“Bottomless Abyss?”

Many Zero Wing Members present did not respond to the System prompt, but some players who knew something about Undead Ancient Country were excited.

“cracking a joke! This is actually God Level Regional Dungeon!”

“Guild Master powerful!”

“Now we Zero Wing really It鈥檚 going to develop!”

At present, the land clearing of Bottomless Abyss by Great Influence is almost equal to zero, but things about Bottomless Abyss are a place that countless forces yearn for, and Star Ring Guild is based on Undead Ancient Country. The fortress can defeat the two half-Super Guild in one fell swoop, otherwise the Star Ring would not be in the Dark Night Empire like the sun at high noon.

In addition to discovering that this is Bottomless Abyss, the environment in Stone Forest Small Town also made everyone startled.

Because the original magic power is not very rich in Stone Forest Small Town, the magic power is now amazingly rich, even in Zero Wing City, I am afraid it can鈥檛 be compared. In this high concentration of magic power environment , Players who want to improve their combat level will also become twice the results for half the effort.

It can be said that the current Stone Forest Small Town is simply the sacred land of the player in mind.

Not only is the level up and the equipment fast, but the combat level will also increase rapidly. Such a beautiful thing is not found in the lantern.

As Zero Wing Member discovered that the location of Stone Forest Small Town is Bottomless Abyss, this news quickly spread to the ears of the Great Influence of Star-Moon Kingdom.

“How is this possible?!”

“This must be a mistake! That’s the God Level Regional Dungeon of Undead Ancient Country. How could Stone Forest Small Town be transferred to? “

The Great Influence that received the message almost immediately determined that the message was FALSE and impossible was true.

For the Common expert player, it鈥檚 already very good to be able to level up on Neutral Map exclusively, and it鈥檚 simply unattainable for places like Undead Ancient Country, even if it鈥檚 learned from the gossip. Little is known, but they are different. They have done a lot of research on Undead Ancient Country and Bottomless Abyss.

They are very clear that the major Super Organizations now are taboo against Bottomless Abyss. Let alone the strategy, survival is a huge problem, let alone the transfer of Guild town to such a place.

Be aware that Bottomless Abyss is Regional Dungeon. This is not the Neutral Map in the wild. Players can transfer as they wish.

But when one message after another is confirmed to be correct, even if you don鈥檛 believe it, it鈥檚 useless, because the facts are there. From now on it is destined that Zero Wing will become God鈥檚 Domain. Not in those Super Organizations, but at least has the capital to fight against the Super Organization.

In the White River City of Star-Moon Kingdom, Yuan Tiexin and Purple Jade, who were resting in the High Grade restaurant, saw this news and were silent for a long time.

“Uncle Yuan, Zero Wing really did it! Can we start the next step in our plan?” Purple Jade couldn’t help but said a little excitedly.

Although she knew that Zero Wing would not lie to them for a long time, it was surprising and admirable that the result came out.

“Well, let me know immediately so that the people of the previous organization are ready to rush to Stone Forest Small Town. This time we have to take the Bottomless Abyss before the major Super Organizations take action!” Yuan Tiexin nodded , Said with a smile, “This time, let those Advanced Members of Heavenly Secret Commerce know whether this decision made by Heavenly Secret Pavilion is stupid!” They Heavenly Secret Pavilion wanted to eliminate Star Ring Guild’s The status of Advanced Member is under great pressure, and for this reason, they have also put out a lot of benefits to calm the situation.

Moreover, many Super Organizations who got the news also laughed at their Heavenly Secret Pavilion, and even abandoned the fortress of Undead Ancient Country for a Zero Wing, instead letting other forces take advantage of the loopholes.

But now all this is over!

They Heavenly Secret Pavilion now owns shares of Stone Forest Small Town. Not only can they get a lot of gold coins, they can also build a temporary Guild teleportation point in Stone Forest Small Town without having to go to Undead Ancient Country. After entering Bottomless Abyss, they can even continue to level up and fight in Bottomless Abyss. When Stamina does not support, they can return to Stone Forest Small Town to rest. Compared with other Guilds, they have too many advantages.

This is not a fortress in Undead Ancient Country at all. It can be said that Zero Wing can kill Star Ring in Bottomless Abyss if you think about it.

The easiest way is to ban Star Ring Guild’s members from entering Stone Forest Small Town, so that other forces can enter Stone Forest Small Town and develop vigorously. The status of Star Ring in Dark Night Empire is probably Will be greatly affected, which is the same as when Star Ring blocked Zero Wing in Neutral Map.

As for Star Ring now wanting to use Zero Wing, I am afraid this is not as easy as imagined. After all, as soon as Stone Forest Small Town is released, all major Super Organizations will get news, when the time Comes Zero Wing has become the sweet pastry in the eyes of major Super Organizations. They all want to cooperate with Zero Wing in depth.

But if Zero Wing is allowed to develop, it will also be more and more unfavorable for Star Ring’s situation in Dark Night Empire.

“I鈥檓 afraid no one would have imagined that the Star Ring that dignified dominates the Dark Night Empire will be in a dilemma because of a little Zero Wing. It does not advance or retreat, and it鈥檚 just waiting to die if you don鈥檛 move. .” Yuan Tiexin thought of Zero Wing Guild who was still very weak at the beginning, and felt deeply moved for a while.

The development history of Zero Wing Guild can simply be called a miracle.

And starting today, Zero Wing is truly qualified to step into their Domain. It is no longer a Common Guild. It is slaughtered at will, and there is no room to fight back.

At the same time Yuan Tiexin and the others received the news, the headquarters of War Spirit Uprise and Crimson Emperor, two major half-Super Guild’s in the Dark Night Empire, were also bombed.

“How did Zero Wing do it?”

The executives of the two Big Guilds were full of curiosity and surprise for Zero Wing’s transfer of Stone Forest Small Town to Bottomless Abyss. didn’t expect Zero Wing to have this ability.

“Indestructible wait a while, you will go to White River City’s Zero Wing headquarters with Lingsha, and say that War Spirit Uprise is willing to cooperate in depth. Their Zero Wing does not want to enter the Dark Night Empire market. Can we in War Spirit Uprise take out the central store of Dark Night Empire, as long as we can get a temporary resident in Stone Forest Small Town!” Guild Master Soul Sky Mute of War Spirit Uprise thought for a moment, and looked towards the conference table Indestructible War Heart and Mu Lingsha, “As for the management and sale of those stores, you are in charge of it.”

The high-levels of War Spirit Uprise in the conference hall heard that they couldn鈥檛 help themselves, each and everyone. I couldn’t believe that Master Guild was willing to give such power to Indestructible War Heart and Mu Lingsha.

Know that the most important thing for a Guild is financial resources. Among them, the income of the Store is particularly important. It can be said that it is the core of Guild’s. Now I am willing to give the core of Guild to two people, but let them have second only in an instant to Guild Master’s status and power.

At the same time, not only War Spirit Uprise, but also other Super Organizations that have been informed have also taken action, all flocking to White River City in Star-Moon Kingdom.

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