Wind near the city, Red Rock Restaurant.

In the VIP box on the top floor, a lean middle-aged man walked into the box respectfully and quietly came to the side of the young man who was meditating and exuding a cold chill.

Although the young man seems to be sitting quietly, he feels like he is the master of the whole room, as if he is the enemy of the whole room as long as he is the enemy of this young man.

“Old Zhuo, what’s wrong with coming here in such a hurry?” Han Yifeng opened his eyes and looked towards the lean man who came by and asked plainly.

“Just received the news that Zero Wing is opening its own training center in Fenglin City, and it is the well-known training center originally in Fenglin City.” Zhuo Linqiu, who looks like Steward, reports respectfully. .

“This Zero Wing has several points of ability. I originally thought he would eventually come to me because of funding problems, but didn’t expect to make a fortune by renting out the private space of Stone Forest City. , Now it is necessary to open its own training hall.” Han Yifeng slowly said.

“Young Master, although Zero Wing has the money to open a training hall, but it is easier said than done to open a training hall in Fenglin City? According to the information we have received, Lu Xingluo is also well prepared. , I have hired a powerful expert, and it looks like he is going to smash the Zero Wing’s stadium, so that the Zero Wing’s training hall can no longer gain a foothold in the city.” Zhuo Linqiu disdainfully said.

It is fine to have money to open a training hall, but if you want to survive, you need to rely on strength to speak, especially in the very competitive market.

“In this case, when the time comes, you can go there. After all, this Zero Wing is a good piece to contain Star Ring.” Han Yifeng glanced at Zhuo Linqiu.

“Yes.” Zhuo Linqiu bowed and left.


The opening of the Tiandou training hall quickly alarmed the entire fighting world in Fenglin City. After all, Lu Xingluo of the Star Air Consortium aimed at Zero Wing. People dare to touch the brow of the Star Air consortium. Now that Zero Wing has opened a training hall, even a fool can see that Lu Xingluo will definitely do something. When the time comes, there will be Zero Wing’s good show.

And for the major training halls and Dojo in Fenglin City, a company that is in the Virtual Game industry suddenly came to their fighting world, and even wanted to gain a foothold in the fighting world of Fenglin City, simply act recklessly, when the time comes, even if Lu Xingluo does not make a move, their training halls and Dojo will not let go, otherwise they will definitely become a joke in the fighting world.

At the major training halls and Dojo discuss spiritedly, Xiao Yu also prepared for the opening of the Tiandou training hall in an orderly manner.

Three days can be said to have passed in a flash.

In the past three days, Xiao Yu not only purchased the latest mechanical equipment and medical equipment, but also made the name of Tiandou appear in various places in Fenglin City, and also invited many Fenglin There are people with great faces in the city, and their personal connections are not comparable to those of Shi Feng.

I saw the luxury car in front of the building of Tiandou Training Hall, which was like rain, so that the citizens passing by couldn’t help but want to enter the Tiandou Training Hall to take a look.

However, compared to the citizens of Common, there are more young men and women who love fighting, because the Tiandou training hall is under the banner of the latest training equipment. Everyone is very curious about these mechanical equipment and really want to Have to experience it.

After all, the current scientific skills are changing with each passing day. With the analysis of big data, people can perform the most perfect and reasonable exercise, even more powerful than those well-known Instructors with rich experience.

Just when these fighting hobbyists walked into the lobby of the Tiandou training hall, many people were stunned.

Because in the hall of Tiandou Training Center are full of trainees from major training centers in Fenglin City and Dojo, among them there are many experts who have made famous in Fenglin City, and even major trainings. The top of the pavilion and Dojo came.

“Crap! What’s the situation? How come so many experts from Fenglin City come over?”

“Didn’t that person win the third runner-up in Fenglin City Fighting Tournament last year? “

“Look! Master Yang of Aurora Dojo! I heard that he was preparing for the world fighting tournament before being behind closed doors?”

“I am not dazzled Well, that person seems to be the Hall Master Chen Tianhe of Xinwu Hall. Hasn’t he already retired?”

“What is the origin of this Tiandou training hall?”

… …

Looking at these Fenglinshi experts appearing in the lobby, these young men and women are very excited about it, and they even feel like the opening of a training center, more like Fenglinshi is holding What tournament, how else would so many well-known experts come together?

When everyone was amazed by the appearance of these big names in the fighting world, a few young men and women suddenly walked into the hall, which immediately attracted many people to look sideways.

Because one of these young men and women is wearing an elegant white dress, with her beautiful hair falling down her waist, her beautiful face is like a Fairy in the world, and her perfect body makes all the women present feel blushed with shame.

Beside this woman, there is another beautiful Scarlet Robe, who is like a stunner in the world. They stand in the hall and immediately become the center of the hall.

As for the young man who walked in with these two beauties, the women present were a little bit idiot.

Because this man is not only handsome, but also the champion of last year’s fighting tournament in Fenglin City, Zhang Wuya. He is known as a genius who only appeared in Fenglin City in ten years and has won the world. The qualification for the fighting tournament itself is the heir of the Zhang Clan group among the five major groups in Fenglin City.

“Snow, so many training halls and Dojo’s experts have come over, each and everyone are not good at coming. It seems that your friend wants to open a training hall in Fenglin City, it may be difficult.” Zhang Tianya glanced at the people present and couldn’t help but looked towards Gentle Snow and said, “If your friend is really not good, I can also come forward on my behalf, I believe their training halls and Dojo will give me some face.”

“Big Brother Zhang, I heard that Shi Feng is also an Inner Energy expert, should he be able to cope with such a situation?” Zhao Yueru on the side proactively said.

“Inner Energy expert may be very difficult to deal with in those second and third tier cities, it is enough to open the museum and have a lot of scenery, but here is Fenglin City, but the well-known training hall and Dojo don’t have it. Inner Energy expert oversee? And these Inner Energy experts each and everyone are quite far-reaching experts in this realm, not comparable to youngsters who have just stepped into this realm.” Zhang Tianya explained.

Gentle Snow and Zhao Yueru heard Zhang Tianya say this, and their faces became slightly gloomy. They knew the purpose of opening the training hall, but they didn’t expect it to be so difficult.

While Gentle Snow and the others were talking quietly, there was a sensation outside the hall, which made Gentle Snow and the others look over.

I saw a fierce man with an aura, back of a tiger and waist of a bear, and a fierce man with two scars on his face walked into the hall. The moment the man appeared, all major training halls in the hall Both the faces of Dojo and the top executives changed in shock, as if they had seen a tiger wolf.

“Why did he come here?” Zhang Tianya saw this man with deep fear in his eyes.

“Is he very difficult to deal with?” Zhao Yueru looked at Zhang Tianya’s jealous expression and couldn’t help asking.

“Awesome?” Zhang Tianya shook the head, “He can no longer be described as being powerful. Simply is a devil, with a very heavy shot, and is called a violent dragon. The Inner Energy expert who was defeated solely by him There are no less than twenty people. These people are still lying in bed, so they have been expelled from the fighting world. This is a matter of ten years ago. Recently I heard that he defeated the foreign Inner Energy Peak Master demon wolf. If someone makes a move, even I can’t help it.”

Just as everyone was in panic, the violent Dragon King Zongquan also walked to the center of the hall.

“I heard that you Tiandou will open here, who of you is the Hall Master here? My Wang Zongquan wants to compare and see if you have the qualifications to open in Fenglin City! “Wang Zongquan shouts loudly, and his voice echoes throughout the hall, making many people present unavoidably retreat.

“Here is the end of the Tiandou training hall. This evil star takes action. I am afraid that no one can stop the whole wind.”

“The Star Air consortium is really amazing, even Such a fierce person can be invited.”

“A Virtual Game player is not good to play Virtual Game, it’s terrible.”

The major training halls and Looking at Wang Zongquan, the expert of Dojo has already understood that today’s Tiandou training hall is over. I am afraid it will become the first training hall in Fenglin City that only opens for one day.

“Although I don’t know who you are? But if you want to challenge the Hall Master, I am afraid you are not qualified!”

As this clear voice fell, everyone present couldn’t bear it When I turned my head and looked towards the source of the sound, I saw a beautiful woman who was speaking. Her sassy and heroic posture made people intoxicated. It was the Fire Dance in reality.

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