As Cola, Turtledove, and Sleepless Leaf rushed to the three waves of ice crystal strange groups, Solitary Nine Extreme and the others changed their faces.

“Are they crazy?” Mu Xiaoxiao couldn’t help but said.

How can attract the mob be so attractive?

Level 90 monster group, it can be said that any wave of monsters is in danger of letting them wipe out. Now attracting three waves of monsters to come, simply is courting death.

The actions of the three of Cola suddenly made everyone in Asura Adventure Group nervous. Each and everyone became ready to go, ready to use Berserk Skill to escape.

They have been in the Neutral Map for a long time. It is very clear that the higher the monster Level of these Neutral Maps, the better at team battles and the higher the combat level, such as dealing with Level 80. In the Lord monster, those Lord monsters will fight together, and the combat level of each and everyone exceeds the Common player by a great length.

If these monster skills are not monotonous and can only rely on brute force to fight, the Level 80 Common six-man team may not be able to beat a Level 80 Lord monster.

Not to mention the Lord of Level 90 at the moment. The attribute is one great length surpassing the Lord of Level 80. Even the High Lord of Level 80 is not necessarily an opponent, plus it is not bad. The level of combat, simply is a nightmare.

In this way, three waves of nearly a hundred monsters rushed up, even Dormant Thorn felt scalp numb.

Not to mention the Level 90 High Lord Ice Crystal Rogue. That Strength terrifying can knock down an MT such as Solitary Nine Extreme with one blow, and Healer can’t save it if they both get on together.

I saw the three of Cola come to the front of the three waves of monsters. The three waves of ice crystal monsters immediately spotted the three of Cola, and suddenly roared, and more than twenty ice crystal giants surrounded the three. The ice crystal Rogue rushed directly to the three of them with the long hair of ice in his hands. Not at all, like other monsters, they attacked in groups but cooperated with the attack. Simply it was like a siege of wolves. The division of labor was clearly not mentioned. It’s blocked.

This caused everyone in Asura Adventure Group to take a breath.

“Crap! Is this still a monster? Why is the intelligence so high?” Solitary Nine Extreme also started.

The Level 80 Lord monsters that were previously dealt with were only a higher level of combat, but at the moment these Level 90 ice crystal monsters are simply like well-trained troops, and they will jointly strangle opponents.

Not waiting for everyone from Asura Adventure Group to come back to his senses for the joint battle of Ice Crystal Monster, Ice Crystal Rogue also rushed to the three of them, and the ice lance in their hands suddenly blasted down.

Ice Crystal Rogue’s body is five or six meters tall, and the ice lance in his hand is a bit taller than the Ice Crystal Rogue. It seems to be waving a big tree when it is waved solely. The wind pressure rolled up Ice Snow in the sky, and hit the three of them together with the entire space. Even Solitary Nine Extreme, who had some confidence to block the ice crystal Rogue before, became serious.

bang! bang! bang!

With three loud noises echoing across the ice sheet, it’s just as if the three of Cola stood still in place, but the ice sheet under their feet was broken. Crack, HP only lost more than 5,000 points.

“Blocked?” Solitary Nine Extreme looked at the three of Cola and was stunned for a moment.

Such terrifying Strength and shock wave, even if they are far apart, they will feel it, even if he is blown down by this blow, he will probably be blown out, but the three of them have not moved. He also lost no more than 5,000 HP, which was simply easier than dealing with the Level 80 High Lord.

Especially when Cola faced Ice Crystal Rogue’s attack, the damage caused by the impact was only less than 3,000 points. This is Strength and Defense simply heaven defying.

Everyone in Asura Adventure Group was stunned.

The High Lord of Level 90 was so easily blocked. Such Strength and Defense MTs have never been seen even in Fire Dragon Empire.

Before everyone could react, the three of Cola also took action, rushing directly to the giant ice crystals surrounding them.

I saw that the interception Formation composed of several ice crystal giants was instantly overwhelmed by the three of them. It easily broke the ice crystal monster’s joint siege and led the three waves of ice crystal monsters to Shi Feng’s side.

“Is that all right?” Mu Xiaoxiao looked dumbfounded.

In such a situation of Killing Formation, she would never run away without Berserk Skill, but the three of Cola just got it all done with a simple collision. The high strength is scary, even if it is among them Strength The strongest Dormant Thorn is probably far inferior to any of the three of Cola.

“Aqua Rose, you guys are ready to do it too!” Shi Feng looked at the three waves of ice crystal monsters getting closer, and then commanded.

Aqua Rose nodded, command the Magic System to start chanting Spell. When the three waves of ice crystal monster approached the fifty yard range, one after another Magic blasted up, instantly making the ice crystal giant rushing in the front row It flew out, and a piece of damage of five to six thousand points appeared on the head.

The strongest ice crystal Rogue is also impossible to move a single step under the attack of Aqua Rose, Zhao Yueru, Violet Cloud and other Magic Systems, especially in the face of Zhao Yueru’s attack. Every Magic’s The formidable power is all earth-shaking, so that the ice crystal Rogue has been repelled several steps.

As for some a fish that escaped the net in some ice crystal monsters, they were all blocked by Cola and other MTs, and then were besieged by Zero Wing Close Combat.

The entire battle was orderly. The HP of the three waves of ice crystal monsters dropped crazily, which made everyone in Asura Adventure Group stunned for a while.

Where does this deal with Level 90 Advanced monsters? Simply the rhythm of farm mobs.

“What did these people grow up with? One and two micros are that’s all. How come the attributes are so strong? It feels like I can barely surpass them by turning on Berserk Skill.” Yanya looked at With the completely irresistible ice crystal Rogue, he was speechless.

For this scene before her, her brain can no longer understand what is going on.

Their Asura Adventure Group fought alive and killed in many expert Fire Dragon Empire, step by step they became the Fire Dragon Empire ranked Top-10 Adventure Group, this improvement speed is their proudest Asura Adventure Group until now .

Compared with the Aqua Rose and the others in front of me, they are simply people of two worlds.

Originally, they wanted to perform well in front of Shi Feng’s and show their achievements in Fire Dragon Empire during this period. Now it seems that they are simply here to make soy sauce.

“Let’s attack together, so that the speed of clearing the strangeness will be faster.” Shi Feng looked at the people in Asura Adventure Group who were not knowing what to do, and said immediately.

Level 90 monsters can’t provoke players at all, especially the monsters in Amethyst Icefield. Amethyst Icefield is a very special area. All transmissions are forbidden, not even teleports. No use, each and everyone are very good at team battles, and mastering the strength of Cold Ice is very unsuitable for player Close Combat, otherwise the strength of Cold Ice will continue to erode the body and accelerate the consumption of Stamina and mental power.

But these Level 90 monsters are difficult for others to deal with, but they are very easy for the current Zero Wing. After all, each and everyone Level has reached 80 Level 6-7, and The equipment has molten gold stones, and the attributes have actually reached the level of level 90 players, so cleaning up level 90 monsters is of course trivial.

The reason why Asura Adventure Group came here this time, in addition to the number of people, is actually to bring the Asura Adventure Group. After all, Ice Crystal World is a huge gold mountain, and there are also in Ice Crystal World Super Organization exists, let alone because of the opening of the world channel, many Super Organizations have entered Ice Crystal World to grab resources.

The Adventurer Alliance led by Asura Adventure Group alone is not enough to fight against, so it is urgent to improve the strength of Asura Adventure Group.

Solitary Nine Extreme and the others only reacted to Shi Feng’s commands, and they all helped out. Although the output is not comparable to the Zero Wing main force, the damage output cannot be ignored.

In just less than twenty minutes, all three waves of ice crystal monsters were cleaned up, and everyone in Asura Adventure Group’s Experience Point increased by a great length. The level up speed is not theirs. Usually comparable.

After cleaning the monster for six or seven hours along the way, many people in Asura Adventure Group have been upgraded to Level 1, reaching level 79, and Dormant Thorn is only a little short of the 80th mark.

As they went deep into the Amethyst Icefield, everyone quickly led Shi Feng’s down to a huge iceberg, sleeping soundly in a hole in the iceberg, a body that was more than 20 meters tall. , The whole body is a giant of crystal.

Ice Army Lord (Torre), Lord of Domain, bloodline Lord, Legendary Level, Level Level 90, HP 96 million.

After everyone saw the data of Army Master Frost, their whole bodies trembled.

Not only because the Frost Sergeant is a Level 90 Legendary monster, but also because the Frost Sergeant has nine HP bars displayed by him, and in other words the Frost Army in front of him. The master is a Level 90 world BOSS.

“bloodline Lord?” Shi Feng was also taken aback.

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