Weike, the Tier 3 butler at Level 180, looked at the certification order in Shi Feng’s hand for a long time.

“Yes, this is indeed the Guild certification order of the War God Temple.” Veken nodded, looking at Shi Feng’s with respect, said slowly, “Mr. Respected Guild Master, you The certification order is correct, but with Common Guild’s level, I am afraid that we cannot enter the Royal City of Twin Towers Kingdom. You can only choose other cities in Twin Towers Kingdom to enter.”

“Sure enough, you still can’t enter. Is it?” Shi Feng didn’t have too many surprises in Veken’s denial, “In this case, let’s Zero Wing settle in Heavenly Spring City”

Although it is Guild recognized by War God Temple , But it’s just recognition. Twin Towers Kingdom, who thought it was such a downfall, might have a chance. After all, Twin Towers Kingdom is now scorched by the abyss monster.

But now it seems that he still underestimated Twin Towers Kingdom.

But if you think about it carefully, the Space-Time Tower and the Secret Covenant Tower of the Former Life Twin Towers Kingdom illuminate the entire God’s Domain continent. The background is by no means comparable to other Kingdoms.

Even if it seems to be downright now, but after the big level up, the NPCs of Twin Towers Kingdom will appear in large numbers. When the time comes, it will be a matter of time before the form reversal, otherwise he will not be anxious. I ran over and entered early.

“There is no problem, please follow me, I will handle the formalities for you.” Veken then took Shi Feng to the 3rd floor office lobby.

Shi Feng can clearly feel that there are a lot more NPCs in the lobby.

The Tier 3 profession that was hard to see before, there are more than a dozen at a glance. The low level reaches Level 140, the high one can reach 18Level 2, which is not easy for the current Tier 3 player. Confrontational.

It is foreseeable that after a large number of NPCs return, a large number of Tier 3 NPCs will emerge in the entire Twin Towers Kingdom. With the battle strength of these NPCs, they want to regain the Twin Towers Kingdom and drive the abyss monster back to the abyss It’s not an impossible thing.

He chose Heavenly Spring City which is the nearest NPClarge city to the Secret Covenant Tower.

Although the current Heavenly Spring City, in Twin Towers Kingdom, it is not even ranked in the Top-10 top five, but after the big level up, the Secret Covenant Tower has become a better place than Space-Time Tower local.

Because the Secret Covenant Tower is a sacred land where you can level up and obtain Guild resources.

Before God’s Domain turned on the big level up, level up was a normal thing for the player, but after the system big level up, the level up became a death to the player. trip.

If you don’t have strong strength, the moment you leave NPCMajor City, the player must be prepared desperately, because both NPCs and wild monsters use their own thinking. Will be played by the player farm like a fool.

For issues related to life and death, both NPC and monster will work hard.

So the player goes in the wild grind mobs. It’s not simply boring to fight monsters to get the Experience Point, but to bet on the battle of life and death. If the difference in strength between the two sides is not obvious, you can It is said that every battle is very troublesome, and even players are afraid to deal with monsters with too high Level.

Of course, when the difficulty of hitting to kill monster increases greatly, the experience point of hitting to kill monster is not comparable to what it used to be. The experience point of each monster is more than ten times the previous one, but This matter of level up has become more and more laborious.

But it’s different in the Secret Covenant Tower.

There are countless monsters suppressed in different spaces under the secret covenant tower. These monsters are already crazy, there is no thinking or intelligence, and some are just killing.

The monster Experience Point inside is the same as the outside world. The only difference is that you need to pay Mana Crystal to enter. As for these monsters, don’t think about explosive coins or Mana Crystal. They are explosive. The material value is negligible.

But there is an advantage in the secret covenant tower.

There are ancient civilizations hidden in that different space. The deeper the layers, the better the ancient civilizations that can be obtained, such as the design creation of weapon equipment, such as the medicine formula of Master Level. For example, the Tier 3 profession of ancient civilization has a complete inheritance.

That’s right!

The complete inheritance of the Tier 3 profession is completely different from the scattered Tier 3 inheritance from the outside world. As long as the complete inheritance is obtained, the difficulty of a player’s promotion to the Tier 3 profession can be reduced by a bit, allowing Guild to have a large number of Tiers. 3 profession’s expert, it can be said that as long as Guild gets it, it will become the treasure of Guild’s town club, which is a hundred times more precious than the Lesser Legendary Item.

However, the complete Tier 3 inheritance is below the eighth floor of the underground ten. This is also the place that was opened after the God’s Domain System leveled up. In the early stage, the secret covenant tower was only the player leveled before the hundredth level. It is no longer suitable for players to enter after level 100.

However, after the System level up, the Secret Covenant Tower changed.

Because of the complete Tier 3 inheritance, Guild’s strength can skyrocket.

That’s why the Great Influence of God’s Domain East Continent swarmed, and made the secret tower famous God’s Domain. Twin Towers Kingdom has become one of the most dazzling Kingdoms in God’s Domain, Heavenly Spring. The city has therefore become the NPC main city of the second only to Royal City.


In a short while, the manager Veken completed all the formalities for Zero Wing to officially enter Heavenly Spring City.

“Respected Zero Wing Guild Master, this is your Guild order from Heavenly Spring City.” Weike took a pale-gold Token to Shi Feng and slowly explained, “This piece Heavenly Spring City Guild has part of the authority to manage Heavenly Spring City. However, your Guild will also be responsible for the security and development of Heavenly Spring City. As Guild officially stationed in Heavenly Spring City, Zero Wing will receive 10% of Heavenly Spring City’s pure The income is used as maintenance and management fees.”

“No problem, we Zero Wing will manage Heavenly Spring City well and make Heavenly Spring City the best city in Twin Towers Kingdom.” Shi Feng nodded said.

Guild cannot be changed arbitrarily after entering the city. It can be said that if one prospers, all prospers if one suffers, all suffers with the city, because of this, even if you have the qualification to enter the city, you must choose carefully .

It’s just that this has nothing to do with Shi Feng.

Heavenly Spring City is destined to become one of the cores of God’s Domain East Continent. It can surpass many Kingdom’s Royal City in various funds and resources. It will develop well in the future, and it can even be compared with Empire’s Imperial Capital. Competing is not impossible.

“Wish you sir you can achieve this beautiful goal.” Veken was also slightly surprised, didn’t expect Shi Feng so confident.

“Now that our Zero Wing is officially stationed in Heavenly Spring City, can we enable the city teleportation of Heavenly Spring City now?” Shi Feng couldn’t help asking.

Entering Heavenly Spring City to obtain resources is only one of them.

What is really important to Zero Wing is the city teleportation. This is the reason why the major Super Organizations are frantically competing for seats.

“Of course, but the cost of binding the large Teleportation Array in Heavenly Spring City needs to be paid by your Guild.” Vikenodded said with some joy.

“How much does a large Teleportation Array cost?” Shi Feng couldn’t help asking.

“For one, the material cost is 100,000 gold coins, there are 30,000 Mana Crystals, and the labor cost is 5,000 gold.” Weike calculated the calculation, “A total of 100,000 gold and three Ten thousand Mana Crystals”

“You are really cruel, just some Common materials, you actually want hundreds of thousand gold.” Shi Feng couldn’t help but be speechless.

If it was before, he might not care about it, but he who has built the Teleportation Array knows very well that the basic materials are not much money at all, and the cost is at most thousands of gold.

“no no no, we use the best materials in Twin Towers Kingdom. After a thousand years of use, there will be no problems.” Veken shook the head, very sincerely.

“Okay, one hundred thousand is one hundred thousand, but I want to get it all done in two hours.” Shi Feng looked at the time and said.

Now after the big level up, almost a whole day has passed.

And the 2nd day after God’s Domain leveled up was also the first wave of the NPC population explosion, and the darkest moments of Great Influence began to really come.

“That’s okay. May I ask which Guild city you want to establish a Teleportation Array?” Veken is self-confident.

“silver wing city!” Shi Feng thought for a while and said.

In the future, the development of Zero Wing’s and the defense against the Sacred Heart will mainly rely on the silver wing city, so the development of the silver wing city is also imperative.

“Although it is a little far away, as long as you pay the fee, adults, we will start to act immediately.” Weike looked at the map, clenching one’s teeth and said.

For Shi Feng not saying anything further, he took out 100,000 gold and 30,000 Mana Crystals, which made Veco very excited. After receiving the gold coins and Mana Crystal, he turned around and left. After leaving the reception room, it was obvious that he went to the silver wing city non-stop.

“The next step will be to see how much the first wave of population outbreaks are.” Shi Feng looked at Veken who was leaving, his eyes were a lot more serious, “I hope the number of people will not be too many.”

Although I hurried to catch up, I still caught up, but in the end it depends on the degree of population outbreak. If it is too serious, Zero Wing may not be able to bear it. After all, Tier 3 has too little battle strength.

Because the bottom line for maintaining the law and order of Guild town is Tier 3 battle strength, Tier 4 battle strength can barely control some situations.

At six o’clock in the morning, the sun slowly rises from the sky, and the dazzling sunlight shines on the major cities of God’s Domain.

It symbolizes that a new day has begun for God’s Domain.

PS: Thank you valou for the 50000 reward!

(First Volume is finally finished, the Second Volume Kingdom will be opened tomorrow, and the Tier 4 world will be completely opened.)

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