"I will also tell you the purpose of my coming here, and then you will understand all this. First of all, I don't want to talk so much at all. I just want to see where the danger here is. The world is so big, and your position is the best, it seems that an agreement was reached at the beginning."

After hearing Yang Xuan's words while walking, the patriarch of the Shui tribe also felt that he was still in a hurry. It seemed that he was thinking about this matter.

He came here really because of these dangers, or when he passed through this poor world, he had already heard that there were dangers here, and he wanted to solve this problem.

The head of the Shui clan was also very excited. With the appearance of a character like Yang Xuan, maybe all the dangers would be eliminated, if it was really eliminated.

People like them can live in the extreme world freely, so they don't have to hide in this extreme world all the time, basically they won't be too far away.

The head of the Shui clan is also worried that danger may appear at any time. Although an agreement has been reached, it is better to advance.

They live here relatively safely, but when they think that the danger may approach at any time, they feel very panicked.

Yang Xuan can really solve the problem, so there is no need to worry about anything. The head of the Shui tribe kept looking at Yang Xuan, walking forward slowly, and then walking forward.

Turning another corner and going home, the chief of the Shui tribe also wanted to discuss with Yang Xuan what he had to do after he got home. It seemed that he was also very anxious.

After Yang Xuan said so much, isn't he a little worried? He has been guessing this question in his heart, but he has something to understand, so he wants to talk to the head of the water clan.

Let's see if he has the same thoughts as himself, Yang Xuan always thinks about many issues in his heart, even though this poor world is an evil world.

But it's really good for the people here to live in the Shuiyun Cave, this place is already very beautiful, let yourself linger, Yang Xuan also suddenly felt that this place is really good.

Reincarnation here is also the best choice, besides, just reincarnating into this world, some things are not so anxious, he knows in his heart how he should face such a result.

And Yang Xuan also understands the situation behind this, some things don't make any sense if he thinks too much, but chatting with the head of the water tribe while walking, let him understand his own thoughts in his heart.

Then find a way to get rid of the danger here, Yang Xuan can rest assured in his heart, even if he is reincarnated here, he can live with peace of mind, without having to think about it.

"It's not easy for you to choose to live in this Shuiyundongtian, but where do those evil aliens live? Are they in the north? These things are really confusing to me. I just I hope you can tell me, and now we will go back to your house."

"I understand that there are some things that I am not in a hurry for the time being, but if they can be resolved as soon as possible, all of this will still make me feel particularly unforgettable. This Shuiyundongtian is different, and this place really makes people linger. I just When entering here, I feel that the breath here is different.".

Chapter 2234 Temporary suspension of action

"The scenery here is also exceptionally beautiful. After entering the Shuiyun Cave, I feel that it is very special. It is really the best way for you to choose to live here, but now I am here I want to know what the danger is, so don't you know?"

The head of the aquarium who asked this question was speechless. He really didn't know the situation behind it, he just heard about it, and the head of the aquarium didn't look for danger.

They have lived in this poor world for so long, this place is quite special, there are many creatures appearing, since an agreement has been reached, why bother to look for it.

The head of the Shui Clan also knew that Yang Xuan was young and had many problems. His mind was particularly flexible. It seemed that he was going to solve the problem this time when he came to Poor Extreme World.

It must be to find the truth behind this, otherwise he will not let it go lightly, and the head of the Shui clan can also see this matter, no matter how these issues are decided at this moment.

Yang Xuan already had such thoughts in his heart, and the head of the Shui clan understood his problems, and walked forward slowly. The head of the Shui clan also wanted to discuss this issue with him after returning home.

All of this can no longer be touched today, no matter where the danger is, the head of the Shui clan still thinks that Yang Xuan can't act again today.

The head of the aquarium tribe just thought that if he had something to deal with after he got home, he would tell him everything he knew, so that he could make a decision in his heart.

Let's see what good method he has. The head of the Shui clan quite approves of Yang Xuan. The young man is living a good life. However, if he insists on going to the Poor World to find danger, it proves that his ability is very strong.

Yang Xuan was a little puzzled. As he walked, he looked at the head of the Shui clan who had said so much and the other party didn't answer. He was also thinking about the problem.

Does he really know nothing? Don't understand anything? How should they know which part of this poor world the danger lies in?

A lot of questions flashed through Yang Xuan's mind. When he came here today, he had to get to know the chief of the Shui clan, and he wanted to solve the problem, and then he was planning to reincarnate here.

Yang Xuan has already come to this world of reincarnation, which is this poor world, how could he change his decision easily, for him at this moment, everything is impossible to change.

He thought that as long as many problems can be solved, he still wants to solve them as soon as possible, and wants to know the answer, after all, he has not yet reincarnated.

First of all, the danger here must be eliminated, so that I can live peacefully in the Shuiyun Cave, and I like such an environment and such a place.

This Shuiyundongtian looks quite special. Looking at the waterfall on the high mountain, the flowing speed is sometimes fast and sometimes slow, which is very spectacular. Yang Xuan is also very happy in his heart (Li Zhao).

But he was thinking about the patriarch of the water clan. Since he has such an identity, doesn't it mean that he really doesn't know anything?

"¨Since you are the patriarch, you should know that the situation in the Shuiyun Cave is relatively stable, but danger is everywhere in the entire poor world, but where does this danger come from, and what is the identity of the other party? , don’t you guys know? Is it a monster, a monster or some other kind`々?”.

Chapter 2235 Let's explore the danger tomorrow

Yang Xuan has basically understood the situation in this poor world, what he should do now is to enter those dangerous places tomorrow to find the answer, he can't wait any longer.

Having already come here, he couldn't let himself stay here without exploring these secrets. When he came to the house of the chief of the Shui tribe, Yang Xuan also thought that he had the final say in the Shuiyun Cave.

However, he seemed to have a lot of worries at the moment, and Yang Xuan could understand his feelings.

It is impossible for the patriarch of the water clan to wait until now if he has a way. He has already attacked. It seems that there is no way for him, and Yang Xuan knows it well.

Yang Xuan is still a little worried, the patriarch of the water clan doesn't have much ability, although he can temporarily resist these dangerous approaches to 260, but one day the danger will become stronger.

The people in the Shuiyun Cave would probably not be able to live normally, and their lives would be in danger, how could Yang Xuan not be worried about these situations in his heart.

Faced with such a result, it depends on how to face it, but some things are not as complicated as the head of the aquarium thought.

As long as you have the ability, you are not afraid of anything, you are not worried about anything, the situation behind this.

Yang Xuan felt that there should be some masters manipulating these things, not as they thought, as long as the secrets behind it were uncovered, all the answers to the mysteries would naturally be answered.

"Could it be that humans are manipulating everything here? Maybe someone is pretending to be an evil monster to scare you, and wants to occupy everything here, but they are not strong enough, and they can only compromise. Maybe it is possible, but you don't have to Given how I feel, I'm just extrapolating and guessing."

After saying these words, Yang Xuan followed the head of the Shui clan and they had already walked through this street. They stopped in front of a yard now, and Yang Xuan saw that the yard was cleaned very clean.

This is where the head of the Shui clan should live, Yang Xuan also thought, it's already dark today, it seems that everything is over here.

He can no longer explore the things here, let alone (ccad) look for those dangers, and when he came to Shuiyun Cave, Yang Xuan felt that this place was picturesque.

He likes the environment here, whether he can be reincarnated in this place, Yang Xuan will only be able to understand after the matter here is resolved, for him, all this is not in a hurry.

He needs to know where the danger is in this poor world. After all, the poor world has already appeared, and this is Yang Xuan's new reincarnation world.

Yang Xuan must understand what he said, otherwise the head of the Shui clan would not understand what he was thinking at all, and he would come to a new world, this poor world.

Yang Xuan came to Shuiyundongtian again, this is where the chief of the Shui tribe is located, and all the people here live here, even though they are a Shui tribe.

But water only occupies a small part of the area, and most of the remaining area is land, as well as these mountains and valleys. Looking at the situation here, Yang Xuan thinks it is good. For him, he will not think too much for the time being.

"I don't know anything about the situation in this poor world. I just doubt in my heart and guess this matter with my thoughts. None of this is true.".

Chapter 2236 Very confused about these things

"I just have to listen to your answer. Are we going there now? Will we discuss this issue in two days? I'm already here, and I don't want to waste time."

"If I can, I want to act tomorrow, but do people here think that I am too strange? Am I different from you people? Maybe I am a stranger, so they will look at me like this Look at me, they won't have any hostility towards me."

When the people in Shuiyun Cave saw Yang Xuan, although their eyes were a bit weird, they were looking at Yang Xuan with the chief of the Shui clan.

Everyone didn't think about anything else, they all knew that as long as the head of the Shui clan brought the people into the Shuiyun Cave, absolutely nothing would happen, and there was no possibility - there was any danger.

Not to mention some villains, everyone was just a little puzzled, but no one would ask, there is no point in asking so many questions, no matter who Yang Xuan is.

He has already come to Shuiyun Cave, and the head of the Shui tribe has allowed him to come in. They just guessed in their hearts what was going on, and they couldn't understand it at all.

The head of the Shui tribe followed Yang Xuan back home, looking at the young man, he also felt that what he said was reasonable, and now these things are here.

If they can solve the situation, of course they want to solve it. The head of the Shui tribe has managed them for so long in this Shuiyun Cave, hoping that the common people can live in peace.

This world is rather special. The aquarium patriarch and the others have lived here for so long, and there is no other place to go, and it is impossible for them to leave here.

There are some dangers here, but everyone will not invade each other. It has been maintained for so long, and they are still living in peace. The chief of the aquarium feels very at ease.

However, after hearing what Yang Xuan said, the head of the Shui clan was also very worried. How should the situation be resolved? If what Yang Xuan said really came true, then this matter is more serious.

They were going to find a solution as soon as possible, and the head of the Shui tribe also thought that since Yang Xuan said so, he wanted to find these dangers alone and see what was going on.

The head of the aquarium clan was uneasy and uneasy. This young man was courageous and resourceful, and seemed capable, but the head of the aquarium clan didn't want him to go into a dangerous place alone.

····Ask for flowers 0···

If it doesn’t work, you have to follow him, start tomorrow and everything will be like this today, it’s getting dark, and you can’t move anymore, the chief of the water clan has only so many thoughts in his heart.

"Little brother, don't worry too much. I know this situation better than anyone else here. The problem you mentioned may happen, or someone is manipulating it behind the scenes, but we are living in the water cloud cave now. Isn’t it quite safe? It’s been decades, and nothing has happened.”


"However, if the matter here can be resolved in advance, of course I think it is a good thing. I don't want to always have some troubles in this poor world, and I am always afraid. I live every day. It's quite simple, always afraid of this danger, and approaching Shuiyundongtian."

"At that time, my ability will not be able to resist, what should I do then? Many people will lose their lives, and many people will die at the hands of these evil monsters." Three.

Chapter 2237

"I'm not sure whether there are monsters or monsters in this poor world. It seems that we should think about this matter carefully."

Yang Xuan already understood this situation in his heart, how could there be no danger in this poor world, they were so worried and scared, waiting in this cave of water and clouds, not daring to go anywhere.

The "260" has never left the vicinity of Shuiyundongtian, which proves that they are very frightened in their hearts, and the head of the Shui tribe is very brave.

It is not easy for him to wait here at his age. Since Yang Xuan came here, he will always let them live a good life and help them solve the danger.

This time Yang Xuan had already decided to do so. After coming to the Poor World through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, he came to the Shuiyun Cave again. This is where they lived.

This place is exceptionally beautiful with mountains and water, Yang Xuan has some concerns in his heart, he just doesn't want the people here to be harmed, he can solve the danger by himself.

The patriarch of the Shui clan didn't want Yang Xuan to touch these things at all, but he had already come to the poor world, it seemed that he had to solve the danger here.

He must do this, the chief of the aquarium also felt that his own ability could not stop the opponent's actions at all, but the chief of the aquarium also understood.

No matter what Yang Xuan did, he was thinking of the real estate people, and he was also doing it for the sake of their people so that they could live a better life.

There are some creatures appearing in this poor world, they are all different types, some are more evil and some are more kind, the patriarch of the water clan already knows everything here very well.

After all, he has lived here for so long, how could he not know the situation here? He told Yang Xuan so many things, just hoping that he could understand.

He also wants to solve some things as soon as possible, but he has no ability, he can't make choices easily, let alone disturb the environment where those evil monsters live.

Once the bottom line of these guys is touched, what should they do when they collectively attack the people in Shuiyundongtian? The head of the Shui clan has to make a good decision, he can't do it alone.

For the sake of the people in the Shuiyundongtian, the head of the Shui clan will not personally touch these dangers. The arrival of Yang Xuan made all this change suddenly. .

It seems that he has to do this, and the head of the aquarium also thinks that he wants to do it, so let's go with him tomorrow, he can't let him do this alone, time is limited.

"I can't waste any more time. What do you think, I already understand very well. You came to our world and only want to help us solve our problems. I am grateful in my heart. On behalf of our Shuiyundongtian People are also thanking you, even if these things have not been done."


"Every word you said made me feel particularly excited. Young people have such courage and courage, which amazes me. That's all for today. Let's discuss what is going on tomorrow. About these dangers , their main location is in the most remote area in the north."

If the head of the Shui clan doesn't say that, Yang Xuan has already made a decision in his heart.

Chapter 2238 Yang Xuan is not under any control

No matter what the situation is, he has come to the Poor World, and this world is also quite strange. Yang Xuan actually began to reincarnate in this world.

He will never let anything happen. The True Reincarnation Tower has successfully brought him here, and Yang Xuan knows what he should do.

Faced with such a situation, he must break through. The situation here breaks the tranquility here, allowing this place to be completely under his control. This is Yang Xuan's goal.

He also doesn't want human beings to live in this cave of water and clouds, living in fear every day, and Yang Xuan doesn't want to see such a scene continue.

For him, he knew how to decide all of this. Yang Xuan also understood what he was worried about what the head of the Shui clan said, but these evil guys were actually in the most remote place in the north.

It seems that this place is also rather weird. They can choose to live here, far away from the Shuiyundongtian. It seems that the surface is calm, but the storm behind it may appear at any time.

It's not that the water patriarch doesn't understand this matter, their ability is just not strong enough, otherwise they would have already started attacking, and they have already been looking for these evil guys in this poor world.

After eradicating them, they will live in the Shuiyun Cave, so they don't need to hide in this corner every day. This place is more sunny.

But they can only live in this place, and they can't go to other places, so they are quite worried. The chief of the Shui clan looked at Yang Xuan and he could solve the problems here, wouldn't everything be at ease?

But still a little scared, his ability is not enough, the head of the water tribe must first tell him about these evil monsters.

What kind of environment they live in, let Yang Xuan know what it is like, and make preparations in advance, so that no accidents can occur.

Yang Xuan already understood the mood of the chief of the Shui clan. Seeing the worried and helpless expression on his face, he knew that he could not solve the problem at all, and it was impossible to fight against these evil monsters.

Whether it is a monster or a monster, no one can know, no one can be sure, they are just guessing, and Yang Xuan is not ignorant of the problems behind these problems.

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