Shi Feng looked at the simple stone token in his hand and fell silent for a while.

“Is it because of the reward of the first connection to NPCAuction House?”

Silver-level Auction House vouchers are rarely seen in Former Life even in First-Rate Guild , One can imagine how difficult it is to raise the Auction House voucher from the Bronze Rank to the Silver Rank.

Except for the first reward for opening NPCAuction House, Shi Feng really can’t think of other probabilities.

After thinking about it for a while, Shi Feng didn’t care about what was going on either, he couldn’t help but click on the Auction House voucher to check the specific attributes.

Auction House voucher, silver level, manages the Token of Auction House. You can use this Token to mobilize all resources in Auction House at will. NPCAuction House exchange charges 15%, and NPCAuction House gains popularity by 30 %.

“Awesome! It is so much stronger than the Bronze Rank certificate. It’s no wonder that the Auction House with silver-level certificate on Former Life is promoted so quickly!” Shi Feng was ecstatic after reading the attribute.

Normal Bronze Rank voucher can only take 10% of the fee from NPCAuction House. This 10% only refers to the 10% of the fee charged by the player from NPCAuction House, which is compared with the auction created by the player. House is fundamentally impossible to compare, but the number of players using NPCAuction House is very large, and it is not comparable to Player Auction House, so even 10% is still a very substantial income.

The silver-level Auction House voucher is directly 5% more, which is no less than the income of owning half of an NPCAuction House, and the extra benefits can be imagined.

Normal NPCAuction House but robbed the head, want to grab an easier said than done?

If you have two NPCAuction Houses, plus the silver certificate, it will be equivalent to the income of the three Auction Houses.

Moreover, the silver-level Auction House vouchers can also accelerate the promotion of Auction House’s popularity, and increase the promotion speed of Auction House by as much as 30%, which is absolutely ineffective with Bronze Rank vouchers.

Be aware that NPCAuction House will become larger and more luxurious as it is promoted. The more rooms in Auction House will also increase, which can greatly increase the income of Auction House.

And Auction House voucher is not like NPCAuction House. NPCAuction House may change ownership, but Auction House voucher will not change ownership. It belongs to a private item. Even if you take over other NPCAuction House in the future, you can still enjoy the silver level. treatment.

“If the major Super Organizations know that Zero Wing has such a thing, I am afraid they will desperately grab the White River City Auction House again and again.” Shi Feng faintly smiled.

Step by step!

Currently, all major Super Organizations have at least two or more NPCAuction Houses, and the silver-level certificates just allow Zero Wing to own one and a half Auction Houses, and over time, Auction Houses continue to be promoted. The proportion of revenue from Auction House rooms will become larger and larger. When the time comes, one White River City Auction House may be worth two NPCAuction Houses.

And the current Super Organization is only two NPCAuction Houses. If they grab another NPCAuction House from Zero Wing, it can be close to three and a half of the Auction House income, which is also in the Super Organization. The level is up, let alone the Guild Auction House.

It’s more financial than Guild’s, even Super Organization has to think carefully.

Immediately, Shi Feng left the White River City Auction House and went directly to Stone Forest Small Town.

Although I have an Auction House certificate, to connect two Auction Houses, you need to open it through the Auction House certificate. You can open the resources of the two Auction Houses directly without passing the Auction House certificate.

Stonetalon Mountain Range, Stone Forest Small Town.

Shi Feng walking on the main street of Stone Forest Small Town, you can clearly feel that the current Stone Forest Small Town is gone. There are only some players on the street except for some players who have just entered God’s Domain. Expert player and merchant players move around, none of the other mainstream players.

Compared to the seven-eight hundred thousand player in the glorious era, the number of players now may not even reach 300,000. In the glorious period, Stone Forest Small Town is just Intermediate Small Town, and now it is Advanced Small Town is now, and the area is several times larger, but the number of people is reduced to one third, making the entire Stone Forest Small Town even more bleak.

Even the major Super Organizations that were somewhat enthusiastic in the past have lost interest in the current Stone Forest Small Town.

Nowadays, the only reason why players are willing to come here is the High Grade Auction House and Fighting Arena. If the Zero Wing City Fighting Arena is not too crowded, I am afraid that the number of players willing to come here will be one less. cut.

In a short while, Shi Feng came to the Zero Wing Auction House, which is also the building of the entire Stone Forest Small Town second only to Guild Encampment and Fighting Arena.

Into the lobby, there are only faint players sitting in the lobby trading items, and the levels of these players are all below Level 50, and there are even a lot of players with 30 levels, compared to the current Level 60. Mainstream Level, simply weak and pitiful.

If it weren’t for Stone Forest Small Town backed by Stonetalon Mountain Range and High Grade Auction House for bartering, I’m afraid these players will all run out…

Because there are many places where the player level is up now , You can also take the expert player to the Advanced level area. There is no need to worry about low-level weapon equipment. There is no need to level up in the Stonetalon Mountain Range.

Maybe some people value the Mana Crystal in Stonetalon Mountain Range Regional Dungeon, but the Level 50 makes Advanced players inaccessible at all. The High Grade player cannot carry a trumpet at all, and a player has an expert belt. And without the expert belt, the level up speed is two dimensions. If it’s just for some Mana Crystals to abandon the level that catches up with the army, it is simply to catch up with the last, because Advanced map resources and opportunities are not only more, but also better. .

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, Studio and Guild’s gold-making groups will be in Stonetalon Mountain Range Regional Dungeon farm Mana Crystal. After all, Mana Crystal is always the hard currency in God’s Domain, no matter how many levels the player rises to. , Zero Wing is also long-term letting into Guild’s trumpet farm Mana Crystal here in exchange for Guild’s points.

I glanced at the players in the lobby, Shi Feng didn’t stop there before, and walked directly to the corner stairs, all the way to the top lobby of Auction House, which is also the most important warehouse of Auction House.

After arriving in the warehouse, Shi Feng took out the Auction House voucher chanting from inventory to start the spell.

As Spell echoes in the warehouse, the Magic Array engraved on the floor of the warehouse suddenly shines with dazzling silver light, as if it complements the Auction House voucher in Shi Feng’s hand until Shi Feng finishes reading the last In one syllable, a door appeared in the center of the warehouse. This door was completely made of obsidian. If you open this door, you will find that this dream leads to the warehouse of White River City Auction House.

I saw that after the door appeared, the door opened quickly, and a group of well-armed NPC guards soon appeared from inside. Each and everyone Level was at Level 180, and the leader was even a Level. Knight of 180 Tier 3.

And the arrival of these NPCs guarding Knight also made NPcooldown eacon working in White River City Auction House leave the warehouse one after another, and each and everyone started their own work.

In a short while, Shi Feng’s heard System tips.

System: Zero Wing Auction House Teleportation Array has been connected. Will the player open the shared warehouse of Auction House now?

“Open!” Shi Feng calmed down, and then clicked to agree.

Suddenly, the System column of the Zero Wing Auction House and White River City Auction House where Stone Forest Small Town is located suddenly changed, and all the items of the two Auction Houses were presented to the player.

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