“The number of passers is 17?”

“Zero Wing seems to have seventeen people, right…”

“What the hell is going on?”

After a brief silence in the hall, all the Super Organization members present could not help but turn their eyes to Shi Feng and the others, and the doubts in their hearts became deeper and deeper.

Although the pre-selection battle is not necessarily a 100-Man pass, it is likely that because there are not enough War God orders, the number of passers will not reach 100, but roughly speaking it should be. It’s only right for 80 people or more.

Currently, only 17 people have passed pre-selection. This number is far beyond the expectations of the major Super Organizations.

Heavenly Dragon Palace, Proud Empire, Demon Sovereign Palace, God’s Vestige, the four Big Guilds, are even more stunned. They don’t understand what happened in the pre-selection battle.

Obviously their four Big Guilds have spent a lot of money to invite four peerless experts from the six Fire Dragon must-have to fight the battle. For this foreign aid battle, it can be said to be a good ten, but now let alone get the top four, it is None of the people passed…

And the most incredible thing is that Zero Wing and the others are safe and sound. None of the four Guild’s foreign aid teams came back. How dare they believe this?

“Check, check it out immediately, I must know what happened in the pre-selection battle now!”

Almost immediately, the Heavenly Dragon Palace in the lobby, Proud Empire, Demon Sovereign Palace, God’s Vestige began to frantically contact their foreign aid group members.

“Vice-Guild Master, will something go wrong in this pre-selection battle?” Yu Bai looked at the stele in the center, his eyes full of surprise.

For Yu Bai’s question, cold glint Shiying glanced at Shi Feng in the distance, and then looked towards the turbulent four Guilds. It was obvious that the four Guild’s did not know what had happened.

“There must be a problem here, but I don’t know what the hell did you do with Zero Wing.” Cold glint Shiying can think of this strange thing must be related to Zero Wing.

900 people went in, and now only 17 people are back. Even if the fighting inside is fierce, it is impossible to come back, let alone all Zero Wing’s people.

While the various Super Organizations in the lobby were frantically investigating this matter secretly, the Sword of Frost Sky was also at a loss.

“Guild Master Black Flame, what happened inside, why are you only back?” Muxin couldn’t help but ask Shi Feng.

Although their Sword of Frost Sky can also be checked, Shi Feng, an insider, is right in front of them. It is better to ask directly.

“Yes, what’s going on in the pre-selection war?” Yu Cang also looked towards Shi Feng, and asked repeatedly, “Where are they?”

Zero Wing Seventeen people from trifling can come back unharmed. Seven Sins Flowers has 83 people. Misfortune is an expert of Control of Domain. Impossible can’t even come back.

Following Muxin and Yucang’s questions, everyone from the Sword of Frost Sky also looked towards Shi Feng, wondering what happened in the pre-selection battle.

For Yu Cang’s question, Shi Feng directly ignored him, and then turned to Muxin.

“Nothing happened inside, it was just some normal team battles that’s all. As for the result, you also saw it.” Shi Feng said flatly.

Shi Feng’s language is simple and clear, and the logic is also tight. It can be said that there is no error. But everyone at the Sword of Frost Sky heard it, but no one believed that even Muxin felt that Shi Feng was cracking a with her. joke.

“Black Flame, are you really an old man and the others a fool? Do you think the old man would believe this?” Yu Cang couldn’t help being furious.

I’m not happy about Shi Feng’s ignoring him, and now he feels that his IQ has been completely trampled by Shi Feng on the ground fiercely.

Everyone who was present at the Frost Sky Sword also agreed very much, and each and everyone looked at Shi Feng with a little contempt.

Although Shi Feng said very reasonable, this is also the most impossible thing.

If they believe it, there will be ghosts!

900 Tier 3 experts, many of them Peak experts and Peak experts, no matter how fierce the battle is, they won’t all be killed, after all, they can’t be beaten and run, and the player’s vitality in that special space And Stamina are greatly restricted, and the difficulty and risk of hunting down is extremely high.

Shi Feng is the team that has the least number of people, and is also the team that is most easily restrained. If the battle is really fierce, then Shi Feng and the others should be the most difficult to come back.

But now?

Seventeen people are not rare, and even the expression is very relaxed. It doesn’t look like a big battle at all, it’s more like going inside for an outing.

“Believing or not is not with me, but with you.” Shi Feng said disapprovingly, “The pre-selection war has ended. If there are no problems, we will go back and rest.”

After talking, Shi Feng turned and left the hall. He didn’t care at all about the Believing or Not of the Sword of Frost. His purpose of coming here was only to reserve places in the three upper zones.

The rest of Zero Wing’s also glanced at the people of Frost Sky Sword, laughed and followed Shi Feng to leave the hall.

The performance of Shi Feng and the others completely left Yu Cang dumbfounded.

He dignified the Frost Sky Five Pillars of the Frost Sky Sword, who is also Guild’s Elder, and was completely ignored by a Guild Master who has no backstage but Quasi Super Influence.

“Look at Hong Xinyi, this is the trump card you invited! Do you dare to invite such a person?” Yucang turned his head and looked towards Hong Xinyi, his heart was completely furious.

Hong Xinyuan was rather indifferent about this, and even was in a good mood. He just spread his hands and said that he had no choice. After all, Shi Feng and the others are back, and their Frost Sky Sword also got 17 Foreign aid quota.

Yucang glanced, couldn’t help but turned to look towards Yulong Qijue, and said angrily: “Guild Master, you have seen the Zero Wing’s people, too. It’s too arrogant. Sword is in the eyes, if they really participate in the seat match next, the consequences will be disastrous.”

“Well, let’s take a look at the situation first.” Scolded.

However, Yulong Qijue’s eyes still glanced at Shi Feng and the others who had left, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

And Shi Feng’s previous words are just normal words, but the whole hall is full of big experts in the Tier 3 profession, and the worst is Realm of Flowing Water. What he said to Shi Feng It is clear.

“This Black Flame is really arrogant to the extreme. It even has this attitude towards the Sword of Frost. I am afraid it will be more difficult for them to walk in the future.” Yu Bai laughed at it, “But then Black Flame is really not afraid that the wind will flash his tongue, 900 people are fighting, but they are all right, so they are all peerless experts!”

If you don’t know the Sword of Frost, it’s fine, but They know very well that nearly half of the 900 people will deal with Zero Wing, and Zero Wing is basically impossible.

After Yu Bai laughed at Shi Feng, the cold glint poetry shadow on the side was surprisingly silent.

“Vice-Guild Master, what’s wrong with you?” Yu Bai looked strangely at the cold glint poetry shadow.

“The news just came from the inside line.” Cold glint Shiying took a deep breath, saying almost every word, “All foreign players participating in the competition…all…destroy!”


PS: Thank you 10,000 for the reward!

(Finally today there is one more update to pay back all the reward chapters so far O(∩_∩)O, the old cat will not say it, and then the code word will go)

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