In the past two days, Yang Xuan discovered that something was wrong with Lingfeng Snow Mountain.

He just hoped that he could evolve, and he didn't know what was the truth behind it, but Li Xiaofan was bitten at the moment, everything was quite miraculous.

And it's very weird, it was bitten by something, I don't know until now, Yang Xuan always wants to look for it, because the snow on Lingfeng Snow Mountain is particularly thick.

Yang Xuan didn't want Li Xiaofan to be in any danger by following him, and he had to protect him when the time came. Yang Xuan didn't want to face such a situation at all, and hoped that he could retreat despite difficulties.

If you don't have this ability, get out of here as soon as possible, don't overestimate what you can do, what Yang Xuan said is still sympathetic, not so straightforward.

Sitting here, Li Xiaofan also had a particularly depressed expression on his face, quite aggrieved. He wanted to follow Yang Xuan to find out the situation here, and he didn't want Yang Xuan to be in danger alone.

Even though Li Xiaofan already knew that Yang Xuan was very capable and powerful, he was still worried, didn't the two of them have more power? Why does the other party insist on rejecting-myself?

Li Xiaofan couldn't figure it out, what Yang Xuan said just now was obviously disgusting of himself, he was afraid that his ability was relatively weak and would drag him down, it's not like Li Xiaofan couldn't understand that he was so smart.

But at this moment, he also understood whether Yang Xuan said that he hoped that he could leave here as soon as possible, so as not to encounter danger with him, Li Xiaofan also understood these things.

He felt a little sad when he saw Yang Xuan. He didn't know what to do. Although Li Xiaofan had abilities, he wanted to resist the danger here.

Even the monster just now didn't know what was going on, so how could it continue to look for danger here? All this is really as Yang Xuan said, it is simply unbelievable.

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Li Xiaofan understood more or less, he just wanted to be by Yang Xuan's side, since the other party was capable, he could protect himself, could it be that he was afraid that he would not be able to protect himself when danger came?

Li Xiaofan had so many thoughts in his heart, after all he was not as smart as Yang Xuan, Li Xiaofan was relatively simple.

"I understand what you just said. You want to find something in this Lingfeng Snow Mountain alone. I can understand your mood. Maybe it's not appropriate for me to follow you. I will drag you down. You hope Get out of here as soon as possible, but can you really do it alone? Wouldn’t it be good to have more strength from one more person?”


"Even if I can't protect myself, I don't want you to be in danger alone. There is really something wrong with Lingfeng Snow Mountain. I don't know the origin of the monster that bit me just now. You stay here alone. Here I am also a little worried, I don't know how to make a decision, let alone what to do."

"I'm a little embarrassed, and I'm also quite wronged. I don't want you to look for any danger here alone. If not, let's all get out of here." Three.

Chapter 2262 How can Yang Xuan give up easily

"No matter what people say, this Lingfeng Snow Mountain is very scary, but the situation in this Lingfeng Snow Mountain is more complicated. Isn't it still good for people to live near here? There is still no danger."

Yang Xuan understood Li Xiaofan's feelings in his heart, no matter what he said, it was impossible for him to follow him into Lingfeng Snow Mountain, no matter how depressed he was "two seven three", how sad.

Yang Xuan couldn't appreciate it either, but what was he doing, why would he drag someone down? Yang Xuan also thought that he couldn't protect himself, and he would have to protect him when the time came. Yang Xuan would never do that.

Faced with this situation, he knew in his heart, how could he not understand the things behind it, he just felt that some styles had appeared, he understood the truth, and understood these problems even more, these things did not seem to be like this at all.

It was absolutely impossible for Yang Xuan to let this happen, and it would be dangerous for Li Xiaofan to follow him. Yang Xuan didn't know anything about this Lingfeng Snow Mountain, nor could he control it.

How could he not be in a hurry? Facing Li Xiaofan, Yang Xuan also felt that he should stop thinking so much, can he save himself some time and go back quickly.

Li Xiaofan's eyes were full of hope and kept looking at Yang Xuan. He wanted to follow Yang Xuan into Lingfeng Snow Mountain. He had already come here, even if he was injured.

Yang Xuan has already healed her at this moment, so what else is there to worry about? Li Xiaofan also thought that Yang Xuan could protect himself and at the same time be by his side.

Let's see what's going on in Lingfeng Snow Mountain. Li Xiaofan has already encountered some monsters after walking a little distance. After being bitten, all this is over.

After all, he was still alive, Yang Xuan could save him, so there was nothing to worry about. Li Xiaofan didn't know what concerns Yang Xuan had, but he was worried that he would be hurt again, or that he would drag them down when danger appeared.

Li Xiaofan actually understood everything in his heart, but he just didn't want to leave here. People said that there were some ghostly things in this place, and Li Xiaofan had indeed seen them.

But I don't know what's going on here, and I'm quite confused about these things. Li Xiaofan is also very curious, and wants to follow Yang Xuan's side to see these things...

He didn't want to waste time like this at all, he had already summoned up his courage and came to Lingfeng Snow Mountain alone, now if Yang Xuan appeared.

He has nothing to worry about. Li Xiaofan is not afraid of his courageous patients at all. Others have already been terrified.

"Even if there are monsters in this Lingfeng Snow Mountain, they won't harm humans after all. All of this may not matter. Once their bottom line is touched, they will be really offended at that time. Entering this place It would be bad if the nearby villages hurt the people."

"Can you really solve so many things with your own ability? I am a little scared. I am very worried at 0.3. I don't know what the situation is. I just think it's better for everything to go smoothly. For me , I simply cannot resist these dangers, and I would not be able to survive without your appearance."

"But I also don't want to see you take this risk alone, I'm still a little worried, these things are what I want to be.".

Chapter 2263 Don't Want To Take This Risk

"I've already told you, this is what I think, you really don't want to take me into Lingfeng Snow Mountain, I can only leave here, and I don't want to drag you down."

Li Xiaofan had already mentioned two possibilities. If Yang Xuan really did not take him into Lingfeng Snow Mountain, he could only leave him in frustration, and it was impossible to go his own way.

He knew in his heart that this Lingfeng Snow Mountain was not a simple place, it was not the place where they lived, this was a very strange mountain.

People think this place is very evil, Li Xiaofan has the ability to come here today, he wants to solve the mystery here for everyone.

Unexpectedly, he was still in danger. 22 Yang Xuan's appearance allowed him to survive. Li Xiaofan should cherish this opportunity. Yang Xuan said he was right.

But he is still waiting for Yang Xuan's answer, to see if there is a turning point, he doesn't want to leave here like this at all, the opportunity is quite rare.

He wanted to have a taste of the situation of Lingfeng Snow Mountain. This place was high, steep and evil. Li Xiaofan was full of curiosity, so he wanted to see the situation here.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have the guts to come here alone, but he also thought that Yang Xuan would be stronger, look different, and formidable.

Yang Xuan's heart was finally at ease, Li Xiaofan told me that he had figured it out, and his unwillingness made him feel particularly helpless.

It is also impossible for Yang Xuan to take him to continue walking in the Lingfeng Snow Mountain because of his state, it is better to let him leave here, Yang Xuan alone can resist the danger here.

It is impossible for Yang Xuan to take this person and protect him instead. Faced with this situation, he must have made up his mind. Yang Xuan saw that Li Xiaofan's wounds had already recovered, so there was no need to worry.

After all, he thought at a young age, felt that the situation here was different, and wanted to try it with himself, but now there was really no need to do so.

Right now, it is to protect his safety and solve his own dangers. He should not be so curious about other things. If his curiosity is too strong, it will harm him instead.

If he hadn't come here today, Li Xiaofan wouldn't be able to survive at all, wouldn't he have learned his lesson? He is still so stubborn, for him, he should cherish this opportunity to live.

Today is the day he trusts the most, and it is also the day when he regains his life. I don’t want him to continue following me in this Lingfeng Snow Mountain. I hope he can leave here quickly. Yang Xuan doesn’t care whether he is sad or not. Simply can not think so much. 277

"I'm happy if you can figure it out. Don't keep talking so much. Just like you are now, you are very sad. I really hope that you can continue to walk with me in this Lingfeng Snow Mountain. I want to see Looking at the scenery here, or wanting to see what is here, this is not what you should do at all.”

"Look at you, it's not easy to live now. Don't keep thinking about these things. No matter where there is danger in the future, if you can't solve it yourself, don't touch it anymore. There is no human ability and don't be brave, you should leave here now.".

Chapter 2264 Cherish the chance to live

"I don't want to say anything else. After all, you have already survived. Don't encounter any risks. We don't know anything about the situation in Lingfeng Snow Mountain. I don't understand it at all. I'm relatively new here Yes, I also see that the people here are in danger."

Li Xiaofan really didn't hold any hope anymore, Yang Xuan had already said so directly, it seemed that he was about to leave here, and he couldn't give Yang Xuan any more sweetness.

He was aware of these situations in his heart, so he didn't want to mess with Yang Xuan any more. Li Xiaofan also understood this kind of thing in his heart, but felt that something had happened.

He knows what he should do, and he knows better how to deal with this matter. He is relatively relaxed in the face of such a situation. How could he not know the problems behind it.

The more such a situation is, the more helpless he feels, but he will handle everything well, so he doesn't have to worry so much at all.

I just feel that all the situation is much simpler than what I thought, not so bad, Yang Xuan is so powerful, and he has internal power that can miraculously heal his wounds, so there is nothing else to think about.

Li Xiaofan was also thinking, let him walk around this Lingfeng Snow Mountain by himself, and don't cause trouble by himself, it seems that what Yang Xuan said is right.

Li Xiaofan was able to live because he really cherished this opportunity, otherwise he would be dead today, and it's not like Li Xiaofan didn't know the risks behind it.

Yang Xuan looked at Li Xiaofan quietly, as long as he figured it out, as long as he understood, he didn't have to worry so much, after all Yang Xuan didn't want to see him sad.

He knew in his heart that what he did was all for his own sake. It was not that Yang Xuan didn't understand the situation behind it. Li Xiaofan was so smart, how could he not know his own mood.

All the decisions Yang Xuan made were also in the hope that he could live safely and not stay with him in the Lingfeng Snow Mountain any longer. Yang Xuan was very capable.

He can resist all pressures and dangers, Li Xiaofan is different, he has no ability, when Yang Xuan is afraid that he will not be able to take care of him, if he gets hurt again, it will be too late.

Yang Xuan just didn't want to see any danger happen again. Li Xiaofan's scene just now also made people feel very arrogant, and he didn't want him to suffer any harm.

The situation just now couldn't happen again, Yang Xuan had such thoughts in his heart, he quietly saw that Li Xiaofan had stood up, and hoped that he would leave here.

I'm about to go inside to continue investigating the situation, so I can't waste any more time, and I also hope that he can leave here as soon as possible.

"¨I watched them feel very sad every day because of the matter of this Lingfeng Snow Mountain, so I took the initiative to ask to come to this Lingfeng Snow Mountain, and they have already agreed. As for your situation, I (Zhao Zhao) don't want to Thinking about it again, as long as you leave here, everything will be stable, there is no risk at all, before you come to Lingfeng Snow Mountain'々."

"Aren't you living a good life? Even if there are monsters here that bite you, they haven't entered your world, so why do you have to look for these situations? It's not something you can handle. If you can resist, you really give me a very headache.".

Chapter 2265 Just figure it out

It's getting late, Yang Xuan doesn't want to waste time, what time is it, I hope Li Xiaofan can understand his intentions, let him leave here for his own sake.

The situation in Lingfeng Snow Mountain is not known yet, all of this is quite confusing, as for whether there are any monsters appearing, Yang Xuan can't conclude that Li Xiaofan has been bitten by something.

There must be a situation in Lingfeng Snow Mountain, but Li Xiaofan wants to follow him, this is absolutely impossible. Yang Xuan has already told him so clearly, just let him know what to do, how to choose, and leave Lingfeng Snow Mountain as soon as possible .

Danger is everywhere, and Yang Xuan doesn't want Li Xiaofan to suffer any harm along with him. He is still in good condition, and the wounds just now have recovered, so it's better to leave here.

277 What are you waiting for? Yang Xuan didn't expect that Li Xiaofan was quite stubborn. No matter what the situation was, no matter what happened, Yang Xuan would never agree to his conditions and must leave here.

Yang Xuan didn't want to think about it anymore, Li Xiaofan also had to stop the arrangement, if he didn't stop, Yang Xuan would naturally use his ability to send him away from here.

Faced with this matter, Yang Xuan also knew what to do. It seemed that Li Xiaofan had already thought it through. After all, Yang Xuan also knew that he was relatively smart.

I did all this for his sake, I hope he can live a good life, don't follow me wandering in Lingfeng Snow Mountain, this place is not safe.

"But now that you have figured it out, I don't worry about it anymore. I know in my heart that as long as you can control it better this time and let you know what to do, everything will be stable. Don't talk about it when you're done." There are so many, you should go back quickly, I will continue to search for monsters here, and find out who they are."

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, Li Xiaofan already understood (ccad), Yang Xuan bid him farewell and continued to walk forward, Li Xiaofan had already left Lingfeng Snow Mountain.

Yang Xuan continued to search for the monster in the Lingfeng Snow Mountain alone, but they didn't see clearly what the monster looked like, so Yang Xuan could only stay here alone.

It is not what Yang Xuan wants to see that no one can suffer any harm.

Yang Xuan carefully inquired about the situation as he walked.

This Lingfeng Snow Mountain is quite special. The further you go, the colder the weather will be. However, he has a powerful system that can protect himself and notify everyone.

Can resist the cold weather, he can't feel anything, it doesn't matter to him.

Yang Xuan didn't care about these weather problems, he just wanted to find out if there were any so-called monsters, otherwise he would have come here in vain this time.

"It's really strange here. No wonder people feel that this Lingfeng Snow Mountain is particularly terrifying. The more you walk in, the more terrifying aura keeps appearing. The air here is getting thinner and thinner. It’s about to suffocate, it seems that if ordinary people live in this place, these dangers are also difficult to resist.”

"It's impossible to live on. It's normal for no one to live in this place. It seems that this time I have to find out if the situation here is dangerous. The person just now was bitten by something. , there must be a monster appearing.".

Chapter 2266 Leaving the Snow Mountain Quickly

"Otherwise, how can people be hurt? It seems that this matter is also a **** lesson. I have to pay extra attention to me. I don't care about anything, but I still have to be careful and act more delicately. I can't let myself know the situation. Something happened, and it wasn't what I wanted to see."

Yang Xuan pondered in his heart as he walked, he thought of many problems at the moment, and he couldn't let this matter worsen.

The young man just now is an example, and no one can enter Lingfengxue mountain again.

Yang Xuan also wanted to search around the Lingfeng Snow Mountain to see if there were any monsters. If there were any monsters, Yang Xuan would completely destroy his Lingfeng Snow Mountain. up.

He knew in his heart that it didn't matter whether Lingfeng Snow Mountain wanted it or not, the weather in this place was too cold, and the temperature in this place was relatively low.

People think that this place is afraid of why they still keep it. For Yang Xuan, he just wants to investigate the situation here and then make a decision.

How could it be possible that Yang Xuan didn't understand his own thoughts? Facing this problem, he knew in his heart that no matter what the situation was, as long as he could solve it.

He will come forward to solve it, he doesn't want to see any danger at all, otherwise he is afraid how could he be so anxious.

Coming to this world this time is also different, Yang Xuan also thought that every reincarnation world is different.

This time, after walking around the Lingfeng Snow Mountain and looking at the situation before making a decision, Yang Xuan also thought that if the Lingfeng Snow Mountain was really dangerous, it would be useless to stay or not.

Yang Xuan was still very anxious in his heart, he watched from left to right as he walked.

Yang Xuan doesn't want any danger to enter the place where humans live. This is not the result he wants to see. After all, he knows how to decide all this in his heart.

Sometimes when things happen, he understands the problems behind them better. The more such a result, the more helpless he feels.

How could Yang Xuan not understand the situation behind this, he just felt that everything seemed stable now.

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But some things are not as simple as imagined. When problems arise, everything will have a new progress, and Yang Xuan doesn't want to have too many changes.

"It seems that this matter is more complicated. We must solve this matter. After we understand it clearly, we can give an explanation to the people around here. Otherwise, it is very dangerous for them to live here. They feel scared and feel very scared. It's strange, and at the same time, I dare not enter Lingfeng Snow Mountain to find things here."


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