In the core secret room of City Lord Mansion, as Shi Feng chanting produced a period of Spell, the divine symbol on the inheritance Scroll in Shi Feng’s hand gradually lit up, blooming with multicolored brilliance, instantly illuminating the entire dark secret room.

As the brilliance enveloped the entire secret room, the colorful divine symbols on the Scroll also flowed into the air under the guidance of Spell. In a short while, in midair, there was an extremely dim dark vortex.

This dark vortex is three meters high. The existence of this dark vortex makes the dense core chamber of magic power extremely thin, just like all the giant beasts of Devour, it can’t be filled.

“What a great magic power Devour, how bad is the environment of this inheritance place?” Shi Feng looked at the already extremely thin magic power environment in the room, and couldn’t help being speechless.

For Tier 4 Class Change, he originally planned to challenge after the limit of the breakthrough magic power body, so that the confidence of success will be greater. After all, after Tier 4, Quest is not at all at all. The choice of difficulty depends entirely on where the player can go.

This is also why Tier 3 requires a lot of accumulation, because when Tier 4 Class Change simply does not exist, Class Change Quest will not be completed, and some are just reaching the point.

Only a player with a stronger accumulation can hold on for a long time, and also can go further.

Of course, there are some differences between different inheritance places. The more evil the environment, the harder it is to get inheritance. However, it is very difficult to find a Tier 4 inheritance place. In Tier 4 Class Change In Quest, players spend 80 to 90% of their time looking for a place of inheritance.

It can be said that the sole player can find it is already an extremely Luck thing, there is no chance to pick and choose, so luck also occupies a considerable proportion in Tier 4 Class Change.

Good luck can find a place of inheritance with a good environment, then the easier it will be to obtain inheritance. If bad luck finds a place of inheritance with extremely poor environment, I am afraid that it will fail if you enter solely. It is not that he has not encountered it. After all, he has quite a rich experience of failure in challenging Tier 4 Class Change Quest…

At this time, the Transmission Passage opened through the inheritance Scroll, although it is impossible to directly determine the inheritance. What’s the environment in the ground, but from the magic power of the crazy swallowing secret room, it can be seen that the intensity of the magic power in the inheritance land is quite low, even lower than the magic power that is about to be absorbed in the secret room now.

However, Shi Feng hasn’t watched it for a while, and the System prompt sounded in his ear.

System: The player has opened the Transmission Passage in the land of inheritance. Please enter the Transmission Passage within 3 minutes, or the Transmission Passage will be closed automatically.

System: Player opens Tier 4 Sword Blade Saint Class Change Quest, Quest Details enters the land of inheritance to obtain the power of ancient inheritance, the reward is unknown.

System: After the player enters the land of inheritance, the player will not be able to communicate with the outside world. If dies in the land of inheritance, the player will be directly teleported out of the land of inheritance. The Level drops to Fifth Level and the soul is weak. Three days, please make your decision carefully.

“Fifth Level? This inheritance place is really cruel.” Shi Feng frowned slightly at hearing.

From the place of general inheritance, the level drop is two Level 3 that’s all. At this time, the penalty for failure can reach Fifth Level. This is definitely the place where he has heard the highest penalty for inheritance.

However, Shi Feng didn’t hesitate for long. Not saying anything further walked directly into the dark whirlpool.

If it is possible that he does not want to enter such a place of inheritance, but if he gives up entering, then he will be deemed as a failure of Tier 4 Class Change Quest, and it will take a long time to do Tier 4 again Class Change Quest, this is something he never wants.

After all, in addition to participating in the secret operation of the Sword of Frost, the trial of the holy dragon is not cracking a joke. If he gives up entering the land of inheritance, he can only use Tier for the rest of the time. Faced with the Trial of the Saint Dragon, Tier 4 Class Change is going to pick the Battle Saint Dragon’s trial without even thinking about it.

So he has no choice at all, he can only grit his teeth. The only thing that is gratifying is that Epic Level inheritance Scroll can challenge him three times, which is more than Dark Gold Level inheritance Scroll. Two times, the success probability is much higher.

As Shi Feng stepped into the dark vortex, Shi Feng felt black in front of him and his body felt like the sky was spinning. When his vision was restored, the scene in front of him changed drastically.

I saw that he was actually in midair, the sky was dim, and there were space crevices everywhere, as if the entire world was collapsing, and as for him, there was a bottomless abyss. The magic power in the space is simply thin to close to zero.

“This…” Shi Feng was confused for a moment.

He has been to many inheritance places, but he has never seen such an inheritance place, or where is this inheritance place, simply is a world that is about to be annihilated.

If he hadn’t had the body of Epic Level magic power at this time, he could survive in the extremely thin environment of magic power, I am afraid he would have passed out long ago.

Seeing that he was about to fall into the bottomless abyss, Shi Feng didn’t dare to have any reservations, and directly used Gale Domain to start the Imperial Flight.

However, Shi Feng hasn’t flew for a while, just watch the Bottomless Abyss exuding incomparably powerful attraction, which makes Shi Feng feel that his whole body is extremely heavy, and it is getting more and more over time. Heavier.

“Can’t you fly for a long time?”

Shi Feng looked at Bottomless Abyss, which kept sucking him down, vaguely understood the rules here, and couldn’t help turning around and flying the nearest one. cliff.

400 yards…300 yards…200 yards…

As Shi Feng’s Yukong time has become longer and longer, the pressure of gravity has been two or three times that of the beginning It becomes more than ten times, and the multiple is increased by two or three times every second, so that Shi Feng’s falling speed is getting faster and faster, not to mention, the manipulation of the body is getting harder and harder.

“Hurry! Faster!”

Shi Feng felt the stronger and stronger gravity, and desperately approached the edge of the bottomless abyss.

Seeing less than 20 yards away from the cliff edge, the original Imperial Flight effect also came to an abrupt end, making Shi Feng fall like a meteorite to Bottomless Abyss, and the speed of the falling speed is also increasing. The faster the body becomes heavier and heavier.

“No, if I fall like this, I am afraid that I will be crushed to death by the terrifying gravity without waiting for the landing. It seems I can only fight.”

Shi Feng After falling for more than ten seconds, he already felt extremely strenuous. As long as he fell for tens of seconds, he would be crushed to death due to excessive gravity.

Immediately, Shi Feng took out one after another High Grade Cold Ice Grenade from inventory with difficulty and detonated it directly on the back.

hōng hōng hōng ……

A series of explosions sounded, one after another ice flower burst.

I saw that Shi Feng was covered by a layer of Frost in many places due to the impact of the explosion, but his HP dropped by more than 20%.

However, Shi Feng is a lot closer to the cliff, and even closer to the cliff.

Although he is getting closer and closer to sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces, Shi Feng’s complexion is getting heavier and heavier, because with his current falling speed, if he hits the cliff face, he Don’t even want to survive.

For a while, I watched Shi Feng’s falling speed getting faster and faster, and flames began to faintly appear from all over his body.

When Shi Feng turned into a flame and was about to hit the rock wall, Shi Feng also directly used the Power of Heavenly Dragon, which instantly increased the attributes, defense, and HP, and forcibly pulled out his waist. The Abyssal Blade pierced the rock wall with a sword.

“Stop it!”


With a bang, not only did the entire rock wall explode, but the Abyssal Blade easily pierced into the rock wall. Inside, Shi Feng went down for a while, and Shi Feng’s HP also lost crazily like a flood that opened the gate.


Seeing that the HP of several millions is about to drop to less than 500,000, Shi Feng slowly recovered from the fall Stopped, not to be crushed alive by the terrifying gravity.

As it stopped, Shi Feng was also deeply sighed in relief, and he was finished by a little bit. Fortunately, there is a Berserk Skill like Power of Heavenly Dragon, otherwise it will definitely die.

“But is this really a place of inheritance?”

Shi Feng looked at the Bottomless Abyss at his feet, full of doubts in his heart.

Although the environment of the normal inheritance is not very good, it won’t look like this. Let alone a monster at this time, even a person or thing with signs of life doesn’t exist, except for the feet. The abyss is the sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces all around, where it looks like an ancient inheritance.

However, when Shi Feng was full of doubts about this, countless roar sounds appeared in the bottomless abyss.

In a short while, several huge silhouettes emerged from the abyss. With the appearance of these several silhouettes, Shi Feng was stunned.

“How is this possible!”

Shi Feng stared at the huge silhouettes, his eyes full of disbelief.

Because these silhouettes are nothing else, it is the Great Dragon that is extremely difficult to encounter in God’s Domain, and at this time these Great Dragons have obviously found him…

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