The female Knight Yu Bai was shocked when she heard cold glint Shiying’s words, and her brain didn’t even react for a long time.

“How is this possible!” Yu Bai said almost instinctively, “That’s nearly 900 Tier 3 experts. It takes less than ten minutes from the start of the pre-selection battle to the end. How could they interact with each other? Can the fight come over?”

If there is not a big gap between Tier 3 experts, it will take as little as two minutes and as long as four or five minutes to end the battle.

It can be said that this is already common sense in God’s Domain.

From player to Tier 3 profession, no one has a lot of magic skills to save lives. There is no problem in fighting a war of attrition, so there is a saying that Tier 3 profession is easy to defeat, but difficult to kill.

“no! They are not at all fighting each other.” Cold glint Shiying shook his head slightly and calmly said, “According to the insider, most of the foreign aid teams chose to abstain.”


Yubai became more confused, and even felt that the more he delved into this matter, the more he couldn’t understand it.

In the gloomy hall, there are the same puzzles as Yu Bai, as well as the Boundless Distance who just got the news and many other high-level Super Organizations.

“Are they crazy? Most people choose to abstain!” Boundless Distance looked at the subordinates reporting the news in front of them, and couldn’t help cursing, “You can check it out for me immediately, but anyone who chooses to abstain People, their advantage is that they don’t even think about it!”

There are so many people who do not do well, and they can kill Zero Wing!

“Wuya Vice-Guild Master.” Berserker in gray robe shrank his head and whispered, “Those who abstained… are not our Guild’s foreign aid.”

“What about our foreign aid?” Boundless Distance asked rhetorically.

“Our foreign aid?” Gray robe Berserker looked at Boundless Distance and hesitated for a while and said: “They were all killed by Zero Wing’s Black Flame, and it’s not just our God’s Vestige foreign aid, those three The Guild foreign aid that we teamed up with was also killed by Black Flame alone…”

“Are you sure they were talking about Black Flame alone? Not that they were playing you?” Boundless Distance couldn’t help but ask Tao.

“I also confirmed with them that it was indeed done by Black Flame alone, and none of the four 100-Man survived.” gray robe Berserker nodded.

“A person? Did you kill four hundred Tier 3 experts?” Boundless Distance suddenly felt a little dizzy.

In other words, the amount of information is a little too large, which makes his brain unable to react to this information, and even feels that all of this is a dream in front of him.

“According to the reactions of those in the foreign aid group, Black Flame has mastered the Magic Domain. The Magic Domain is unheard-of. The Tier 3 expert has no battle strength in the Magic Domain, and even moves. Hard…” Gray Robe Berserker also said brace oneself.

The player masters Magic Domain, and Magic Domain is still so strong. If someone tells him about this kind of thing now, he will think this person is crazy, otherwise he is a newcomer to God’s Domain, and he doesn’t know what it is. Magic Domain.

“Magic Domain?” Boundless Distance sounded silly, “How could he master Magic Domain?”

At this time, it’s not just Boundless Distance. The major Super Organizations that came to the news were also unbelievable, because the news was simply more unacceptable than Shi Feng’s complete destruction of the foreign aid group.

In God’s Domain, mastering Magic Domain is the criterion for judging the strength of NPCs. As long as you master Magic Domain, it is basically a powerhouse in God’s Domain.

This powerhouse is not only in the player, but the entire God’s Domain continent!

And after receiving the exact news from the Sword of Frost, there was still silence and death, especially Yu Cang’s face was simply more ugly than salted fish.

Because no one in the entire Sword of Frost Tian believes what Shi Feng said before, they seem to be jokes and big talks, and Yu Cang also mocked Shi Feng’s arrogant ignorance.

But now the facts tell them that all of this is true, and it is more terrifying than Shi Feng said.

“Lao Hong, do you and Muxin know this from the very beginning?” Yulong Qijue couldn’t help asking Xiang Hong Xinyi.

“I know some.” Hong Xinyi smiled and said, “But out of confidentiality, I didn’t tell anyone else.”

Muxin is also nodded, just for this She was also surprised by the record.

Didn’t expect Shi Feng’s Magic Domain will be so strong, even more than ten times stronger than the Magic Domain she felt at the beginning.

“You are really concealing us so hard.” Yulong Qijue looked at Hong Xinyuan, who was indifferent, and when he thought of the situation with Shi Feng’s at the time, she also said with a bitter smile, “So about Zero Wing’s things will be handed over to you later.”

Hong Xinyuan glanced at Yucang who was completely silent, faintly smiled: “Guild Master, don’t worry.”

With the end of the pre-selection battle, news about Zero Wing’s began to fly all over the sky, especially about Black Flame’s. For a while, many Great Influences who came to watch the game were shocked.

The power of one person dominates the quota of foreign aid, not to mention, even master the legendary Magic Domain.

This record instantly spread the name of Black Flame throughout Fire Dragon Empire and became the focus of discussion among the majority of players. Even many Fire Dragon Empire players wanted to join Zero Wing, the Quasi Super. Influence.

War God Temple, the lounge of the fantasy myth.

“Vice-Guild Master is a bit difficult to handle now. Black Flame has not only mastered the Magic Domain, but is now completely famous in Fire Dragon Empire. Our subsequent acquisition plan may be difficult to achieve. “Yu Bai watched the Fire Dragon Empire forums talk about the name of Black Flame everywhere, and couldn’t help but anxiously said, “And this time maybe it will affect our support for God’s Vestige.”

God’s Vestige Guild Yes They chose Guild to cooperate with God’s Vestige, and God’s Vestige’s Guild background and strength are also above the Sword of Frost, but this time there is no foreign aid. There is Zero Wing on the Sword of Frost, and the gap between the two sides has narrowed a lot.

“This Black Flame has indeed become a big variable now.” Cold glint Shiying glanced at the report about the situation of the battle, and a hint of Smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. “But it is only a master of Magic Domain That’s all, the battle for seats can’t change anything by one person. What’s more, this time the battle for seats, the Black Flame will not last long, the adult said, this time he personally took the initiative to punish Black Flame!”

“Does that adult want to take action?” Yu Bai was also surprised when he heard it.

“Well, that Black Flame probably thought he was Invincible after he had mastered Magic Domain. I didn’t know that there is Heaven beyond the Heaven, and Magic Domain could not help him either.” Cold glint Shiying looked at his hands For more information about Shi Feng’s, said with a sneer.

Magic Domain is strong, but in the face of absolute Strength, it is completely useless.

While the major Super Organizations of Fire Dragon City were quietly waiting for the opening of the seat competition, Shi Feng also quietly came to a bar called Yuehuo in the suburbs of Fire Dragon City.

At this time, there was only one woman sitting quietly at the table drinking in the bar.

This woman is wearing a light azure exquisite mage robe, and countless people can be overwhelmed by the back of Allure, and every move will make people can’t help but take the initiative to pay attention, but the temperament that this woman exudes , But as hot as Flaming Roar, people didn’t dare to approach half a step at all.

“You are here.” The woman greeted her naturally when she saw Shi Feng coming in, as if she had seen an old friend she hadn’t seen for a long time.

And this woman is no one else, she is the Pavilion Lord of Dragon Phoenix Pavilion.

Fairy Queen Thousand Rain Phoenix!

PS: Thanks to old smoker 998 for rewarding 10000!

(The owed rewards plus more have all been paid off, the old cat can finally have a good rest o(╥﹏╥)o)

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