As Shi Feng’s voice fell in the reception room, the female Cursemancer and the others who walked into the reception room came back to his senses, and each and everyone put away a contempt for Zero Wing.

Although Zero Wing is indeed inferior to the major Super Organizations in terms of the number of Peak experts, Shi Feng, the Magic Domain, is enough to increase the battle strength of a team by a great length, and if the Tier 3 expert is There is no means for Magic Domain, no amount of it is just a joke.

“Guild Master Black Flame is really swift, then I also introduce myself, I am Vice-Guild Master Muxin of Sword of Frost, this time I’m here to represent Guild and invite Zero Wing to join our Alliance of Sword of Frost .” Muxin looked at Shi Feng slowly said.

“Your alliance?” Shi Feng looked at Muxin in surprise.

In his memory, the Sword of Frost Sky has been fighting alone, not at all, what alliance.

“Yes, it’s an alliance to deal with Sacred Plastic Monster together.” Muxin nodded said, “As long as we join the alliance, our super organizations will not only become offensive and defensive alliances, but will also share a lot of intelligence, especially those Sacred Plastic Monster’s activity information, so that even if the Plastic Monster Army wants to do anything, we can prepare in advance to deal with it.”

“What about the conditions for joining?” Shi Feng couldn’t help but ask.

The offensive and defensive alliance is not important to the current Zero Wing, but the activity intelligence of Sacred Plastic Monster is what he wants most. Although the Zero Wing’s member can also collect a lot of Sacred Plastic Monster. Activity intelligence, but compared to the intelligence collectively collected by several major Super Organizations, it’s far from it.

With this information, he can better grasp the trends of Sacred Plastic Monster and let Zero Wing prepare early. After all, dealing with the plastic army is not something that can be done in a short time, even It has been a big problem for Zero Wing for a long time.

“Guild Master Black Flame is thinking too much. What are the conditions for joining the alliance?” Muxin looked at Shi Feng faintly smiled, “If you really want to say it, it’s just getting the approval of our Frost Sky Sword. .”

“Then Zero Wing is now recognized?” Shi Feng asked curiously.

“Of course, and not only is it recognized by our Frost Sky Sword, but I also want to invite Zero Wing to join a confidential operation of our alliance.” Muxin nodded said seriously.

“Confidential operation? Do I have to participate?” Shi Feng asked Muxin with a hint of excitement on his face.

“It is not necessary, but as long as Zero Wing is willing to make a move, I can personally give very generous rewards, such as 50 bottles of Level S Nutrient Fluid, which are currently scarce in all major Super Organizations.” Muxin said seriously. .

I saw Muxin finished speaking in the reception room, standing on the Muxin side, the female Cursemancer and the others couldn’t help looking towards Muxin, the expressions on each and everyone’s faces were indescribable Astonished and surprised.

“Muxin, what are you thinking about? That is absolutely confidential. Even in the alliance, there are only two eligible to get involved. If you invite Zero Wing, even if the Guild Elders agree, I’m afraid those two companies will also have big opinions.” The female Cursemancer looked at Muxin and whispered.

She was not surprised that Muxin agreed to Zero Wing to join the alliance. After all, the silver wing city is there, and the Magic Domain shown by Shi Feng is indeed eligible to join the alliance.

But it was too much to invite Zero Wing directly to join the confidential operation.

Be aware that this confidential operation is extraordinary. In order to obtain this opportunity, their super organizations paid a great price to get this chance. Now they directly invite Zero Wing to join. In her opinion Muxin simply is crazy.

“Don’t worry, this time the share of Zero Wing will be counted on me, so that the two companies won’t have any opinions.” Muxin replied indifferently.

“You are really crazy, when the time comes, I don’t care if Uncle Hong and the others are angry.” The female Cursemancer looked at Muxin who made up his mind and couldn’t help shaking her head.

As the heir to one of the three consortiums supporting the Sword of Frost, the giant stone consortium does hold a considerable share of the number of people involved, but if these shares are used, Guild’s Elders and Guild Masters will definitely have Not a small opinion, a bad opinion may affect the status of the giant stone consortium in Frost Sky Sword.

While watching the female Cursemancer stop talking, Muxin’s gaze also turned to Shi Feng again.

“I don’t know what Guild Master Black Flame means?” Muxin asked again.

“Is it a secret operation that gave fifty bottles of Level S Nutrient Fluid?” Shi Feng pondered for a while and couldn’t help but ask.

For Level S Nutrient Fluid, he is eager to see. Not to mention he needs a lot now. Many core executives of Zero Wing also need Level S Nutrient Fluid to improve. After all, he is not a Super Organization, each and Everyone is supported by a large consortium behind them, and it is much harder to get Level S Nutrient Fluid.

I have to say that Muxin is quite accurate with Zero Wing’s.

“Of course not. Fifty bottles of Level S Nutrient Fluid are only a deposit. If it is really successful, I can also pay an extra 50 bottles of Level S Nutrient Fluid.” Muxin looked at Shi Feng who asked. The corner of his mouth could not help showing a faint smile.

“Okay, on behalf of Zero Wing, I agree to your invitation.” Shi Feng heard the great generosity of a hundred bottles of Level S Nutrient Fluid, almost without hesitation, he agreed, “I just don’t know. When will the confidential operation begin? How many people do I need to send here?”

“The exact time is still uncertain, but now it will take eleven-twelve days at least, as the number of people is the best It’s less than ten people.” Muxin thought for a while and said, “When we are ready, I will let Li Xuan come over to inform in advance.”

“That’s OK, I will do it before then. All preparations.” Shi Feng nodded,

And as Shi Feng agreed to Muxin’s invitation, the two officially signed the contract. Before the confidential operation has started, Muxin will provide fifty bottles first. Level S Nutrient Fluid is given to Zero Wing. As long as the action is successful, Muxin will pay the remaining 50 bottles of Level S Nutrient Fluid within two days.

“Guild Master, do you really want to join the secret operation of the Sword of Frost?” Nether Orchid looked towards Muxin and the others who had left the reception room, and looked towards Shi Feng with concern, “This Frost Since Sword is willing to pay a hundred bottles of Level S Nutrient Fluid, it can be seen that this confidential operation is not small, and even very dangerous. If something goes wrong accidentally, I am afraid that it will not be let go, whether it is Star Ring or Saint Hand of Heart. This chance.”

Currently, Silver Wing Small Town has been promoted to Silver Wing City, and a large number of players and forces have also flooded into Silver Wing City. Now the sole entrance fee has a daily income of more than three hundred thousand gold. Even if you go out to spend and maintain various silver wing cities, you can easily get a net income of more than hundreds of thousand gold, let alone the Quest income from the transportation and trade bank.

In fact, they don’t need to take such risks. They can spend more time and credit points to buy Level S Nutrient Fluid.

“I understand, but we have to have that many time.” Shi Feng said with a bitter smile.

He doesn’t want to agree to Muxin if possible, but Level S Nutrient Fluid is not a Chinese cabbage. Even the Sword of Frost is also a very precious resource. Muxin is willing to pay such a price. Yu.

But one hundred bottles of Level S Nutrient Fluid For the current Zero Wing, it can relieve a lot of pressure, especially when his identity has been exposed, and he wants to buy Level S Nutrient Fluid. easy?

After Shi Feng and Nether Orchid finished talking, Shi Feng also explained all the work of the silver wing city. Alone quietly came to the core secret room of the underground 2-Layer of City Lord Mansion. Be careful Take out a broken Scroll from inventory.

“Although I haven’t made all the preparations yet, in order to succeed in the future actions, I can only Class Change as soon as possible.”

Shi Feng looked at the broken Scroll in his hand, Then he gritted his teeth and spread out this Epic Level inheritance Scroll that I got from the ancient Lich, chanting a paragraph of spells.

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