No one wants to see these things getting worse and worse. They all want to see these things go smoothly without any risks.

Yang Xuan also understands the situation behind this, no matter what the reason has come, the Poor World has entered this world and is about to reincarnate in this world, Yang Xuan also hopes that the people of Shuiyundongtian can proceed smoothly.

If he also lives in Shuiyun Cave and Sky in the future, he doesn't want this place to become so weird, full of evil, and people live in fear every day.

Seeing the confident look on Yang Xuan's face, the head of the Shui Clan knew that this young man's ability must be, some people must first explain to him what is going on in these poor worlds and where these evil guys are, so that he has an idea. , make a decision in advance and don't act rashly.

"That place is covered with ice and snow all year round. It is a very strange environment. It is the coldest and most remote place in this poor world. Maybe it is possible for these so-called monsters to live there."

"That's what I know it's all about.".

Chapter 2239 Has been dragged out completely

"However, I have never seen what these monsters look like. I just heard from people in the past that I am old and have never been there. After all, the danger has subsided, and we don't need to go there." Disturb each other again."

"As long as we can live in the Shuiyun Cave and live a peaceful life, we are very contented. This is how this matter is, and that's all I know."

The head of the Shui clan poured a glass of water for Yang Xuan, he had already started cooking, it was already dark, the head of the Shui clan always cooks, and he served Yang Xuan a bowl of noodles.

The head of the Shui tribe also eats bowls of noodles with him. Usually, the head of the Shui tribe lives alone and lives a more comfortable life. In this Shuiyun Cave, he takes care of many things.

All the big and small things here are handled by him alone, and there are two subordinates beside him. They are very close to the head of the aquarium and live next door. At this moment, the head of the aquarium has many thoughts in his heart.

After chatting with Yang Xuan so much, I also hope that he can understand what kind of situation this poor world is like. They are dangerous in the Shuiyun Cave, even if they are, they are not close.

They also don't want to have too many thoughts. Since they can't eliminate the aliens here, they can't make other changes, and they can't leave here for the time being.

They can only continue to live here and observe the situation while staying here. The chief of the Shui clan doesn't want anything to happen, and chats with Yang Xuan while thinking about things. The meal is already ready.

The head of the Shui clan had already brought over two bowls of hot noodles and cooked two eggs for Yang Xuan. The head of the Shui clan hoped that Yang Xuan would come to the house.

There is nothing too good, at least let him have enough food, the patriarch of the water tribe saw that Yang Xuan ate so deliciously.

This bowl of noodles and two eggs was eaten in a short while, and the head of the aquarium had already finished eating. After cleaning up, they sat on the chairs and watched the sky outside.

The patriarch of the Shui tribe had a lot of emotion in his heart. He told Yang Xuan so much, hoping that he could understand.

Don't go your own way, I don't know how much ability there is, and the head of the water tribe doesn't know much about him, but he can come to this poor world alone, which proves that his ability is quite strong.

Yang Xuan was also full, and was thinking about what the Shui Clan Chief said just now. He is not worried about anything. It seems that he will act alone tomorrow. The Shui Clan Chief is also thinking about these things.

Yang Xuan didn't want him to worry so much anymore, since he had this ability, why let others take this risk with him.

Yang Xuan wanted to go to the north alone to see what was going on in these snow-capped mountains and what kind of monsters there were, otherwise, how could he feel at ease.

"¨Old man, don't think too much about it. I've left these things to me. Thank you. The noodles I cooked just now are fine. To set off, I understand what you said about this situation, there are some of the most dangerous things happening in the northern snow mountains'々."

"No one can know what's in there. I'm here this time, so let me solve the problem for you. After solving the problem, I will return to Shuiyun Cave as soon as possible. You don't have to worry so much , all of this is covered by me, and you don't have to go, it's settled like this, and you don't need to shirk anymore.".

Chapter 2240 Never give up

The head of the Shui clan didn't expect Yang Xuan to say that. It seems that what he said has already been decided, so there is no need to persuade him anymore. The head of the Shui clan knows that Yang Xuan has many abilities.

It seems that if he doesn't solve these dangerous things this time, he won't let it go. The head of the water tribe also understands that he suddenly feels that the purpose of his coming is to solve the danger for their people.

The head of the Shui tribe also made a bed for Yang Xuan to get ready to rest. Seeing Yang Xuan lying beside him, the head of the Shui tribe felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

But he believed that Yang Xuan had this ability, 260 otherwise he wouldn't have insisted on doing this, thinking of this, the head of the aquarium also closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Early in the morning, before dawn, Yang Xuan had already left Shuiyun Cave after getting up, and this time he went directly to the northern snow mountain area.

The place Yang Xuan went to was Lingfeng Snow Mountain, which was really weird, he had already reached the foot of Lingfeng Snow Mountain, and the high mountain in front of him was particularly steep.

It is completely covered with snow, and it is extremely terrifying. It turns out that this world is so special. Yang Xuan is not afraid of these things, but he also wants to find out the truth about this place (ccad).

You can only leave here after you figure it out. Every reincarnation world is different. This time, the situation in this reincarnation world is quite special, and the Lingfeng Snow Mountain has already appeared. It is impossible for Yang Xuan to leave here. Let's see Is there something in here?

Yang Xuan has already started to slowly enter the mountain, he didn't take a step, the snow under his feet is very thick, he didn't use his ability to fly.

He just wants to move forward step by step carefully, he can't miss every link in every place, when is this, and he can't waste too much time, in this weird world.

Even if Yang Xuan came here through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, this time the reincarnation world is a different situation.

Yang Xuan wanted to see what was in Lingfeng Snow Mountain, and why this place looked so scary.

When Yang Xuan was walking forward, he felt the sound of small footsteps behind him. Yang Xuan's ears are so sensitive, how could he hear it wrong? He slowly slowed down to see what was going on behind him.

Whether it was the sound of wild beasts or human footsteps, Yang Xuan couldn't judge at this moment. When he continued to walk forward, the footsteps suddenly stopped, and they no longer followed him.

Yang Xuan turned his head and saw a black figure flashing past.

"Whoever is following me, come out quickly, I have already found you, don't force me to take action, otherwise, it will be too late for you to regret it, I don't want to hurt others, quickly show yourself, whether it is a human or a ghost, stop playing hide-and-seek , this Lingfeng Snow Mountain is such a terrifying place."

"What do you want to do after following me? Are you a person living in this Lingfeng Snow Mountain, or a beast, you should be able to feel what I say, even if you are a beast, you can understand people's speech , don’t keep going around in circles, I’ve already discovered it.”

"I just looked at the footprints behind me. Don't play tricks. What do you want to do? Don't play this game. I don't have this interest. Don't force me to make a move."

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he had already stopped in his tracks. He wanted to see who the person behind him was, whether it was a person or a ghost, or whether people from the village were following him, which was unlikely.

Chapter 2241 Everyone Don't Have The Guts

The people in the village didn't have the guts to follow him to this terrifying place in Lingfeng Snow Mountain. They were all intimidated, how could they come here?

In Yang Xuan's mind, don't worry, at this moment he doesn't want to wait at all, and he doesn't want to have a seat, but there are still people following him.

Yang Xuan also felt a little strange, no one appeared at all when he came this way, only when he entered the Lingfeng Snow Mountain, did he feel someone following him behind him.

Yang Xuan also found out about the situation, he had already said what he needed to say, let's see if the other party can show up, Yang Xuan felt quite strange in his heart, what is the situation?

Did someone really appear in such a weird place? There are no footprints at all in this place, only the footprints of the person behind him. Yang Xuan has concluded that there is a person behind him, and it is not a monster at all.

Yang Xuan quietly looked at the stone behind him, there must be a person hiding behind, just now Yang Xuan saw that the footprints disappeared after the appearance of the stone.

This proves that the person just now has been hiding behind the stone. What exactly does this person want to do? Where did this person come from? They are not from the village at all.

Yang Xuan has confirmed the people in the village, they don't have the guts, they all feel that something terrible happened in Lingfeng Snow Mountain, how could they come here~?

Yang Xuan didn't find anything along the way, only after entering Lingfeng Snow Mountain did he feel a voice behind him.

The person who quietly followed behind Yang Xuan was Liu Yunji. His family members were already dead, and he was the only one alive.

He just lives in a small house at the foot of the mountain, and he usually takes a walk around Lingfeng Snow Mountain. People say that there is special fear and special danger. Some monsters appear here.

Liu Yunji had never been afraid, he was a child who grew up in the mountains, he didn't care so much at all, he just wanted to follow this person when he saw Yang Xuan appearing.

Let's see what this man does, why is he so courageous? Now that he is going to Lingfeng Snow Mountain alone, what exactly do he want to do? Want to court death? Liu Yunji also felt that it was very weird, so he followed Yang Xuan all the way.

····Ask for flowers 0···

When he entered Lingfeng Snow Mountain, Liu Yunji wanted to follow him, but he still found out. Liu Yunji's steps were relatively light, and others felt it.

Thinking of this, Liu Yunji felt that there was no need to hide anymore, and he had already slowly stood up from behind the stone. He looked at Yang Xuan who was not far away, and felt that this young man was not very old, and he was quite courageous.


"Brother, why are you so fierce? I followed you for your sake. I have lived here for a long time. No one has ever been to this place. Why did you suddenly appear here? I see After you entered Lingfeng Snow Mountain, I followed you all the way, if you hadn't entered Lingfeng Snow Mountain just now."

"It's impossible for me to follow you. There are many dangers in this place, and there are some beasts and other things here. Even if I haven't seen them, I still hear some voices here every day. I just I advise you to leave here, why are you looking at me like this now, I have lived here for so long, I still don't know what's going on?" Three.

Chapter 2242

"You don't know anything at all, you just entered this place called Lingfeng Snow Mountain."

"The weather is getting colder and colder. Going in, the lower the temperature, I'm afraid I'm going to freeze to death here, don't you worry? I'd better advise you to leave here as soon as possible, so you don't think I'm a bad person. If I'm a bad guy, how could I follow you."

"Two Sixty" Liu Yunji has been following Yang Xuan and he has already come out, he slowly approaches Yang Xuan, he just feels that the person in front of him is not a bad person, nor is he a monster, there is nothing to be afraid of.

When Liu Yunji followed him all the way, he knew in his heart that suddenly someone came, insisting on breaking into Lingfeng Snow Mountain, Liu Yunji felt very strange.

I just wanted to see what was going on, but I didn't expect Yang Xuan to surprise Liu Yunji when he turned his head. He is not very old, so why is he so courageous?

Had he insisted on running into this Lingfeng Snow Mountain alone, had he lived enough? Does he not want to live? Did he want to kill himself? Faced with such a situation, Liu Yunji was also quite worried.

Yang Xuan was also shocked when he saw Liu Yunji, he didn't expect that no one appeared in this Lingfeng Snow Mountain, and there was such a person in that ghostly place.

This boy looks quite brave, and his body is relatively strong, and he is wearing very heavy clothes. This black padded jacket and leather pants are also very windproof.

The temperature in Lingfeng Snow Mountain is relatively low, and Yang Xuan can understand that when he was outside Lingfeng Snow Mountain just now, he has not entered Lingfeng Snow Mountain, and the temperature is still normal.

As long as he entered Lingfeng Snow Mountain and felt that the ice and snow weather was particularly biting, Yang Xuan had the ability to use his internal strength to resist the cold, and he didn't find it difficult at all.

But what Liu Yunji said was reasonable, it seemed that every word he said was to remind himself that he was quite worried, and he was not a bad person, so Yang Xuan would understand.

It turned out that he was the one who followed him all the way just now. Yang Xuan had a lot of thoughts in his heart, how could Liu Yungui live here alone, isn't he afraid?

This Lingfeng Snow Mountain is so evil, what kind of beast does it look like, and what danger? Liu Yunji actually has the guts to be here, Yang Xuan really admires him...

Looking at him, his eyes were also very firm. He just prevented himself from entering Lingfeng Snow Mountain.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to follow him, but Yang Xuan was also thinking about why he would live here. There is a village nearby, and if he doesn't live there, what is he doing here alone?

"It turned out to be you, little brother. I thought some monster was following me. Later, I saw that the footprints were not monsters, but human beings. You are worried about my situation, but I am still worried about yours. In this Ling How could someone appear in Fengxue Mountain? You have lived here for so long, do you still have a house near here?"

"It surprised me at 0.3, so why aren't you afraid? While you were worried about me, I also felt that there was an evil monster behind me. When I turned around and saw you coming out, I realized that there was a village near you. , how could you not live there?"

"How long have you lived here alone, while you are worried about me, think about this matter carefully.".

Chapter 2243 Looking for clues behind

"I entered here because I heard from the people at the bottom of the mountain that this Lingfeng Snow Mountain is a bit dangerous, there may be some monsters and wild beasts, I just want to come in and have a look, I have the ability and I am not afraid, so don't worry about it. "

After Liu Yunji heard what Yang Xuan said, he felt strange. It seemed that the big brother in front of him was not afraid at all. He asked so many questions, and he already knew that Lingfeng Snow Mountain was in danger.

He just came here looking for danger, he just listened to what the nearby villagers said about this situation, he insisted on entering the Lingfeng Snow Mountain, it seems that he is more courageous than himself.

Liu Yunji was also thinking that he was just wandering around here, and what was going on with Lingfeng Snow Mountain, he hadn't been there yet.

Although he heard the voices of some wild beasts, Liu Yunji was not afraid at all that he did not leave here. He also had abilities, but he did not have the courage to enter Lingfeng Snow Mountain to check the situation.

Seeing someone approaching just now, this Lingfeng Snow Mountain Liu Yunji felt that it was very weird, so he ran out of the house to see who dared to show up here.

Only then did Liu Yunji know that this was the case, but what ability does this person have, he has the guts to come here to inquire about the situation, Liu Yunji believed what he said.

But I am still afraid that he is in danger. This situation seems to be faster and more special.

No matter what the problem was, as long as it was something he could control, Liu Yunji wouldn't worry about it. He couldn't control the matter of Lingfeng Snow Mountain, so he wouldn't easily enter it.

Yang Xuan didn't know much about Lingfeng Snow Mountain, but he heard that there were some things happening in this place, and Yang Xuan just came here. He really didn't expect someone to appear in this place.

It seems that the villagers around here don't know that there are still people living in this place, otherwise, how could they have not disclosed this to themselves?

Yang Xuan looked at Liu Yunji quietly, feeling that he was relatively calm at the moment, maybe he was more used to living around here, so he wasn't worried at all.

But has he entered Lingfeng Snow Mountain? Yang Xuan always wanted to ask him to see if he knew what was going on in Lingfeng Snow Mountain, what monsters and beasts there were, Yang Xuan also wanted to find out.

Although he wasn't afraid of anything, he had already met Liu Yunji and wanted to ask him for some news. This was normal. Yang Xuan had a lot of thoughts in his mind at the moment.

He doesn't want any danger in the reincarnation world, and this time he came to this world with the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, which is also different.

And what's going on in Lingfeng Snow Mountain, he wants to find out, otherwise, the people around here live in fear every day, this is not what Yang Xuan wants to see.

"Don't follow me anymore. Have you ever entered this Lingfeng Snow Mountain? Or have you never entered it at all? You just wandered at the foot of the mountain and saw me go up the mountain, so you followed me all the way. Is this the reason? If If this is the case, you should stop following me and go back quickly."

"Even if you are more courageous and have some ability, but what is going on in Lingfeng Snow Mountain, can you be sure? Or have you seen something? Can you tell me?"

"I want to know about the villagers around here, they are particularly afraid.".

Chapter 2244 The Snow Mountain Is Abnormally Cold

"They live in this place, they are particularly scary, they always feel that there are some dangers in Lingfeng Snow Mountain, they dare not come here, and I am the only one who passed by here, and I want to come and have a look, that's the reason , I just came to Lingfeng Snow Mountain."

The reason why Yang Xuan said this is to hope that everyone can understand this situation, and see if he knows these things. If he really doesn't understand the situation of Lingfeng Snow Mountain.

Yang Xuan just hoped that he would stop following him, let alone stop his actions. After all, Yang Xuan also thought that he didn't have the right, and he couldn't listen to his mercy.

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