It is not easy for the people they live here. It is really good that they can protect themselves and choose the place where they live in this water cloud cave.

Yang Xuan felt very surprised when he saw the water cloud cave, this place is really different, very wonderful, Yang Xuan has not yet entered it.

It feels like this place makes people linger, and even he doesn't want to leave here. If he chooses to reincarnate here this time, he will not refuse.

Yang Xuan is like this, if he can refuse, he will not choose to agree, but this time in this poor world, it is really good to be reincarnated here.

After all, this place is really good, he thought that there is danger in this poor world, it seems that he should settle his affairs in advance...

Then think about reincarnation, and don't think about other issues for the time being. Yang Xuan has a lot of worries in his heart, but he also knows what to do.

"I'm just a stranger, you all look like this, I can understand you in my heart, I won't blame you, but I want to enter, it's up to anyone to go to Shuiyun Cave, do you want to inform me What? I won’t go to other places now, I want to know what’s going on in your Shuiyundongtian.”

"Then let's learn about the dangerous things in the Poor World. Anyone of you who can know these things can just tell me. I am capable. I have already told Gu Daozi. I can help you at 0.3 Eliminate all the crises here and make the poor world very safe."

"In the future, you don't have to live in this cave of water and clouds. You can wander around. This is your world. Isn't this a good thing for you? What do you think in your heart? I understand, you are afraid that I will be in danger, are you afraid that I will hurt you?".

Chapter 2228 Powerless to prevent danger from happening

Chu Xiaofeng already understood what Yang Xuan meant, it seems that he kept talking, but he still didn't say where he came from, why he discovered the poor world.

Chu Xiaofeng also knew that when they lived here, some strangers came here occasionally, but it was very rare, not very many at all.

Chu Xiaofeng understood these truths in his heart, but felt that these situations were not as simple as he thought. Yang Xuan came here for a purpose.

Did he really enter the Poor World after discovering the danger? But this place is so hidden, since he can appear here, he feels too surprised.

Chu Xiaofeng was still a little confused about Yang Xuan, the 22 people in front of him looked different, he made people feel very strange.

It was strange that Chu Xiaofeng couldn't tell.

It's just that I know this matter clearly in my heart, and I feel that these problems are really capable, so what should I do? Impossible like he said.

Now that he had already mentioned this, Chu Xiaofeng thought that he was going to enter the Shuiyun Cave to report this matter, some things were beyond his control.

Chu Xiaofeng is just an ordinary citizen, he feels very happy to be able to live in Shuiyun Cave, and he can't understand the situation here.

He just saw that Yang Xuan was a little worried, so he told him so much, Chu Xiaofeng had already seen through all of this, and Chu Xiaofeng was powerless to stop Yang Xuan from entering the world of extreme poverty, nor did he have the ability.

Just talk to Yang Xuan about this matter and see what he thinks. It seems that he wants to solve the danger here for everyone, but no one knows where the danger is.

After Yang Xuan said so much, didn't he hope that Chu Xiaofeng could understand his thoughts? No matter where you come from, no matter what purpose you came here for.

But first of all, if he wants to help them solve the danger, it doesn't matter if Chu Xiaofeng doesn't believe it, Yang Xuan doesn't care so much at all.

First of all, let him know that he has no malice and wants to help them solve the crisis, and Yang Xuan has a lot of thoughts in his heart, Chu Xiaofeng is like this, and he can't understand it.

Let him inform the people here, who has the final say, who Yang Xuan communicates with, that's all. He doesn't think too much about other things at all.

To Yang Xuanren, these things don't matter, and it is very easy to solve his own danger.

The reason why he didn't do this was because he was afraid of disturbing the lives of the people here, afraid of destroying everything about the heavenly beings in the Shuiyun Cave. That's why Yang Xuan considered so much.

"I've already told you, don't you believe me 253? Are you really so suspicious? Do you think I'm a bad person? You think I'm a bad person, you can't get close to me at all, so stop lying to yourself , Who is in charge of you here, I have to meet this person, and then understand the things here, and come up with countermeasures."

"This poor world is dangerous, we can't just let it go like this all the time, we can't reach an agreement just because you get along peacefully, as if you don't interfere with each other, but one day if there is danger here, these monsters will become stronger When it is time to really attack you, how can you resist these dangers, you should think about it carefully.".

Chapter 2229 Eliminate psychological concerns

"You don't understand this at all when you are young, but the people here will definitely understand this. The reason why they are so defensive is that they can't find a way to eliminate the danger here, so they are so worried like now. That’s what I think in my heart, you should understand my origin, I’m here to help you.”

Yang Xuan looked at Chu Xiaofeng quietly, he had no other worries in his heart, he had already told him so clearly what he should say, could it be that he still couldn't understand?

Yang Xuan told him too much, and he didn't quite understand this matter. Some things need to be communicated with the people here. Whoever said here counts. Yang Xuan always wants to meet.

Otherwise, the situation here is rather special, Yang Xuan always needs to understand something, and it is different after entering a new world, this Shuiyundongtian is a rather special place.

In this poor world, there are indeed many places for oneself to explore. The reason why Yang Xuan came here was because he didn't want to destroy everything here, so he thought of so many.

Yang Xuan's inner thoughts are always very thoughtful, even if they don't talk about this matter, Yang Xuan has to think through everything before deciding what to do.

He couldn't let the people here go to the point of no return because of his own wishful thinking, and Yang Xuan didn't want to see this happen either.

Chu Xiaofeng already understood Yang Xuan's thoughts, although he couldn't say anything to him, but he could report to Yang Xuan, and everything would be resolved.

He said a few words to Yang Xuan, and then went straight back to Shuiyun Cave.

Chu Xiaofeng has already started looking for someone to report this matter, they are here at the discretion of the Shui clan leader, the Shui clan leader is quite old, he has some abilities and some internal strength.

They did have a few masters here, but after Chu Xiaofeng finished talking about this matter, the head of the Shui clan came directly to Shuiyun Dongtian, and he had already seen Yang Xuan.

The patriarch of the Shui tribe carefully looked at Yang Xuan as he walked. This young man only saw a back figure. He looked tall and mighty, and the aura on his body made people feel shuddering.

After Chu Xiaofeng had such an understanding and observation, he felt that the other party must be an expert, and the head of the Shui clan didn't need to see Yang Xuan's appearance, he had already heard what Chu Xiaofeng said.

It seems that this young man is not an idle person, and then he discovered that the Poor World has entered the Shuiyun Cave, and it was Gu Daozi who brought him here.

But the head of the Shui clan didn't want to think so much. First of all, he came here to solve the problem. Isn't that good?

They do have some weird and heterogeneous things in the poor world. If they can be produced, people can live here, and they won't be so worried as they are now.

The head of the Shui tribe walked forward while thinking about things, he had already walked to Yang Xuan's side, at this time (by Li Hao), Yang Xuan had already turned his head.

"Young man, do you want to see me? I'm Chu Xiaofeng, the person who manages the Shuiyun Cave. If you have anything to say, just tell me. Just now I have a brief understanding of your affairs. It seems that you came to us This place is also for our sake, young people have the ability, and they are different at first glance."

"I admire such courage at such a young age, and the ability to single-handedly enter the world of extremes."

Chapter 2230 The head of the water clan looks at Yang Xuan with admiration

The head of the Shui tribe has been sizing up Yang Xuan, looking at his appearance, he already knows that this young man is no ordinary person, he came to the poor world alone at a young age, which really surprised him.

The head of the Shui clan also understands his purpose of coming here, that is, to help everyone solve the crisis, and the head of the Shui clan who helps everyone tide over the difficulties also understands this truth, since he has made this decision.

The head of the Shui tribe also thought that the danger here does exist, but how should he decide at this moment? The head of the Shui tribe also wanted to explain to him. 257

But although the origin of the other party is somewhat mysterious, the head of the Shui clan will not doubt this matter. Looking at Yang Xuan, he also understands that the other party is a strong man, and he is so kind.

After all, they have lived in the Poor World for so long. This place is a weird world. They chose to live in Shuiyundongtian.

There are waterfalls, lakes, mountains, and woods. It is a very good place. In this place, there is a vast land and abundant resources, and they can hunt and chop firewood.

They can also (ccad) pick wild vegetables and medicinal materials, so they chose to live in Shuiyun Cave, but they usually don't leave Shuiyun Cave, this place is heavily guarded.

Just because he was worried about the danger around here, he would approach Yang Xuan and suddenly came here, which proved that he was here to help everyone tide over the difficulties, otherwise he would not have come here alone.

"You came to Shuiyun Cave and wanted to help us solve the crisis here. It really impressed me. I am getting older. I have lived here for a long time. Some strangers have come to this place one after another. But there are too few of them."

"Shuiyundongtian is a very hidden place. If you want to come here without a certain ability, it is impossible to enter the poor world. I believe you already understand these things. I don't need to say more. You already understand this What kind of place is Poor Extreme World, it is full of evil and some dangers."

When Yang Xuan turned his head and saw the head of the Shui tribe, his eyes suddenly lit up. The old man in front of him was older, but he looked energetic, but his expression was very natural, and he didn't look panicked when he saw him.

It seems that Chu Xiaofeng has already explained it clearly to him, Yang Xuan already knew that the other party is called the patriarch of the Shui Clan, and he is the person who manages the Shuiyun Cave, very frank.

With a kind face and kind eyes, he can be seen as a kind-hearted person. No wonder it is really not easy for him to be able to watch over people living in this cave of water and clouds.

The purpose of Yang Xuan's trip was very clear. He came to Poor Extreme World just to solve his own danger. Whether there are some monsters or monsters in this place, no one can be sure.

On the premise that Yang Xuan is not clear, he will not leave here. The matter is settled, and he wants to announce something to everyone.

Let them have a chance to turn around the world and see what they think, but there is no rush to talk about this matter, the problem here must be solved first.

Yang Xuan didn't think too much about it at all. Of course he knew the purpose of his visit. The chief of the Shui clan already knew it well, and he managed the Shuiyun Cave.

Yang Xuan didn't need to worry in his heart, as long as he agreed, he could discuss the issue with him, or go to explore these dangers by himself.

Chapter 2231

Yang Xuan needs to know where to rest assured, first of all, which direction is dangerous in this poor world? He didn't know anything, he just heard people say that he couldn't be sure about this matter at all.

How could it be possible that Yang Xuan didn't have any thoughts in his heart? Facing this matter, he also knew in his heart that no matter what kind of decision it was, he knew how to do these things.

He also understands how to deal with these things. Although he looks flustered in his heart, he still doesn't understand the situation behind these things. Yang Xuan has always been quite open-minded in his heart.

Looking at the water patriarch's appearance, it seems that he is not so worried at all, and they may be used to living in this poor world.

It is relatively free for them to choose to stay in the Shuiyun Cave, but Yang Xuan also felt that there was danger here, so he went to find it himself.

As long as the head of the water tribe tells him where he is, he can set off directly. At this moment, Yang Xuan didn't speak, and looked at the head of the water tribe quietly.

After all, it was a matter of politeness, so Yang Xuan couldn't interrupt what the other party was saying, even though the other party was thinking about something, Yang Xuan didn't want to interrupt.

The head of the Shui clan must speak clearly, otherwise, how could Yang Xuan know so much? The head of the Shui clan admires the young man's courage.

However, there are some things that need to be explained to him more clearly, because he is afraid that he is not capable or has to do what he can, and he will not be able to put himself in a dangerous place.

The head of the Shui tribe also understands this truth, and besides, they live in a relatively stable life in this Shuiyun Cave, and the danger is far away from them-this place is far, far away.

Although they are all in the Poor World, they will not get close. The head of the aquatic clan will not take action unless it is absolutely necessary, let alone touch those dangers.

Now that Yang Xuan has appeared, he has the ability to solve the danger. The head of the Shui clan also thought that if he wanted to do this, it seemed that he would have to go with him in the next two days.

If the danger can really be eliminated, there is no need to worry anymore, people here can come and go freely, and Shuiyundongtian doesn't have to hide here every day.

Basically, they will not go too far around here. The chief of the Shui tribe is worried, and hopes that Yang Xuan can understand, and also know that he is powerful and courageous.

····Ask for flowers 0···

"Since you have the courage to come here, you really impress me. I have already made your purpose very clear. If you have any plans to return to Shuiyun Cave for me now, you can't be left outside. This is not the way of hospitality, if you don't dislike it, just go home with me, the old man just lives alone."


"You are here just to discuss with you. I want to see what you think. No one can judge the danger here. I have seen some terrifying figures before, but I didn't chase them. I was not strong enough at that time."

"Later, people with stronger abilities reached an agreement with these evil guys, and they will not invade each other. It is very dangerous for them to live in the most remote place."

"Whether it is a monster or some monsters, I can't understand. I have never come to Shuiyun Cave. We are relatively quiet here, but the danger is here, and we can't live normally. We are always in fear. When will we be able to get rid of these evil creatures?" We can rest assured that the guy has solved it." Three.

Chapter 2232 Ability Becomes Very Strong

The patriarch of the Shui clan had heard all this, how could he have seen it, some words just told Yang Xuan the matter directly, that's all.

The head of the Shui clan didn't want to hide the truth at all. Facing these problems and the premise that they couldn't solve them, they felt very worried in their hearts.

Now that these things are happening, how can they not have any worries in their hearts on "257", the head of the Shui clan has always had a lot of thoughts in his heart.

Originally, I also thought that when my ability became stronger, I would eliminate my danger, so that the people living in the water cloud cave would not be so worried and afraid.

But the ability of the patriarch of the water clan is limited after all, but he really can't imagine how this young man Yang Xuan looks so powerful, who is he?

What is his purpose in coming to this poor world? He has now found Shuiyun Cave, and someone else brought him here, so he must resolve this matter.

The head of the aquarium clan already understood his concerns. As long as these things can be resolved, the head of the aquarium clan doesn't worry about anything. He also has a lot of thoughts, but the matter is already here.

Yang Xuan listened to every word the Shui Clan Chief said, and understood what he meant. Yang Xuan didn't care so much at all, and he explained it to the Shui Clan Chief in a while.

At this moment, Yang Xuan stood up, and had already entered the Shuiyun Cave with the head of the Shui tribe. After entering through the gate, Yang Xuan was admiring the buildings inside, and the scenery really made his eyes shine.

Yang Xuan didn't expect that the Shuiyundongtian is different, it looks more beautiful from the outside, and after passing through this city wall and looking at this poor world, it is really special.

The thought in Yang Xuan's heart is that there are many people he likes the environment here, but if he can really reincarnate here, it's good, and Yang Xuan will not refuse.

I am no longer as repulsive as I was when I came here. I thought that the ghostly place of Poor World was so evil, and I didn't want to stay here at all, but I didn't expect that there would be such a beautiful world as Shuiyundongtian.

It really surprised me, but Yang Xuan wanted to solve the danger here first, otherwise, how could the chief of the Shui clan and the others live here in a down-to-earth manner?

Yang Xuan actually decided to reincarnate here, and he didn't want to be in danger. Besides, once he was reincarnated, he would not change into any identity. He is a powerful...

There is no need to worry about Yang Xuan, he quietly followed the head of the Shui tribe, and now the people here, seeing Yang Xuan coming in, also looked at him with strange eyes.

"Patriarch, I understand what you said, but you don't have to worry, let alone consider my safety. Since I have the courage to come to the poor world, I have also found the place where you live, and entered the Shuiyun Cave Now, I won’t have any 0.3 worries anymore, the danger here is the same as my home.”

"I have come here, even if I will leave here, I will help you solve the crisis here, and you don't have to worry about these things, and you don't have to consider my identity. Naturally, I have a background. After the danger here is dealt with, I will explain all this to you.".

Chapter 2233 Explain the purpose of this trip

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