Kite was unharmed and blocked a blow from the Lord of the Ice, and Solitary Nine Extreme and the others were dumbfounded.

“This Personal Guard is too strong!”

Mu Xiaoxiao’s beautiful eyes opened wide, and it took a long time to say a word.

A level 90 World-class BOSS blow, even if it is just a random blow, the formidable power is also shaking the world, I am afraid that the Level 100 Tier 3 NPC will take a lot of effort to block it.

After all, this is the Tier 4 Legendary monster and the world BOSS. In terms of attributes, it is not comparable to the Common Legendary monster.

But Kite, the Tier 2 Swordsman of the 90th Fifth Level, is casually blocked…

“Tier 2 profession is capable of resisting world BOSS, and the level is higher than the BOSSFifth Level. , The Adamantite Rank guards I have seen are probably not so strong. Is this a Dark Gold Level guard?” Solitary Nine Extreme looked at Kite who resisted the ice long spear time after time, and overflowing heaven stormy seas rolled up in his heart.

During the time when the Fire Dragon Empire was mixed up, he knew exactly what level of Personal Guard each Great Influence had, and this is what ordinary players care about most.

Common player and Common expert know that they are not better than those of Super Organization’s experts, and want to mix well in God’s Domain, the only chance is to have a good Personal Guard, as long as they are well trained, it is totally inferior. There is a Peak expert who is even stronger.

There have been more than thirty Adamantite Rank guards in the entire Fire Dragon Empire so far, but there has never been a Dark Gold Level guard.

Therefore, the guards of Dark Gold Level have been considered by everyone to be impossible.

Now Zero Wing has a Dark Gold Level guard.

If this news reaches the Fire Dragon Empire, it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire Fire Dragon Empire. After all, the guards of the Mithril Rank will surpass the Peak expert at the same level. Although the guards of the Adamantite Rank have not been specific Statistics, but it is certain that the guards of Adamantite Rank have more strength than those of Peak experts, and even two or three Peak Experts together may not be able to beat the guards of Adamantite Rank.

As for the Dark Gold Level guards, everyone has not dared to think about it. It is definitely the existence of the same level Invincible. As long as it is cultivated, it will definitely be able to walk unhindered in God’s Domain in the future.

Now it seems that the Dark Gold Level guard is much stronger than everyone thinks. The 90th Fifth Level can resist Level 90 world BOSS, simply too heaven defying.

For Solitary Nine Extreme and the others’ wonder, Shi Feng naturally saw it, but not at all to give any explanation, but became silent and laughed.

Kite is a Dark Gold Level guard, but Kite is also a Peak level among Dark Gold Level guards. After the soul is strengthened, the battle strength has been further strengthened. The most important point is Kite’s hand Two Blacksteel Heavy Swords, which are the Black Moon Double Blades of the Lesser Legendary Item, a good thing only obtained by making an Epic Level Quest in Secret Realm.

Without the Black Moon Double Blades, Kite’s two sword light fusion attacks would definitely not be blocked so easily, and would definitely suffer some damage.

For these Two Swords, Shi Feng is also envious, but this is the weapon of NPC, and the player cannot use it at all.

With Kite as the main tank, everyone can easily come to an area within fifty yards of the Frost Army Master, and can start attacking the Frost Army Master.

However, when Kite came to the front of the Frost Sergeant, the Frost Sergeant finally stopped throwing long spears, and instead turned two-handed, waving and swiping at Kite.

The long spear of cold ice is like a big tree. Under the sweep, more than 20 yards in front of the cold ice army master are in the attack range. This is the heart trembled that everyone can see. This is one of the attack range. Wide, it is inevitable for people to avoid, and can only resist hard.

Moreover, the formidable power of this sweep is larger than the formidable power of throwing. The wind pressure of terrifying even felt a little breathless for everyone fifty yards apart, as if this broom The film space is swept into Vacuum state.

I saw Kite also swung his swords to greet him.


As a loud noise echoed, Kite immediately took three steps, and two more damages appeared on his body, Hundred and Thirty Thousand. Obviously stronger before starting.

When everyone saw the damage, they couldn’t help taking a breath.

Cola also had a cold sweat.

The damage of the second Hundred and Thirty Thousand, this is still dealing with the Kite of the 90th Fifth Level, if it can be replaced by him without the life-saving skill, I am afraid it will be Insta-killed.

Of course, the player has a certain reduction or exemption for monster’s damage, but even so, how can the player’s strength compare to Kite?

“Okay! Blocked!” Shi Feng looked at the loss of the second Hundred and Thirty Thousand Kite with more HP, and couldn’t help sighed in relief, “Everyone is attacking!”

Han The ice army lord is the bloodline Lord, and the use of bloodline can greatly increase the attack formidable power. Before throwing the ice long spear was just a casual blow, at this time the ice army lord became serious when he got close.

But the situation is better than he expected. He just took three steps back and lost two Hundred and Thirty Thousand more HP. This is not unacceptable for Kite whose HP exceeds 2 million.

Following Shi Feng’s order, everyone came back to his senses from the awe of the Frost Sergeant, and began to make a crazy attack on the Frost Sergeant. One after another Magic Arrow It was the first wave to blast on the giant Frost Army Master, and a piece of damage appeared.





After everyone sees these damages , I feel like crying, especially the members of Asura Adventure Group, Zero Wing’s members are more than 30,000, but their Asura Adventure Group’s member damage is not more than 20,000. This is for them to deal with those Level 80 members. The monster can hit forty to fifty thousand damage at every turn, which is completely different.

Such damage is simply drizzle for the ice army master with a HP of up to 960 million…

However, there are also several dazzling damages. Damage, that’s the damage made by Shi Feng, Fire Dance, Gentle Snow, and Zhao Yueru, especially Zhao Yueru’s Fire Element Magic Damage, which has a certain bonus damage to the ice master, plus Tier 3 Magic , Each and everyone is a damage of more than 150,000 points, and from time to time a critical strike is more than 300,000, which is higher than Shi Feng, which makes everyone in Asura Adventure Group stunned.

It can be said that one Zhao Yueru is on top of ten people…

But even so, the HP bar of Army Master Frost hasn’t moved much, like a seat. The mountain was firmly pressed on everyone.

“Group Leader! With our current damage, I am afraid it will be difficult to kill it.”

Dormant Thorn glanced at the HP bar of the Frost Sergeant, and it didn’t drop 1 after playing for a long time. %, I understand that after such a consumption, I am afraid that they will be consumed by the ice army master before they don’t kill the ice army master.

The output of everyone is not low, but the attack range of the Frost Army Master is very wide. Impossible allows everyone to stand and output, and there is no fault tolerance. As long as the player is scanned to a point, it is Insta-kill , The large-scale attack of dodge Frost Army Master does not have much time to attack.

At this time, everyone is also aware of it. After all, they are all veterans who have been on the battlefield, and there are no lack of micro experts. They all understand that it is the problem of insufficient output. If it continues to consume, they will definitely be consumed first.

“Aggro is almost done.” Shi Feng naturally understands the problem of insufficient output. After all, it is a Level 90 world BOSS. With their half-dead team, how can they have enough output, and then swept away. Anna said, “Do it!”

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