Storm Empire, the capital of storms.

The early morning sun shines on the resident of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, but this cold sun cannot be felt by anyone in the fiery Heavenly Secret Pavilion.

Because of the end of the seat competition, the appearance of many geniuses and powerhouses in the seat competition has become the focus of Heavenly Secret Pavilion. In order to organize the information of these people, and also in the next issue of Wind and Clouds Before the List went on sale, a new Ranking List was arranged, and the entire Heavenly Secret Pavilion became extremely busy.

Each and everyone is not sending information, or sorting out the detailed information sent. The fiery busyness completely makes everyone at Heavenly Secret Pavilion forget the time, day and night.

“Uncle Yuan, the strength of Zero Wing this time is really amazing. A Tier 4 Sword Emperor, a Tier 4 wizard who is suspected of mastering the Tier 4 Destruction Spell, is now Guild recognized by the War God Temple, even the major Super Organizations will be afraid of Zero Wing.” Purple Jade looked at the Zero Wing’s details in his hand and was also amazed.

Zero Wing Guild can be said to be the Guild they grew up watching.

From the very beginning, the little Guild, who is not even the Third-Rate Guild, has slowly developed into a Big Guild that can challenge the First-Rate Guild. Later, he participated in the battle of the Super Organization. It was standing on the stage of the world, helping Frost Sky Sword to get the sixth seat, shocking countless forces in God’s Domain mainland in one fell swoop.

Now even if the major Super Organizations do not want to admit it, Zero Wing already has the qualifications for the Super Organization to take it seriously.

The only difference is the background. There is no terrifying population and expert number of the Super Organization, and there is no wide range of Guild activities.

But now they are all broken by a Tier 4 profession!

“That’s right, but don’t forget to be lonely at the top, especially Guild like Zero Wing, which relies entirely on a few people for support. Every step Guild walks is a tightrope walk. Wrongly consigned to eternal damnation, now Zero Wing has become the focus of all forces in God’s Domain.” Yuan Tiexin shook the head, said in a low tone, “Tier 4 profession promotion is too difficult, you should know this. However, Zero Wing seems to have two promotion, you should be very clear about what this means.”

“Uncle Yuan, you mean…Zero Wing has mastered the channels for promotion to the Tier 4 profession.” Purple Jade is also forbearance Can’t help being a little shocked.

Tier 4 profession According to their Heavenly Secret Pavilion information, in addition to the level limit of Level 120, the most difficult thing is to find a place for Tier 4 inheritance. At present, their Heavenly Secret Pavilion has no trace to be found.

If Zero Wing really mastered the method of finding the place of Tier 4 inheritance, then this is very terrifying!

“This is just speculation. There is no evidence yet, and I think the probability is not big. God’s Domain is more fair after all. If you can find the place of Tier 4 inheritance so easily, neither will the Tier 4 profession It will be one of God’s Domain.” Yuan Tiexin still shook his head. “But even so, the attraction to the Great Influence is also very deadly.”

“solely what we currently get from Heavenly Secret Pavilion According to internal intelligence, there are already more than a dozen Super Organizations preparing to put pressure on Zero Wing, not to mention that there are many enemies in Zero Wing’s. There is the Blood Alliance on the Dragon Heart Island at sea and the Dark Night Empire on the dark Great World begin to stir. , Star-Moon Kingdom has the hand of the Sacred Heart glare like a tiger watching his prey.”

“And Star Ring, as the Zero Wing old rivals, has been a series of actions recently. It seems that there are The big plan, if these Super Organizations work together, even if Zero Wing has Black Flame, the Sword Emperor, and the Sorcerer oversee, Guild will hardly not be destroyed.”

Purple Jade, his expression is also Ugly.

I don’t know if I don’t analyze it. This analysis is simply scary.

A Quasi Super Influence is fighting in three parties, and the opponents are all Super Organizations, or they have Super Organizations as the backstage. If this is said, I’m afraid it will make people desperate, but Zero Wing can survive to now. ……

This is simply called a miracle.

Of course, maybe Shi Feng and the others are not afraid of those Super Organizations, but a Guild is different. Guild that many people want to start simply too easy, and if a Guild does not have a lot of manpower, many Nothing will be done. The simplest collection of resources is enough to make Shi Feng and the others collapse, let alone run a town and a city.

“These are just East Continent that’s all. Zero Wing is not restless on the Western Continent. I heard that many Super Organizations in the Western Continent are interested in Xinghui Fortress.” Yuan Tiexin looked at Purple Jade Surprised expression, became silent laughed, “Now you should understand why Zero Wing has been walking a tightrope? The next step is to see how Black Flame should choose.”

“It’s done, you can avoid it. This calamity, based on the foundation laid by Zero Wing now, will definitely be able to go further in the future.”

“If you don’t go well, it is consigned to eternal damnation!”

Yuan Tiexin said finally In a few words, the tone is full of affirmation, because no one knows one thing better than him, and that is the driving force behind this time, which is probably the myth of fantasy.

This is a huge monster. Whether in the Virtual Game world or in the real world, the myth of fantasy is deep and unmeasurable. Even now, their Heavenly Secret Pavilion is afraid of the existence of three points.

Just as Yuan Tiexin and Purple Jade were chatting, there was a sudden rush of footsteps outside the door.

I saw an 11Level 4 Tier 3 Ranger hurriedly pushing in. Yuan Tiexin couldn’t help but browse slightly wrinkle. He was very dissatisfied with this Tier 3 Ranger’s panic.

“What’s going on in such a hurry?” Yuan Tiexin asked in a low voice.

“Not good! Elder Yuan, a major event! Heaven-shaking major event!” Tier 3 Ranger wiped the sweat from his forehead and quickly said, “Not long ago, we Heavenly News came from the branches of Secret Pavilion, and now there are many NPCs on the streets of Major City.”

“The NPCs appeared as soon as they appeared. What’s the surprise of the mobs?” Yuan Tiexin Not at all concerned.

With the development of towns in God’s Domain, NPCs have gradually increased, which can be said to be normal, and player and NPC are completely two worlds, and there will not be much overlap between the two sides.

“But that number is too much.” Tier 3 Ranger said anxiously.

“How many are there?” Yuan Tiexin strangely said.

“Too many! I don’t know how many there are.” Tier 3 Ranger swallowed his mouth and pointed out the window and said, “It’s still Elder Yuan. Look at it for yourself. Now this thing has caused a sensation. The player in the town is now.”

“A sensation?” Yuan Tiexin was puzzled.

However, Yuan Tiexin felt that the Ranger in front of him should be right, and he stood up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the hall.

As the picture outside the floor-to-ceiling windows slowly printed in front of him, Yuan Tiexin was stunned on the spot, unable to say a word for a long time.

“Uncle Yuan?”

Purple Jade looked at the motionless Yuan Tiexin, he was very surprised and couldn’t help but step forward to check.

On the resident street outside the window, there are NPCs everywhere. These NPCs talking and laughing are 50% groups, and there are many NPCadventurers wearing gorgeous equipment. The minimum level of each and everyone is above Level 120, strong Even reaching 19Level 4, the lowest level is in Tier 2 profession, generally Tier 3 profession.

In addition to these NPCadventurers, there are also a large number of NPCCommon people. You can also see NPC children playing stone-throwing games on the street. There are also children holding wooden swords to fight each other.

The number of these NPCs accounted for more than 80% of the total number of people on the street…

PS: A new chapter opens. Zero Wing will also start the Tier 4 world journey, everyone too I need to add more fuel. The standard of 3,000 recommended tickets a day is really not high. As for the monthly ticket, it can be added if it is less than 80 tickets.

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