silver wing city, City Lord Mansion.

Muxin and other members of the Sword of Frost, led by the Nether Orchid, walked slowly to the gate of the City Lord Mansion.

At this time, a large number of NPCs gathered in front of the City Lord Mansion, which was completely guarded by a high wall. Not to mention, there are also many players wearing Merchant Emblems waiting in line. The lively scene can be said to be completely undefeated. At the gate of silver wing city.

“This silver wing city is really amazing. It hasn’t been long before promotion. There are so many player Merchants and NPC Merchants coming to rent the store. Even the base camps of those Super Organizations may not reach this number. Come on.” The female Cursemancer wearing the Sword of Frost Sky Emblem looked at the players and NPCs lined up outside the City Lord Mansion and couldn’t help but be speechless.

City Lord Mansion is not only the core of controlling the entire town, but also in charge of plot of land and store transactions for the entire town, whether it is a player or an NPC who wants to buy or lease plot of land in Guild town Both and Store must come to City Lord Mansion to trade.

However, for a rising Guild city, no power will be willing to sell plot of land and Store, and they are generally rented out.

As for the player Merchant, it is generally not going to rent the store in the city soon. They will check it before making a decision, not to mention the NPC Merchant.

But at this time, the number of players and NPCs in the queue is nearly a thousand people. This is simply unimaginable for a newly promoted Guild city. After all, a player who opened a store in Guild city Or the more NPCs, the more players will be attracted to shop and a better virtuous circle will be formed.

“This is normal. After all, Silver Wing is the only Guild city in the Beastman Empire. With the transportation and trade company, it is certain that a large number of players will flood in in the future, these ghosts and spirits. The sophisticated player Merchant and NPCMerchant will certainly not miss it, but I don’t know how many stores and plot of land Zero Wing is willing to rent.” Muxin glanced at the crowd in line, and was not surprised.

Because one of the purposes of her coming here is to rent some plot of land and store in the silver wing city, so as to prepare for the development of Guild Member to the silver wing city. For City and Kingdom, player Merchant and NPC Merchant, who have better sense of smell than dogs, are naturally not slower than them in terms of action speed.

With the appearance of Muxin and the others, the player Merchant lined up at the gate of City Lord Mansion also turned around and looked at them, their eyes full of surprise.

“No way, is that Frost Sky Sword planning to cooperate with Zero Wing?”

“If this is the case, then Zero Wing is really going to rise in East Continent After all, there are three world-class consortiums standing on the back of the Sword of Frost. Even if it only receives a little support, it is enough to prevent Zero Wing from worrying about funding and resources.”

“If this is the case, then all major Super Organizations will probably be afraid of Zero Wing in the future. After all, Zero Wing was a bit worse than other Super Organizations in terms of the number of experts and background that’s all. It must have the Sword of Frost. With the support of the resources, Zero Wing is not in the slightest inferior to those Super Organizations.”


For the Sword of Frost, which has been developed in the Great World in the frozen ground before. Super Organization and Common players can be said to be very unfamiliar, even if it weren’t for the Sword One of Frost, which dominated several Kingdoms, and Heavens Revelation Empire occupied a corner, I am afraid they were all known.

For their keen player Merchants, the name of the Sword of Frost Sky is like thunder piercing the ear. After all, it has the support of three world-class consortiums. It was a smash hit in East Continent. The Star Ring Guild and the major Super-Guild have to give a bit of thin face.

For a while, Muxin and the others walked into the City Lord Mansion slowly amidst the whispers of everyone.

At this time, in addition to Guard’s NPCPersonal Guard in the entire City Lord Mansion, there are also many Zero Wing’s expert players who are training in City Lord Mansion. People coming, people going are not lost to City Lord Mansion at all.

“Sure enough, the quantity and quality of the expert is still a lot worse than that of the major Super Organizations.” The female Cursemancer of 11Level 6 looked around and couldn’t help but shook her head slightly. “With the strength of such a Guild Member, Even if the Muxin Vice-Guild Master agrees, I am afraid the Guilds in the alliance will not agree.”

There may be many Zero Wing Members present who have reached Level 115 or even Tier 3 experts with Level 6 and above 11 And the equipment on each and everyone is also very good. The worst equipment on Tier 3 experts is Adamantite Rank equipment of Level 110, which is not worse than those of Super Organization.

But there is a fatal flaw, that is, the combat level of these Zero Wing experts is generally not good, not to mention the Expert of Realm of Flowing Water, that is, there are not many experts of Realm of Micro. The big Super Organization is simply incomparable.

Even Zero Wing has terrifying NPCPersonal Guard. After all, those NPCPersonal Guards can only be stronger for a while. It is far more difficult to upgrade the level than players. Guild has a large number of Peak experts. Is king.

Although it is rumored that Zero Wing also has several outstanding experts, this number can not support the development of Guild’s, let alone Muxin agree to Zero Wing to join the alliance.

And just as the female Cursemancer was thinking secretly in her heart, Nether Orchid also took Muxin and the others to the reception room on the first floor of City Lord Mansion.

“A few, please come in.” Nether Orchid opened the door and said softly while looking at Muxin and the others.

As Nether Orchid finished speaking, Muxin also nodded and walked into the reception room with a few people from side.

At the moment Muxin and the others stepped into the meeting room, Muxin and the others felt a heaviness all over their bodies. The magic power of all around was vaguely out of their control, as if they were in another world. .

“Magic Domain?” The female Cursemancer of 11Level 6 looked at Shi Feng sitting in the hall incredulously, her mouth almost didn’t close, “How…possible!”

At this time, let alone the female Cursemancer, the other members of the Sword of Frost were also on the spot, unable to say a word for a long time.

Magic Domain this thing, for the Tier 3 expert reached, but it is too clear.

Because this thing is more or less in contact with various Tier 4 monsters, not to mention that there are many Tier 3 Magic Skills that can form Magic Domains.

And Magic Domain is divided into active and passive. The active Magic Domain is formed using various Magic Skills, and the passive Magic Domain can be formed without using any Magic Skill. The latter is generally the ability that Tier 4 NPC masters.

The Magic Domain in front of you is obviously not formed forcibly through Magic Skill, but passively guided by its own magic power, which is the so-called passive Magic Domain.

Be aware that the reason why Tier 4 NPC surpasses Tier 3 NPC is completely because of the passive Magic Domain. Once Magic Domain comes out, more Tier 3 NPCs are a joke.

The ability that this Tier 4 NPC can master is now mastered by a Tier 3 player. How dare you believe this?

“Several people who are the Sword of Frost, I am the Guild Master Black Flame of the Zero Wing Guild.” Shi Feng glanced at Muxin and the others who entered the hall, straight to the point. “I heard from Nether Orchid that a few people came to Silver Wing City to discuss cooperation with us, Zero Wing. I don’t know what kind of cooperation they want to do?”

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