For Thousand Rain Phoenix’s sincere invitation, Shi Feng was not polite, and walked over and sat aside.

“But if you haven’t seen it for a while, you have become a lot stronger.” Thousand Rain Phoenix couldn’t help but look at Shi Feng and praised it.

“It’s okay.” Shi Feng said straight to the point, “Are you okay over there?”

This time he suddenly came to Moonfire Bar. Because he received the news of Thousand Rain Phoenix, he was originally a little happy, didn’t expect Thousand Rain Phoenix to appear again, the situation is not at all Duan Han Shan said so bad.

But the moment he saw Thousand Rain Phoenix, he understood.

The matter was more serious than he thought.

Because Thousand Rain Phoenix can’t be called a human in his eyes, all the data on Thousand Rain Phoenix is ​​totally unknown and completely undetectable, and Thousand Rain Phoenix feels like The flowers and trees in God’s Domain are generally fully integrated.

Even Shi Feng himself has an illusion.

That is the feeling that Thousand Rain Phoenix was born in this World from the very beginning.

Thousand Rain Phoenix gave Shi Feng a slightly surprised look, then faintly smiled.

“Say something and something, and say nothing and nothing.”

“That situation is not too bad.” Shi Feng nodded could not help but asked repeatedly, “Then you can tell me What happened?”

The three Pavilion Lords of half-Super Guild’s were all vanish. This incident shocked the major Super Organizations of the entire God’s Domain. If it weren’t for the Dragon Phoenix Pavilion, it could conceal the suppression. It has long been big news in the real world.

“I can’t talk about this.” Thousand Rain Phoenix shook his head and looked towards Shi Feng and said, “I finally came here this time, just to tell you two things.”

Thousand Rain Phoenix’s words are plain, but his eyes are deeply tired.

“What’s the matter?” Shi Feng delved into this not at all.

Because he can feel that Thousand Rain Phoenix is ​​not joking, but serious, then it doesn’t make any sense for him to ask.

“The first thing is I hope you can take care of my younger sister.” Thousand Rain Phoenix took out an information card and handed it directly to Shi Feng, “There is hers on it. Information and residence, I am not with her now. Although her ability is not small, people who trouble her may not be trifled with. I hope you can help solve it.”

Shi Feng watch I clicked the information card, and my whole person was stunned.

Because Thousand Rain Phoenix, the younger sister’s residence, is in the upper zone…

“Aren’t you in the upper zone?” Shi Feng looked towards Thousand Rain Phoenix with questions. .

“Am I in the upper zone?” Thousand Rain Phoenix was also slightly surprised. Afterwards, he seemed to have reacted to something, laughed and said, “Yes, you can say the same, but I am afraid it is difficult to see her now. I can only hope that you can help her. I don’t worry about other people.”

“It’s okay. If I go to the upper zone, I’ll take a look.” Shi Feng nodded agreed. , After all, he is not under the care of Thousand Rain Phoenix, and now it is nothing to help her younger sister.

“Thank you, then.” Thousand Rain Phoenix heard it sighed in relief, and then took a deep breath seriously, “The next thing is my two pieces of advice to you.”

“Advice?” Shi Feng looked at Thousand Rain Phoenix with a very serious expression, and could not help asking, “Is it the hand of the Sacred Heart?”

Thousand Rain Phoenix and the others Suddenly vanish, the news from Duan Han Mountain is related to the Hand of the Sacred Heart, and the Super Organizations seem to be afraid of the Hand of the Sacred Heart.

“No.” Thousand Rain Phoenix shook the head and said seriously, “The first piece of advice is to make you beware of three people.”

“Three people?” Shi Feng slightly slightly doubt.

Forget it if you say you are careful and have no power, Thousand Rain Phoenix actually asked him to be careful of three people, if it weren’t for Thousand Rain Phoenix’s look at this time very serious, and he was half-Super Guild’s Pavilion Lord, He would probably be a joke.

“Yes, there are three people.” Thousand Rain Phoenix slowly said, “I don’t know what these three people are called, because they have various names, but none of them are true. I am the only one. What they can tell you is their characteristics.”

“These three people are a madman, a girl, and a young Scholar-like person. If you meet them, how far and how far you go, absolutely Don’t approach them, or the consequences will be very serious. You must remember this.”

“Are these three people the information?” Shi Feng also took a note, but the amount of information is really a bit less.

“I only know so much.” Thousand Rain Phoenix also shook his head and chuckled, and then said again, “The second piece of advice is simple, that is to store Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone as much as possible. This thing is very, very important, the more the better stored.”

“Your advice is quite true.” Shi Feng was also slightly surprised.

Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone is very important in the former life. For this, he usually does not let Guild’s less people collect it, but Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone is really rare, and there are not many that can be collected.

Just after Shi Feng finished speaking, Thousand Rain Phoenix suddenly got up and stood up, threw three gold coins on the table, and looked towards Shi Feng.

“I have said everything I can say. It depends on you which step you can get next.” Thousand Rain Phoenix said with some earnestness.

“Are you leaving now?” Shi Feng looked at Thousand Rain Phoenix who was about to leave, slightly surprised.

After talking for less than five minutes, he didn’t even have time to ask something, but Thousand Rain Phoenix seemed to be in a hurry.

“Oh, yes.” Thousand Rain Phoenix could not help taking out a dark spar from his pocket and handing it directly to Shi Feng, “I am able to come over this time, thanks to you, this I don’t need a piece of it now, so I’ll give it to you.”

“What the hell is this?” Shi Feng took over the dark spar, which was completely undetectable. The desire to eat the dark spar.

Thousand Rain Phoenix looked at Shi Feng’s eager eyes and couldn’t help but say with a smile: “Don’t eat it, it’s not something to eat.”

Shi Feng was also a little embarrassed, didn’t expect the dark spar in his hand was so powerful, it could affect his mind.

“Don’t worry, I won’t eat this thing.” Shi Feng promised.

“Before leaving, I will send you another word, Tier 4 profession is just the beginning, your…time…”

Thousand Rain Phoenix hasn’t finished talking yet, so Thousand Rain Phoenix vanish was in front of Shi Feng’s, as if it had never existed before.

Shi Feng is the only one left in the huge bar.

“Forced teleportation?” Shi Feng looked at Thousand Rain Phoenix vanish’s space with a slightly surprised look, and then denied, “No, not at all space fluctuation here, it should not be teleportation, but if it is If you log out vanish, it should have a long cast time.”

For the sudden vanish of Thousand Rain Phoenix, Shi Feng has also studied for a long time, and has not worked out a reason.

In the end, I had to give up and turn my eyes to the dark spar in his hand. After all, I now know that Thousand Rain Phoenix is ​​still safe.

“I just used the Observation Skill just now, it’s all unknown. It seems that I can only try it with All-knowing Eye.”

Shi Feng also took a deep breath and started to mobilize all The magic power around to two eyes, staring at the dark spar in his hand.

All-knowing Eye!

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