Shi Feng looked at the data displayed by the Frost Sergeant, and the expression on his face was accompanied by a hint of excitement.

The bloodline Lord is very strange to the current players.

However, bloodline living creatures are known to the experts of the major Super Organizations. It can be said that the bloodline Lord is an evolution of the bloodline living creature, which is completely different from the lower bloodline living creatures. If you don’t know how to use your own bloodline Strength to fight, you can only use bloodline Strength to fight through instinct. The bloodline Lord can control your own bloodline instead of fighting with instinct.

Also in other words bloodline Lord can master his own bloodline to fight, and the battle strength exerted by this can be far more terrifying than the instinctive use of bloodline Strength.

It’s like the player has learned Combat Technique. Combat Technique’s attack is much more powerful than Common attack. Even if the Basic Attribute is the same, the battle strength played out by both parties has as different as heaven and earth.

Of course, the bloodline Lord is very Rare in God’s Domain. After all, it is very difficult to control your own bloodline. Shi Feng has heard of the existence of the bloodline Lord before, but has never seen it.

When encountering something like the bloodline Lord, it can be said to be both dangerous and Luck.

The danger is because the battle strength of the bloodline Lord is very powerful. The monsters of the same level exist like a king. Luck is the bloodline Lord, as long as it can be killed, the bloodline will be dropped. Rare can obtain the bloodline. a method.

To know the value of bloodline, even the most common bloodline is comparable to the Lesser Legendary Item. Perhaps the effect is not very good at the player level, but as the player level continues to improve, the effect will be greater It has become more and more obvious, from quantitative to qualitative.

“Group Leader, this is a Level 90 world BOSS, we are not going to deal with it.” Solitary Nine Extreme looked at Shi Feng, swallowed saliva and said.

World-class BOSS!

This is a very rare existence in Fire Dragon Empire. Many Super Organizations have used these world BOSS ideas before, but these Super Organizations can only deal with sixty level worlds. The BOSS is nothing but the Level 70 world BOSS dare not move at all.

Even these Super Organizations suffered heavy losses in order to kill a 60-level world BOSS. In the case of wheel warfare, they were almost wiped out before they were finally killed.

The world BOSS in front of me is Level 90. I’m afraid he can make MT like him into a meatloaf when he raises his hand. Even if an MT like Cola, he doesn’t think he can resist it. After all, Level The High Lord of 90 and the Legendary monster of Level 90 are a level different, not to mention the World-class BOSS, which is more difficult to deal with than the Common Legendary monster.

At this time, Dormant Thorn couldn’t help looking towards Shi Feng.

Although he is very enthusiastic about the Level 90 world BOSS, this is a Level 90 world BOSS, which is not something that the current players can deal with, and the world BOSS as everyone knows, it can’t be done with a foreign object. Fighting BOSS, such as the powerful monster from Summon Scroll and Special Item summon or the powerful Magic Array, will dissipate directly when encountering the BOSS, and can only rely on the player’s own Strength.

And the level 90 world BOSS, I am afraid that only the Level 100 player team can be sure to attack.

“Yes, we have to deal with this BOSS.” Shi Feng looked at the nervous Asura Adventure Group member, nodded said with a smile, “The level 90 world BOSS is very strong, but that For other teams, our Zero Wing is not in this list.”

The level 90 world BOSS is really scary, and the HP of close to 1 billion alone is enough to make people desperate. Know the ray of light The battle restore is a restore speed of 10 million points every five seconds. If the team’s damage per second does not exceed 2 million, the boss simply cannot be touched.

But he has a Dark Gold Level and an Epic Level Personal Guard, which other teams don’t have, and Cola’s equipment has the shield of Lesser Legendary Item, which is good for Level 90 world The BOSS is certain, but the ice army master is the bloodline Lord, which is beyond his expectations.

But the bloodline Lord itself does not add any attributes to the BOSS, but the skill level has been improved, and the battle strength has been strengthened. It may not be impossible to fight.

And he has no retreat. The Frost Sergeant is the world BOSS who is most likely to expose the Bronze Rank Store Promotion Order. If he does not have the Bronze Rank Store Promotion Order, he will pay the Travelers Store management fee. Sorry, when the time comes Travelers Store was recycled, but I can’t buy it in the future, after all, it appeared immediately.

Speaking of Shi Feng, he began to direct everyone into action.

“Cola waits for you to be the deputy tank, and everyone else will do their best.” Shi Feng said.

At this time, not only the people of Asura Adventure Group are surprised, but even the people of Zero Wing are also surprised. They don’t understand why Cola is the deputy tank. Is there a stronger MT than Cola?

I saw Shi Feng took out two Personal Guard Summon Scrolls from inventory, and directly started summon Kite and Anna.

Two silhouettes appeared in front of everyone for a while, one was Swordsman carrying two dark heavy swords, and the other was Summoner holding a scepter.

“Crap! Ninety Fifth Level Swordsman and 96 Summoner?”

Everyone can’t help but take a breath when seeing Kite and Anna. This Level is really terrifying. .

Although the level up speed of the NPC guard is much faster than that of the player, it is not so much higher. It is important to know that the level up of the NPC guard brings a very large increase in the attribute. The guards of the same level The Fifth Level is different one after another, but the difference is one level in weapon equipment. After all, the equipment of NPC guards is so easy to make. As long as you have money, you can buy them directly. That is, Weapon equipment like Lesser Legendary Item is not easy to deal with. What does Epic Equipment want? Do whatever you want.

Currently, the Top Grade guard levels of the major Super Organizations are only capable of Level 90. This is due to the large amount of gold coins that can be picked up by various High Grade Quests.

The level of those guards replaced by the Common expert may not even reach the 80th Fifth Level.

I saw Dormant Thorn and Solitary Nine Extreme and the others here. It’s no wonder that Shi Feng dared to challenge the Level 90 World-class BOSS. Personal Guard at the same level is better than the player, at the same level. The Personal Guard of Mithril Rank can even sling the current Peak expert.

If it is a Peak expert of the 90th Fifth Level, it can indeed resist the world BOSS of the first anti-Level 90.

But this risk is also very huge, because the death of the NPC guard is not comparable to the player. If you want to resurrect, you will resurrect. If there is no means of resurrection, it will be permanent death. , So even the major Super Organizations dare not use Personal Guard to attack Dungeon against in the wild BOSS, especially those high-quality guards.

Because the real strength of these high-quality guards lies in their fast level up speed. Promoting to Tier 3 and Tier 4 is as simple as eating and drinking water, so that they can’t reach their potential at Tier 2 During the period of fighting, it was simply a serious waste.

Because of this, the major Super Organizations have never dared to let high-quality guards take risks and have been offerings as treasures.

But now Shi Feng dares to come out and play World-class BOSS, simply too crazy.

After that, Shi Feng arranged the positions of everyone, and let Kite rush directly to the leader of the ice army, and Cola followed closely from behind.

World-class BOSS’s Perception range is very wide. It was discovered directly when Kite was close to 300 yards. The two eyes closed tightly by the sleeping Frost Army master suddenly opened and bloomed. The icy red glow immediately made everyone feel a chill, the terrifying coercion instantly made this world begin to change, the purple snow falling from the sky all over the sky.

As soon as the purple snow fell, everyone within a thousand yards felt cold all over, and their actions became a little slow.

“The little ants dare to trespass into my territory, then they will all become ice sculptures and stay here forever!”

The cold ice army master stood up with his face A human-like sneer appeared, and then with a wave of his hand, a long spear of crystal clear and near-transparent appeared in his hand and projected directly.

The instant the long spear of ice casts out, it turns into a stream of light, and the space wherever it passes is shattered.

“So fast!” Cola looked at her, her face solemn.

The speed of Hanbing Long Spear is so fast that he can’t even react to it.

Seeing that the cold ice long spear came to the twenty-thirty yard in front of Cola. When he was about to hit Cola, a silhouette stood in front of Cola. It was Kite.

I saw Kite holding two swords and drew out two sword glows directly on the ice long spear.


A bang, the strong impact caused the ground to be broken inch by inch, and a large pit with a radius of more than ten yards was blasted out. When the crumbs dispersed, Kite was not hurt by standing there.

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