Undead Ancient Country, a cursed ancient Kingdom, because the ancient war was completely destroyed, the entire Kingdom has become a dead place, and there are dead everywhere, becoming the kingdom of the dead in the God’s Domain continent, each major kingdom and Empire dare not get involved.

Although it has become a country of undead, no one dares to set foot here casually, but this ancient Kingdom also retains the inheritance of the Ancient Times and has resources that have not been developed for tens of thousands of years, so it has become countless desperadoes. A gold rush for disciples.

However, Undead Ancient Country is very far away from the surrounding Kingdom and Empire. Even in the nearest Dark Night Empire, the expert player rides the mount and rushes all the way, plus the monster on the roadside, it takes almost a day. One can imagine how far it is.

Shi Feng used the transmission of Ring of the Seven Luminaries one after another, coupled with the wild rush of mount, and finally spent half an hour to reach the border of Undead Ancient Country.

Standing on the border plateau of Undead Ancient Country, Shi Feng not at all rushed in. Instead, he stopped and started to rest, and replaced the Strength gemstone inlaid with five Stamina gemstones. At the same time I drank a bottle of Stamina Potion, sat down and started to restore.

Undead Ancient Country is not compared to other Neutral Maps. The entire Kingdom is in a state of spatial disorder due to the War of the Ancients, and it is impossible to use teleportation to enter it. Not to mention that the player is inside. Stamina consumes more than 50% of Common Neutral Map.

In addition to the various dangers and monsters in Undead Ancient Country, even if the player rides the Dark Gold Mount, they can’t go far.

General players will adjust their state to the best before entering Undead Ancient Country, even Peak Tier 2 expert is no exception, unless the player can reach Tier 3 profession, you can ignore Undead Most of the dangers in Ancient Country.

“Sure enough, no matter how many times I came here, I still feel that this place is amazing!” Shi Feng looked at the huge barrier that was completely shrouded in darkness. There were terrifying silver arcs flashing everywhere, and he was secretly surprised.

Thousands of years have passed since the battle of the ancients, but this area because the last battle has not eliminated the impact, the power of Ancient Spiritual God is simply incredible, it is not like Tier 6 Spiritual God. Things done.

After more than ten minutes of restoring, Shi Feng saw that his state had been completely restored, and he didn’t stay much longer. He rode the Magic Flame War Tiger directly into the barrier shrouded in darkness.

Currently, although Zero Wing has obtained 45 stores in Dark Night Empire ten Major City, plus the store controlled by Hundred Flowers Palace, it is no longer comparable to any First-Rate Guild, it can even be said It is the fourth largest trading company in the entire Dark Night Empire, but the debt it owns also makes any Guild despair.

106ten thousand gold!

I am afraid that even Super Organization will make the corners of their eyes jump when they see it.

If Zero Wing cannot repay the money within a month, it will take Zero Wing City’s shares as collateral, which makes Nether Orchid almost crazy after receiving the news.

Originally, Zero Wing’s current economic situation was barely self-insured in Star-Moon Kingdom. Now, with more debt, it can completely bring down the entire Zero Wing.

If you put it in other Kingdom or Empire, it’s a good thing to be able to spend the money to buy so many stores, but where is Dark Night Empire, it’s a place where no one of Great Influence wants to set foot. But Shi Feng did just that…

But in Shi Feng’s opinion, this is a good chance.

Dark Night Empire is famous for its rich products, especially for cities like Sea of ​​Forest, where resources are placed at the top level in the major Empires. Before Zero Wing took over half of Hundred Flowers Palace. Store, but it only sells items together, plus the small number, it is impossible to truly enter the Dark Night Empire.

A Guild who wants to become a giant in God’s Domain not only needs a large number of expert players, but also a large amount of resources as support. Just relying on a Kingdom’s resources is far from enough.

Before, Shi Feng thought about the surrounding Kingdom of super Star-Moon Kingdom slowly developing, but now the chance is rare, so naturally I can’t let it go.

Although I owe a lot of money right now, Stone Forest Small Town only needs to be transferred to Bottomless Abyss, and I want to pay back more than one hundred ten thousand gold in a month. This is not impossible. After all, Bottomless The temptation of Abyss for Great Influence and players is too great.

The moment Shi Feng stepped into this area, Shi Feng felt that his body was wrapped in strong gravity, and his five senses became a little fuzzy. The battle strength can only show up to 70% of the usual. .

After running for less than five minutes, I saw monsters above Level 60 all around. Most of these monsters are Undead Creature. Each and everyone is Chieftain-rank, and the Lord Rank is very Less, but the Undead Creature here has a very high level of combat. A Tier 2 profession player can kill a Chieftain-rank monster one-on-one. It will take a lot of time to meet Lord Rank’s Undead Creature, Common’s Tier 2 players can run directly.

Because of these Lord Rank undead monsters, even Tier 2 experts can only barely defeat them. It is impossible to kill them alone.

If you accidentally encounter the Undead Creature of the High Lord Rank, even the Tier 2 expert will fall. Unless it is an expert team of 20 people, you can still fight a dozen, or you will die.

And the most deadly thing in Undead Ancient Country is not these. There are countless traps here. These traps are set by the high-intelligence undead. If a player accidentally steps in, it will die without the strength of a Peak expert. Undoubtedly, and even the probability of a Peak expert surviving is not high.

Of course, there are so many dangers. The resources and treasures here are also unmatched by the outside world. Only after running for less than ten minutes, Shi Feng saw a lot of Rare herbs and ores. There are even fragments of ancient equipment that drops on the ground.

The fragments of ancient equipment are all left over from the war of the ancients. These equipments are not at all, because the erosion of time has been completely damaged, and the player cannot use them at all. However, these equipments are also dead because of this dead place. Contaminated with extremely strong Death Qi.

As long as this thing is handed over to the NPC living in Undead Ancient Country, it can be exchanged for many good things, even the Level 100 Adamantite Rank armor set can be exchanged, but the price is not generally high.

But Shi Feng is in a hurry now, not at all, he wants to clean up the mobs, bypassing these Level 60 Level Undead Creatures and rushing all the way to the location of Bottomless Abyss.

Because Shi Feng’s Level has reached 7Level 6, which is far beyond these 60 Level Undead Creatures, Shi Feng easily ran through map after map without leading to a monster.

It took more than six hours to finally arrive at the Hallucination Forest in the inner area of ​​Undead Ancient Country. The monster Level here is generally above Level 67. The Undead Creature of High Lord Rank has become common, even There is a Level 70 Peak High Lord haunted, and the Common expert player dare not set foot in this territory.

As Shi Feng rushed along the forest trail to the Bottomless Abyss in the central area, a mess of noises and explosions suddenly came out in the woods, and you could still see the dazzling light beams under the dim sky. , With the end of the beam, there was also a deafening roar, which made the entire forest tremble.

“BOSS?” Shi Feng transferred directly to the top of the tree and turned on All-knowing Eye to explore.

The visibility in Undead Ancient Country is extremely poor, the visibility is about 100 yards, and there are trees everywhere, it is difficult to see what naked eye is, but All-knowing Eye is different, it is simply the Perception range There are one hundred yards, and it greatly enhances the player’s field of vision. You can see five-six hundred yards away when you concentrate on one direction.

I saw two waves of people besieging a Level 69 Peak High Lord at a distance of more than three hundred yards. This Peak High Lord Guard is holding a Dark Gold Level treasure chest. Both waves are There is a 100-man or so, obviously a 100-man, but at this time the two sides are fighting each other while dealing with the boss, the two sides have been in a stalemate.

“Interestingly, they are obviously just some free players who dare to compete with Star Ring Guild’s for the boss.” Shi Feng was slightly surprised after seeing it clearly.

These two waves are players without Guild Emblems, and players wearing Star Ring Emblems. Generally speaking, in the wild Free team, they will avoid the Guild team, but this Free team But not, and can even compete with the Star Ring team, which is a rare thing in God’s Domain.

Seeing this, Shi Feng couldn’t help showing a bright smile, and walked directly over.

If this Free team competes with other Guild teams, forget it. As a passing player, he would be too lazy to take care of things, but he met the Star Ring Guild’s expert team, as the Guild Master of Zero Wing Guild, if If it doesn’t mean something, it’s not justified.

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