Liu Yunji didn't want to delay Yang Xuan's time any longer.

Chapter 2250 No ability to stop

After these words were finished, Yang Xuan was about to enter Lingfeng Snow Mountain.

After all, Liu Yunji has no ability to stop Yang Xuan at all, it is better to let him enter Lingfeng Snow Mountain as soon as possible. I have already told him that Liu Yunji will be notified when he goes down the mountain, so he doesn't think so much.

He believed that Yang Xuan would resist the danger. If Yang Xuan had no ability, he would not have come here alone to take this risk. Liu Yunji looked at Yang Xuan silently, he had already turned his head and left here to go down the mountain.

Yang Xuan continued to walk forward alone, step by step, the snow on the ground was too thick, he did not expect that Lingfeng Snow Mountain was covered with ice and snow all the year round.

The snow here is almost knee-high, and he will leave a deep footprint, but it doesn't matter to him, he can fly in the air if he wants to control ability.

Yang Xuan didn't do this, he wanted to look for the monsters while taking a look at the scenery here.

Although people say this place is dangerous, Yang Xuan thinks it is really good, the snow is crystal clear, and when the sun shines, it shines straight, it is really a special place.

Yang Xuan is still not sure what is in Lingfeng Snow Mountain.

How could he know so much when he came here just now, let's go forward step by step, Yang Xuan is not in a hurry at all, even though this place looks very cold and very (ccad) weird.

But Yang Xuan thinks it's quite interesting, such an environment is also rare like Lingfeng Snow Mountain, such an area, such a weather.

It can't be seen in other places at all, but Yang Xuan found it very interesting. When he was walking forward, he suddenly heard some voices appearing.

"What kind of sound is this? Didn't it mean that no one appeared here? Why does it sound like a person shouting, but it doesn't sound like it? Is it really a beast? The sound of this beast is not this thing. , Why does it sound so sad and so tangled, it seems that we should go forward and check."

"This voice should be more than a few hundred meters away from me, and we should be there after passing through the jungle in front of us, but the jungle is covered with heavy snow, and it is not very convenient to put it away, but we have to go forward, otherwise how can we find it? What about the situation? The sound sounds a little weird, so I don’t want to go up and have a look.”

"Besides, what is the situation, it will be clear when you understand it. It seems that there is something special in Lingfeng Snow Mountain, which makes people feel a little suspicious. No wonder people say that this place is a little dangerous."

"This voice sounds creepy. No matter what the situation is, let's go forward and inquire later. All this is inference. It is meaningless to think too much."

Yang Xuan muttered as he walked forward, he had already reached the source of the sound after passing through the jungle, Yang Xuan wanted to see that he had controlled his internal force at this moment.

He began to hover in the air, so that he could fly faster. He couldn't walk on the ground, the speed was too slow. The sooner he wanted to know the situation here, the better.

Yang Xuan didn't want to waste any more time, the snow on the ground was too thick, if he wanted to walk, he probably didn't have half an hour to go through this jungle, it was simply impossible.

This jungle is covered with snow, and it looks like it's quite difficult to walk here, Yang Xuan doesn't want to be wasted here.

Chapter 2251 Already covered by snow

When Yang Xuan flew over there through the jungle, he suddenly saw a white figure lying in the snow at that place, and he couldn't tell what it was.

After all, snow is all white. In such a situation, it is impossible to identify the origin of the other party, whether it is a human or a beast. Yang Xuan was unable to check, so he slowly approached.

Yang Xuan always has to be careful, he has abilities, he is not afraid of so much, but Yang Xuantu knows nothing about the identity and background of the other party, so he should be more cautious.

Don't be careless, for him, he knows clearly in his heart, although he is not in a hurry to do this, but something has happened, and he knows what to do in his heart.

He knew better how to deal with these problems. Faced with such a situation, Yang Xuan of course understood everything, and it was better to be careful. He didn't want himself to be hurt.

However, with his ability, it is impossible to be harmed.

Yang Xuan looked at the situation in front of him as he walked, the white figure didn't move at all on the snowy ground, nor did he react in any way, and the sound didn't come out again.

I don't know if it came from there, but Yang Xuan felt very surprised. To him, he had never seen this kind of situation, nor had it happened~.

Yang Xuan didn't walk so fast, he wanted to take a closer look at the other party's situation, why didn't the white figure lying on the snow didn't respond? It was the other party's voice, why did it stop-stop now?

What the **** is this man? Is it a man or a monster? With white feathers, or the other party wearing white clothes, Yang Xuan couldn't tell.

He just wanted to approach slowly, see what the other party was like, and then make a decision.

"Is it a person or a ghost in front of you? Hurry up, otherwise I will be rude to you. Did you make the ghost crying and wolf howling just now? Don't pretend to be a ghost there. What's going on? No one will see it when you lie there ? I have found you, I just came here in your direction, and the voice suddenly stopped."

"Just stop here. It seems that it is you. Are you a human or a monster or what? Can you reveal your identity? Don't play hide-and-seek with me. I don't have the patience to go around in circles with you. Don't challenge me. Be patient, otherwise I will be rude to you, and it will be too late for you to play."

····Ask for flowers 0···

"It seems that you are in this Lingfeng Snow Mountain. You have a special status. It is not easy to live in such a cold weather. But you are really human. How can you resist such a situation? In the cold weather, the sound you made just now was human or beast, it sounds rather weird, I will give you some time to come out quickly."


Yang Xuan stood at the same spot and did not continue to walk forward. He shouted to the front to see if the other party responded. He knew in his heart that as long as he spoke, the other party would hear a human voice.

Li Xiaofan is also human, how could he not come out? Yang Xuan had already discovered that he was hiding there. There was a white stone beside him, which seemed to cover his body.

In fact, it is not covered at all. What is the situation with this guy? Yang Xuan knew in his heart that he had come to Lingfeng Snow Mountain, wasn't it just to find the strange things here? three.

Chapter 2252 Someone Lying in the Snow

Do you still not know? Whether the things in front of him were considered weird, Yang Xuan couldn't conclude that there was a white figure lying there, whether it was a human or a ghost.

Yang Xuan also couldn't clearly see that he had to look forward. At this moment, Yang Xuan stood on the spot silently looking at the situation ahead and didn't go any further. When approaching him, he had to figure it out before approaching.

Otherwise, what should we do if we suddenly launch an attack on the "267" side? Yang Xuan is powerful, but he doesn't want to let himself be someone else's trap, and he is not sure what the situation is at the moment.

Yang Xuan waited for a while, the other party didn't respond, neither moved nor answered, Yang Xuan felt even more strange, who is this white figure? Or what kind of monster?

He has never been so confused like today, after all, he also thinks that Lingfeng Snow Mountain is a special place, and this place is very cold.

The weather is like this all the year round, how could anyone live here in this place, just now when I was at the bottom of the mountain, I met someone, and he already told Yang Xuan.

This Lingfeng Snow Mountain is uninhabited, he lives near here, who dares to stay in Lingfeng Snow Mountain, is simply looking for death? Yang Xuan also felt a little strange about the situation.

You have to figure it out before you can be sure, otherwise all this will be rather strange to him, and Yang Xuan doesn't want these things to get worse. If he wants to inquire about the situation here, it seems that he should move forward.

The person lying on the snow is Li Xiaofan, he is a human being, he is not a monster at all, he also entered the mountain before Yang Xuan just now.

He is an orphan and has no one to rely on. He just thought that people said that there was something wrong with Lingfeng Snow Mountain. He wanted to come and have a look. Just now, when he was walking forward.

Suddenly he was bitten by a monster. He didn't know if it was a monster or a beast, but Li Xiaofan had already collapsed here.

Hearing Yang Xuan's voice just now, he didn't reply because he felt that his mouth couldn't be opened. His body was in excruciating pain and he couldn't move.

Standing there, Yang Xuan looked more and more wrong. He wanted to approach him slowly. He couldn't wait like this. What was going on with this other party? How did Yang Xuan figure it out...

When Yang Xuan approached, he squatted down and saw that it was a person lying on the ground in the snow. Yang Xuan looked carefully at the side where there was blood, and Yang Xuan turned the person over.

Only then did Yang Xuan realize that the other party was injured.

"Little brother, are you okay? What's wrong with you? Can you hear me? I was talking just now, but you didn't answer. Are you injured? It looks like your wound is not small. What bit you, wake up, can you listen to me?"

"Looking at your appearance, the situation is not very good. Since you are a human being, why did you come here alone? Do you want to kill 0.3? Hey, wake up, wake up, you can't sleep anymore, if you sleep again Your situation is even more dangerous, what's the matter with you? Can't you hear me at all? "

"The wound is still too serious. It seems that your wound is not poisoned. It seems that you are trembling from the cold, so you are unconscious. You are about to wake up. You really can't sleep. This place is too dangerous.".

Chapter 2253 The other party has been injured

Yang Xuan looked at this person's situation, it was a little bad, but the other person didn't seem to be in any danger, Yang Xuan checked his information, he was still alive but he was already in a coma.

Not knowing if he could hear what he said, Yang Xuan also thought that his appearance was quite special, maybe it was because he was a little scared and worried after being bitten.

This place is so cold, that's why he fell into a coma. It turned out that the other party was neither a monster nor a beast. Since it was a human, Yang Xuan thought it was strange.

Isn't there no one in this Lingfeng Snow Mountain? Why did a person suddenly appear again, and Yang Xuan couldn't imagine that there were many thoughts in his heart. This incident made him feel a little weird.

Yang 22xuan is not worried that this person will hurt him, he has already been injured, he is human, he is just wearing a white padded jacket, which is all white to set off with the white snow here.

Yang Xuan thought it was a monster, but it turned out it wasn't at all.

Yang Xuan was a little worried that this person's condition was not very good.

He should be given treatment in time to see if he can speak. Yang Xuan shook him slowly to see if he was interested and would not be able to wake up and sleep again. Sleeping here, no one noticed, he must be freezing to death.

Li Xiaofan heard someone calling him in a daze, he just felt that someone appeared beside him, but he felt a little scared, and felt that the voice of this person was very pleasant in his confusion, whether it was a person or a ghost.

Li Xiaofan was also very worried, but he seemed to have gradually gained consciousness. When he opened his eyes, the face he saw was Yang Xuan.

Although Li Xiaofan was not very clear-headed, he knew that someone was calling him, and the voice came to his ears, and Li Xiaofan finally woke up, his whole body was in pain, and the wound was also very painful.

"Are you calling me? I heard a voice in a daze, and I saw you when I looked up. Who are you? I was in a coma just now, and I felt that I could open my eyes when I heard the voice. My eyes are gone, I see you now, I am not dreaming, I am not dead, I feel so groggy."

"But this is still Lingfeng Snow Mountain or this place, it seems that it is not a dream, everything is real, my wound is extremely painful, I was bitten by something just now, and I didn't see the other party's figure , I just feel that the other party is dressed in black, I don't know if it's a human or a ghost, and I don't see it clearly."

"Did you think I was some kind of monster just now? How can I be a 270 monster with my appearance? But it's strange to see your appearance."

"You appeared on Lingfeng Snow Mountain. What are you doing? I came here because I was curious. I didn't expect this place to be really dangerous. I don't know what the monster that bit me just now is. If you don't see the other party clearly, you will be peachy, and my wound is getting more and more painful."

After Li Xiaofan finished speaking in one breath, he closed his eyes again, his physical strength could no longer support him.

If he hadn't heard Yang Xuan's voice just now, it would have been impossible for him to wake up. He is a human being, so there is no need to worry.

Chapter 2254 All this is not a dream

Li Xiaofan also knew that he was not dreaming, he was not dead yet, the young man who appeared in front of him woke him up, Li Xiaofan closed his eyes and thought of many things.

He just wanted to rest for a while. His health was not very good. After all, he was bitten by that strange guy. Li Xiaofan also felt that the wound was hurting all the time, which was extremely unbearable.

He didn't know what was going on.

Li Xiaofan already knew in his heart that he already had hope, and he would not die here. Just now when he was unconscious, he dreamed of his parents, as if they were waving to him.

The more Li Xiaofan spoke, the deeper he got, otherwise Yang Xuan would appear and wake him up, he wouldn't know what he would be, and in the end he might have taken the risk to come to Lingfeng Snow Mountain today, and really died here.

Li Xiaofan kept resting with his eyes closed, he was thoughtful, he could still persevere before he fell asleep, Li Xiaofan knew in his heart that if Yang Xuan appeared, he would definitely save him.

It seems that there is no need to worry, the wound is getting more and more painful now, but Yang Xuan simply bandaged it just now, and the wound stopped bleeding.

After hearing what Li Xiaofan said, Yang Xuan realized that he was bitten by something. It seems that his condition is not very good.

Yang Xuan also thought about helping him recover for a while. After all, Yang Xuan had the ability to save a person. This person was already injured.

I can't let him have any situation. Seeing that Li Xiaofan is wearing thick clothes, he is quite smart. If he wears less in this cold place, he might freeze to death.

Yang Xuan didn't want the other party to have any accidents. He was just an ordinary person, and he was quite courageous. He came to Lingfeng Snow Mountain by himself. He was even more courageous than himself, which surprised Yang Xuan.

I quite admire his courage, but if he came to Lingfeng Snow Mountain with such rash actions, wouldn't this be his own death? Seeing that he didn't meet himself today.

Li Xiaofan is definitely not going to survive, but Yang Xuan also felt strange, what kind of monster ran away after biting someone, and hadn't eaten Li Xiaofan yet, what is going on?

Yang Xuan was getting more and more confused. He felt that this matter was a bit strange, so he wanted to ask Li Xiaofan.

Look at what he said, Yang Xuan looked at Li Xiaofan and closed his eyes again, he still looked very uncomfortable, but he still wanted to ask him about his situation.

"¨It turns out that this is the case, you can still hear me talking, how are you doing now? It's very uncomfortable, you can close your eyes and rest for a while, after all, you are still alive, all of this is very lucky. In this kind of weather, you really wouldn’t be able to survive if it wasn’t for me.”

"Do you feel that your condition is getting worse? The wound is getting more and more painful, but it's okay, I will help you (from Zhao's) treatment in a while, don't worry about it, you will definitely not die, you just now I think it's quite strange to say what the situation is, why is this place suddenly dangerous?"

"Besides, this Lingfeng Snow Mountain was originally said to be dangerous. Usually no one comes here. Where did you appear? Who are you? What village are you from? When I went up the mountain just now, I saw a He said that there was no one in this place at all.”.

Chapter 2255 The black shadow has escaped

Li Xiaofan was lying in the snow dazedly after hearing Yang Xuan's words, he couldn't open his eyes for the time being, his physical strength could no longer hold on.

Li Xiaofan was already bitten, what was the guy who bit him, Li Xiaofan didn't see clearly, he felt a black shadow run away.

Yang Xuan looked at Li Xiaofan's appearance, even though he was injured and exhausted, it's okay for Yang Xuan to save him, just to see what's going on.

After all, Yang Xuan was also thinking about some situation, since it has already happened, it seems that this kind of thing has already happened at this moment.

Even though Yang Xuan had bandaged Li Xiaofan's wound, to recover to the best condition would depend on his physical strength and the process of Yang Xuan's treatment for him.

Yang Xuan just wanted to know what happened in Lingfeng Snow Mountain, why Li Xiaofan was bitten when he was fine, and where did he come from? Isn't Lingfeng Snow Mountain uninhabited?

Everyone thinks this place is an evil hell, and no one dares to approach it. Why did Li Xiaofan appear here?

These questions kept appearing in Yang Xuan's mind. He wanted to figure it out. When he first discovered it, he thought he was some kind of monster.

I didn't expect him to have such an identity, even an ordinary person would not have the guts to come to Lingfeng Snow Mountain, Yang Xuan thought of this matter in his mind and deduced that Li Xiaofan was somewhat capable.

But his ability to fight against these evil forces is simply impossible and will not reach such a level. It seems that he is a little too confident, or he is also curious and wants to explore the situation in Lingfeng Snow Mountain.

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