“Why are there so many NPCs?”

Purple Jade looked at the talking and laughing NPCs on the street and couldn’t believe it was true.

The West Continent where they are located is a country of islands. The environment here can be said to be very evil, not to mention the NPCs, but there are not many players here.

If it weren’t for the two continents getting closer and closer, many forces and player merchants would come over, I’m afraid the pedestrians on the street would not exceed a hundred.

But what’s the situation?

Just a casual glance, the number of people has already exceeded a thousand, and there are a lot of adventurer NPCs, here the players seem to be a small group of unremarkable existence.

“You have checked, where did these NPCs come from?” Yuan Tiexin pondered for a moment, and couldn’t help asking Tier 3 Ranger behind him.

“It has been checked. I don’t know where these NPCs come from. I only know that these NPCs appear to be directly in the city.” Tier 3 Ranger shook the head, said somewhat anxiously “Now because of the appearance of these NPCs, the number of Adventurers Guild Quests in Major City has dropped sharply, and players can receive fewer and fewer Quests, and…”

“What else?” Yuan Tiexin Asked strangely.

“According to the news we received, many players clashed with some NPCs after leaving the city, and many players were killed, but these are not the most important.” Tier 3 Ranger A little uneasy said, “Now a large number of NPCs have emerged in many Guild towns. Some NPCs are quite restless and have caused a lot of troubles. According to our observations, we found that these NPC forces have started to investigate us secretly… “

“How is this possible?” Purple Jade was also dumbfounded.

Those NPCs who are supposed to only give them Quests are now investigating them secretly. No matter how you listen to it, you feel that they have one’s hair stand on end, as if the doll toy in hand suddenly came alive, secretly Observe their every move the same.

At this time, it wasn’t just Heavenly Secret Pavilion who was shocked by the sudden explosion of NPC, and the Great Influence and players of God’s Domain were also panicked.

“What the hell is this? How come there are so many NPCs grabbing Quest?”

“What is Quest grabbing! I always feel that those NPCs look like our players, like It depends on the general Variation Type, and even some bars directly refuse our players to enter.”

“What are you guys, you didn’t come in the wild, now the NPCs in the wild are better than our players Many, even those NPCs formed a group to grab Dungeon. This is the Dungeon that we finally found!”


All Great Influence and the majority of Free players are on the forum for a while , Talking about this sudden change.

each and everyone seems to have really come to Other World. Originally there should only be a fight between players, but now there is a fight between player and NPC, and it’s still difficult for players to fight. Which NPCs have passed.

Because those NPCs are not only powerful, but they are also crowded. Players are not dominant in number. The only advantage is that they are not afraid of death, but they will be troublesome if they die too much.

But those NPCs also know this, so each and everyone not at all forge feuds with the player. Many of them are a lesson to make the player retreat. Only some dark NPCs It doesn’t matter at all.

Compared with those Free players, the Great Influences are also quite big.

“Damn! There are so many NPCs!”

“Each and everyone is not staying in the NPC city, but is still making trouble in our Guild town, making a lot of business impossible I did it.”

“For the first time, the forces will be looting the mines and transport teams. It’s simply too hateful!”

each and everyone The forces felt that they were guarding Guild town for the first time. It is so difficult to transport Quest with which large, even some Super Organizations have experienced the taste of being bullied for the first time.

But now the NPC is so powerful that it is not something that the major player forces can fight against. Even the major Super Organizations have to abandon many development plans and start Guard’s current turf. As for the inferior forces They all began to abandon some Guild towns and sites, and concentrated Strength in some important areas and Guild towns.

For a while, all the player forces in God’s Domain have begun to shrink, and at the same time they are madly recruiting people to resist, and more and more NPC forces are attacking.

silver wing city, Zero Wing Residence.

Because of the sudden increase in the number of NPCs and many things that have happened, many senior leaders of Zero Wing’s also gathered together to study how to deal with these NPCs.

“Guild Master, in order to consolidate their own power, each Great Influence has begun to recruit people frantically, and even started to spend a lot of money to hire those Tier 3 NPCs from Adventurers Guild to guard the town of Guild, we will never If you act, I am afraid that some powerful Tier 3 NPCs will be snatched away by Great Influence.” Liang Jing looked towards Shi Feng very anxiously looking at the information she just collected.

The increase in NPCs is beyond the expectations of all players.

The original NPC changes were already a little troublesome. Now the number of NPCs obviously exceeds the number of players. Such changes are not just troubles, but disasters.

Now that the three Guild cities of Zero Wing’s are all in the main traffic arteries, they have great potential for development. According to the feedback below, many NPC forces have taken a fancy to their Zero Wing’s Guild city, but now Each and everyone are secretly investigating their Zero Wing’s strength before they didn’t do anything. When investigating their Zero Wing’s strength, I’m afraid they will do it.

If the NPC forces do it, it will be more troublesome than the player forces. Although the probability of direct siege is low, it is not possible. Even if the NPC forces do not attack the city, it is enough to make daily troubles solely Zero Wing drank a pot, it would be a nightmare to send a large number of NPCconceal directly on the transportation route of Guild city.

So they must act quickly now to improve Guild’s Defense Strength as much as possible.

“Yes, Guild Master, if it is slow, those powerful Tier 3 NPCs will be snatched by the Great Influence!”

The people who are on the scene to manage the town of Guild are also nodded. Agree, the situation is not as good as others, that is, those Super Organizations have to bow their heads and shrink their power, and a large number of NPCs who hire Adventurers Guild at high prices. If they don’t act on Zero Wing, it will be too late.

After all, the number of Tier 3 NPCs that Adventurers Guild can hire is limited, and the rest of the people are gone if other forces are gone.

Although their Zero Wing also has a lot of very powerful Tier 3 guards, but this Tier 3 guard wants to maintain the safety of the three cities, it is really a drop in the bucket.

Moreover, it is too difficult to recruit Tier 3 guards directly. At most, it is only to recruit some Tier 2 NPCs with good potential. In addition, it is not easy to train guards. Everyone is expensive. If they were trained, they would die in battle.

But the NPCs who hire the Adventurers Guild don’t have to worry, they die if they die. They just pay for the hire and don’t need to spend a lot of money to resurrect these NPCs.

“No need.” Shi Feng shook the head, slowly said, “Hiring Tier 3 NPCs from Adventurers Guild is indeed a way, but it is not a long-term solution. After all, the cost of hiring is too expensive. , Anyone needs at least one hundred gold a day, and one hundred is more than 10,000 gold. Guard a small city needs at least five-six hundred people, and five or six ten thousand gold a day.”

A Guild city spends five or six ten thousand gold a day, and those Super Organizations can afford it. For them Zero Wing is different. Their Zero Wing was originally a big gold user, and the daily operation of Guild relies entirely on it. Selling gold coins, so they can’t afford to play Zero Wing.

“But now many NPCs are making trouble in the city. Fortunately, we have Tier 4 NPCoversee. Those Great Influence NPCs don’t dare to mess around. But if those NPC forces act from the outside, we will It’s hard to manage.” Nether Orchid is also a little worried.

Before facing those players, they still have the power to fight, now facing those Tier 3 NPCs whose Levels are always at one hundred and three Level 40, and even with Tier 3 NPCs whose Level reaches 150 and Level 60, this pair Their Zero Wing is quite disadvantageous.

The only thing that can fight is those NPCPersonal Guards, but these have to maintain city safety and are basically impossible to take out.

“Then it doesn’t matter.” Shi Feng laughed.

“???” Nether Orchid couldn’t help being taken aback.

No matter?

Don’t say it’s Nether Orchid at this time, all the Zero Wing executives present were stunned on the spot.

Whatever it means?

If you leave it alone, where will the income of the three Guild cities come from?

If you don’t have business, don’t even want to enter the city for the items sold by NPCs, so that the attraction of the players in Guild City will be much less, and NPC Merchant is also one of the Guild City. A large source of income is even the key to the development of Guild City.

“Starting today, all three of our Zero Wing’s Guild cities are forbidden from outside NPCs. As for those NPC Merchants, they can be listed, but only a maximum of ten people are allowed in a store.” Shi Feng is not surprising. Talking endlessly, “In addition, all players who want to enter the three Guild cities of Zero Wing, the entrance fee will be raised to 20 silver coins, and all store rents will be doubled, but the cooperative forces can get a 20% discount.”

“Guild Master?”

Zero Wing was present and everyone looked at Shi Feng. Each and everyone had a big mouth, and was completely shocked by what Shi Feng said just now.

Is this going to die?

NPCs are not allowed to enter this can indeed prevent NPCs from making trouble, but it also prevents the development of Guild City. After all, players receive Quest from NPCs, and there is no shortage of NPCs for many item purchases. If this is rejected This is equivalent to cutting the city’s income by more than half.

As for the subsequent entrance fee to rise to twenty silver coins, the store rent is doubled. This is simply the rhythm of wanting all players to leave the city.

If their Zero Wing really did this, it would definitely die without a burial site.

“Go ahead, I have my own reason.” Shi Feng looked at the silent people, stopped explaining, and left the Conference Hall directly.

Before the great level up of the former life, there were a lot of Tier 3 players for each Great Influence. The Tier 4 profession has a little bit. Now the NPC population has exploded more than the former life, but the number of Tier 3 professions for each Great Influence But it is very rare, each Great Influence will only lose more than the former life.

Now Zero Wing is indeed good, with Tier 4 NPCoversee, but it is impossible to maintain law and order in the three Guild cities.

The only solution now is to use quick sword cuts through tangled hemp to completely prevent NPCs from entering Guild City. After that, Guild Member will go all out to enter the Secret Covenant Tower and increase the level and strength of Guild Member, or else it will come later. The skyrocketing NPC population and the invasion of NPC forces will only be more terrifying.

Not long afterwards, the three Guild cities of the Zero Wing Guild announced Shi Feng’s resolutions. The three Guild cities will completely reject the entry of foreign NPCs, and the entrance fee and rent have risen sharply.

As soon as the announcement came out, all three cities boiled over.

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