After Shi Feng clicked the System column, the System prompt sounded again in his ear.

System: Confirm that the player transfers Stone Forest Small Town to this area and confirm that the transfer conditions are met.

System: Stone Forest Small Town will be closed one minute later. It is estimated that it will take half an hour to transfer to this area. Players cannot be entered temporarily in this area. Players will be automatically closed after ten seconds. Was sent to the area.

“Half an hour?” Shi Feng couldn’t help feeling a little excited when he heard the System prompt.

For Big Guilds, nothing is more important than resources and expertise. As long as Stone Forest Small Town is moved here, when the time comes, Stone Forest Small Town will be even more important than Zero Wing City It is important, not to mention the profit, it is definitely not comparable to Zero Wing City.

Just as Shi Feng was thinking about how to plan for the next step, Shi Feng was also sent out of Magic Formation by the System.

At the same time in the Stone Forest Small Town of Star-Moon Kingdom, the players in the entire Stone Forest Small Town are all confused.

“What’s the situation? Stone Forest Small Town has to be moved to another place?”

“Crap! I just came to Stone Forest Small Town to level up!”

“Zero Wing is what is going to do? Now that Stone Forest Small Town has finally recovered some popularity, it moved Stone Forest Small Town away. Does Zero Wing think there will be more people moving to other places? “

“It’s too dark! We have to boycott Zero Wing! Zero Wing even abandoned us new players in order to gain more popularity. We will never step into Zero Wing’s town again. See how Zero Wing will open the town in the future!”

The players in Stone Forest Small Town talked about the announcements sent by the System for a while, especially the newcomer player, now Stone Forest Small Town is a level up sacred land from Level 30 to Level 50, and the Item that the player wants is available in Auction House, even in an NPC city.

But now they still have time to enjoy the benefits of Stone Forest Small Town, Stone Forest Small Town will be transferred, and in the end it is equal to go on an errand for nothing.

The sudden announcement of Stone Forest Small Town’s transfer was soon heard by the Great Influence of Star-Moon Kingdom.

“What? Stone Forest Small Town wants to relocate?”

“Stone Forest Small Town has finally gained popularity, and it can provide a lot of Mana Crystal every day, but now it is relocated Stone Forest Small Town, did Zero Wing find a better place?”

“Check! Let conceal’s spies in the Zero Wing Guild find me the location of the transfer!”

The transfer of Stone Forest Small Town only lost a place for free players to level up, and it was only a newcomer player, but it is different for the Great Influence in Star-Moon Kingdom.

The shift of towns represents the shift of spheres of influence. Today, no one in the entire Star-Moon Kingdom dares to oppose Zero Wing. If Zero Wing transfers towns to their spheres of influence, when the time comes It’s about to be bad luck, so each and everyone is nervously inquiring where Zero Wing will transfer Stone Forest Small Town to.

Just when the Great Influences of Star-Moon Kingdom felt their human’s heart panicked, Yuan Tiexin, who was resting in a High Grade restaurant in White River City, also stared at the news that just came.

“Uncle Yuan, according to our spy investigation, how is it now?” Purple Jade asked curiously, “Really as Black Flame said, now Stone Forest Small Town has to be transferred to Bottomless Abyss Is it?”

Bottomless Abyss, but now all major Super Organizations are extremely concerned about things. If it weren’t for the monster and environmental issues in Bottomless Abyss, I’m afraid their Heavenly Secret Pavilion would also send a large number of experts to the past.

Currently, according to the information they have received, Super-Guild has even sent an expert team to secretly explore Bottomless Abyss, but the loss in Bottomless Abyss is not small. According to the results of the investigation, the current Bottomless Abyss is not now Where the player can level up, at least have to wait until after Level 70.

She can hardly imagine that Zero Wing has the ability to transfer Stone Forest Small Town to Bottomless Abyss, but she looked at Shi Feng’s that day and looked so confident and calm, she didn’t know each other and laughed, and if Shi Feng couldn’t do it , Then the entire Zero Wing City can become their Heavenly Secret Pavilion.

“Not sure.” Yuan Tiexin shook the head, “But according to the news we got, Black Flame had appeared in Undead Ancient Country before and made Star Ring’s Vice-Guild Master Morning Shine dropped It’s a lot of face, and I want to come with a higher probability. After all, Stone Forest Small Town needs the permission of the controller to transfer.”

He is also dubious about this, if they were very sure that the Heavenly Secret Pavilion could do it. By the time, I am afraid that Heavenly Secret Pavilion will also increase their investment in Zero Wing’s, and will not ignore the current situation of Zero Wing’s.

“If Zero Wing can really do it, then Zero Wing can develop in the future. Only with Stone Forest Small Town can have the capital to fight against the Super Organization. If the inheritance background can keep up and become a half-Super Guild is just around the corner!” Purple Jade knows very well how terrifying the resources of Bottomless Abyss are. If they can master these resources, the speed of development will be very terrifying, and before Level 100, it is very difficult for the major Super Organizations to deal with Zero Wing’s, even if Even the current Star Ring can hardly shake Zero Wing.

In the Zero Wing Guild, the members of the Zero Wing Guild are also talking about Stone Forest Small Town.

“I don’t know where Guild will move Stone Forest Small Town this time?”

“It should be a certain Neutral Map. After all, the development goals of Big Guild are all It’s the Neutral Map, and our Zero Wing will naturally be no exception. I just don’t know that it’s the Neutral Map around.”

“I also think that Star Ring is staring at us in the Beastman Empire. Zero Wing , We can’t do activities in the central area of ​​the Beastman Empire at all. We can only do activities around the Silver Wing Small Town. We cannot develop at all. If we can transfer the Stone Forest Small Town to the central area of ​​the Beastman Empire, we will be able to mix a lot. “

“In fact, it’s not bad even if you are not in Beastman Empire. Star Ring has a fortress in Beastman Empire, but it doesn’t exist in other Neutral Maps. If Stone Forest Small Town is transferred to other Neutral Maps, we will be Zero Wing. It is very advantageous, and our Zero Wing’s Auction House has complete items. Even if we go to the worse Neutral Map, the level up speed will not be worse than in Beastman Empire.”

Zero Wing Guild members are all There is a lot of speculation about where Stone Forest Small Town will be transferred, and at the same time I am looking forward to it.

Although Fire Dance previously defeated the Star Ring expert outside Silver Wing Small Town, which boosted Guild’s morale a lot, but because of Star Ring’s blockade, they still could not level up in Neutral Map with peace of mind. Other Guild’s members are improving rapidly in Neutral Map every day. If they don’t have any ideas in their minds, it’s impossible.

Time passed, half an hour passed quickly after everyone was talking. Many players who had been staring at Guild’s transmission suddenly discovered that Stone Forest Small Town could start transmission, and the level was limited to Level 60. At that time, each and everyone made everyone look stupid.

“What’s the situation?”

“Why is there a level restriction for teleporting to Guild town?”

Just when Guild Member was curious about it, some Level 60 The above players couldn’t help but purchased the Guild Teleportation Scroll and sent them directly to Stone Forest Small Town.

Until Zero Wing Member teleported to Stone Forest Small Town, a System prompt sounded in my ear, and everyone and everyone were stunned.

System: The player found Bottomless Abyss.

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