“Healer first stabilize the HP of the MT, and other Close Combats must not allow Star Ring people to approach Healer!”

A Level 67 Cursemancer wearing a deep purple mage robe from the Free team is While directing the team, while waving the azure wood Staff in his hand, constantly adding status to the team members.

For the Cursemancer commander, everyone in the Free team present is like a well-trained Legion. Even if it is a risk of desperation, each and everyone will act in accordance with the requirements of Cursemancer as soon as possible. , Everything is in order.

“Group Leader, Star Ring’s offensive is too fierce. Now that the BOSS has 24% HP left, we may not be able to hold on to that many time.” The hand on the side holds the green vine and wears the silver color on the chest. The Druid Emblem, wearing an exquisite light green short skirt, looked like a quiet woman like Fairy Maiden Lin and glanced at the HP of the BOSS, very worriedly said.

Hallucination Forest’s monster itself is very strong, coupled with the low magic power environment of Hallucination Forest itself, the Magic System player can only exert half the effect here, including Healer, let the BOSS here It becomes extremely difficult to deal with.

So under normal circumstances, it is very hard to deal with the in the wild BOSS here, let alone compete with Star Ring’s expert group for the BOSS.

“I understand, but just let the BOSS to them, the suppression Scroll we used will be wasted.” Group Leader Late Autumn Bright Winter looked towards a member of the Star Ring team who commanded the Star Ring from a distance The Berserker of Silver Armor gritted his teeth, “Moreover, we met Morning Shine this time. He is a ruthless character. Whenever he meets a player, he will not let go. He has already wiped out more than ten teams before. , Even if we want to quit, he probably won’t let us leave safely!”

“I support Group Leader, how do we say it is also the Purple Shadow Adventure Group ranked Top-10 in Dark Night Empire , At worst fight with them, when the time comes, don’t even think of getting a BOSS!” Standing aside, holding a blood red ancient bow Level 66 Ranger Half Arrow Startling Feather self-belief.

Everyone in the regiment is also nodded, and I am deeply convinced.

Dark Night Empire’s Adventure Groups are numerous, and their competitiveness is not comparable to the Adventure Groups in Kingdom. However, all the Adventure Groups that can rank in the top 100 are very strong enough to make the major First-Rate Guilds look different. , Common’s Third-Rate Guild does not want to provoke.

The Adventure Group that can rank in the Top-10 is all Peak Adventure Group, so that all the major First-Rate Guilds are treated well and want to absorb Guild to strengthen Guild’s strength.

Maybe their Purple Shadow Adventure Group is definitely not as strong as the Star Ring of the Super Organization, but they still have confidence if they want to fight against an expert group of Star Ring.

“Group Leader, I’m afraid I will not be able to resist the Star Ring’s offensive ahead, or let me go?” The female Druid Mu Qingcheng holding the green vine in her hand looked at the group members who were retreating and said quickly .

“Then I’ll go too, I’m tired of outputting BOSS all the time. It happened that the grandson of Star Ring practiced hands!” Half Arrow Startling Feather said.

“Okay, then you have to be careful, the people at Star Ring are not easy to deal with.” Late Autumn Bright Winter thought for a moment, but agreed.

Although there are no major casualties yet, he knows that this is what Morning Shine deliberately did. He wants them to kill the BOSS. As long as the BOSS reaches a certain HP, Morning Shine will definitely be serious. Get up and destroy their Healer directly, when the time comes, they will destroy themselves.

In order to block the offensive of Morning Shine, Mu Qingcheng and Half Arrow Startling Feather have the highest probability in the team. After all, they are among the top 20 in the Dark Night Empire profession battle strength list. expert.

Especially Mu Qingcheng, although he is only a Druid of the Healer system, he has obtained Peak Inheritance like the Saint of the Forest, and his battle strength in the forest is extremely strong.


Mu Qingcheng and Half Arrow Startling Feather rushed to the battle between the two regiments.

At present, because of the BOSS, people from both teams are afraid to send too many people in the Perception area of ​​the BOSS, so as not to make the BOSS too strong. As for the fighting on both sides, they are also controlled to a certain extent. , Or it is more accurate to test each other.

“Vice-Guild Master, the HP of the BOSS is lower than 20%.” said a Level 67 Cleric looked towards Morning Shine who commanded the battle.

“Okay! Everyone rushed with me, don’t let anyone pass!” Morning Shine glanced at the boss’s HP bar, and licked the corner of the lips, leading the team to rush towards Purple Shadow Adventure Group.

As Morning Shine gave orders, everyone in Star Ring became serious.

Purple Shadow Adventure Group’s expert may be very difficult to deal with in the First-Rate Guild, and there is no shortage of Tower of Trial that can reach the sixth floor expert, but in front of the Morning Shine guard team, this A little strength is nothing.

Because every member of Morning Shine’s guard team has the Tower of Trial seventh floor level, among which there are more than forty micro experts, which is enough to make the main First-Rate Guild’s team desperate, let alone deal with it. A little Adventure Group.

I saw Star Ring’s expert easily break through the defense network that could not be captured before. Two or three experts in the Ziying team couldn’t stop one of the Star Ring team’s experts, and HP continued Decline and get killed is only a matter of time.

Star Ring was just over a dozen people, and overwhelmed Ziying’s thirty people. The remaining twenty people in Star Ring followed Morning Shine to the location of Ziying’s Healer. These people Both are micro experts.

Seeing Morning Shine and the others less than 100 yards from the Healer of the Ziying team, Mu Qingcheng and Half Arrow Startling Feather, who came here, were startled at first, and then immediately started to move.

The Tier 3 super Magic tree world obtained from Mu Qingcheng chanting descends.

With a wave of the green vine in his hand, the Domain expands so that the trees all around seem to be alive. The Level 67 tree people of each and everyone High Lord Rank appear, directly blocking them In front of Morning Shine and the others, there are as many as six, and under the domain where the tree world descends, all around the woods and vines are also under the control of Mu Qingcheng, there are more than ten vines, each All have the power of Tier 3.

Although the Half Arrow Startling Feather on the side is not as big as Mu Qingcheng has made, the blood-red ancient bow in his hand blooms with dazzling brilliance, making the Half Arrow Startling Feather appear five crimson Magic all over the body. Array, along with the attack of Half Arrow Startling Feather, release five flame arrows.

Although the formidable power of this flame arrow is not as good as the Common attack of Half Arrow Startling Feather, none of these flame arrows can resist. Many flame arrows are under the control of Half Arrow Startling Feather. The micro expert will quickly die.


“Does Purple Shadow Adventure Group have such a great expert?”

All Star Ring players can watch it for a while I was stunned. I was a member of the Vice-Guild Master’s guard team. I have seen countless experts, and I can easily judge the strength of an expert even if I just meet him.

At this time, Mu Qingcheng and Half Arrow Startling Feather have micro level in their own level. Not to mention, the Skill used is even more powerful, especially the Mu Qingcheng attribute has suddenly been enhanced a lot, and Common’s micro expert rushed up. Only the parts that were killed.

And everyone in Purple Shadow Adventure Group is slightly proud at this time.

Mu Qingcheng and Half Arrow Startling Feather have joined forces, which can be said to be complementary. In the wild forest, let alone a 100-Man expert group, even two expert groups will be finished.

The micro expert of Star Ring was coping with the offensive of the two. When unable to move forward, the Morning Shine holding the white bone Broadsword was like a cannonball, directly rushing through the High Lord Rank tree man The entanglement and the attack of the vines came to Mu Qingcheng and the others.

Half Arrow Startling Feather shoots frantically in the middle, but these arrows seem to be nonexistent, easily avoided by Morning Shine, and the speed of Morning Shine is as fast as Tier 2’s Peak Assassin. .

In just three seconds, I stood in front of Half Arrow Startling Feather, and the white bone Broadsword in his hand suddenly waved.

Suddenly there were six white light Blinks, and six sword marks appeared on the ground that could extend to fifteen yards away. Half Arrow Startling Feather barely blocked three of them and died directly in midair……

“How is it possible!” Mu Qingcheng couldn’t help being sluggish when he saw this scene.

Half Arrow Startling Feather is an expert who can be ranked in the top 20 on the Dark Night Empire Ranger battle strength list, but at this time it is like a baby in front of Morning Shine, just one move Just be killed, the difference in strength is so big that simply makes people unimaginable.

“Little ants dare to fight against me!” Morning Shine glanced at the dissipated Half Arrow Startling Feather, then turned to Mu Qingcheng, “Okay, it’s your turn!”

Speaking of Morning Shine, it turned into a white shadow and rushed towards Mu Qingcheng who was less than twenty yards apart.

Mu Qingcheng was shocked and wanted to use vines to stop Morning Shine from retreating, but she soon discovered that the vines were completely useless in front of Morning Shine, and were taken by the white bone Broadsword in the hands of Morning Shine. Easily deflected away, unable to stop Morning Shine for half a step, and can only watch Morning Shine getting closer.

“Is this the strength of Super Organization?” Mu Qingcheng knew that the general situation was over, and was ready to give up resistance.

Seeing Morning Shine come to Mu Qingcheng’s body, he has already raised the white bone Broadsword in his hand. When he was about to wave it down, Morning Shine suddenly stopped his movements and turned his head and looked towards the woods. A silhouette suddenly appeared in the middle, and his eyes were more solemn than ever.

This makes Mu Qingcheng and the others wonder why Morning Shine doesn’t do it anymore.

Following Mu Qingcheng moved towards Morning Shine’s line of sight, a man wearing a silver-gray cloak, wearing a black armor, and two long swords hanging from his waist is step by step Slowly walked over, as if simply hadn’t seen the battle in front of him, walking in a leisurely manner.

“Who is he?”

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