Muxin explained to Shi Feng, the passage was also walking. A young man came out.

This man is wearing a tight T-shirt, his whole body skeleton muscles are undoubtedly revealed, as elegant as a cheetah and full of strength, although he looks very young, but it gives people the feeling of vicissitudes of life, not appearance Look so young.

After this man appeared, whether it was the young men and women present, or Kerui and Muxin, the expressions of each and everyone became solemn.

“Well, is there another newcomer?” The young man glanced at Shi Feng, slightly surprised.

“Director Luo, you have misunderstood, he is going to register today, not a candidate.” Muxin explained.

“It turns out that Hong Xinyuan’s reserved quota was given to him.” The young man couldn’t help looking at Shi Feng’s with a trace of disgust in his eyes. “It’s a lucky kid, but today is our Green God Group. If you want to go in, you can go in with the newcomers. I don’t have time to close the passage.”

Muxin couldn’t help but crescent moon eyebrow wrinkled tightly.

It is not a secret that Director Luo and Uncle Hong are rivals in the upper zone, but he did not expect that Director Luo would openly intend to take the opportunity to retaliate.

Registration in the upper zone requires an appointment in advance. Generally, it is normal to wait for a few months. This time it is also because of Uncle Hong that I can register so quickly.

If you don’t register today, I’m afraid it will take a few months to register next time.

If you don’t register in the upper zone, you can’t do anything, you can’t even live in it.

“Director Luo, he has a reserved quota. He has the right to enter and exit the upper zone for free!” Muxin also had a low voice, expressing some dissatisfaction.

“I didn’t say not to let him in.” The young man said with a sneer, “If he wants to enter, he can enter at any time, and I will not stop him. If he can’t enter, he can wait for tomorrow. It’s not too late to enter.”

As Director Luo finished speaking, the newcomers present also agreed to agree.

“Yes, since they have the status of the upper zone and the passage is open at any time, it is not easy to get in?”

“Director Luo is right. If you can’t get in, it’s completely You can wait until tomorrow, why bother with newcomers like us?”

For those newcomers who have reserved quotas, the newcomers are instinctively disgusted. They finally get to the point and finally have to pass the Vitality. Lu can have the identity of the upper-level district, but the related households can obtain it directly, and their efforts have become a joke.

Kerui also glanced at the supervisor surnamed Luo angrily, and whispered to Muxin; “Sister, or let’s change the day, this surname Luo will not let us in today.”

As one of the supervisors of the upper zone, Luo Hanbing has more power than Uncle Hong. Even if they go in and tell Uncle Hong about this matter, it is of no use, because Luo Hanbing’s actions are reasonable and reasonable.

“Well, if you don’t want to enter, don’t get in the way.” Luo Hanbing said a little impatiently, “This newcomer assessment is very important. If it is delayed, even Hong Xinyuan will not be able to bear it. Get up!”

“You…” When Muxin couldn’t help but want to say something, a voice reached everyone’s ears first, “Supervisor Luo, can we go in now?”

It is not someone else who makes this sound, it is Shi Feng who has not spoken.

“Shi Feng, you?”

Muxin was also stunned when he saw Shi Feng who spoke. He didn’t expect Shi Feng to enter the road of Vitality.

Not to mention that Muxin was surprised, even Luo Hanbing and the others were also slightly surprised.

“Boy, you are pretty handsome.” Luo Hanbing looked at Shi Feng and laughed and said, “Then you can go in, but let me remind you that you are not an examinee. Even if you faint inside, there will be no one Save you, if you stay unconscious for a long time, it’s normal to lie down in the hospital for a few months.”

“Shi Feng, don’t mess around, this path to vitality is limited. People over twenty years old walk in, and the difficulty is several times that of those under twenty years old, so Green God Group set the age below twenty years old.” Muxin said quickly.

Lvshen Group used to not set people over the age of 20 and under the age of 25 to take the assessment, but there was no one who could pass. In the end, it was helpless to locate only newcomers under the age of 20. It’s just that not many people know this.

At this time Shi Feng wants to go in, simply cracking a joke.

And Luo Hanbing knew this, so he was sure that they would not want to go in today.

“Don’t worry, if it doesn’t work, I will just give up and come back.” Shi Feng also laughed.

For the test of Vitality’s will, in God’s Domain, it is something that can be encountered but not desired, especially after the promotion of Tier 4 profession, the player’s Vitality will is very demanding.

After he reached the Tier 4 Vitality level, his Vitality level also reached the bottleneck of Tier 4, and has been unable to improve.

There is such a chance now, of course he has to try it.

After speaking, Shi Feng walked directly into the deep passage, leaving only Muxin who hadn’t came back to his senses, Luo Hanbing and the others who sneered.

“Well, you newcomers should also go in, remember that the time limit is only one hour!”

As Luo Hanbing finished speaking, all the newcomers also took a deep breath and took Vitality After the state is adjusted to the best, each and everyone starts to walk into the passage.

“Sister, what should I do now?” Kerui was also a little at a loss.

She did not expect Shi Feng to be so bold. She used to call Shi Feng Caution, which is the road of Vitality that was closed carefully, because even if the road of Vitality is closed, it is not small for silhouettes over twenty years old. If one is not careful, he might pass out.

It’s better now, and I just walk into the completely open road of Vitality…

“This road of Vitality is too dangerous for me now.” Muxin was also a little worried, thinking After a while, he said, “You follow in too. If you see Shi Feng can’t hold on, you will bring him back immediately.”

“Ai, this Shi Feng is really troublesome, it really is God’s. In Domain, Tier 4 profession can act wilfully.” Kerui is also slightly unhappy.

But considering the overall situation, Kerui still walked into the passage.

PS: There will be a third update later.

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