With the appearance of Fire Dance in the lobby, the major training halls and Dojo’s experts who were present all of a sudden could not help but sweat for Fire Dance.

“Where did this little girl come from?”

“Don’t want to live anymore?”

Although everyone doesn’t know that Fire Dance is who, it may be The Eldest Miss of that group, or the younger generation of Great Family.

But who is the Dragon King Zongquan?

That is an absolute fierce person. For Common people, at best, they know that Wang Zongquan defeated the foreign Inner Energy Peak expert demon wolf not long ago, but they all know it.

Before that, Wang Zongquan had been a killer for ten years. He was extremely cold-blooded. I don’t know how many experts died in the hands of Wang Zongquan. There is also a high-level Great Family. It can be said that as long as Wang Zong is Quan thought that even the heir to the Great Family who hired bodyguards might be dead.

At this time, I ran out and clamored with Wang Zongquan. It was definitely an act of courting death.

“You little girl is interesting, then what do you think is qualified?” Wang Zongquan not at all imagined the anger, but looked at Fire Dance, lightly said with a smile.

The purpose of his coming this time is very simple, that is to discredit the Tiandou Training Hall.

But what he worries most is that Tiandou Training Hall will avoid fighting. After all, his reputation in the industry is not small. Even if Tiandou Training Hall avoids fighting, everyone can understand.

It is the best thing to jump out to young people like Fire Dance who do not understand the situation.

In this way, Tiandou Training Hall has to take the initiative to fight. When the time comes, he can play around at will, so that the face of Tiandou Training Hall will be lost. When the time comes, Tiandou Training Hall will naturally be unable to be there. Fenglin City has a foothold.

“The youngster is the youngster after all, but after being so ridiculed by Wang Zongquan, he jumped out directly. Not to mention that there is nothing. In this case, the Tiandou training hall must be challenged.” Hall Master Chen Tianhe of Xinwu Hall, who is more than 50 years old, couldn’t help shaking his head, and then looked towards side Xiao Yu and said, “Old Xiao, the youngster you are talking about is probably bode ill rather than well this time.”

“Master Tianhe, don’t you come forward, that Wang Zongquan don’t give face?” Xiao Yu said very anxiously.

At this time, he is very speechless about Fire Dance. Although he knows that Fire Dance is an expert, he easily defeated the Intermediate Grade students of White Tiger Dojo before, but Wang Zongquan is the expert of the expert. Come out, simply add chaos.

The only thing you can count on now is Chen Tianhe.

As a well-known Master for a long time, even Jiang Tianyuan of White Tiger Dojo will give a little bit of face. As for the strength, there is nothing to say. When he was young, he was strong in the thirty two of the world fighting tournament.

Thirty two strong seems not worth mentioning, but it is a world fighting tournament, so I don’t know how many experts are excluded from the qualifications of the competition, but everyone who can participate in the tournament is the expert in the expert. Moreover, the number of players participating in the competition is as many as 100-Man, and they can eventually reach the strong two, and the strength can be imagined.

The Peak record, like Wang Zongquan, is only in the top sixty-four.

“If I were fifteen years younger, I might still be able to fight the current Wang Zongquan, now…” Chen Tianhe shook the head.

Fisting is afraid of being young and strong. This sentence is true whether it is put in the past or now.

Wang Zongquan’s current age is no more than three seventeen-eighteen. With modern scientific skills, he is in Peak state and defeated demon wolf. Now the strength of demon wolf is not at all in his Peak period. under.

“Is that the end?” Xiao Yu suddenly seemed to lose his soul.

In order to get a foothold in the Tiandou Training Hall, he finally invited Chen Tianhe over, and even used up the favors Chen Tianhe owed him in his early years, but now he is %……


“It’s a pity that Shi Feng’s youngster, who has mastered Inner Energy so early, has to fight Wang Zongquan.” Chen Tianhe looked at Wang Zongquan and sighed slightly.

I have mastered Inner Energy in my early twenties. This can be described as a genius. The future can be said to be very promising. After all, after mastering Inner Energy, it will greatly help the control of the body’s muscles and the brain endocrine. And so young, the body has not yet developed Peak, and the current technology can greatly improve the body Constitution.

If Shi Feng is given another five or six years, he can completely fight Wang Zongquan.

In one corner of the hall, a thin middle-aged man was watching all this quietly, frowning slightly, and this man was Zhuo Linqiu.

“This Lu Xingluo is really not to be underestimated. Even Wang Zongquan can be invited over. This is not easy to handle.” Zhuo Linqiu stared at Wang Zongquan, who looked like a tiger. , I felt a lot of pressure.

I thought that Lu Xingluo would invite at most one Inner Energy Great Accomplishment expert to be good, but now he has invited Wang Zongquan from Inner Energy Peak. There are not many such experts in the whole country. One is not a famous person, so he can’t easily invite him.

Because such people are not very interested in money anymore, or they are not short of money, it is difficult to invite them.

Although he is also Inner Energy Peak, because of his age, his physique is definitely worse than Wang Zongquan, who is in his prime of life. If he really fights, his winning rate is at most 40%.

And when everyone was talking quietly, Fire Dance also step by step towards Wang Zongquan under everyone’s attention.

“If you want to compete with our Hall Master, at least pass my level first.” Fire Dance walked up to Wang Zongquan, and the expression said flatly.

As Fire Dance finished speaking, the audience fell silent, followed by exclaims.

“Is this little girl crazy?”

“Isn’t there no one in the Tiandou training hall, let this little girl come to death on purpose?”

Everyone looked at Fire Dance, whose expressions were as plain as water. Each and everyone didn’t know what to say. It would be fine if it was just a Common person. But if you fight against an Inner Energy Master like Wang Zongquan, Wang Zongquan is not a good person. The shot is absolutely very ruthless.

It can be said that no one who fought with Wang Zong fist in the first half of the year after the competition has been played. This is because the current medical skills are very developed, and they can afford expensive Potion.

Change to Common is to lie down in the hospital for a lifetime!

“What is she doing?” Gentle Snow couldn’t help but worry.

She knows that Fire Dance is training hard in God’s Domain, and her strength is now very powerful, but the reality is not in the game, even if there is no physical exercise in normal times, but this is not in God’s Domain after all. It’s not bad to deal with Common’s experts, and to compete with experts like Wang Zongquan, simply courting death.

“Snow, is she your friend?” Zhang Tianya on the side asked.

Gentle Snow nodded.

“If this is the case, then you can rest assured, although I am not that person’s opponent, it is fine for me to stop it at the critical moment.” Zhang Tianya said confidently.

He has been pursuing Gentle Snow for a long time, not only because of Gentle Snow’s perfect look and posture, but also because of the Bai Group behind Gentle Snow. Only such a woman can match him.

Usually, he doesn’t have much chance to let Gentle Snow know how good he is. Now is the best moment for Gentle Snow to know his strength.

Facing an Inner Energy Peak expert like Wang Zongquan, although he is not an opponent, he still has no problem with the next blow.

“little girl, is there no one in Tiandou? If you want to learn from me, I never show mercy, when the time comes, don’t blame me.” Wang Zongquan looked With Fire Dance’s face darkened, there was a trace of murderous aura in his eyes, and he already had the intention to do something.

Before he could be a Fire Dance young and ignorant, but dare to challenge him in public is another matter.

What he said is also a great expert of Inner Energy. Now let a layman challenge it. It can be said to be an extraordinary shame and humiliation. If you can’t teach it well, you will only be laughed at by others.

“How about our Tiandou, it’s not your turn to talk nonsense, let’s pass my level first!”

Fire Dance cut into Wangzong with an inch In front of the punch, a punch immediately blasted out.

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