Stone Forest Small Town, Zero Wing Auction House.

“Brother Qi, today your hand is too red, you can even drive more than 20 Mana Crystals.” A Level 42 Elementalist walked into the Auction House and looked at the four Level 14 Shield Warrior said excitedly, “If you can grind like this for two consecutive days, then you don’t have to worry about the level 45 rage armor set.”

“It’s really good luck today, didn’t expect to explode so many Mana Crystals in a row. , Now it only takes four or five days to get that set of fury in the farm.” The Shield Warrior nodded at Level 14 said that when the fury armor set was set, he couldn’t help but shine.

The equipment he is currently wearing is just a Level 40 mix and match equipment, mainly based on Adamantite Rank, while the Furious armor set is the 45 Adamantite Rank armor set. If you want to get it, you can only use Mana Crystal to go to those The Guild trades privately, but as long as he can be furious on Level 45 equipment, whether it is Defense or Strength and life can be improved by a big margin, and he has a certain degree of confidence against the High Lord of the fifty fifth level.

“As long as Brother Qi, your equipment is furious, our team will develop in the future. When the time comes, let’s see how the Luo Yang boy screams in front of us.” Elementalist of Level 42 also excitedly said .

Luo Yang is their classmate, although they all entered God’s Domain in the same batch, but Luo Yang followed a 50-level team, this team took level up, level up speed in Neutral Map Fast, now it’s level 47, but I usually don’t show off how good Neutral Map is with them. They are greedy.

And they can only slowly level up in Stonetalon Mountain Range farm Mana Crystal.

The most important thing for a team is the MT. As long as the MT is strong enough, you can go to the Advanced map to level up, so after changing into the fury armor set, their team can also go to the fifty fifth level. Mix it with Neutral Map.

“Don’t worry, we are lucky today. Taking advantage of the good luck, we will go to the farm again after we fill up the magic scroll. After we get angry, we will go to the Neutral Map.” Four Level 14 Shield Warrior also looked forward to.

Immediately a few people found a place in the lobby to sit down, and opened the System column of Auction House to check it out.

“Crap! Why did the magic scroll of Zero Wing Auction House suddenly become so many?” Level 14 Shield Warrior was stunned for a while.

They usually come to Zero Wing Auction House to buy Tier 1 magic scroll. The quantity is not only scarce, but the types are also very few. Not to mention high-end magic scroll. After all, mainstream players will not be in the map below Level 50. Staying, naturally won’t take the high-level magic scroll obtained to Zero Wing Auction House.

Even if there are many players in Zero Wing City, it is very convenient for Star Moon City to travel to and from Zero Wing City. In order to sell a better price, the magic scroll is generally sold in Star Moon City Auction House or in Zero Wing City is sold at a stall and rarely sold in Zero Wing City’s Zero Wing Auction House, which results in not much in the Stone Forest Small Town Auction House.

And now let’s not talk about Tier 1 magic scroll, even the Tier 3 magic scroll that exceeds Rare is not sold. There are all kinds of Tier 1 magic scroll…

” Dream, there are people selling Level 45 Top Grade Dark Gold equipment in this Zero Wing Auction House!” Level 42 Elementalist said in shock.

Zero Wing Auction House is just the Guild Auction House after all. There are not many players willing to come to Guild Auction House to sell items. It is difficult to encounter low-level Top Grade equipment, and low-level Top Grade equipment The Big Guilds are also not for sale. Each and everyone will stay in the Guild Warehouse for new Guild members to redeem. Therefore, the top grade low-level weapon equipment rarely appears even in the NPCAuction House. It depends on luck.

The places where they generally level up are far away from the NPC city, which is very inconvenient to go back and forth, so it takes a long time to go back to the NPC city. It is not too big to encounter such a chance.

But now Zero Wing Auction House is on sale, how can this not surprise him?

At this time, they felt incredible if they weren’t sole. The players who came to the Zero Wing Auction House were very surprised. The complete range of goods in the Zero Wing Auction House is simply better than the Common NPC City Auction House. Great, everything you want is available.

“The items are so complete, we don’t need to go back to Star Moon City anymore, we can always level up and rise to Level 50 in Stone Forest Small Town.” The fourth Level 14 Shield Warrior joyfully said, “when The level up speed of the time comes is definitely faster than that of Luo Yang!”

Although Neutral Map gives more Experience Points, it takes time to go back and forth to Neutral Map, and they go to Star Moon City from time to time It also takes time to supplement. If all the items needed in Stone Forest Small Town are available, the actual level up speed will definitely not be slower than Neutral Map.

“Brother Qi, look at it, there is a Level 45 Top Grade Dark Gold shield. If it is replaced at Level 45 and the fury set is added, when the time comes to resist the Level 50 Peak High Lord There will be no problem!” Elementalist of Level 42 hurriedly shouted.

“Sure enough, Top Grade! The Defense on equipment can be increased by 20%, so even Level 50 can be used all the time.” Four Level 14 Shield Warrior saw the shield, and his breathing became a little quicker. .

With the sensation of the entire Zero Wing Auction House, the news spread quickly. Players each and everyone who were planning to leave Stone Forest Small Town below Level 50 also cancelled their original plans. They plan to wait until Level 50 in Stone Forest Small Town and level up in another place.

As for the players above Level 30 and below Level 50 in the entire Star-Moon Kingdom, after receiving the news, it was like bees swarming towards Stone Forest Small Town when they asked about nectar, and the whole thing fell in a moment. The Stone Forest Small Town started to become crowded, and the players gathered in the Zero Wing Auction House would be overcrowded.

In just half an hour, Shi Feng has earned more than 100 gold coins, and this is still a pure income. As the number of players increases, the income increases.

While White River City’s Auction House also benefited greatly from this, some players who sold items in White River City Auction House suddenly discovered that the items they sold were quickly bought by others, and each and everyone sold them. Items were all transferred to White River City Auction House for sale.

All of the White River City Auction House was also lively in a moment, which surprised all the Great Influences of Star-Moon Kingdom. They didn’t understand what the Zero Wing Guild did to make White The River City Auction House has become so lively, it is even better than the Star Moon City Auction House supported by Star Ring.

Watching everything happen, everyone in the Zero Wing Guild also ignited hope. After all, the prosperity of White River City Auction House represents Zero Wing’s income.

This made the Nether Orchid, who manages Zero Wing’s finances, all stunned. It was clear that White River City’s Auction House was half dead a moment ago, but now it is extremely hot. Each and everyone ran to sell the Item, and the income was directly turned over. More than a few.

If this goes on, I am afraid that only the income from White River City Auction House and Zero Wing City’s can make Guild run normally, without worrying about consumption.

Nether Orchid thinks so, but in Shi Feng’s view, this is just the beginning.

“Guild Master, I have already negotiated the price with the Great Influence of Dark Night Empire, and I only have to sign a contract.” Aqua Rose looked worriedly and said, “There are a total of 45 centers or potential stores. It is distributed in the ten Major City of Dark Night Empire, and a total of one hundred and six ten thousand gold is required. We may not be able to afford this price. Even if the payment is made in two months, we can’t afford it now, and these forces demand that they be paid back within one month. OK…”

“One hundred and six ten thousand gold? Sign with them!” Shi Feng thought for a while, nodded agreed.

One hundred and six ten thousand gold bought ten Major City’s 45 centers and potential stores. The average one is more than 20,000 gold. If it weren’t for Star Ring to clean up the Great Influence, I’m afraid it’s impossible. Things.

“Do you sign it?” Aqua Rose looked at Shi Feng without any hesitation, and could only grit his teeth and take a risk, “Then I will do it.”

Within hours, the news that the 45 stores in Dark Night Empire 10 Major City changed owners to Zero Wing’s spread throughout the entire Dark Night Empire.

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