Daoist Yunya didn't have to worry so much, he followed Yang Xuan and they had already climbed up the steps. After all, there are many palaces and Buddha statues in this Yunzhongshan Temple, Yang Xuan should appreciate them carefully.

After looking around, Yang Xuan felt much more at ease, and he had already discovered that there was really nothing unusual about this Yunzhongshan Temple. All of this was really something that everyone had thought too much about.

Yang Xuan didn't have too many worries in his heart at the moment.

Yang Xuan has now entered the palace, and the palaces are all connected to each other. From this palace to the next palace, it is getting higher and higher.

Yang Xuan walked while admiring the scenery in his heart. Every Buddha statue here looks so solemn and daunting.

Yang Xuan also felt the same way. Even though he didn't believe in anything, he always felt particularly relaxed when he came to Yunzhongshan Temple.

And it seems that the whole person's heart has become very peaceful. At this moment, he is also thinking that if this is the case, then he will go back after looking around for a while.

After all, it is impossible for him to stay here, and it is impossible for him to reincarnate here, it is simply impossible, and there are no newborns to be born here, this is a temple.

"¨I don't worry about anything at the moment. Faced with this situation, I know in my heart how I should make a decision. Don't worry, I won't think about it anymore. I will tell the nearby villagers about the situation here when I go back. Let them know in their hearts what kind of situation this Yunzhongshan Temple is like' (does it)々."

"If they have the mood and the courage to come here to burn incense and worship Buddha, they can come here freely at any time. They really don't have to worry so much, and don't have to think so much. It seems that these things are not like I think that way, everything is easier.”

After Yang Xuan said these words, he had already looked around in Yunzhongshan Temple, so he had carefully checked every corner and place of this place.

Chapter 2200 Yang Xuan has left the temple

After all, Yang Xuan didn't want to let go of every corner here at all. He wanted to check the situation in the temple and see if there was any danger here, so that he could feel at ease.

Taoist Master Yunya brought him to Yunzhongshan Temple, and Yang Xuan also came here to explore the mysteries. It turns out that Yunzhongshan Temple is a simple temple.

Even if there are a few monks living here and a few Taoists, it's not a big deal, Yang Xuan finally understood in his heart at this moment, and he watched Taoist Master Yunya walking down slowly.

He had already arrived at the entrance of the Yunzhongshan Temple, and Yang Xuan was about to leave. He saw Taoist Master Yunya talking to him a few words, so it could be regarded as a farewell.

At this moment Yang Xuan didn't want to talk anymore, he already knew what he should know, and he had already started to slowly descend the mountain.

When Yang Xuan left the 240 miles, he came to the village and told everyone that everything was settled in Yunzhongshan Temple, and he was also preparing to leave here.

After all, the things that should be solved have been solved, there is no danger in the temple, and there are no evil monsters, so Yang Xuan doesn't have to worry anymore.

At this moment, he already understood the problem behind this, it was just rumors, which made people panic, and made the nearby villagers dare not burn incense and worship Buddha.

But after Yang Xuan explained the situation, everyone already understood that Yang Xuan's mission was completed (ccad). In the reincarnation world, Yang Xuan also felt a different situation at the moment, but he left here to go elsewhere. place.

When Yang Xuan appeared in a strange world again, this world was really too weird. He didn't expect this to be an extremely poor world, which surprised him too much.

Yang Xuan continued to walk forward here. After all, every place in this poor world looks particularly weird. He doesn't know why he feels this way, but this place should not be as evil as he imagined.

But after all, he had just come here, so he had to be more cautious in everything, he didn't want any accidents to happen to him.

But whether he came here to reincarnate, whether he entered a new world, Yang Xuan can no longer be sure, but he is sure that this is a poor world.

Not far behind Yang Xuan, there was a person hiding in the bushes. This person was Gu Yuefeng, he had some abilities, and when he found Yang Xuan, he just felt that the power in him was very strong.

Gu Yuefeng wanted to see the identity of the other party, and also wanted to get something from him. When he approached Yang Xuan, the other party suddenly turned his head, and Gu Yuefeng was startled.

"Who are you? Why did you come to Poor World? Suddenly I turned around and startled me. I thought it was some kind of ghost that ran into our territory. Is there something wrong with you here now? This place is very evil, there are some monsters here, and there are also some scary things, aren't you afraid?"

"However, there are also some human beings here. When I saw you just now, I felt very strange. I felt that the power on your body is very strong. I just want to get close to feel it. Can you share some of this power with me? Why? Is it? Look at me like this, I am Gu Yuefeng, and I live here."

"I'm just a human and I'm not a monster, can you stop looking at me like that?".

Chapter 2201 Entering Another World

"I won't hurt you. I just think it would be good if I could learn these abilities from you."

Gu Yuefeng looked at Yang Xuan, how could he know the identity of the other party, but he felt strange, why did this young man come to Poor Extreme World? Let's say this place is strange, it's not strange, and it's evil, but it's not evil, but this place also makes people feel a little weird.

Gu Yuefeng didn't find anything strange after living here for a long time, but there are also some evil weirdos here, so it's better to be careful.

When Gu Yuefeng was close to Yang Xuan, he also wanted to gain ability. He had already told the truth, he was like this, he felt that if the other party had ability.

Anyway, I won't hurt him, so can I let him teach me some abilities? Gu Yuefeng wants to get more of me so he can protect himself.

In this poor world, if one is strong, one will not be bullied by others. He has such an idea, but he doesn't understand Yang Xuan at all.

After talking to him so much, the other party seems to have a look on his face, dismissive, what is this thinking? Doesn't he know how to teach himself at all?

Gu Yuefeng also thought that maybe he was really whimsical, after all, he was not familiar with him, and he just met him, how could he become friends with him~?

Yang Xuan also finds it interesting to see this young man. He is Gu Yuefeng, so he lives in this poor world. Is this place really evil? Otherwise, the other party wouldn't- say so.

But Yang Xuan also thought it was quite funny, he actually let himself teach him some abilities, how could it be possible? How could Yang Xuan's ability be learned by him? It's really interesting.

But Yang Xuan looked at Gu Yuefeng and thought he was quite a pain in the ass. What did the young man say? It seems that he wants to get a lot of abilities, but Yang Xuan's abilities are not what he can get.

Besides, Yang Xuan didn't know what's going on in this place when he came to Poor Extreme World, did he start to reincarnate again after coming here, did he have to reincarnate again.

Yang Xuan also wanted to see and decide at any time, after all, he couldn't make decisions in advance on these things at the moment, but he didn't want to be reborn in this poor world, this place was gloomy.

····Ask for flowers 0···

And it looks weird, it doesn't look like a place where normal people live at all. Gu Yuefeng has already said that there are some weird people and some evil monsters here? And humans, what kind of place is this?

"Little brother, I think it's very interesting to hear what you said, but you can feel the ability in me. It seems that you still have some skills. You can know that my ability is quite strong, but I am not rejecting you. , because even if I teach you my ability, you will not be able to learn it."


"My ability is not something everyone can learn. I was born with this kind of power, so don't think too much about it. But this is the situation in this poor world. I heard you say it. It seems that this place, It seems weird to be evil and normal, but don't worry, I'm not afraid of danger."

"If I was really scared, I wouldn't have come here. In fact, I don't even know how I came to the poor world. It's really surprising to me." Three.

Chapter 2202 made an unreasonable request

"But you don't have to think too much about these things. Don't worry, I'm not alone and won't hurt you."

Gu Yuefeng understood. It seemed that what the other party said was that he didn't want to teach him. Although Gu Yuefeng felt a little unwilling, he also thought that he had just met Yang Xuan after all.

How could it be possible for the other party to teach him some abilities all at once, and since he is "two forty zero" so to speak, he is born with this kind of strength and cannot pass it on to others.

Then Gu Yuefeng also thought that since he was friends with him, let's talk about it later, I don't know why he came to the poor world, Gu Yuefeng also wanted to know.

Although he was not reconciled at the moment, he always felt a strange feeling that if some things could be solved through sexual means, Gu Yuefeng would naturally solve them.

He is quite familiar with this poor world, so he knows which places are dangerous and what each place looks like, but he just doesn't know why Yang Xuan came here.

But the other party will talk about this later, Gu Yuefeng also thought that he should have just entered the Poor World.

This place is actually very remote. It looks like a different world, but it is also a different place. Gu Yuefeng grew up here, and he knows what's going on here better than anyone else.

Some of Yang Xuan's words were just to clarify something, Gu Yuefeng didn't know about this matter, besides, how could it be possible to pass on the ability to him, Yang Xuan's ability is so strong and different from others.

Once it is passed on to him, then I am afraid that he will not be able to bear all this. Yang Xuan also understands in his heart, how could he not know how to face this situation.

He also knew in his heart that no matter what kind of situation it was, he knew how to deal with these problems and how to face his own situation.

Moreover, Gu Yuefeng seemed quite innocent, and he was also quite honest. He said what he had directly, which was good. Yang Xuan liked such a person.

Honestly, he looks lively and smart, but when Yang Xuan thinks that this poor world is really weird, it seems that there must be some differences in this place...

Now that I've come here, I always want to know more about it. After hearing what Gu Yuefeng said just now, Yang Xuan has already understood some things.

Are there really some monsters here? It made him feel a little unimaginable. There are monsters and monsters in this place. How do these human beings survive?

"If there are really evil monsters and some goblins in this place, I will eradicate them for you. Since I have the ability, I can never see you in danger and ignore it. Don't think too complicated, and the ability It’s something you improve slowly, not something you can learn all at once.”

"Besides, I was born with a special power that is inexhaustible. Don't think about it anymore. Since we know each other, we are friends. You don't have to think too much about 0.3. This is an extremely poor world. What it looks like, I will take a good look at it myself, after all, I have come here."

"No matter how it appeared, I want to take a good look at the scenery here and see how big this poor world is. This is also a different world."

Yang Xuan wanted to figure out what was going on here.

Chapter 2203 Going alone to find the answer

After all, this poor world is really special, now Yang Xuan feels that the aura here is different, but the appearance of Gu Yuefeng gave him hope.

At least there are humans living in this place. It seems that such a different world, whether it is intermediate, elementary, or advanced, it doesn't matter.

Yang Xuan was thinking that since he really wanted to be reincarnated in this world, then Yang Xuan22 was also thinking about this poor world, so he had to take a look first.

And which family will he be reincarnated in? He mainly wants to know about it. He can only find the answers to these things silently.

He can't follow him, otherwise the other party will feel horrible. How can there be people in this world who know where they are reincarnated in advance?

Yang Xuan came here with his abilities at this moment, and his heart is relatively peaceful. After all, he came to the poor world again through the True Soul Reincarnation Tower. In fact, he also found it quite strange.

Although Yang Xuan was confused in his heart, he also told himself in his heart that if some things really happened, he would of course understand the problems behind them.

It is a different situation in this extreme world. This place is no different from the normal world, but the creatures here look different.

Are there humans, monsters, some fairies, and some monsters? Although he had heard him say it, he hadn't seen it, hadn't seen the facts.

He will not believe it easily. For him, he knows these truths in his heart, but he feels that the more it is like that kind of problem, the more helpless he feels, and he is still in a good mood.

After all, he can control such things better, and he can handle them perfectly, so he doesn't have any regrets in his heart. When he came here in the poor world, he had already figured it out.

Gu Yuefeng understood, it seemed that Yang Xuan came to this poor world, he couldn't be so fast, Gu Yuefeng who left here had hope, and saw a glimmer of light.

He just thought that there are a lot of people in this poor world, some people are very strong, some people are weaker, Gu Yuefeng's ability can be regarded as average.

But he was thinking that if he could learn more abilities from Yang Xuan, wouldn't it be the best thing for him? But at this moment, he also understood the situation behind these.

He just felt that if the matter really made new progress, he would not think about those boring things anymore, but Gu Yuefeng just hoped that he could do things and learn skills.

Yang Xuan in front of him, he is so powerful and powerful, he has this ability, it would be great if 240 is really his apprentice, but the other party seems to have refused.

"It turns out that this is the case, but no matter why you came to the poor world, you don't have to be afraid. Although this poor world looks dangerous, as long as you don't touch those dangerous places, as long as you don't get close to the basic Everyone will not violate each other."

"Because our place is divided into several regions, each place is different, so don't think too much, after all, you have come to the Poor World, what are your plans? Do you want to leave here or stay here? How long?".

Chapter 2204 Eliminate the troubles here

"I just think you look different and are so capable."

"You don't have to care so much at all, you don't feel afraid, and you still want to get rid of the evil things here for us, but don't do this, although there are monsters or some goblins here, but they are just In their domain, they will not come to the place where we humans live."

Yang Xuan understands, Gu Yuefeng said so much, it seems that he doesn't want to eradicate the evil monsters here, what kind of monsters are there?

Yang Xuan is still not very clear about it, he just heard what Gu Yuefeng said, after all, he doesn't know much about everything here, but he also wants to ignore it or not.

He always has to figure it out later, and besides, he entered the Poor World through the True Soul Reincarnation Pagoda. If he came here to reincarnate Yang Xuan, he would have to take a walk and see.

It was quite confusing for him to be able to understand all this, but Yang Xuan really didn't want to go to that world, although reincarnation was for him, although he could control his own destiny.

But sometimes things have already happened, and he can't control them. Faced with such problems, Yang Xuan doesn't have too many regrets in his heart. He just hopes that everything can happen according to his expectations.

This time, Yang Xuan did not fully understand what it was like to come to the Poor World, the reincarnated world, but only saw the superficial phenomena. For him, everything was rather strange.

Gu Yuefeng still doesn't know much about Yang Xuan, he just feels that he is mysterious at the moment, why is he born with this ability, how is it possible.

Gu Yuefeng actually didn't really believe what the other party said, but he didn't want to dwell on this issue at the moment, it was meaningless to him, he just wanted to see that Yang Xuan's other party was not an evil monster.

He won't hurt himself, and he also said that he will help him solve the danger, and he can also eliminate the hidden dangers here. How could such a person be a monster.

Gu Yuefeng just thought that their poor world is relatively normal, although the creatures here are different, everyone will not destroy each other.

They can only live in this realm, don't go to live in other realms, don't disturb other people's everything, they will live in peace, Gu Yuefeng doesn't have to worry so much at all.

He just didn't want Yang Xuan to intervene in this matter anymore, he didn't understand the rules here at all when he came to the poor world, it's better to wait and see what happens.

"¨We have nothing to destroy everything here. Poor world is such a special world, but how this place was formed, we don't know. People here occasionally come here, but not There are many, there can be a few in a year`々."

"I've told you so much, (are you okay) I just hope you don't think too much, and I just said that I want to learn some abilities from you, just talking casually, if you don't agree, how can I Reluctantly? I won't be angry, I just think you are so powerful, and you are born with such abilities, which is really enviable."

"After all, these things seem simple, but sometimes they are really complicated to do. It is not so easy to learn some abilities.".

Chapter 2205 Can't break the rules

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