Dark Night Empire, Dark Night City.

War Spirit Uprise’s Guild Mansion is on the top floor, and a group of War Spirit Uprise high-levels are sitting in distress at this time. The Conference Hall is indescribably silent.

Burial Bone Fortress, the main force of the entire War Spirit Uprise was greatly damaged, and now there is no power to compete with Star Ring for Undead Ancient Country. The situation is getting more and more unfavorable for War Spirit Uprise, so an emergency meeting was held. What to do after discussion.

“During this time, the Crimson Emperor Guild’s operations in Undead Ancient Country have ceased. The Crimson Emperor whom we sent to negotiate has never even seen. I am afraid that it is impossible to count on the Crimson Emperor to help him.” Mu Lingsha helplessly said.

Before, Star Ring had a great advantage with the fortress of Undead Ancient Country, but they secretly cooperated with the Crimson Emperor, and coupled with the Stamina gemstone provided by Zero Wing, they could barely compete with Star Ring in Undead Ancient Country.

Now that their strength is greatly damaged, even the Crimson Emperor has withdrawn, and now they are completely unable to compete with Star Ring for Undead Ancient Country.

And the resources of Undead Ancient Country are not comparable to other Neutral Maps. If the Star Ring is completely occupied, the future results can be imagined. Their War Spirit Uprise will definitely not have a foothold in Dark Night Empire in the future. place.

“The only hope now is to look at the Stamina gemstone and Stamina Potion provided by Zero Wing. If we have a large number of Stamina gemstone and Stamina Potion, we may not be in contention. After all, Undead Ancient Country has something to do with Stamina. It consumes more than other Neutral Maps, and currently only expert players can survive, and the number of players is still too small to form a scale.” Indestructible War Heart thought for a while and said.

Undead Ancient Country is a piece of fat, but because of the environment and level, the Common player cannot survive anywhere. It is easy to be killed by the monster in Undead Ancient Country. Only the expert player can be very good. Survival, although their War Spirit Uprise lost a lot, but the elite did not at all.

As long as there is Stamina’s guarantee, there is no need to worry about getting resources.

“Zero Wing has already taken out all the Stamina gemstone and Stamina Potion that can be taken out in order to contain the Star Ring in the Dark Night Empire. I am afraid I want more…” Mu Lingsha shook the head, yes This is not optimistic.

“Indestructible, you are really depraved. Zero Wing is just a little Guild of Kingdom. Do you expect them to do anything at this time? Zero Wing dared to be arrogant in the Dark Night Empire before, it was entirely because With us and the Crimson Emperor, now we have suffered heavy losses. Little Guilds like Zero Wing can hide as far as they can. Do you think it’s possible to let them do something?” Wearing golden armor on the side, Guardian Knight Soul Oath, who has reached Level 67, accused, “I said at the beginning that Star Ring is still fledgling and hurry up to develop elsewhere. It’s okay for you, but you have to cooperate with Zero Wing and prepare to fight Star Ring to the end. Come on!”

For the words the Guardian Knight said, everyone present was silent.

If they had taken the Dark Night City Auction House in Star Ring and immediately moved to several other Kingdoms, although their development speed would be greatly reduced, they would be Silent for a while, but it would be better than the current situation. Too much.

“Okay!” Soul Sky Mute, the Guild Master, suddenly scolded, “Now we are not discussing who is responsible, but what we should do next!”

With Soul Sky Mute’s scolding, the imposing manner made Guardian Knight Soul Oath, who still wanted to say something, dare not speak anymore. The Guild executives present were also nodded. The matter has already happened and the top priority is how to solve it.

As everyone was thinking about how to take the next step, the door of the Conference Hall suddenly opened and a Tier 2 Assassin of Level 66 walked in.

“What’s the matter?” Soul Sky Mute glanced at Assassin who walked in and asked.

“We just received the news, just now, Zero Wing Guild suddenly acquired 45 stores in the Dark Night Empire ten Major City from Great Influence.” Assassin quickly reported.

“What did you say? Zero Wing acquired 45 stores in Dark Night Empire?”

“How is this possible?!”

Everyone heard Assassin’s report, for a while, the high-levels of War Spirit Uprise in the entire hall were stunned.

“Zero Wing Guild is so stupid? Don’t they know that Star Ring is about to occupy Undead Ancient Country and are ready to begin to consolidate their power and position in the Dark Night Empire?” Soul Oath’s eyes were full of disbelief .

Now the Great Influences of Dark Night Empire are afraid to avoid it, but Zero Wing directly takes over, as if simply didn’t put Star Ring in their eyes.

He is wondering if Zero Wing knows whether or not they know that War Spirit Uprise and Crimson Emperor are already impossible to contain Star Ring.

“Very good! Zero Wing did not give up.” Mu Lingsha couldn’t help but joyfully said.

And following Mu Lingsha’s unintentional opening, the Guild executives present couldn’t help but glance at Soul Oath. Before Soul Oath accused Indestructible War Heart of ignorance, pulling Guild to die together, now Zero Wing Not saying anything further stood up, and it can even be said that it is not an exaggeration to openly declare war on Star Ring in Dark Night Empire.

“It’s too early to be happy now. Zero Wing was already short of funds in Star-Moon Kingdom, but now that it does this, it just makes oneself die faster!” Soul Oath said with curled lips.

For Soul Oath’s reminder, the silent Indestructible War Heart was also deeply impressed.

“What the hell is Zero Wing thinking?” Although Indestructible War Heart’s heart is very grateful for Zero Wing to stand up at this time, it is really silly to do so.

In Star-Moon Kingdom, Zero Wing still had home court advantage. Star Ring wanted to deal with Zero Wing and it was troublesome, but Zero Wing appeared in Dark Night Empire, here is Star Ring’s home court. Do this There is no difference between simply and courting death.

At this time, the Great Influence in Dark Night Empire also caused a great sensation because of Zero Wing’s acquisition of Store.

I don’t know if it is courage or stupidity!

Although in the eyes of the Great Influences of Dark Night Empire, this is simply an act of courting death, but the vast number of free players in Dark Night Empire do not think so.

“Is this Zero Wing going to go to war with Dark Night Empire’s Overlord?”

“I didn’t say that Star Ring suppressed Zero Wing in Star-Moon Kingdom, it suppressed Zero Wing Are you almost finished?”

“Awesome! I heard that Star Ring Guild don’t dare provoke even those Super-Guilds. This Zero Wing first blocked Star Ring’s Auction House in Dark Night City. Now it has acquired 45 stores from Dark Night Empire. This is going to be a big match with Star Ring!”

“Crap! Ten Major City’s 45 stores, Zero Wing is going to Is it the fourth giant in the Dark Night Empire?”

For a while, the entire Dark Night Empire’s Free players were boiling.

They have seen a lot of battles between Guilds, and they have even seen battles between Super Organizations, but Zero Wing, who has no background, dared to challenge Super Organization openly. They met for the first time.

Even many players are beginning to be interested in Zero Wing and want to join Zero Wing, so that the reputation of Zero Wing Guild in Dark Night Empire is the same.

And when everyone in Dark Night Empire was discussing this spiritedly, Shi Feng also brought the synthesized Magic Crystal Stone to the edge of Dark Night Empire through the Teleportation Hall, and then used the Ring of the Seven Luminaries teleported to the nearest Neutral Map of Undead Ancient Country, and then rode the Magic Flame War Tiger all the way to Undead Ancient Country.

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