Cold Spring Forest, Stone Forest City, Free Hotel.

“What the hell did Zero Wing think?” Mu Lingsha who was resting saw the sudden announcement of Zero Wing in Stone Forest City, and he almost stood up. “At this time, NPC is denied entry. The city, even Stone Forest City, I’m afraid it can’t afford such a loss!”

The Indestructible War Heart on the side looked at the city announcement and thought: “But this is indeed a solution to NPC troubles. “

“But in exchange for more than half of the city’s economic benefits, is this price too high? In order to make up for the loss, Zero Wing directly charged 20 silver coins for the entrance fee. I’m afraid Those Common players will not accept it at all, even the current Stone Forest City is difficult, let alone the other two Guild cities of Zero Wing’s.” Mu Lingsha puzzled, “Now we are killed by the dark Great World. Just stare, if there is something wrong on our side, there will definitely be action on the dark Great World side.”

“I don’t know this, but what Zero Wing did to us Guild is A good thing.” Indestructible War Heart said with a smile.

“Good thing?” Mu Lingsha looked blank.

I don’t know how good this is for them, War Spirit Uprise?

“This time the entrance fee of Stone Forest City has increased. When the time comes, there must be many players who will choose other Guild cities to develop, or simply not come to Stone Forest City. The resources of Stone Forest City And the conditions, you also know, it is definitely the best in the 100-level Neutral Map, and there is nothing comparable to the Free Hotel in terms of removing different energies.” Indestructible War Heart slowly explained, “This way, the free hotel’s quota, It is entirely possible for us to replace Guild’s.”

“Yes.” Mu Lingsha also shines, “Then I will let Guild Master and them prepare now.”

Today’s Stone Forest City is very crowded. Because of the appearance of NPCs, it is even more crowded. Even now entering Stone Forest City has to limit the flow. If a large number of NPCs leave and a large number of players leave, they are indeed in Stone Forest City. A good time for development.

After all, Stone Forest City is an Intermediate Grade city where the entire God’s Domain is Rare. If you grasp it, the level of Guild Member may be able to get rid of other Guilds.

Beastman Empire, silver wing city.

“It’s crazy! Zero Wing is crazy!”

“It doesn’t matter if those NPCs are driven away, why the rent of the Store is more expensive? This must be Zero Wing’s conspiracy ! I want to drive us player Merchants to leave the silver wing city!”

“Zero Wing this is too awesome! I support Zero Wing! How nice to get rid of those NPCs! This is the city originally built by our players! , That many NPCs are here, I can’t even connect to Quest!”

The players in the city of silver wing have mixed praises and criticisms for Zero Wing. Some criticized Zero Wing crazy for money. Some people think this is very good. Without NPC, there will be less competition.

Compared with the vast majority of Free players, the great influences who received the news that Zero Wing refused to enter the city were amused.

“Zero Wing really dare to do it! Refusing NPC to enter the city, when the time comes, let’s see how their Zero Wing’s three Guild cities continue to run.”

“Strong! Really strong Now that all Great Influences are hiring people frantically, thinking about how to protect themselves, their Zero Wing actually wants to drive people out. It seems that this Zero Wing has begun to float after helping the Frost Sky Sword become the twelve candidate Guild!”

“silver wing city takes the initiative to retreat on the Beastman Empire side. This is a good opportunity for our Guild to grow and grow. I immediately ordered people to go down. From now on, our Guild town will halve the entrance fee and reduce the membership conditions. Lower!”

Each Great Influence watched Zero Wing drive people out, each and everyone started to take advantage of the opportunity to recruit people frantically, intending to take advantage of this opportunity to occupy the player market share of Beastman Empire.

In less than half an hour, the number of players entering the city of Zero Wing and Big Guild began to drop significantly. Many Common players were attracted to other Guild towns in the Beastman Empire, and the NPC Bian’s income has dropped sharply.

“Guild Master, this really doesn’t work. In less than half an hour, more than 20% of the players in our three cities have passed away. If it continues, the last remaining players will be It would be nice to have one-tenth of the previous one.” Nether Orchid urgently contacted Shi Feng, feeling almost crazy.

This is all money!

At present, Gentle Snow and Aqua Rose are in a state that is not suitable for management, so Zero Wing Guild’s burden is placed on her and Liang Jing.

They didn’t know the specific situation of Zero Wing’s before, but after taking over these things, they learned that Zero Wing has been walking a tightrope, and the current financial situation can only be said to be barely balanced.

But without most of the income of the Three Major City, the normal operation of Guild may not be possible. After all, the energy consumption to maintain the training system is really amazing. The trainees inside Guild are even more expanded. To five thousand people, the daily cost is simply terrible.

And their Zero Wing does not accept the shares of those big consortiums. If they don’t have gold coins income, they can go bankrupt in less than a week.

“I understand.” Shi Feng looked at the Nether Orchid in the center of the picture in a hurry, and also nodded lightly said with a smile, “but these are just small money that’s all.”

“Little money? “Nether Orchid feels about to pass out.

This day is a loss of hundreds of thousands of gold!

Be aware that the Guild towns of Great Influence have gradually developed. Although they have not reached the level of Basic Grade cities, they are also Advanced Small Towns. In addition, those Guilds have invested a lot of funds and construction levels. Not much worse than the silver wing city, but the level of safety is not as high as the silver wing city, and there is no silver wing city that’s all convenient.

Shi Feng then jumped to the screen, said with a smile: “What kind of building do you see in front of me?”

I saw one on the Nether Orchid screen Four fifth floor huge buildings, surrounded by huge walls, can be said to isolate the outside world, the Magic fluctuations inside are quite strong, and judging from the appearance, it is exactly the same as the Teleportation Hall of major NPC cities, simply .

“Teleportation Hall?” Nether Orchid couldn’t help taking a breath.

“Yes, Teleportation Hall.” Shi Feng nodded, “And this Teleportation Hall is exactly the same as the Teleportation Hall in NPC city, the only difference is that it can only be teleported to a designated NPC city.”

“But even if it can be teleported to other NPC cities, the round-trip teleportation fee may not be acceptable to the Common player.” Nether Orchid quickly calmed down and said.

It is indeed much more convenient for a Guild city to have a Teleportation Hall, so whether it is the player coming to the silver wing city or the player going to the NPC city, it only takes a short while to be teleported to.

But there are also big problems.

That is the cost. The cost of transnational transmission is very high, ranging from dozens of silver coins to a few gold coins. Because of this, many players choose to ride mount or take Airship.

If you just use the silver wing city as the Beastman Empire’s teleportation station, the effect is not so good. As for teleporting back, you don’t have to worry about it. Players can use City Return Scroll directly.

“The words are correct, but this Teleportation Array, the place of transmission is a bit different.” Shi Feng understands Nether Orchid’s worries and worries, lightly said with a smile.

“Aren’t all NPC cities sent?” Nether Orchid was puzzled.

Even if it can be transferred to Empire’s Imperial Capital, it will not help Zero Wing’s status quo.

“It is indeed an NPC city, but this NPC city is a bit different.” Shi Feng nodded, slowly said, “I say that, I guess you won’t understand it. Now the Teleportation Hall has been built, please contact me War Spirit Uprise and Crimson Emperor, the two Big Guilds, came to Silver Wing City and said I have something to discuss.”

“Will you invite them over now?” Nether Orchid was puzzled.

Nowadays, all major Super Organizations are shrinking their spheres of influence, and each and everyone is not very good. Even if two Big Guilds are asked to come and help, I am afraid it will not be able to solve the Zero Wing’s dilemma.

“Yes, that’s right now, it’s probably hard to eat a Guild for Zero Wing, so I need some help.” Shi Feng nodded.

“Guild Master, what are we going to do?” Nether Orchid couldn’t help but curiously asked.

Today’s Zero Wing is already quite powerful, and it has two Super Organizations to help it. It’s hard to imagine what kind of big action this is going to do, especially at the time of this NPC explosion. Above, a bad one can easily cause problems.

Shi Feng laughed, pretending to be flat and said: “Nothing, just let Zero Wing become a real God’s Domain giant from now on!”

PS: Thanks to the Frozen Throne for the reward 10000!

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