Otherwise, such a problem would not have arisen. Yang Xuan was also thinking about the scene just now, and it was vivid in his mind. Fortunately, Li Xiaofan is a human being, otherwise it would be difficult to judge.

"When I saw you just now, I thought it was a monster, but I didn't expect it to be a human being. Are you okay? It seems that your condition is not very good. Although the wound has been bandaged, your buddy is already red and swollen , plus the weather is so cold, your wound will be infected."

"But you can rest assured that you met me. You are lucky (ccad), and I will definitely help you heal. With my ability to treat you, there is no problem. But when you feel more clear-headed in a while, you should Tell me what happened just now, what bit you."

"The thing that bit you, did you just run away without seeing what it looks like? You are already injured. If the other party is looking for food and treats you as prey, how can it easily let you go? This matter It is quite strange, it seems that this Lingfeng Snow Mountain is really strange, and it is not easy to find the situation here."

Now that Yang Xuan spoke so directly, he wanted the other party to know what was going on. Li Xiaofan closed his eyes, and Yang Xuan also felt that he could hear what he said.

He had already opened his mouth to speak just now, but his physical strength was a little exhausted, and his body was a little uncomfortable. After all, he was bitten by something, and his wound was also inflamed, which was very pitiful.

Yang Xuan also thought that he must be cured, first after talking to him.

Yang Xuan was already preparing to heal Li Xiaofan's wound. With his ability to heal, Li Xiaofan would have no problem.

Chapter 2256 The wound has healed

Looking at his appearance, Yang Xuan couldn't bear to let him be tortured again.

Yang Xuan used his internal energy to clean up the inflamed wound of Li Xiaofan, and then used his ability to heal Li Xiaofan's wound. In an instant, Li Xiaofan could open his eyes, and his wound was gone.

Yang Xuan saw that Li Xiaofan slowly opened his eyes and was able to sit up. He was also very happy in his heart. He didn't expect that his ability improved so quickly that he could heal others' wounds~.

Yang Xuan's ability is indeed not small, after all, he is a capable person, it doesn't matter to him to do this thing, and he knows in his heart how he should make all these decisions.

After all, everything in Lingfeng Snow Mountain is not very clear, what Li Xiaofan is doing here, Yang Xuan can hear what he has to say this time.

After all, he was already alive, and he didn't have to endure the pain anymore. Yang Xuan didn't want him to be like this. At this moment, all these things had gone smoothly.

Yang Xuan didn't worry about these situations in his heart, everything was very stable, and he didn't have to think about those boring things anymore, but the problem of Lingfeng Snow Mountain was still unresolved.

Just after entering Lingfeng Snow Mountain, I saw Li Xiaofan comatose here. Although he has recovered, there are some things that need to be heard from him.

Li Xiaofan felt very miraculous at this moment, why the wound he made just now was so painful, and now he didn't feel anything, the moment he opened his eyes when he did it.

Seeing that his wounds healed miraculously, Li Xiaofan couldn't imagine that all this was real? His eyes were full of curiosity.

Seeing that Yang Xuan didn't know what to do, he was a little overwhelmed. He didn't expect that the wounds had disappeared after recovering his physical strength. What's going on?

Could it be that Yang Xuan is a god? Li Xiaofan didn't dare to imagine what kind of spells he knew and why he was so powerful? Li Xiaofan sat on the ground and looked up at Yang Xuan. Every part of Lingfeng Snow Mountain is quite magical.

At the same time, it is also full of weirdness. Who is this Yang Xuan? Could it be that he is from Lingfeng Snow Mountain? Li Xiaofan wasn't too sure, but he still wanted to thank the other party for helping him, Li Xiaofan didn't think so much.

····Ask for flowers 0···

After all, his wounds are gone, as long as he is alive.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will die in this Lingfeng Snow Mountain. This place is extremely cold, and he was injured again. Lying in the ice and snow, it is impossible to survive. It is Yang Xuan's appearance that gives him hope.

"Brother, thank you for saving me. I don't want to know who you are, and it may be inconvenient to tell me, so I won't ask so many questions. After all, my wound has healed miraculously. I really dare not Imagine that there are so many magical things in this world, just like in this Lingfeng Snow Mountain.”


"Just now you asked me what the thing that bit me looked like, but a black figure disappeared. I didn't see clearly what it looked like. This guy must have lived in Lingfeng Snow Mountain. What’s more, I can’t imagine how all this is so special.”

"This Lingfeng Snow Mountain, people say that this place is particularly evil and terrifying. I just don't believe it. I just want to go here and have a look. After all, I am alone and I am not afraid of anything." Three.

Chapter 2257 Can't do it alone

Chapter 2257 Can't do it alone

"But I didn't expect the danger to really exist. If you didn't come here, I really wouldn't be able to survive."

Yang Xuan listened quietly to what Li Xiaofan said, and also understood that he had no idea about all this.

If Li Xiaofan really knows the situation in Lingfeng Snow Mountain.

He knew there was danger here, so why would he take the risk? It seems that he is a young "two seven three" full of vigor and determined to go his own way, and he insists on doing this thing.

It is a kind of luck for him to be alive at this moment, Yang Xuan did not come to Lingfeng Snow Mountain today, Li Xiaofan really will not survive, and Yang Xuan knew in his heart when facing this matter.

Although he knew how to deal with this problem, Li Xiaofan seemed to be doing well, after all he had been brought back to life.

He will not face death anymore, so how could it be possible to watch him leave this world? I can't bear it either, at the moment Yang Xuan has a lot of thoughts in his heart

It seemed that Li Xiaofan didn't know anything about the situation in Lingfeng Snow Mountain. He felt that he lived in Lingfeng Snow Mountain, and Yang Xuan thought it was too funny.

The air in this Lingfeng Snow Mountain is so dry and the weather is so cold. Who would live here? It is really impossible. Yang Xuan’s thoughts have also decreased a lot. It seems that he still has to continue to search for this Lingfeng Snow Mountain. Condition.

Li Xiaofan didn't know where Yang Xuan came from, and he was suspicious in his heart, thinking that he had just entered Lingfeng Snow Mountain, and also thought that he might have lived in Lingfeng Snow Mountain.

Li Xiaofan thought about it, but he didn't quite believe his own thoughts. Seeing that Yang Xuan wore so little, how could he live here? Isn't he afraid of the cold?

Does he know magic? He can heal his own wounds without leaving any traces. At this moment, he is no different from a normal person.

It seems that he can live on, and he doesn't have to face death anymore. To him, he is very happy and very happy. At this moment, he is still very excited.

As long as he can live, he sees hope. Li Xiaofan feels quite scared. For him, he doesn't want to know more about the situation in Lingfeng Snow Mountain. Only being alive is important.

Don't keep looking for those dangers, and don't always be too strong to have fun, otherwise you will even kill yourself...

Li Xiaofan finally understood this truth, it seemed that he was too naive to have such a situation, but he looked at Yang Xuan and was a little curious about who he was.

"Could it be that you live in this Lingfeng Snow Mountain? I don't think you look like this. Why do you wear so little? Are you not afraid of the cold? How did you cure me, I am It's not that you shouldn't ask so much, if it's inconvenient for you, don't say so much, I know it well."

"Maybe all of this is not what I think at all. Everything looks special. I understand in my heart that at least I am still alive. As long as I can live, I will be very happy in my heart. I am not The thought that I could still go home, the moment I was bitten, I was unconscious in the snow, I felt groggy."

"I'm going to fall asleep soon, and I'm going to leave this world soon. I'm conscious, but I didn't expect that I could survive. You gave me another chance to survive. Thank you very much.".

Chapter 2258 Unable to judge these things

"What are you doing here in Lingfeng Snow Mountain? Or are you the one who lives here? This place is so cold and evil, who would live here?"

Li Xiaofan already knew in his heart that Yang Xuan was definitely not someone who lived in Lingfeng Snow Mountain, seeing how little he was wearing, he didn't look like him, even if he had spells, even if he was very powerful.

He wouldn't live in Lingfeng Snow Mountain. This place is inherently dangerous, so living here is meaningless. He still has a lot of doubts in his heart.

He didn't know about these situations, and he always felt that everything was inexplicable, how to deal with things and how to make decisions. Li Xiaofan couldn't decide all this in his heart. He was a little scared in his heart, but he still had thoughts in his heart.

Just tell myself not to worry so much, no matter what the situation is, as long as I can solve the problem, I will not promise so much in my heart, if I can't solve it, he will leave here.

Li Xiaofan just kept looking at Yang Xuan, feeling that he was very mysterious, what kind of character was he? Why can heal the wounds on his body, it is equivalent to healing, without leaving such traces.

Nothing happened anymore. Li Xiaofan also found it hard to imagine what happened. Things in this world are always like this, so it's hard to explain.

Many masters will appear, and many capable people will also do many things. Just like this moment, did he come here looking for something?

Yang Xuan memorized every word Li Xiaofan said, he was not very curious when he came, the reason why he came to Lingfeng Snow Mountain was because his curiosity was too strong.

Otherwise, how could he have encountered such a danger, he is lucky today, if he did not meet himself, he would not be able to survive, Yang Xuan also knew this truth.

Li Xiaofan didn't understand these situations at all. It seemed that he was young and didn't think too much. If all this didn't happen today, he would really die in this Lingfeng Snow Mountain.

Thinking of this matter is quite scary, Yang Xuan did not want these situations to happen at all, and he did not want any accidents to happen to him because of this.

Now that some things have changed, I don’t want anything else to happen at all. Yang Xuan also hopes that everything will go smoothly when he came to Lingfeng Snow Mountain. It’s best to see what’s going on here. He didn’t expect to meet Li Xiaofan. .

I hope he will leave here soon, after all, Yang Xuan still needs to find out the situation here, and see what kind of place it is, so he will naturally have a bottom line in his mind after he finds out.

"It turns out that's the case, but you don't have to worry. It's my first time visiting Lingfeng Snow Mountain. How could I live here in 273? Your guess is also correct. I have some abilities, otherwise I wouldn't be able to give It is impossible for you to recover after your wounds have been cleaned up."

"It seems that you are very lucky to meet me today. If you have any plans, leave this Lingfeng Snow Mountain as soon as possible. This place is not for you to come to. You clearly know that this place is so cold, and you clearly know that this place is dangerous. Dangerous, you have to come here to explore."

"Even if you don't come to Lingfeng Snow Mountain, you can live your life without any danger, isn't it good?".

Chapter 2259 Cherish the chance to survive

"Why are you so curious? I didn't discover you today. You must have died here. Think about it, it's not worth it. Cherish the chance to survive."

Li Xiaofan lowered his head at the moment, feeling a little embarrassed, what Yang Xuan said was right, if it wasn't for his appearance today, Li Xiaofan really would not have survived, he might have died here long ago.

The weather in Lingfeng Snow Mountain is so cold, and he was bitten, bleeding so much, how could he survive? Of course Li Xiaofan understood.

Facing Yang Xuan, he also knew the reason why he was able to survive. It was because of Yang Xuan's appearance that he saved himself. He really didn't expect that he was really so lucky.

Li Xiaofan was happy to hear Yang Xuan's lesson in his heart, and he also understood that he especially cherished this opportunity. It seems that after leaving Lingfeng Snow Mountain this time, he would not come back next time.

Don't go to dangerous places, how happy it is to be alive, Li Xiaofan doesn't know who Yang Xuan is, he told himself, but he is capable, so is he going to take this risk?

Did he come to Lingfeng Snow Mountain just to find out the situation here for everyone? Li Xiaofan also thought that the guy who bit him must be a monster.

Yang Xuan looked at Li Xiaofan's appearance, lowered his head, seemed a little embarrassed, felt a little embarrassed, Yang Xuan, just hoped that he could understand that he was lucky today.

He won't be so lucky next time, let him cherish every day he lives, don't waste such opportunities, no matter who there are people like them in Lingfeng Snow Mountain

How could it be possible to look for danger in this place, and how could it be possible to resist such pressure? Yang Xuan knew what Li Xiaofan was thinking at the moment, no matter how many thoughts he had.

I hope he can figure out these things and stop being so self-willed. His wound looked so scary just now. If he hadn't healed him himself, how could he survive.

Li Xiaofan also had such an expression just now when he was thinking about this matter, Yang Xuan could understand these changes in his heart, having said so much.

I just hope that he can understand that Lingfeng Snow Mountain is very dangerous, and don't always think about exploring his own secrets, this is simply not something he can do.

There is no need for him to keep looking for these dangerous things. Yang Xuan is wearing very thin clothes at the moment. After all, he has spells, so how could he care so much.

Li Xiaofan saw himself as if he was looking at a class. Li Xiaofan was wearing a padded jacket and trousers, and he was wearing so little, forming a contrast.

"¨Don't think too much. Although I don't wear much, I won't be afraid of the cold. My body has inner strength. I just used my inner strength to restore your health. Otherwise, your wound It’s about to get inflamed, the weather (for Zhao Hao) is so cold, your wounds are already frozen, and your coma is not very good`々.

"Today is also your luck. You won't have such good luck next time. I hope you can remember that I don't want to go my own way. There are some things you can't do if you want to. It's important to protect yourself. Other things just need to be protected." Don't think too much, go back quickly, don't think about these issues, what's wrong? Don't you want to go back?".

Chapter 2260 Just Taking Risks

Li Xiaofan never dreamed of his wound, so he recovered miraculously. Li Xiaofan had no way of knowing the identity of Yang Xuan in front of him.

Faced with such a situation, he no longer thought about it so much. After all, he was very lucky to survive, so why should he think so much.

Li Xiaofan's mood was quite complicated at the moment, he wanted to continue searching for the danger in Lingfeng Snow Mountain with Yang Xuan, and he didn't want to leave at all.

Li Xiaofan also had a lot of thoughts in his mind, since the current situation has already happened like this, Li Xiaofan doesn't want to change.

He was thinking that Yang Xuan had the ability to save himself, and he would find the danger in this Lingfeng Snow Mountain. Li Xiaofan just wanted to be with him to see what was going on, and he didn't want to leave here at all.

Yang Xuan's heart is also very complicated at the moment, what does Li Xiaofan want to do? Why did he sit there without moving or leaving? Yang Xuan also had an idea in his mind about what he wanted to do.

Could it be that he wants to continue searching (ccad) with him in Lingfeng Snow Mountain to find the situation here? Yang Xuan felt that there was no need for this at all.

Even if Li Xiaofan's ability is a little bit, there is nothing to fear at all, he will cause trouble if he follows him, Yang Xuan hoped that he could figure it out.

I hope he can leave here as soon as possible, and Yang Xuan doesn't want to waste time, and wants to take a good look here as soon as possible.

What is the situation of this Lingfeng Snow Mountain, the longer the time drags on, the more dangerous it becomes, Yang Xuan is not afraid of anything, but he does not want to stay in this Lingfeng Snow Mountain for too long.

"Could it be possible that you still follow me to search in Lingfeng Snow Mountain? I came here because I heard people say that this place is dangerous, and there may be monsters in this place."

"I just want to see what's in this place. I'll come here again, but it's very dangerous for you. Don't be so curious. It's better to go back. It's useless to follow me."

"Don't be so stubborn anymore, go back quickly, the situation in Lingfeng Snow Mountain is not resolvable at all, you can meet me and live a good life, you have to cherish this opportunity, don't be obsessed anymore, About this Lingfeng Snow Mountain, after I explore here, I will naturally inform you."

In this Lingfeng Snow Mountain, every place is dangerous. Li Xiaofan was not in danger, was bitten by a monster, he was very lucky to survive.

Yang Xuan also thought that after telling him so much, let him know his way back, leave Lingfeng Snow Mountain quickly, don't stay any longer, his wound has been healed.

He also didn't want him to take this risk with himself, Yang Xuan was also thinking, Li Xiaofan was indifferent, sitting there without moving at all, does he want to go with him? It is impossible for Yang Xuan to take him with him.

Every word Yang Xuan said, he hoped that Li Xiaofan could remember that his abilities were limited, and he didn't want him to follow him into Lingfeng Snow Mountain. That's why he thought that he might be able to leave Lingfeng Snow Mountain and leave here.

You can't keep dragging on for time. When is it now? His wounds have been healed, and he can live normally. This is still quite close to the bottom of the mountain. As long as he goes down, he will definitely go down.

Chapter 2261 keep going

There is no need to worry about all this, Yang Xuan also understands this situation, maybe he will live a good life, there is no need to look for danger in this Lingfeng Snow Mountain, there will be no situation here.

They lived well around here, and they didn't encounter any accidents or bad situations at all. Yang Xuan was also very worried.

He just felt that something happened, and he still knew what he should do.

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