silver wing city, Nancheng District.

On a sparsely populated street, four players wearing black cloaks walked slowly into an alley. Each and everyone also observed the movement of all around from time to time to prevent being followed by others.

After the four of them have been deep into the alley for a certain distance, it is determined that there is no player to follow, and each and everyone relaxes slightly.

“I really don’t know what this Guild Master Black Flame means, so we must be cautious and must not be noticed by others.” A beautiful female Knight with short shoulder-length hair is slightly slightly Dissatisfied.

“Tsing Yi!” Illusionary Speech, who was wearing a holy white robe, couldn’t help but glared at the female Knight, “This time I made an exception to bring you here. It is better to pay attention to your words and deeds!”

As the Vice-Group Leader of her main group, Tsing Yi is also recognized by Guild as the top three newcomer genius. The main tank of the main group will succeed her as the confidant of the Vice-Guild Master in the future, but she is born half- Super Guild’s is a common problem for newcomers, but it’s not bad at all.

That is to completely ignore people other than half-Super Guild and Super-Guild.

The beautiful woman Knight was stared at by Illusionary Speech, and she didn’t dare to say more quickly.

“Sister Illusionary Speech, I won’t talk about it anymore. You can’t help but take me with you.” The female Knight named Qingyi Lonely said pitifully.

“Pay attention next time.” Illusionary Speech also took a look at the female Knight Tsing Yi alone, no longer said anything, then looked towards Indestructible War Heart and Mu Lingsha on the side, “Sorry, let you watch the joke “It’s normal for newcomers to be a little arrogant. If there is no such arrogance, it is impossible to have such an achievement. The Illusionary Speech Vice-Guild Master does not need to care about us.” Indestructible War Heart is not surprised.

If it is put in other Virtual Games, it is normal for half-Super Guild’s talented rookies to have such arrogance. After all, at the beginning, one half-Super Guild or Super-Guild could unify several Virtual Games. In it, there is no one to stop the king and hegemony, and become such a Guild, how can the peak genius cultivated without some arrogance?

Seeing those new Guilds emerging in Virtual Game, of course I won’t take it seriously.

Because before this, a word has been circulating in the Virtual Game world.

The game of flowing water, Guild of iron.

No matter how the game you play, their half-Super Guild and Super-Guild can’t be shaken. On the contrary, it’s the second-rate Guild that sometimes rises because of a certain game, but then It will not last long because of the decline of some games.

It’s just different now, because God’s Domain has almost become the only existence, and even Great World consortiums are involved. Guilds or forces that rise in God’s Domain have the same influence as before Hundreds and thousands of times of other Virtual Game, it is totally impossible to judge by common sense.

In response to this, although the female Knight Tsing Yi walked alone did not speak, her eyes were faintly dissatisfied.

“But this time Guild Master Black Flame called us over. I don’t know what major event was. I found our two Guilds and ordered to keep it secret.” Mu Lingsha was also curious.

Today’s Zero Wing is definitely like the sun at high noon in God’s Domain. It is also very simple to solve the status quo of Zero Wing’s, that is, let the big consortiums who are optimistic about Zero Wing’s buy shares.

As long as Zero Wing has sufficient funds and background, if you want to keep the sphere of influence in front of you, it is fundamentally with no difficulty.

But Shi Feng didn’t do this. Instead, he asked them and the Big Guild to come over to discuss matters. It was really puzzling. How did Shi Feng want to break this predicament.

“I can’t guess the idea of ​​this Guild Master Black Flame’s, but looking at his approach, I guess this thing is not simple.” Illusionary Speech shook the head, which also raised his hand to surrender.

Shi Feng has brought her too many surprises and miracles. Now she is creating some miracles. There is nothing surprising. After all, Zero Wing has sent the Frost Sky Sword to the sixth alternate seat.

“We don’t have to guess either.” Indestructible War Heart pointed to the area not far away, completely enclosed by high walls, and said, “That should be where the Guild Master Black Flame said. Let’s listen to it. What did he tell us to come over.”

Illusionary Speech and the others looked at the high wall pointed by Indestructible War Heart, and they were slightly surprised.

Totally didn’t expect such a big hidden building hidden in the depths of this alley.

Although these high walls are only more than ten meters, they occupy a large area, which is the size of a stadium. Such buildings are at least High Grade construction level, but so far, there are none. People found out.

And as they walked to the steel gate surrounded by high walls, Indestructible War Heart all four were dumbfounded.

Because there are actually four Adamantite Rank guards above Level 130 in front of the gate, and a 1Level 33 Tier 3 Dark Gold Level Great Mage guard hidden in the dark. This Guard battle strength is not It’s not amazing.

solely relying on the battle strength of these five NPCs, there is no suspense to destroy the current Tier 3 thousand group of players.

The Adamantite Rank guards and Dark Gold Level guards are the treasures of the Big Guilds, and various resources are provided, but now Zero Wing is looking at the door…

” This is a private territory, what are you doing here?” An Adamantite Rank guard wearing gray leather armor looked at Indestructible War Heart and the others and asked with some unkindness.

“We are invited by the Guild Master Black Flame.”

Indestructible War Heart directly took out the Zero Wing’s invitation letter with the Zero Wing’s Guild Master stamp on it to prove the true and false .

“Magic mark is right.” Tier 3 Assassin nodded wearing gray leather armor, said immediately, “A few of you, please follow me.”


The four Indestructible War Heart also followed Tier 3 Assassin into the gate.

As they walked into the gate, the four of Indestructible War Heart couldn’t help taking a breath.

“Teleportation Hall?!”

“How is this possible! Isn’t this a means of transportation restricted by Kingdom?”

Tsing Yi alone has four fifths With the Teleportation Hall on the floor, I can’t believe it is true.

Didn’t expect Zero Wing unexpectedly to have such a big handwriting, the Teleportation Hall was built in Silver Wing City.

Teleportation Array is still an incomparable Rare thing for the current Super Organizations, not to mention the complete Teleportation Hall.

Perhaps this thing is something that is not common for NPC cities, but for a Guild city, simply is the supreme treasure, a divine object that instantly makes a Guild city rise.

Be aware that God’s Domain is very large, even if it has a flying mount, it will take a long time to fly to a map above 100, not to mention those players who do not have a flying mount.

If it can be easily transmitted to a place close to the 100-level Neutral Map, many forces and Adventure Groups are willing to sell iron. After all, for them, time is money, time is opportunity, no Like those Common players, don’t care, just play slowly.

“No wonder let us come here quietly, this thing is really amazing.” Indestructible War Heart looked at the Teleportation Hall with wry smiles.

“I think this should be War God Temple, one of the official Guild privileges recognized.” Illusionary Speech also looked with envy in his eyes.

With this privilege, it is difficult for a Guild city to develop or not, let alone the environment and geographical location of the silver wing city.

“Yes, this is indeed one of the official Guild’s privileges.”

Only one voice suddenly entered into the ears of the four people of Illusionary Speech, and they answered the Illusionary Speech and all human’s. Questions in the heart.

“Guild Master Black Flame, isn’t this Teleportation Hall the important thing you want to say?” Indestructible War Heart pointed to the Teleportation Hall, filled with puzzlement.

Teleportation Hall this thing is a divine weapon general good thing, as long as it is announced, there is no worry that no one will come to the silver wing city, plus the defense of the silver wing city, will they have the assistance of the Big Guild? There is no difference at all, and they even want to ask Zero Wing in turn.

“Yes, but not all.” Shi Feng nodded, said with a smile, “It’s useless if I tell you now. Come with me.”

Shi Feng did not explain to the four people anymore, and walked directly into the Teleportation Hall.

Indestructible War Heart, Illusionary Speech, Mu Lingsha, Tsing Yi Lone Line looked at each other, and they also followed along.

I saw four people come to the Teleportation Array, flashing in front of them, they came to Heavenly Spring City in Twin Towers Kingdom instantly.

Only how many players are not at all in Heavenly Spring at this time? More than ninety-nine percent of them are NPCs. When these NPCs saw Indestructible War Heart and the others, each and everyone was full of curiosity, like It is like watching Rare animals, observing Indestructible War Heart and the others.

“Let’s go, there are too many people here.” Shi Feng looked at the NPC who was examining them, and then took out a Tier 3 group Teleportation Scroll from the inventory.

Before Indestructible War Heart and the others can react, everyone has appeared in the wild, tens of thousands of yards away from Heavenly Spring.

After that, Shi Feng even summoned out of Thunder Eagle. After riding for more than half an hour, he finally arrived in front of an Ancient Tower that stood up to the clouds and was a thousand meters high.

“Secret Covenant Tower?” Illusionary Speech recognized Ancient Tower at a glance, strangely said, “What are we here for?”

For the secret covenant of Twin Towers Kingdom Tower, she still knows some.

Before the hundredth level, the Secret Covenant Tower was a good place to level up. Of course, for rich newcomers, one piece of Mana Crystal at a time, as long as the player does not die in it, stay as long as you want. How long can you grind mobs inside?

Many Big Guilds brought Guild newcomers to the level quickly, but after a few expansions, there are many places to level up, and almost kill the monsters in the tower. Not giving anything good, so all the Big Guild forces chose to go to other places.

In this way, the mainstream player Level has already surpassed Level 100, and the Secret Covenant Tower has become a thing of the past.

“Become stronger.” Shi Feng smiled and said.

“Become stronger?” Illusionary Speech was slightly surprised, “But our Level has already exceeded one hundred levels.”

“Now the Secret Covenant Tower is more than one hundred. “Shi Feng shook the head, slowly said, “Before the System did not have a major level up, it was up to 9 Level 9, and the number of underground floors was open to ten eighth floor, but now the Secret Covenant Tower has opened to 36 floors. The monster Level is up to Level 150.”

“Illusionary Speech Vice-Guild Master, I think you should understand what it means?”

As Shi Feng finished speaking, no matter what Is it Illusionary Speech or Indestructible War Heart, you can’t help but eyes shined.

Nowadays, player level up is very troublesome, because there are a large number of NPCs robbing Quest and monsters, and there is no good place to level, but Level is the most lacking of players.

If you just turn into a little Mana Crystal and you can farm the crazy monster in the farm, the level up speed is much faster than the outside world.

“Guild Master Black Flame, you mean let us block the tower of the secret covenant, take the tower of the secret covenant as our own, and let the Guild Member level up crazy in it?” Indestructible War Heart is a little excited Said.

After reaching Level 100, it is difficult to rise. It is even harder to make trouble with those NPCs, but if Guild Member can quickly rise to Level 120, then several Guild Members of theirs will attack. Tier 4 profession, but it can be much faster than other Super Organizations.

“no! I didn’t mean to block the tower of the secret agreement.” Shi Feng shook his head.

“That’s it?” Indestructible War Heart was puzzled.

“I want to completely block Heavenly Spring City!” Shi Feng said here, two eyes couldn’t help with a trace of madness, “Except for our three Guild’s players, we will all be cleared out, and we must not let outsiders step out of Heavenly. Half a step to Spring City!”

“Block the entire Heavenly Spring City?” Indestructible War Heart was stunned.

“Guild Master Black Flame, is it a bit too much to do this?” Illusionary Speech was also puzzled, “The Secret Covenant Tower level up is much faster, but it blocks the manpower of an NPC city. Too many. In the era when NPCs are skyrocketing, even if our two Big Guilds are blocked, it will be very difficult.”

Nowadays, the number of NPCs has increased greatly, and the major Super Organizations are extremely short of people, and the blockade An NPC city is not cracking a joke. Even in the declining Heavenly Spring city, the number of foreign players may be more than 100,000. To drive these people away, the manpower and material resources are not cracking a joke. , Not to mention the need for a large number of players to stay for a long time.

“If it’s just for level up, of course it’s not worth it.” Shi Feng walked into the Secret Covenant Tower and pointed to the Teleportation Array on the 2nd floor leading to 19 layers underground, and then looked towards Illusionary Speech and the others, lightly said with a smile, “But what if there is a complete main job Tier 3 inheritance in the Secret Covenant Tower?”

PS: Thank you, Jinglun, for the reward Of 10000!

(Almost four thousand words are provided. The monthly ticket is almost 2500 at present, and the reward is almost ready to be added. However, the recommended ticket is always about one thousand per day -_-| |)

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