Undead Ancient Country, Hallucination Forest.

“How could this happen?” Morning Shine looked at the Zero Wing message that she had just received, with indescribable surprise in her eyes.

It was only a few hours before and after, Black Flame entered Bottomless Abyss and transferred Stone Forest Small Town to the past. It seemed like a dream no matter what.

Where is Bottomless Abyss?

That is the Domain that even their Star Ring dare not go too deep.

But only a few hours after Black Flame went in, they had their own town in Bottomless Abyss. You must know that their Star Ring has spent a lot of resources and manpower in order to get the fortress of Undead Ancient Country. As a result, all efforts are made. Not even Black Flame alone.

Now because of this incident, many forces have gone to White River City to contact Zero Wing. Of course, the purpose needless to say, that is, the shares of Stone Forest Small Town and the temporary Guild Encampment.

And if Zero Wing had the help of these Super Organizations, it would be almost impossible for their Star Ring to deal with Zero Wing, and their Star Ring also fell to the bottom because of the impression of Stone Forest Small Town.

So Guild Master Lu Xingluo immediately gave him instructions to use all Strength must to destroy or seize the Stone Forest Small Town before Zero Wing can stabilize the Stone Forest Small Town of Bottomless Abyss. come.

“Does Vice-Guild Master have an accident?” Assassin looked at Morning Shine, who was surprised and then sneered, and asked curiously.

“Good thing! Great thing!” Morning Shine said with a smile.

The humiliation of being snatched from the boss by Black Flame before, did not expect to find it back so soon, how can he not be excited and excited?

“Good thing?” Assassin looked strange.

“Well, Guild Master ordered me to move the Black Flame to the Stone Forest Small Town of Bottomless Abyss with all my strength now, and I can use all of Guild’s Strength!” Morning Shine explained.

“Use all Strength?” Assassin heard it, he couldn’t help but feel shocked.

He already knows about the Stone Forest Small Town where Bottomless Abyss appeared, because this matter has already caused discussion in Guild, everyone is surprised, but using all the strength of Guild to deal with a Guild town, this Things are no more shocking than the transfer of Stone Forest Small Town.

Be aware that the major Super Organizations are not comparable to the Common Guild, and their strength coverage is very broad. Anything they do will only use a part of Guild’s Strength, even if their Star Ring is only using it when dealing with War Spirit Uprise. Only a small part of Strength.

But now in order to deal with a Zero Wing, they have to use all of their Star Ring Guild’s Strength……

“Yes, use all Strength!” Morning Shine nodded, with a hint of the corner of his mouth showing Smirk, “I thought it would take a long time to repay the revenge of this arrow, didn’t expect chance to come so fast, I hope when the time comes Black Flame don’t run too fast!”

For Big Guilds, a Guild town is extremely difficult to shake, not to mention the Small Town that has been in business for a long time. Generally speaking, the major Super Organizations will have a headache.

But that is a common situation. If you can use the entire Guild’s background to deal with a town, simply with no difficulty, even Advanced Small Town will not be listed, let alone transfer In the towns on the High Grade map, the defense is weak in all aspects. The defense of the towns has to be rearranged, and the Guild Member is not in place.

Although Bottomless Abyss is really troublesome and there are very few experts who can go to it, it doesn’t take many people to destroy or seize a town. You only need to have enough Peak experts and powerful people. item is enough.

“Go to the fortress right away, take those things right away, and notify the Old Monsters and all Peak experts in the fortress at the same time, and let them come quickly!” Morning Shine issued immediately Ordered.

When Assassin heard it, his eyes also bloomed, and he immediately began to contact.

Vice-Guild Master Morning Shine is in charge of Undead Ancient Country, but the Peak-level experts and Old Monster in the fortress are not managed, not to mention the powerful items Guild placed in the fortress. One is a small divine weapon that can affect a Guild battle, and it is definitely not allowed to be used unless it is a last resort.

Outside the Stone Forest Small Town on the Bottomless Abyss 1st floor, a 100-Man team has been concealed in the forest to quietly observe the Stone Forest Small Town not far away.

“Boss is really divine strategy and wonderful planning, let go of the Purple Shadow Adventure Group, and quietly followed them and found Zero Wing’s Stone Forest Small Town.” Assassin, Level 68 in blue, looked away. Enter the Purple Shadow Adventure Group in Stone Forest Small Town, and you can’t help saying with a smile.

“This Zero Wing Guild has several points of strength. It can transfer the town of Guild here, which is beyond our Heavenly Dragon Palace.” The man in crimson armor looked at Stone Forest Small Town admired.

If Shi Feng hears the conversation of these two people here, it would be all startled.

Because Heavenly Dragon Palace is one of the three major Overlords of Fire Dragon Empire, and it is also the veteran Super-Guild. It is not comparable to Common’s half-Super Guild at all. Even the strong rise of Star Ring Guild is among them Head down in front of Heavenly Dragon Palace. The strongest period is known as one of the ten Big Guilds in God’s Domain.

You must know that God’s Domain, a virtual reality game, is not comparable to the previous Virtual Game. I don’t know how many large consortiums I have entered, which can become ten Big Guilds. Those are Peaks in Peak, not at all Common’s Super-Guild is comparable, and Transcendent Influence such as Heavenly Secret Pavilion can barely fight.

“Boss, what shall we do next?” asked Assassin in blue, “Should we just come over and find the way.”

“Of course not.” Scarlet armor The man laughed, “It is admirable for Zero Wing to have such a means, but such a place is not suitable for Zero Wing, and Zero Wing does not know that the tree seems beautiful in a forest, but is easily toppled by the wind, instead of letting Other forces snatch it away. It’s better to let us Heavenly Dragon Palace get it.”

“Very good, I’m just waiting for your words from Boss.” Assassin in blue licked the corner of the lips, staring It’s cold and murderous aura.

In his opinion, treasure has always been a place for the capable. For Feng Shui treasure land like Stone Forest Small Town, Zero Wing simply is not qualified to own it.

“But let’s wait a moment.” said the scarlet armor man.

“Wait? Why?” Assassin in blue was blank, and didn’t understand what the scarlet armor man was doing.

“We are doing it too early, and the team here is more than our family.” The scarlet armor man pointed to the team concealed on a small hill in the distance, lightly said with a smile.

“How come the people from Proud Empire are here too!” Assassin in blue saw the people on the hill, browsing slightly wrinkle.

Proud Empire is also one of the three major Overlords of Fire Dragon Empire. Guild’s strength is not weaker than their Heavenly Dragon Palace. It is not a good thing to encounter it now.

“They probably found us too. If we do it, they will definitely catch the fisherman both.” The scarlet armor man said.

“Boss, then we can’t wait forever. There must be many forces staring here. If it slows down, it will be even more difficult to capture Stone Forest Small Town.” Lan Yi Assassin said anxiously.

Just when the scarlet armor man wanted to say something, he suddenly received a message, and a smile was revealed at the corner of his mouth.

“They really found us.” The scarlet armor man said with a smile, “and he also took the initiative to join us in taking the Stone Forest Small Town.”

“no way , Are they willing to join forces?” Assassin in blue was surprised.

Know that their two Big Guilds are opponents, but usually they have been playing secretly, but things don’t make much trouble that’s all.

“It’s right to do this. Instead of wasting time, it’s better to take it together first.” The scarlet armor man thought for a while and said, “Let’s let people prepare.”

” Yes!” Although blue-clothed Assassin was unwilling, the Group Leader had already ordered and only obeyed.

Immediately, the people of Heavenly Dragon Palace quietly moved to Stone Forest Small Town under the command of the scarlet armor man, and the Proud Empire member in the distance also moved at the same time.

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