In the early morning sun shone brightly, Cool Breeze slowly.

As soon as Shi Feng came out of the Virtual Reality Capsule, he immediately contacted Liang Jing and took Liang Jing to sign a training center in the city center to be sold out.

In today’s national fitness, fighting players don’t know how many times they are dazzling compared to entertainment stars. There are so many people who want to become fighting stars, so I know that there are many training centers, Dojos, and fitness centers.

But also because of this, it is very difficult for the training center, Dojo, and fitness center to mix in Major City, because the competition is too fierce, and it can even be described as cruel.

Let’s not talk about the latest mechanical equipment for daily updates and various advanced medical equipment. The nutritious meals developed by the training hall itself are a big expense. After all, the equipment is good for the effect of exercise. Better, ensuring good nutrition is twice the results for half the effort for training.

It can be said to be a very money-burning industry. If it is not well managed and does not have enough capital, it is normal to close down in two or three years, not to mention first-tier cities like Fenglinshi. Every year, there are other training halls or Dojos coming from Small City. If you want to gain a foothold in Fenglin City, many training halls are closed every year.

During this time, Shi Feng not only continued to produce Azure Light and High Grade Mana Armor Kits in God’s Domain, but also led a team member to farm a farm BOSS on the 1st floor of Bottomless Abyss. During the main day, It is to choose those training halls, Dojos, and fitness centers to be sold out.

After the selection of the past few days, it was finally determined to be a century training hall not far from the fighting stadium.

Although the training equipment of this century training hall is a bit old, the location is very good. The most important thing is that it is big enough. The whole building has five 11 layers. It has only been opened for more than a year, which is very new. Although it is far inferior to the current training base of Zero Wing, it is also enough for the daily exercise of nearly 10,000 people, which can meet the current needs of Zero Wing for inner members.

And the price of this century training hall is also considered cheap, only 8.9 billion yuan, even the decoration can be saved, only need to buy the latest training and medical equipment, it can be said that it can be directly used use.

Soon Shi Feng spent half a day, signed a series of contracts and procedures, bought all this century training center, and then contacted Xiao Yu.

“Chairman Xiao, the training hall has been completed, would you like to take a look?” Shi Feng said with a smile.

“Is it done?” Xiao Yu couldn’t help being taken aback.

In his opinion, it is almost impossible for Shi Feng to solve the problem of the training hall in two or three months. After all, raising funds is a big problem, and in his opinion Shi Feng wants To buy an entire building in the center of Fenglin City is simply a idiot.

After all, such financial resources, unless the Bai Group behind Shi Feng sells the existing fixed assets, simply relying on the liquidity on hand is simply impossible, even with the flow of their Big Dipper Group Resources are far from enough.

How can it be done in just a few days?

“Yes, it’s done, now only the purchase of equipment.” Shi Feng nodded.

“Okay! I’ll go over immediately!” Xiao Yu looked at Shi Feng’s serious appearance, still a little unbelievable, and planned to confirm it personally.

A few hours later, Xiao Yu appeared in front of the building of the training hall, and his whole person became a little trance.

“Century Training Hall? How is this possible?” Xiao Yu looked at the full five 11 layers of training hall, his eyes full of shock.

As the chairman of Big Dipper Group who wants to break into Fenglin City, he still knows some well-known training centers in Fenglin City. Among them, Century Training Center is one of them, but because Century Training Center has been Without training outstanding students, they won any good rankings, resulting in worse and worse business. Therefore, the Century Training Center has always wanted to sell, with the return of funds to consolidate their status in second-tier cities.

If you want to buy the entire century training hall, there is no nearly tens of billions of things that are fundamentally impossible.

Nearly tens of billions!

This is not even the three Big Dipper groups can make up so much money.

“Chairman Xiao, the scale of this training hall is not bad?” Shi Feng pointed to the century training hall and asked softly.

“Okay! Great! With this place, a little publicity, coupled with the latest equipment, it is difficult to recruit a large number of students.” Xiao Yu couldn’t help but feel a little excited. Make a series of plans.

“That’s very good, the next thing will trouble Chairman Xiao, as for the purchase of equipment and the funds for promotion, I will call you in a while.” Shi Feng looked at Xiao Yu with confidence, Knowing that this matter is no longer a problem, then just wait for the training hall to provide high-quality students for Zero Wing.

As long as the training hall can guarantee enough inner members, when the time comes Star Ring, it will be difficult to shake the pace of Zero Wing. After all, the advantages that Zero Wing has now are too great.

If you don’t take advantage of this advantage, Zero Wing will be very passive after the player’s level is up. After all, the most important thing about a Guild is the quantity and quality of the experts in Guild. This is now Zero Wing can’t compete with Super Organization at all.

“As long as the funds are okay, I can contact the equipment immediately, and it is estimated that it will be shipped in one or two days.” Xiao Yu nodded, seeing Shi Feng so utterly not short of money, couldn’t help but feel right. Shi Feng is a little bit more surprised and mysterious.

He knows Shi Feng very well. After all, he is a classmate of his niece. He also has some investigations about Shi Feng, and he knows everything clearly.

I used to think that Shi Feng was a fighting genius, but after all, he was a fledgling, with no background and family. If he wanted to mix Heaven and Earth, he would have to wait ten years later.

But now, he thought he knew Shi Feng very well, but during this time he felt that Shi Feng was becoming deeper and unmeasurable.

First I joined forces with Bai Group in Fenglin City, and then bought the Century Training Center, and this matter was obviously decided by Shi Feng…

“Two days Can all the equipment be available? If this is the case, then we will open in three days. As for the Instructor and the management staff, it will be troublesome for Chairman Xiao.” Shi Feng thought for a while and said, now the time is not waiting, the inner member must be added as soon as possible .

“It’s okay. I don’t know what name this training hall is going to use. When the time comes, it is also good for publicity.” Xiao Yu asked.

“It’s called Tiandou Training Hall.” Shi Feng said.

I originally thought of Zero Wing, but the name of Zero Wing is now too ostentatious and it is too easy to be targeted by Great Influence. It is better to have a Common name.

“Well, I will make arrangements.” Xiao Yu nodded.

After that, Xiao Yu began to get busy with the Tiandou training hall, and the news that Zero Wing was going to open the Tiandou training hall quickly spread throughout Fenglin City.

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